Mother Poem

Expressing How Thankful I Am For My Mom

This poem is my way of saying thank you to my Mom who never gives up on me. This is a Mother's Day poem. It's my way of saying thank you because I failed in saying this to her. This is my only way to express how thankful I am to have a mother like her. Happy Mother's Day, Mama! This is for you!

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How Can I Say Thank You Enough?

Verliza T. Gajeles ©

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2020 with permission of the Author.

These are the words I've constructed in my mind,
to say thank you for all that you've done.
But words are somehow hard to find.
Before I could say it, they're long gone.

Thank you will never be enough to say
to the one who gives the world to me,
the one whom I owe my life and makes me whole,
the one who forms my soul.

The one who tucked me in at night,
fought the tiredness with all her might.
The one who never dares to sleep,
to make sure I sleep sound and safe.

The one who taught me to chase the rainbow's end,
who taught me that in life we need to know how to bend.
Who taught me to never give up with broken dreams,
just make it whole again.

The one who painted my world in colors,
for teaching me to be strong enough.
How could I possibly say thanks to you?
I find this question tough.

Is there any way to say thank you?
For the love you taught me so,
the kindness you have planted in me,
and all your loving ways.

For your heart that never ceases to love,
for giving me all that you ever have.
For all your sweat and all your tears,
and all you've done for me through the years.

For never giving up on me,
for loving me through eternity.
For accepting my flaws and the way I changed,
for being my ever truly best friend.

Maybe the only way to say thank you
is to make all your hopes and dreams for me to come true,
to take good care of the garden of love you've planted in me,
and pass it to my next legacy.

Thank you, Mama, for not giving up on me
those times I needed you most.
Most of all, thank you for the gifts you give,
you give freely without a cost.


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