1. What Matters Most
Embrace who you are,
And love like a fool.
Try not to judge,
And never be cruel.
Graduation Day is a day to mark a tremendous accomplishment. You could not have come to this day without a lot of hard work. There may have been days when you felt that you could not continue, and yet you did. The moment when you are called up to the stage to receive your diploma, resplendent in your cap and gown, is a moment to savor. You can not lose what has now been given to you. Whether it is a high school, college, graduate, or doctoral diploma, that achievement will be yours forever. Now go on and take on the world!
Embrace who you are,
And love like a fool.
Try not to judge,
And never be cruel.
I was reflecting today about my desire to feel like a Daddy's girl. Here I am, in my mid-fifties now, and I still want to feel like a cherished daughter. As my own (largely...
Famous Poem
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
I was never an avid reader nor appreciated poetry most of my life. My dad sent me this poem for my 28th birthday, printed along with a lovely card. Living many miles away from him I often...
We can't begin to tell you
Just how loved you are
We can't believe how time has flown
And how you've come so far
I too was looking for some ideas to put in my oldest daughter's senior dance recital add. I found more than an idea - this poem was everything that I could have possibly wanted to say. Thank...
I remember years ago,
you were so little then.
I can't help but wish
I absolutely love this poem. It is just a spot on and every line touches the heart.
I lie awake in bed
with thoughts swarming around in my head.
The memories come flooding in
of old times with my kin;
Eighteen years, a thousand fears,
Yet countless joyful times.
A tiny baby smiles just once,
Her Daddy's heart it binds.
Congratulations on having raised a model child. This is exactly how I feel about my late daughter, Candice. Make maximum use of every moment you have with yours. The time flies too fast.
Famous Poem
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
I think you are correct that the poem may be about a higher calling to pursue the best way. I also can agree as you stated he may have meant something else. Or he possibly did mean what you...
I carried a miracle from God up above.
For nine months I waited to show you my love.
Twelve hours of labor, my head's in a whirl,
And finally the Doctor said, "Congrats! It's a girl."
I remember taking you to kindergarten on the first day of school. We walked into the classroom and you just stood there, shy at first but then the teacher came over and introduced you to the others kids and you went off to play. I watched you for a few minutes to see how you would do and then you came up to me and said "Momma, you can leave now" and I just laughed and said "OK". I hugged you and said "I love you and that I'll be back soon to get you" and you said "OK, I love you too" and then went back to playing. I hated to leave you there but I knew you had to go. I really thought you would be crying like I seen some of the other kids doing, but you didn't. I was the one crying. I thought about you the whole time you were gone, just wondering what you were doing. When I came to get you, you were so excited and before you got in the car you were telling me all about your day. Your eyes were so bright and you were just filled with so much information, I swear you didn't stop talking until we got back into the house.
So my ex-husband and I have 3 children together. My eldest son graduated from high school last weekend. My son had been staying with his father all this time. The father told me he didn't...
Memories flash before us
As we stop and think of you
If we could turn back the hands of time
That's the first thing we would do
Wow! I have two sons and they are still home.16 and 10 yrs. Your poem about your son. Graduated highschool and on his way to doing his thing. All those little and wonderful moments. Yes, we...
The mind panics as you mount the stage
Over the future of your coming age.
What to be? What to do?
As life's questions seek to bombard you
I like this poem a lot. It reflects the things I am worried about and what I am trying to help my boyfriend get through because he is about to walk across that stage, and this poem is very...
True friends are hard to find,
but there you are; you came into my life.
You came to me in a perfect time.
I'm so happy you're a friend of mine.
I absolutely love this poem so much because it says exactly how my ex is now my best friend. He is one of the greatest blessings I've been given.
You're the driver of your destiny,
Passenger of none,
In control and looking forward
Of things that must be done.
I feel the time is getting close,
When we will have to part.
I'll show that I'll miss you
With last words from my heart.
Wish you success in your life. Wish you an adventure in the future.
This is my time to shine,
to live a life that is mine.
This is my time to glow
and let my true feelings show.
G is for the Grades that got you here.
R is for the Recommendations from teaches back there.
A is for the Attitude you had in class.
D is for the Determination; your goal was to pass.
I was always told that anything can be taken away from you but your education. How true this is! You can lose your mate, your house, your job, your child, your parents...etc. I was always a...
While looking up at the stars and moon,
We realize that you grew up too soon.
We remember the day you were born,
And now look at you all big and grown.
Walking in a senior's territory,
Hoping not to get lost on the first day.
Scared of all the rumors of being shoved in lockers,
Or trying to find new friends along the way.
The time has been too short-
the memories so dear.
Our pride for all you have become