Graduation Poem

Parent Reflecting On Child At Graduation

Written for my son Jon's high school graduation in 2004.

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I too was looking for some ideas to put in my oldest daughter's senior dance recital add. I found more than an idea - this poem was everything that I could have possibly wanted to say. Thank...

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Time Flew By So Quickly

© more by Judy

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

We can't begin to tell you
Just how loved you are
We can't believe how time has flown
And how you've come so far

Forgive us when we stop and stare
And tears fall from our eyes
Time flew by so quickly
Sure took us by surprise

We asked you to stay little
To always be our baby
You said, "I'll try to if I can,
but I'll have to grow up...maybe."

Now here you stand before us
A respectful, honest man
Strong-willed and determined
Who always says, "I can"

We flip though all your notes and cards
And pictures that you drew
Recall your quips and humor
'Unique', dear son, that's you!

There are no doubts within our minds
That you'll indeed succeed
Your future holds so much in store
But 'that smile' is all you need

You've always been so gentle,
So loving, kind and giving
Having you as our son
Is another term for 'living'

No matter where life leads you
No matter what you do
We'll always be your biggest fans
And we'll be here for you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Becky by Becky
  • 8 years ago

I too was looking for some ideas to put in my oldest daughter's senior dance recital add. I found more than an idea - this poem was everything that I could have possibly wanted to say. Thank you so much!!!

  • Marissa Montino by Marissa Montino
  • 9 years ago

I've been looking for a graduation poem for my daughter Kristel. When I read this I got emotional because all that I want to say to her is all in here.

  • Jennifer Turner by Jennifer Turner, North Carolina
  • 9 years ago

I was looking for a meaningful poem to add to my son's graduation page. When I read this, I immediately began to cry! It is as if you took all the thoughts and emotions that I was feeling and put them into this beautiful poem.

  • Angela by Angela, Wyoming
  • 12 years ago

My son is graduating in 2013 so I've been looking at poems for his yearbook page. When I read this poem, tears filled my eyes. These are the things I need to say to my son, very well written.

  • J Valenti by J Valenti, Canada
  • 14 years ago

Due to circumstances, I am living in Canada for a few years. My son is about to graduate and I miss him very much.

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