Graduation Poem

Graduation Letter From Single Mother

This is a letter I wrote to my son for his graduation.
I'm a single mother of three children. My whole world is surrounded by my children. Everything I do, I do for them, without them there are a lot of things I would have not done. I wrote this letter to my son because even though he knows my love for him, I wanted him to know that even though he's not here at home and will be far away from me that I'll still love him and still be there for him, also I wanted to let him how proud of him I was.

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So my ex-husband and I have 3 children together. My eldest son graduated from high school last weekend. My son had been staying with his father all this time. The father told me he didn't...

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A Letter For My Son


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2009 with permission of the Author.


I remember taking you to kindergarten on the first day of school. We walked into the classroom and you just stood there, shy at first but then the teacher came over and introduced you to the others kids and you went off to play. I watched you for a few minutes to see how you would do and then you came up to me and said "Momma, you can leave now" and I just laughed and said "OK". I hugged you and said "I love you and that I'll be back soon to get you" and you said "OK, I love you too" and then went back to playing. I hated to leave you there but I knew you had to go. I really thought you would be crying like I seen some of the other kids doing, but you didn't. I was the one crying. I thought about you the whole time you were gone, just wondering what you were doing. When I came to get you, you were so excited and before you got in the car you were telling me all about your day. Your eyes were so bright and you were just filled with so much information, I swear you didn't stop talking until we got back into the house.

I can't believe that soon I will be standing there watching you walk across a stage to be handed your high school diploma. You've worked so hard to get to this point. I'm proud of you. You began this life as a beautiful baby boy but grew up to be a handsome young man. Today is your day to shine. You'll be nervous but I hope not scared, you've done your part and soon will be standing up for our country. I don't know how to tell or show you how proud I am of you. My heart hurts to know that you will be leaving soon for the military, but I know this is what you want and that you will be alright. I will be worried about you and I'll miss being able to call you and tell you I love you every day but you know how much I love you and I can never say it enough. I'm glad that we have the mother & son relationship that is very rare and far between, and that you know you can trust me and talk to me about anything.

I'm not the perfect the mother, I've made my mistakes and I know those mistakes have hurt you and I'm so sorry and I hope you can forgive me for those. But I know one thing that I don't regret is having you when I did, I'm honored to be the one who saw your first step, hear your first words, there's so many things that I've watched you do that was just a surprise to me.

I know that you will go far in this life, you deserve the best this world can give you and I know that you will get it. Even though today is the day I have to let you go to discover the world on your own, please know that I'll be with you no matter where you go and that I'll be there anytime and anywhere you may need me. You are my heart, my soul, my life, and my world. I love you my son very much and thank you for the best 18 years of my life.

I Love You,


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Erica M by Erica M
  • 7 years ago

So my ex-husband and I have 3 children together. My eldest son graduated from high school last weekend. My son had been staying with his father all this time. The father told me he didn't think my son wanted me to come to his graduation and he wanted nothing to do with me. None of those things were true. My son's own daddy didn't even come, but after the graduation my son said to me, "I love you, Mom," and that just got to my heart. It felt really good to hear him say that, so now I don't know what to expect...if he's going to get closer with me again. Either way, I was happy...

  • Estela Ceniceros by Estela Ceniceros
  • 7 years ago

I was a single mother of three and one was a son. I lost my son twenty years ago, but this letter brings back memories of how I felt and feel for my son. We had a special bond and even now I miss him terribly. I pray for your son's safety. God bless.

  • Tongela Fleming by Tongela Fleming
  • 8 years ago

Those words made me cry. I am a single mom of a 17 year old young man that graduates today. Words from my own heart. May God continue to bless you and your son.

  • Kris by Kris, Idalou Tx
  • 12 years ago

This was the best letter ever. I am a single mom of an 18 year son. He will be graduating in 2 weeks and headed off to college.
As I was reading this letter I had tears running from eyes. You wrote exactly what I would have wrote for my son. It was very touching.
I hope all is well with you and your family. And tell your son Thank You for serving our country, God Bless Our Troops and Keep them Safe!!!

  • Sandy Grace Davis by Sandy Grace Davis
  • 14 years ago

The letter was beautiful. I hope all is well w/ with your son. My brother went to Iraq for a year and he is finally home. I pray and hope your son is home again! God Bless you and your family.
Thank you for sharing the letter.

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