Graduation Poem

Graduation Poem For Son

Wrote this poem for my youngest son for his high school graduation in 2007.

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Wow! I have two sons and they are still home.16 and 10 yrs. Your poem about your son. Graduated highschool and on his way to doing his thing. All those little and wonderful moments. Yes, we...

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As You Graduate

© more by Judy

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

Memories flash before us
As we stop and think of you
If we could turn back the hands of time
That's the first thing we would do

We'd take ourselves back to the day
We first laid eyes on you
Your mouth (of course) wide open
Your eyes - so big and blue

It was at that very moment
As you lay there - oh so small
We knew within an instant
We were in for one long haul

Our instincts were right on the mark
You've kept us on the go
Always such a busy child
With a charismatic glow

A fanatic - full of questions
Inquisitive, keen and daring
Fearless, kind, and loving
So sensitive and caring

Willful and determined
You've marched to your own beat
True to your convictions
In victory or defeat

You're confident, devoted
You're handsome, dignified
You're a strapping, strong, tall leader
You've filled our hearts with pride

How we miss your tiny footsteps
Dancing wildly on the floor
Oh, how we miss our little boy
More than we ever have before

Greatness lies within you
In time, sweet son, you'll see
And if you ever need us
You know that there we'll be


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  • Kimberly by Kimberly
  • 15 years ago

Wow! I have two sons and they are still home.16 and 10 yrs. Your poem about your son. Graduated highschool and on his way to doing his thing. All those little and wonderful moments. Yes, we moms, will always and forever be there for our precious child. I will absorb all the sweet moments.

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