Graduation Poem

Graduation Acrostic Poem

I was a mother and a nurse back years ago. Once my two children were in 4th and 5th grade, I decided to go back to get my BSN degree going part time. It took about 5 years, but I accomplished this back in 1986. At that time, I thought this was a good incentive to inspire my 2 children to do well in school. I figured I was a" role model" for them. I got good grades and graduated with honors. They walked in my footsteps and went on to college also and became successful.

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I was always told that anything can be taken away from you but your education. How true this is! You can lose your mate, your house, your job, your child, your parents...etc. I was always a...

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Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

G is for the Grades that got you here.
R is for the Recommendations from teaches back there.
A is for the Attitude you had in class.
D is for the Determination; your goal was to pass.
U is for the Understanding you had.
A is for your Achievements; you were happy, not sad.
T is for your Teachers who helped lead the way,
I is for your Initiative, for that ceremony in May. 
O is for almost an Olympic Gold.
N is for the Nice degree you now hold.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sahar S. Al-Najjar by Sahar S. Al-Najjar
  • 3 years ago

I'm a student, 14 years old, and this poem seems to be cheering for me. It reminds me of my responsibilities.

  • Margaret A. Dworek by Margaret A. Dworek Poet
  • 5 years ago

I was always told that anything can be taken away from you but your education. How true this is! You can lose your mate, your house, your job, your child, your parents...etc. I was always a firm believer of education. If you are lucky enough to never have to lose anything that drives you out into the work force then that is unique. Setting yourself up and being prepared is better then being surprised as an end result.

  • Margaret A. Dworek by Margaret A. Dworek Poet
  • 5 years ago

When I was growing up, my parents told me that "anything can be taken from you but your education." I remembered this and took this advice into my adulthood and passed this on to my 2 children. They listened to me and went on to college and are both very successful today. I hope they pass this good information down to their children also.

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