Goodbye Friend Poem

Poem For My Friends On High School Graduation Day

I write this poem for my friends during our graduation day in high school.

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I absolutely love this poem so much because it says exactly how my ex is now my best friend. He is one of the greatest blessings I've been given.

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Forever Friends


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2009 with permission of the Author.

True friends are hard to find,
but there you are; you came into my life.
You came to me in a perfect time.
I'm so happy you're a friend of mine.

We've been together for so long,
in a fantastic place where we belong.
We shared the mysteries of our life.
Laughter and tears are seen in our eyes.

You're with me and I'm with you.
You comfort me and I LOVE YOU.
A part of me becomes part of you.
True friendship I've found in you.

Now it's time to say goodbye;
tears of sadness keep falling in my eyes.
So please don't cry, my darling friend,
'Cause our friendship will never end.

Yes, it's true, we'll be apart,
'Cause I'm here and you there.
With you, my friend, I want to tell,
whatever happens, we'll be FRIENDS FOREVER!


visit Janilyn B. Rentillo's site

  • Stories 13
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  • Rating 4.38
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lucy Jennifer Martinez by Lucy Jennifer Martinez
  • 7 years ago

I absolutely love this poem so much because it says exactly how my ex is now my best friend. He is one of the greatest blessings I've been given.

  • Janilyn B. Rentillo by Janilyn B. Rentillo, Philippines
  • 8 months ago

Thank you for loving my poem.❤️ Have. Blessed day and friendship ahead.

  • Swati Swagatika by Swati Swagatika
  • 7 years ago

It reminds me of my best friend who just left. Miss you so much.

  • Sejal Solanki by Sejal Solanki, India
  • 10 years ago

I seriously love this poem. Coz it gives the message of how a true friend plays an important roll in our life.....

  • Janilyn B. Rentillo by Janilyn B. Rentillo, Philippines
  • 8 months ago

THANK YOU SO MUCH everyone for loving and liking my Poem. Have a blessed day ahead.❤️

  • Janilyn B. Rentillo by Janilyn B. Rentillo
  • 11 years ago

Thank you once again for liking my poem.

  • Billiejean Smith Tishomingo by Billiejean Smith Tishomingo
  • 11 years ago

Hey I'm a Senior this year and I have been looking for some things like this so that I can give it to my friend cause he will be away from me when I'm going to be in college and it's really nice to read this and I'm going to put this in his year book this year so he can read it when I'm away.

  • Kristen Reece by Kristen Reece
  • 11 years ago

Me and my old friend from my old school have just got back in touch on Skype now we love to send each other these wonderful friend poems.

  • Branden by Branden, Arizona
  • 12 years ago

Hello, I'm a senior in high school. And my best friend is a girl. I want to write something special in her yearbook, because just like friends we both been through think and thin with each other and we've always bounced back and continued being friends. Just a short story for you all.
Last year on April 28, our junior year, hours after prom was over and both our dates had gone home we both sat in the parking lot of our high school and we both told each other we didn't want to lose each other after graduation, after we moved to college and started our families. We wanted to stay in touch, that night we both cried in each others arms for the fear that we would never see each other again after graduation. That night we both promised each other whatever obstacles we faced whether they were difficult or easy. We would encourage each other to keep going. Then we finally left to go home at 2 or 3 in the morning.
Just thought I'd share that and thanks for putting the poem up.

  • Swati Swagatika by Swati Swagatika
  • 7 years ago

So emotional, may God meet you two again....

  • Leena by Leena
  • 12 years ago

My friend is leaving and I will miss her a lot so I just got the right poem to write on the card I am going to give her :):) I am :(:( too

  • Janilyn B. Rentillo by Janilyn B. Rentillo Poet
  • 14 years ago

I never expected my poem will stay this long in this page. I'm so glad reading this once again remembering highschool days.. Thank you for publishing my poem.. More power.. =))

  • Parker by Parker, Illinois
  • 14 years ago

My friend will be leaving me soon, so I've been searching for a poem to put in the inside cover of a scrapbook...and this poem touched me, and literally made me this is definitely the one I'm using!

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