Goodbye Friend Poem

Poem About Friends Forever

I have a few very special friends and wanted to give them something. I wrote a poem for them all on friendship.
Dedicated to Louise, Sarah, Emma, Sorell, Amy and Kim xx

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I have a friend named Sara. She is like my sister. I love her a lot. We were best friends 5 years ago, but now she had to leave us and leave the school, and I will really miss her. If she can...

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Promise To Stay In Touch

© more by Louise

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2010 with permission of the Author.

I couldn't find the right words
Nothing seemed to rhyme
To write something for you all
I think it will take time

Because when you have friends
That are very hard to find,
There's so much to say
Because you make everything all right.

So I will tell you right now
Exactly what I need to say
To show you how much I appreciate
You being there every day.

You're worth more than anyone,
Even a million pounds
Because you always know what to say
When I am feeling down.

You make me smile big smiles
And my days so very bright,
And when I lose my way,
You find me in the night.

I sometimes wish I could explain
How much you mean to me,
But it's just not possible
To list a billion things.

So I just wanted to say
I love you so, so much,
And I hope you never leave me.
Promise to stay in touch.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Thilly by Thilly
  • 4 years ago

I would like to read all of your poems. They give me inspiration, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Love your poems!

  • Joelle by Joelle
  • 7 years ago

I have a friend named Sara. She is like my sister. I love her a lot. We were best friends 5 years ago, but now she had to leave us and leave the school, and I will really miss her. If she can see this comment I want to tell her something:

Hi Sara, I miss you a lot. I hope soon everything will be okay and I can see you as soon as possible. You were my secret place where I hid all my secrets. You were everything to me. I hope you can come back to school before we graduate so that we graduate together. I miss all your funny jokes. You will always stay in my heart and with me wherever I decide to go. I miss you a lot. I lost a part of me. I love you!

  • Gianna by Gianna
  • 8 years ago

This touched me so much. I have a best friend who is wonderful, and I think I'll share this with her. She makes me laugh and smile. This describes our friendship.

  • Mexico by Mexico
  • 11 years ago

I have a best friend her name is Alicia she is the best friend I have ever had she is always there for me and she is the only friend that has never left my side! l love her so much!!!

  • Kiley Neeley by Kiley Neeley
  • 11 years ago

My best friend moved away to Hawaii and I miss her very much. She made my cry so hard on the last day of school. But, she told me she would send me letters so all I have been doing is waiting and the poem on here "Promise stay in touch" is kind of like us. I miss you Vance!!!

  • Jocelyn by Jocelyn, Tubangui
  • 13 years ago

Only one person I consider a friend of mine, he's always there for me, in times of troubles and happiness. He never left me, even in my darkest times, ready to comfort me, makes me feel special, even if I am not. He always keep in touch, wherever I am. Thanks to my husband, for making me feel special. I LOVE YOU!

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