21. Friendship With Dad
Not many people can say
they have a true friend
Someone that stands by your side
and shows devotion with no end
Not many people can say
they have a true friend
Someone that stands by your side
and shows devotion with no end
The depth of a father's love shows in his daughter's eyes.
What's known is what's shown from sunset to sunrise.
A foundation built on more than just what is spoken.
It's commitments kept and promises that go unbroken.
me and my dad are going through some tough times right now. He is not someone who easily forgives even if it's something small. I'm a teenager and it's just me and him. I tell him everyday...
To my dear family,
I'm sending this from above,
That even though I'm gone from earth,
I can still feel your love,
I LOVE THIS POEM. I have no words to express my feelings. I lost my heart I lost my life I lost everything. I remember my dad who passed away almost four year ago. Aug 24 2010, when I was...
Feeling lost without him
Feeling empty too
I used to be my daddy's girl
This I know was true.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Your story really touched my heart today. I am separated from my daughter now and I am sad everyday. She is 17 and I send her cards and letters. But I wish I could...
My hero never fought in a war
He never drove a big fancy car
He did not go very far in school
But he lived his life by the golden rule
This is so well worded. It reminds me exactly of my own upbringing and father. I am one of seven children raised during the depression. Dad was a carpenter and when building ceased, he and...
She was born pink and soft with all of her toes
She had my eyes and her mothers nose
She cried for a moment and then settled down
The angel of my life with hair of brown
Yeah, you're right that a father loves his daughter very much. Yes, the poem is very good.
I need you now.
Please take me by the hand.
Stand by in my hour of need,
Take time to understand.
My wife wanted a divorce and in the wake were our children. I have a girlfriend with two kids. My daughter thinks I've replaced her and her brother with them...but I could never replace them....
He grew up in a town where people were poor,
In a family quite wealthy with love.
He was raised by two parents who were stable but strict
And taught him to trust God above.
My dad joined the Navy, but he is with me still today. I am sorry for your loss.
When I scratched my knee,
Or if I bumped my head,
When I was afraid of the dark,
Or that thing under my bed,
Dear Dad, I want you to know I love you so much. What an amazing poem. I love everything you do for all of us. Love, Bella
When I was a baby,
you would hold me in your arms.
I felt the love and tenderness,
keeping me safe from harm.
I don't know how it feels, but I sure understand what this poem is all about. How I wish my dad was caring. To me, he only carries the title and doesn't act the meaning.
I'm just sitting here thinking about what you mean to me,
Remembering all the things you've done for me.
You've been there for me from the start,
Knowing what to say to keep me from falling apart,
He wasn't faster than a speeding bullet,
but he was quick to come to my defense.
Unable to leap tall buildings,
but could lift my spirits when life didn't make sense.
There once was a daddy who had only girls.
He was very special indeed.
For as some daddies eternally yearn for a son,
This daddy could not see the need.
I know that I'm not perfect, and I'm sure you know that too,
But it means the world to know that I can always talk to you.
I am sure you didn't expect all this when you took me in to stay.
But you still loved me enough that you did it anyway.
The bond between father and daughter happens instantly, starting right at birth.
When a father first lays eyes on his little girl, he loves her more than anything on this earth.
When a daughter grows older, her father is the first man she will love
And the last one her father will have trouble letting go of.
My daughter recently lost her father. In a conversation with her, she was saying how sad it was that she had only received one card or written form of a message. Everyone had sent text...
The pleasure I gain
From being a Dad
Is down to my children,
All three that I've had.
I was looking for a poem about my step-son's love for his three children, now that he and their mother are divorced, to put on a scrapbook page of him and the children, and this poem was...
As a kid when I watched you walk,
Leaving behind your foot mark,
I leaped and jumped to match that stride,
Never succeeded however hard I tried.
You held me up when I was weak.
You hugged me close when tears I'd weep.
When things got hard, you pushed me through.
You always showed me you loved me true.
My dad passed away 2 months ago and I can not forget and my mom and I are sad. I know that he is not in any more pain in heaven.
There was a time
When not so long ago
A newborn had cried her first tear
As she entered into a strange new world.
Awesome. I just love it! It's awesome, and I'm speechless.
Famous Poem
Sundays too my father got up early
and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,
then with cracked hands that ached
from labor in the weekday weather made