Father Poem

Beautiful Narrative Poem About The Gift Of Sight

A father writes of a special relationship with his daughter who was born blind and at age sixteen was given the gift of sight. A father daughter bond strengthened by the gift of sight, a beautiful story.

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Yeah, you're right that a father loves his daughter very much. Yes, the poem is very good.

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Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

She was born pink and soft with all of her toes
She had my eyes and her mothers nose
She cried for a moment and then settled down
The angel of my life with hair of brown

Months went by and we watched her grow
Something was wrong and we had to know
The doctor called with concern on his mind
And told me my angel had been born blind

I cried for a while and then I got mad
This was not my idea of being a dad
So from that day forward I started a plight
To be her eyes in life and her heart of sight

As the years passed by she started to grow
Into a beautiful child with a need to know
Each day was spent teaching all that I knew
Until one day when she asked about blue

I tried to define it but my efforts were in vain
Only sighted descriptions were the way to explain
She had no way of knowing what I was trying to say
And for the very first time I failed her that day

Life went on and as she grew
She formed her thoughts on what is blue
Wanting to know just what others could see
Inside her mind it became reality

On her sixteenth birthday our lives got better
We received good new from a doctor's letter
He said he could help and that this just might
Give the eyes of my angel the gift of sight

I will never forget what she asked to see
When she opened her eyes and first saw me
She looked at me with her eyes of new
And asked me to show her the color of blue

I said, Look at my eyes, for they are blue
The day you were born they watched over you
All through the years they never looked away
They will always be with you and will never stray

She smiled at me and said that she always knew
About what the meaning was of the color blue
Through out her life she could always see
With the eyes of her heart instilled from me

To her the color had a meaning more than just sight
Blue had a feeling that gave her an insight
Throughout the years as both our hearts grew
She told me that Love was the color Blue


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  • Rating 4.42
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rachel by Rachel
  • 8 years ago

This poem was written by my dad, Brian Allen Haycock. I am so proud of him for writing this. It brings tears to my eyes that it has spread as far as it has.

  • Anupama Menon by Anupama Menon
  • 8 years ago

A true love of a father to his daughter! I loved it very much. I'm going to recite it in a competition. Hope I can do it well!

  • Preethi by Preethi
  • 7 years ago

Yeah, you're right that a father loves his daughter very much. Yes, the poem is very good.

  • Sweta by Sweta, India
  • 10 years ago

A truly heart touching poem. Emotions are shaped into words with a perfect visualization of father and daughter's love for each other.

  • Pivon by Pivon, Tx
  • 13 years ago

Beautiful poem. I'm going to use it in my English project, hope you don't mind. It inspired me and will be shared with my class. We have to pick 5 to be ours to rate 1-5 and be our top. I'm certainly, without a doubt giving this a 5. :)

  • Franco by Franco, Philippines
  • 13 years ago

What a beautiful story..In our school..It was for speech choir..

  • Merl by Merl, Jamaica
  • 14 years ago

This poem is so very touching. As I read this poem I was actually seeing both dad and child sharing together when she could not see, and when she got her sight I actually saw them exploring the colour BLUE. wow, this is a good one.

  • Houston by Houston
  • 14 years ago

this is a truely miraculous poem and the writer wrote the same way.....MIRACULOUS! Loved it and it made me cry.

  • Ashley by Ashley, Iowa
  • 14 years ago

I am a mother of a 4 year old boy who was born blind. He has Optic nerve hypoplasia. I wish my son could get the gift of sight but he will not. I dread the day when he asks about blue :( Very touching poem brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing.

  • Medica by Medica
  • 14 years ago

You're such an amazing dad, both my parents died years ago and I still miss them so deeply. Reading your story I've realize how my life could have been with their presence. I miss them so much. Please take good care of her she is an angel from above.

  • Ravi Errat by Ravi Errat
  • 14 years ago

A very emotional narration, depicting the pain a father has been going through and the gain the daughter had been getting because of her wonderful father.
People with sight are blind to so many things in life, while those without try to see everything in life, including emotions, which could only be felt.
Lovely Poem.

  • Thana Ramayah by Thana Ramayah
  • 14 years ago

"I said, Look at my eyes, for they are blue
The day you were born they watched over you
All through the years they never looked away
They will always be with you and will never stray"

The above stanza gives me goose bumps. Oh! what a soul moving piece!

  • ky by ky, Ohio
  • 15 years ago

aww, this was so cute.
I wish I had a dad like this,
someone that loved his little baby girl from day one.

  • cinta by cinta
  • 15 years ago

I first read this during a class essay, and was immediately captured by its story.
remarkable poet for having written this beautiful, touching poem.

  • tonie by tonie
  • 16 years ago

Feeling's from the heart. This is a wonderful story.With this kind of talent, we send a message no one could understand without poetry.

  • romeo by romeo
  • 16 years ago

I loved this poem it almost made me cry it shows that you don't need sight to see that beautiful person in your life

  • Lynda by Lynda
  • 16 years ago

Thank you for sharing your work.
Both of my grandparents on my dad's side were blind....first my grandfather in a accident then my grandmother years later due to meds. I have spent most of my adult life working with the blind of all ages. Your poem will be share and used as treasure in my life.
Please keep writing and sharing .
God bless

  • Ilona by Ilona
  • 16 years ago

This poem was amazing. Brought tears to my eyes.

  • shelly long by shelly long
  • 16 years ago

wow!!!!!!!!!!!! absolutely amazing poem it sent shivers down my spine great job keep writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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