Thank You Poem

Thank You Poem To Parents

A girl writes about the way she was raised. She contrasts her own upbringing with those that others experience.

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I am going to read this at my fathers 80th birthday party. We also did not have much growing up but the love of our parents made us all strong.

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I Wasn't Raised In A Mansion


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

I wasn't raised in a mansion
Or fed with a silver spoon
I wasn't brought up to think money is everything
Because only fools believe that's true
I wasn't raised to live out my parents' dream
But to proudly dream my own
I wasn't raised to walk the popular path
But to strongly pave my own
I wasn't raised with material things
But something great indeed
I was raised with love
And love is all I need


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  • Rating 4.34
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lynda Anderson by Lynda Anderson, Ottawa Ontario
  • 10 years ago

I am going to read this at my fathers 80th birthday party. We also did not have much growing up but the love of our parents made us all strong.

  • Lj by Lj
  • 10 years ago

Does anyone know how to contact this lady? I love her poem and would like to pass on the inspiration it was to me and my friend!

  • Linda by Linda, Ny
  • 12 years ago

Perfect match for my upbringing. Never had money parents always worked so hard to support 5 kids and pets - no medical insurance for many years - but they gave us so much love - and thought us to be strong and not run away from problems. They are both gone now, but I am the woman I am today because of their love...not materials things.

  • La'teisha by La'teisha, Valdosta
  • 12 years ago

This is a very beautiful poem and I think it represents a lot of people around the world!! The author of this poem is very talented. Thanks for letting the world know that you don't have to be rich to live, All you need is love!

  • Dont Need To Know That by Dont Need To Know That
  • 13 years ago

This poem is so great. It is great because it expresses feelings toward parents rich or not. I read this poem in a Potlock Party, the parents looked like they were about to cry it just filled their hearts just like ME!

  • Ashley by Ashley, Tennessee
  • 13 years ago

I think it is sooo beautiful and extremely true to my situation. whomever wrote that has a gift
thank you.

  • Linda by Linda
  • 14 years ago

This poem touched me because the words in this poem are words I've address to my children.

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