Thank You Poem

Family Relationship Poem

I wrote this poem sitting in the airport one night, waiting to fly home to see my family.

My mom died when she was 34 and I was only 15. It was a very tough time, and none of my family was there except my sister and brother. We became so close after that. They are my best friends and my angels. Going through a tragic event like this, it changes your whole perspective on life, and you live every day as if you are going to die today.

It just really upsets me when I hear about families fighting and not talking over something so small and stupid. God gave you those siblings for a reason, and I just wish people could experience what I have been through and look on the bright side of things like I do and realize that no matter what you have been through, someone else has it worse.

Featured Shared Story

My mum did not die, but I do not live with my parents at all. I am adopted and live with a different set of parents.

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My Angels


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.

Just when I think the world has me beat,
My two angels help me to my feet.

They are always there whenever I call,
Ready to catch me if I fall.

They always know exactly what to say
To make sure I have the perfect day.

Never having to wonder if they have gone,
Their shoulder is always there to cry on.

Knowing how to catch all the tears
Makes them wise beyond their years.

You will see the most unbreakable ties
When you look into their beautiful eyes.

We have a bond you will never see,
So take my hand and follow me.

Wait until you meet the angels of mine.
They will make sure everything is perfect and fine.

A creation from my wonderful mother,
My angels are my sister and brother.

Just find a place in your heart.
I promise you will never find yourself to far apart.

Now that you know what to do,
You can have angels in this life too.


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  • Amy by Amy
  • 4 years ago

My mum did not die, but I do not live with my parents at all. I am adopted and live with a different set of parents.

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