Loving Poem about Family

What is a family? Each of the first 3 stanzas uses a different simile to explain how deep and lasting the connection between family members is. Similies are figures of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds, using the word like or as.

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I enjoyed reading this poem. The poet uses relevant and strong similes that remain in the reader's mind. There's no way one can separate from their families because they found it there and at...

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A Family Is Like A Circle


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

A family is like a circle.
The connection never ends,
and even if at times it breaks,
in time it always mends.

A family is like the stars.
Somehow they're always there.
Families are those who help,
who support and always care.

A family is like a book.
The ending's never clear,
but through the pages of the book,
their love is always near.

A family is many things.
With endless words that show
who they are and what they do
and how they teach you so you know.

But don't be weary if it's broken
or if through time it's been so worn.
Families are like that -
they're split up and always torn.

But even if this happens,
your family will always be.
They help define just who you are
and will be a part of you eternally.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Omadang Yowasi by Omadang Yowasi
  • 5 years ago

I enjoyed reading this poem. The poet uses relevant and strong similes that remain in the reader's mind. There's no way one can separate from their families because they found it there and at one time they were part of it. A family is a strong tree that sprouts even when it's cut. Good poem.

  • C.G.Balasubramanian by C.G.Balasubramanian
  • 6 years ago

This poem really touched me. I am thankful that I have such a family. There was a family when my grandparents lived. There is a family of my own now (my son and my daughter). I very much wish that they have their own families and think about us. I relate to everything when I read this poem.

  • Kira Ellis by Kira Ellis
  • 4 years ago

I love my sister and brother. This poem made tell them that I love them so much. I'm never going to stop loving them and my parents.

  • Lynette by Lynette, Pineville
  • 11 years ago

My family is going through a tough time - relationship problems. I want them to read this poem to get the real meaning of a family and their duties as a family. Thank you for posting this poem. I love my sister and brother-in-law, but at this point I dislike both of them and what they're doing to the children and themselves. God will make a miracle way for them.

  • Lily Almanza by Lily Almanza
  • 8 years ago

I know what you are going through. My parents argue a lot, and I'm just in the middle of it. I don't like it and it just makes me sad. You are not alone. Right now my parents are in a argument about my dad going to Mexico, and my mom is mad at him because she thinks that he isn't supposed to. So you are not alone. There are other people that go through the same thing every day. No one is ever alone. :)

  • Reychille Mitze Murillo by Reychille Mitze Murillo
  • 11 years ago

I have an example: The sun: mother. The moon: father. The stars: children
Family is what we need to keep us safe if someone gets hurt our family is always there no matter what it is. We should care and love our family. We should cooperate one another do household chores, make fun, and enjoy and relax. But remember sleep is the most priority thing we should do.

  • Umatilla by Umatilla
  • 13 years ago

This poem has touched me because it makes me think about my sister and how she loves and cares about me so much...it's like if I didn't have her in my life I think I would have gone crazy by now...I love my sister to death and no matter what happens I will always be there for her and she will always be there for me. I love you sister <3

  • Paula Phalaborwa by Paula Phalaborwa
  • 13 years ago

good poems which can help families communicate and build peace

  • Mary Pratt by Mary Pratt, Portsmouth Ohio
  • 13 years ago

This poem touches my heart, in April 2008 our brother passed away from pancreatic cancer at the age of 51. Through out his illness my 6 brothers and sisters were with George, I never left his side. He lived 27 months with disease and passed away at home. I could never had done this without my family and we all go the garden to place flowers and small tokens on his grave. We love you little brother but we'll see you soon

  • Amelia E. Raffety by Amelia E. Raffety
  • 11 months ago

My dad passed away when I was 10. So i know what you are going through. When a loved one passes away it's always the hardest. But, I've learned that you always need to keep your head up. You never know what can happen to you next. So, keep smiling and having a good day. :)

  • Joyce Collins by Joyce Collins, Texarkana AR
  • 14 years ago

I am the secretary for our church and was searching a poem to put in our bulletin as we celebrate "Family Month" in October. We celebrate our church anniversary in October as well and this year we celebrate our 120th Anniversary. We know that it is power of families that has kept our church continuing to grow...a church of many generations.

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