Father Poem

Can a father contact his loved ones from beyond the grave?

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I LOVE THIS POEM. I have no words to express my feelings. I lost my heart I lost my life I lost everything. I remember my dad who passed away almost four year ago. Aug 24 2010, when I was...

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Though I'm Gone I Feel Your Love


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

To my dear family,
I'm sending this from above,
That even though I'm gone from earth,
I can still feel your love,
And all the times we spent together,
Growing a love that would last forever,
Are times that will never leave,
Because you remember me.
I'm sorry about the timing,
For I didn't want to leave,
But God called me home,
So I fell into eternal sleep.
There was so much left to do here,
'Cause God took me quite young.
I had a loving family
And so much to teach my son.
I'm sure you all can make it,
You have God by your side,
And just to let you know,
I'm enjoying this long heavenly Harley ride.
If any of you ever need me,
Just close your eyes and I'll be there.
I'll help you through your life,
If you remember how much I cared.
I want you all to know today,
That I love you very much,
And even though I'm gone from earth,
I can still feel your love.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Prachi Dwivedi by Prachi Dwivedi
  • 10 years ago

I LOVE THIS POEM. I have no words to express my feelings. I lost my heart I lost my life I lost everything. I remember my dad who passed away almost four year ago. Aug 24 2010, when I was only 10 years old. I lost my father in road accident. I miss you daddy Where are you please come back I can't live without you. I miss you a lot. This poem touched my heart. Love you daddy. We all miss you and love you.

  • Christine Susana by Christine Susana, Philippines
  • 10 years ago

I don't want to hate this poem but it made me cry so much. I remembered my Dad who passed away almost two years ago, Nov. 24, 2012, when I was just thirteen years old. I know this is the exact way he feels up there and it breaks my heart so much. I don't know how can I show my Dad how much I love him because he's too far and I can't even call him. But I know, he's been enjoying his eternal stay there.. with God. And someday, I'll be with him once more. Maybe 20 years from now, 30 years or 50 years... I can't tell. But someday, somehow. Thanks to the author of this poem.

  • Kathy Erhardt by Kathy Erhardt
  • 12 years ago

We were told my husband took his own life with a gun to the head I and others believe he was murdered but could never prove it he left his 16 year old daughter, 12 year old daughter and 9 year old son and many more he died 15 years ago Sept. 9th,1997 we think of him everyday this poem was exceptional.
Thank You

  • Mooroopna Victoria Australia by Mooroopna Victoria Australia
  • 12 years ago

This poem has touched my heart for a million and one reasons. It made me cry. I lost my husband 2011 to cancer it's hard to move on. Every minute of every day he is in my thoughts and not a day goes by that the tears don't come on their own. Little things you see or that special word you hear touches the heart. This is a keeper for my daughter, son, son-in-law and for my 5 beautiful grandchildren who love and miss him dearly

  • South Africa by South Africa
  • 12 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing this poem, it just reminded me of my grandfather that passed away 10 years back. He was my role model, he use to tell me stories about how he fought in the 2nd world war and he liked his job so much because he was fighting for us as well. I miss you Grandpa and I know that one day I will see you again. May his soul rest in peace.

  • Linda by Linda, Dumbarton UK
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for your poem Steven, I lost my father 9 months ago to a very short illness, cancer. He was diagnosed 6 weeks before he passed away, but 10 months before that I lost my one and only son very suddenly at the age of 27 years and I believe that my father was taken to look after my son Patrick and it gives me comfort to know that Patrick is with his grandfather and could not be with a better person as my dad was a legend. May the two of them be happy where they are till we meet again R.I.P.....

  • Linnette by Linnette, Portland Or
  • 13 years ago

Loosing you hurt so bad...
No one knows how much I miss you dad!
Loosing you really broke me down...
And I still can not believe you're not around.
Memories of you are engraved in my heart...
So there for we will never grow apart!
I'm sad that I never got a chance to say good-bye...
When I think of you I can not help but to cry!!
I hold my tears back so no one can see,
How much the lost of you is really killing me.
I know you wanted to live longer and I know you tried,
But I learned sadly that people are born to die:(
Before you went through the golden gates and clouds of blue
I didn't get a chance to tell you how much I love you!!
I love you so much and I want you to know,
I wish you were still here to see me grow!
I learned that saying "good-bye" is bad...
So I guess I will see you later dad!! <3
1.16.45 - 1.3.12

  • Steven M. Hollifield by Steven M. Hollifield Poet
  • 13 years ago

I'm so glad I found this! I didn't realize that my poem had even been put on here. My mother had sent it in after I gave it to her. Thank you all for the compliments and God bless you in your times of grief!

  • Bluestar by Bluestar
  • 13 years ago

Thanks to FFP & Steven for sharing your poem! It's nearly Father's Day which always makes me feel sad knowing he's not around. The poem is very touching, it made me cry. It felt like my father was really talking to me...never stopped loving us and still watches over me and the entire family, I'm sure he does. Just wanna tell him over and over that "I love you, tatay, we all do! We will always love you forever and will never forget you!"

  • Omar Vasquez by Omar Vasquez
  • 14 years ago

this story touched me a lot my father was killed 10 days before Christmas in 2008 he left a 11 and 3 year old behind but it still feels like I can feel him and talk to him thanks for making this poem

  • Briana by Briana, Florida
  • 14 years ago

I loved your poem, it really touched me. I lost my dad about 6 days ago and the pain is yet crucial. Your poem has given me a sense of strength.

  • Lhen by Lhen, Philippines
  • 14 years ago

This poem made me cry, because my father was passed away recently (August 18, 2010), and until now it is so hard to accept, every night I cried because I love my dad very much, he is the best dad in the world, dad I'll missing so much and whenever you are I know you were happy. Thank you so much I found this poem

  • Flor by Flor
  • 14 years ago

I'm very touched. This poem bring tears to my eyes. I lost my dad few years ago, I wasn't able to say goodbye to him which made it harder for me to accept.. I dearly love him. For me he is the best dad. I'm so glad I saw this poem. I can feel that he is there for us always guiding us and making sure that we are all ok.

  • Tracy by Tracy
  • 15 years ago

I read this poem on the day I was attending the funeral of my cousin, who died aged 32. He died in a tragic accident while quad biking in Doha with my younger brother and his friends.
I passed this poem to both my brother and my aunty, whom had it printed out and read at the funeral.
Although I cried when reading this poem, it has eased my fears, and had made me feel at ease about his departure from us.
I'm so glad that I read this poem at such a sad moment in my life. Thank you. :0)

  • Lacey Whitlock by Lacey Whitlock
  • 16 years ago

This poem is very touching. I lost my Father three years ago to cancer and I feel like he is always there I feel like every time I close my eyes I can see him and talk to him. I am so glad I found this poem. I am very touched by this poem. Thank You!!! :)

  • Brenda by Brenda
  • 16 years ago

Your poem made me cry. I lost my dad in 2002 and I miss him so much. It is hard going a day not thinking about it. I am so glad that I found this poem. It made me feel better. Thanks

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