Father Poem

I wrote this poem for my son who was 3 months old when my fiance (his father) was murdered.

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Very touching poem. This brought tears to my eyes. We have to believe that Love can transcend death and our loved ones are right there with us in just a different way, but it's so hard to...

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Daddy, Can You Hear Me In Heaven?


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2013 with permission of the Author.

Daddy, can you hear me up there in heaven,
Way up high?
Are you an angel? Do you have wings?
And can you really fly?

Yes, my son, I hear you.
You can always talk to me.
Yes, I have wings and fly.
When I tuck you in tonight, you'll see.

Daddy, why can't you stay with me
To push my swing or just play ball?
Why can't you just come home
So you can watch me grow up real tall?

Son, I am always with you,
Your special angel, always at your side.
I'm sorry I can't be there how you want me,
but as you grow to a man, I'll be there the whole ride!
It's time to close your eyes, go to sleep,
I'll stay with you, all right?

I love you, Daddy.

I love you, too, baby boy! Goodnight!


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  • Rating 4.47
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Abu Zafar by Abu Zafar, Banglaesh
  • 7 years ago

The poem touches me very deeply. The love and the pain both touched me as if I will never forget it. I like most to go through the poem like this. I hope the poet will offer more poems of this nature for the readers.

  • Amaab9 by Amaab9
  • 7 years ago

This was a great poem. It makes sense, and I like how the son and dad talk together.

Very touching poem. This brought tears to my eyes. We have to believe that Love can transcend death and our loved ones are right there with us in just a different way, but it's so hard to explain it to a child. I believe his daddy is right there with him for the ride!

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