1. Mother To Son
Famous Poem
Well, son, I'll tell you:
Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
It's had tacks in it,
And splinters,
There is nothing more painful than fighting between family members. Whether between parents who are married or divorced, or between siblings, there is nothing more bitter than watching people who once loved each other say painful things to one another. Family member know each other better than anyone. They know each other's vulnerabilities and can hurt each other in the most private and intimate places. So before you say something to a family member, no matter how much you think that they deserve it, remember, the pain of the memory of this encounter will last much longer than the satisfaction of a good one liner.
Famous Poem
Well, son, I'll tell you:
Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
It's had tacks in it,
And splinters,
I was not a very good student when I was in school. I did the minimal amount of work required, retained little and barely paid attention. In 1965, my 8th grade English teacher read MOTHER TO...
Famous Poem
we had goldfish and they circled around and around
in the bowl on the table near the heavy drapes
covering the picture window and
my mother, always smiling, wanting us all
When I was sad and depressed,
I needed you to be cheer me up.
Instead, I drank till I was numb enough not to feel anything.
As the eldest in the family I was always the one who got blamed for the mistakes of my sister. My sister and I don't share a bond. As far as I can remember, we were still young when I put...
Words I say don't always come out right,
and they always seem to start a fight.
I know what I say can hurt you,
I was dating a guy who was 5 years younger than me, and now he wants to live alone, leaving me and us behind. He says there is no chance of being together for us. He wants a girl younger. We...
I'm sorry you missed out when I went to school for the first time,
And you didn't have me tell you that you were all mine.
I'm sorry you weren't there to take me to the mall,
And you weren't there to tell me I have to stand tall.
I am so deeply sorry. I, too, fantasized about a wonderful future with my dad in the picture. He made lots of promises to me when I was younger and I believed in him. But now I know that it...
Analysis of Form and Technique
My heart aches, Dad,
For the things you won't do.
My soul breaks, Dad,
For all that we've been through.
My dad is a substance abuser. He is abusive physically, emotionally and mentally in every possible way imagine. Since I could remember he has degraded my mum, my brothers and me. My mum...
Behind your shadow,
I stand and fall.
It's a tough battle,
In which I feel so small.
My mom abandoned my brother and me. When I was only 11 and my brother was only 10, I took care of him and my little niece and nephew when my mom went out and did her drugs. She'd tell me...
She told her daughter she hated her and wished she was never born.
She didn't even seem to care that the child's heart was torn.
She blamed the child for all of her heartache and pain.
Did she realize emotional abuse can drive a child insane?
This is an amazing letter. It takes so long to reach this point in one's life to be able to write these words and feel them. I know...this letter could be mine, but it isn't. I applaud...
I help you through hard times, as you do for me,
But you really don't know how much I hide.
Even though we are the best of friends,
I really don't think you can understand.
For a dad, it's really hard when you’re unable to heal her most precious heart. I read a poem so it can give me ideas on what else I need to say, but what can a dad do if his daughter is...
I wish, I wish I was daddy's little girl,
I would have a dance with him; into his arms I'd twirl.
I would have someone to hold me close when I get too scared,
Instead I have to dream about it with my best friend Brittany Baird.
I'm 13 years old. I have a dad, but I want him to be with me. We talk on the phone and we say we love each other. But I want him here in my life. I want him to be on my side when my mom...
You were my dad that I once knew,
But little do you know the pain you put me through.
I've grown up and realized
That your life is nothing but one thousand lies.
Wow. I can relate. My father has left and come back about 5 times, and all 5 times we've taken him back. He would stay about a week until he and my mom would have a fight (here 1 week, gone 2...
All those times I cried for you, you never came
Out of all the sports I played
You never showed up at one game
All of the awards I received
This poem touches me in so many ways. Today is my late father's birthday. He recently passed away before Christmas 2017. It may seem strange, but I still yearn for my father's love and...
I'm sorry you missed the day I came home.
I'm sorry you left my Mum all alone.
I'm sorry you missed the first time I walked.
And I'm sorry you missed the first time I talked.
My dad was deported for being caught with drugs a few months before I was born. He wasn't there for any of my firsts. He didn't see me until I was a year old and we moved to Mexico. I grew up...
I am angry at the world, and I often wonder why
I don't want to throw my sorrow on all those who have hurt me
Yet you are one of the main reasons I cry
I cry because you weren't there
This poem really touched me since I am going through a really difficult stage right now. Both of my parents divorced when I was little, but I had always maintained contact with my dad. I...
I wake up every morning to a sky so blue
And wonder, what did I do?
I sit in my classroom only to daydream about you.
Wondering, what did I do?
I made the same decision you did. I wanted them to have some kind of stability and normalcy in their life. I was selling, using, cooking, etc. The danger I put myself in was enough, but to...
Broken promises and sad goodbyes,
you left me standing all alone with tears in the well of my eyes.
In the blink of an eye, you turned your back and walked away;
often I wonder if I'm the reason you didn't stay.
Your poem hit the nail on the head. My ex did this to our daughter while in her early twenties. She is 34 now, and the pain of being erased in his life for his new family has caused nothing...
you were there when I needed you
to catch me if I'd fall
but daddy didn't love me
he didn't care at all
I grew up not knowing that I have a dad, because my dad left me when I was 4 months old and he never cared about me. My mom told me this year, and I looked for him and I found him, but he...
Leaving behind others to take your place,
Carrying on your name, walking around with your face,
Knowing you got left behind,
Wondering what's on my father's mind.
This is my poem. I'm so glad it has inspired so many people.
My dad passed last year, I was able to meet him prior to his passing. Sometimes you just have to forgive people as they do not...
Looking in your eyes
Tells me something's wrong.
Never began to realize
You've neglected for so long.
I can feel this poem. My father died early. I live with my 2 siblings and mother. My grandparents pay for everything for us. My mother is a good person only towards my siblings. She takes me...
Dear Mom,
You said you'd always be there
But you're nowhere to be found
I can't believe you left me
My story began when I was a baby. I got taken into a family, but my sister and brother (only 1 and 2 years older) stayed with my mom. She had another baby girl 2 years younger than me who...