Family Poem by Teens

Poem About Feelings Toward My Lousy Father

My Name is Shayla and I am 15 years old. People have been quite an inconsistent factor in my life, my Dad included. For years our relationship was on/off because of his lack of effort, but I always longed for that father/daughter relationship that I saw other young girls have. Now that I'm older, we go through stages of talking and not talking, but it seems to be more on my terms. It is a little sad, but I have my siblings, so I'm never alone and I love my life!

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My dad was deported for being caught with drugs a few months before I was born. He wasn't there for any of my firsts. He didn't see me until I was a year old and we moved to Mexico. I grew up...

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I'm Sorry...Dad


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

I'm sorry you missed the day I came home.
I'm sorry you left my Mum all alone.
I'm sorry you missed the first time I walked.
And I'm sorry you missed the first time I talked.

I'm sorry you missed tucking me in at night.
I'm sorry you missed turning off my light.
I'm sorry you missed me getting my first fright.
And I'm sorry you weren't there to tell me it's all right.

I'm sorry you never really cared,
Never bothered to make a call.
In fact, I'm not sorry in the slightest bit.
I'm not sorry at all.

You should be sorry,
Sorry to me,
And sorry to all of us,
For what you couldn't be.

A Dad is supposed to love,
Protect, worship and care.
A Dad is supposed to do all of this,
But most importantly be there.

But you couldn't provide,
Protect or care.
You couldn't worship.
And you couldn't be there

Because you made the choice
To never try with me.
Sure, you're on and off now,
But it's just too late, you see.

I mean, I get it now.
And although this makes me sad...
You will always be my father.
You'll just never be my Dad.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Solangel Santoyo by Solangel Santoyo
  • 3 years ago

My dad was deported for being caught with drugs a few months before I was born. He wasn't there for any of my firsts. He didn't see me until I was a year old and we moved to Mexico. I grew up calling my older brother dad because he raised me. I always wanted to be close to my dad, but he never seemed to be interested. My mom tells me stories about how he was so close to my older brother and how when he got back from work he would always play with him and would always do things with my him. But he was never there for me like he was for him. My parents divorced when I was 6. My dad wouldn't even buy me and orange juice because of his pettiness. My mom and him are both now married to different people. I rarely see my dad but enjoy seeing my little brother and sister. They love him very much. I love him too, but I resent him for not being there for me like he has been for my other siblings. I deeply felt the last words in the poem. He will always be my father but has never been my dad.

  • Liberty Starr by Liberty Starr
  • 5 years ago

I can totally relate to this poem because my father was never around and my mom struggled. He left and moved to a different state, then married someone else and her kid. She and her son are evil. This year he tried to jump right back into my life like I would still love him and call him dad, but instead, I call him by his first name. Then he tried to buy my love, but I refuse everything he tries to buy me. My sister loves him and lets him buy her things. To this day, I say I hate him, but when night falls, I still cry myself to sleep.

  • Memphisc by Memphisc
  • 6 years ago

My dad was never around. He was too busy doing drugs.

  • Angel by Angel
  • 8 years ago

My dad left the house when I was 5 years old and he told me that he would never be coming back. I remember he told me to go to back to bed. When I woke up in the morning he was gone. I felt like I had been torn in half. Eventually I had to get over it and move on with my life.

I'm now 15 years old, and even though I absolutely hate my dad because he has never been there for me, I sometimes wonder what having a dad would actually be like for some reason. But I know that my mum loves me with all of her heart, and she is the one who has always been there for me and always will be.

  • Makayla Rowland by Makayla Rowland
  • 6 years ago

I kind of know how you feel. My dad has been around off and on, and he barely comes anymore. I know that my mom loves me, and I know she still loves my dad. But why? He's never around...

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