Family Poem by Teens

Poems About Bad Fathers

Dedicated to every child out there who has been left out by their father. No matter what your dad may do, no matter how bad it hurts, remember that there is such thing as karma, and karma will bite them hard in the long run. Be strong and always be prepared for the day where they will come back and beg you for forgiveness.

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I too hate my dad. My dad abandoned my family many years ago. I don't want his love. He came back home a year ago promising us a good life, but he lied. He often beats my mum, which I can't...

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My Father Is My Enemy

© more by Tanya

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2012 with permission of the Author.

If this is who you really are, then I want you far...
If this is what a father is, then I never want one...
You abandon me in my time of need,
Left me with nothing to eat...
I had to survive on my own two feet...
All the money you had, and still you treated me so bad...
You're the worst dad, and that makes you so glad!!!
What comes around goes right around...
I hate when you yell, I hate that sound!!!
I looked for you and hell is what I found!
I should of been your princess with a crown.
Instead, you treated me like I was your clown.
Betrayed me and left me with a frown!!
Look at my tears, what about my fears?
You can't help me anymore. Don't even try, what for?
I hate what you have done to me!
I used to be so weak. I was afraid to ever speak...
Now I have found strength and I'm not afraid...
I'm not afraid of telling you to leave.
You are my dad just by name. Because of you, I will never be the same...
You are insane, and that's how you will remain.
My mom is good. She's not the one to blame...
She had to play your roll as a dad...
You were never there. She was always so fair...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Allison by Allison
  • 1 month ago

That's just like mine, but not only does mine treat me like that he also acts like I'm not here. I've learned to live with the fact that he wants nothing to do with me. My mom has played every single role that she could and tried to be there for me when my dad wasn't there for me. I refuse to let him in my life because of the way that he treated me.

  • Juan by Juan
  • 3 years ago

My dad was married to our mom, but he had another family too. I found out as a teenager I had three step brothers and never knew them and don't care too. My did was a drunk, beat my mom and molested my sisters. I was 14 years old, and I couldn't take it anymore. He started beating my mom and I fought him off. My mom filed for divorce two days later. My mom worked two jobs to support all 11 of us in the 60's. He died years ago and I don't miss him at all.

  • Promise by Promise
  • 3 years ago

This is what my father is. He divorced my mom and abandoned me and my two sisters. he went and married another wife. He left us when I was 7 years old and my sisters were 5 and 2. Since then, my mom is the one who has been taking care of us. Now I'm grown up and 22 years old, but still I have not seen my father's face. But people that know him say that he's still alive, but I won't forget what he did to us and my lovely mom.

  • Eugene Blackett by Eugene Blackett
  • 4 years ago

I understand how you feel. My father has not abused me; however, my friend has. He was very mean to me and the other people in my friend group. He pretended to be nice at first but became more and more controlling. I don't want you to think I understand how you feel because I don't, but I know how it feels to be verbally abused by someone.

  • Prameus by Prameus
  • 4 years ago

I have many people around me, and still I am alone. My parents never loved me. After 10 years, I lived with my dad for 3 years, and the nightmare just began. He tortured me without touch. He mentally destroyed me. The true me disappeared. People said why is this child acting so weird? And I was abused. Now people say, “You’re so funny,” and they can’t wait to spend time with me, but none of them truly look into my heart. If they did, they would see a child that is shattered, swimming in his own blood.

  • Olivia Rocha by Olivia Rocha
  • 5 years ago

I have a similar story. I'm 13 years old, almost 14. I was abused by my father for 2 years. After his father died, it got worse. Not only was he abusing me, but he was also abusing my mother and older brother. That went on for a year and a half until my mother kicked him out. January of 2020, she will be able to file for a divorce. I detest my father most of the time, but I still miss him. I used to think it was all my fault. I'm visiting him soon, and I'll keep this poem in mind. Love it!

  • Aprajita Upadhyay by Aprajita Upadhyay
  • 6 years ago

I hate my father more than anything else in this world, not because he hurt me and my sibling but because he always hurt my mother, physically, verbally, and mentally. He always used abusive language with my mother. He is not a human being. He's crueler than an animal. He gave me and my siblings a lonely childhood.

  • Jennifer Hernandez by Jennifer Hernandez
  • 8 years ago

My "dad" physically, mentally, and sexually abused me. I hate him so much... it's his fault I'm in foster care for two years now and my family doesn't even care. They helped him escape from the police! The only person I have right now is my grandma, but I feel that I won't be back to my family anytime soon. He hurt me so much. I'm so depressed. It's his fault I am who I am now. I smoke weed, I cut myself, I take pills, and cry myself to sleep. Man, I hate him so much.

  • Anna Mac by Anna Mac
  • 4 years ago

I do not know how it feels to be you, but stay strong. One day your "father" will get what he deserves. I know that you are facing a lot of pain, but do not harm yourself because of that. You are loved and significant to our world. I know I have never faced pain like you, but I myself am going through depression. I know you find it hard to appreciate yourself and accept yourself for who you are, but you are all you are. You might not be able to change much, but I can promise you that at least one person in this world will appreciate you for who you are. I understand that nobody cares for you, but I will always be there for you. Compared to you, I have dealt with nothing. I hope that you manage to survive through all the pain that you have to endure because for your "father." There are people who love you and would be greatly hurt if you died. Please do not hurt yourself. Even if you think there is nobody, there will always be me.

  • Brynn Beckwith by Brynn Beckwith
  • 7 years ago

My name is Brynn Beckwith. I'm just a 16 year old boy from Arkansas. Unlike you, I don't have a story. I was never abused, I was never hurt like you were. I was bullied, but I don't think I've ever been hurt as badly as you have. My parents have always been good people. I've felt alone, lost, betrayed. I've hated everything about myself: my personality, my looks, my lifestyle, and I've viewed everything I've done as a mistake. I've felt a small portion of the pain that you have, and I have tried to hurt myself. I've thought of trying again, but I just can't, especially now that I know that you have had it so much worse. Compared to you, I'm pathetic. I thought I had it bad, but the people on here and you have showed me that I have it good. I don't know why I'm writing this. Just feels like I should. I hope you know people care about you. Though you don't need my sympathy, I hope you know people care about you or that you forgive him for the horrors he has done to you one day. You're strong. Just remember that.

  • Ruby Rare by Ruby Rare
  • 9 years ago

My father never once told me I was pretty like he always did with my sisters. At 59 years old, I finally realized that if he had, I would be an entirely different person than who I am today. Instead, I was left to make my own dreams come true which made me strong, independent, compassionate, valuable, and beautiful--first inside then outside. So today I said a profound thank you to him for never telling me that I was pretty. What did he say? Absolutely nothing. I took that as a "You're welcome".

Because that's who I am.

  • Nour by Nour, Denmark
  • 10 years ago

I have cried for nights, this poem sounds like exactly what's on my mind. I've been asking God why this world is so cruel. Since I opened my eyes I can remember that you never were beside me. Even my birthday you can never remember. What about Mom? What did she do? She was good and always has been. I was afraid to tell people that you are my Dad even though you never cared. How can you sleep at night? How can you smile? How can you dare kill this little angel inside of me? You are not afraid of God? How can you be so bad with a heart made of stone? What about when I cry in front of you asking why you do this to us? You simply answer 'I'm sorry'. Sorry for what? Sorry for breaking my Mom's life? Or for killing my bro who was 6 months old ? Or for breaking my Childhood and future ? You're the worst person I've ever seen and I never loved you and I never will.

  • Rachana Bhandari by Rachana Bhandari
  • 3 years ago

I too hate my dad. My dad abandoned my family many years ago. I don't want his love. He came back home a year ago promising us a good life, but he lied. He often beats my mum, which I can't stand. I often tell my mum to file a case against him, but she never agreed. When my dad has undergone a surgery, my mum took the best care of him. But a few days ago when my mom was sick he didn't give a damn. He was enjoying time with his friends. My friends are appreciated by their father, but my dad never praised me. He never wished me happy birthday. Honestly speaking, it's a shame that I have to call him dad.

  • Jeremiah St Louis by Jeremiah St Louis
  • 5 years ago

That's just like my dad. He's always rude to me and never even listens to me.

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