Anger Poem

Poem By Child Betrayed By Mother

A poem written by a child who feels betrayed by a mother's leaving.

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My story began when I was a baby. I got taken into a family, but my sister and brother (only 1 and 2 years older) stayed with my mom. She had another baby girl 2 years younger than me who...

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Dear Mom


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2006 with permission of the Author.

Dear Mom,
You said you'd always be there
But you're nowhere to be found
I can't believe you left me
I feel so low beneath the ground

There's nothing I can do now
I trusted you with all my heart
But now you're gone
You're the one who tore my life apart

I've learned not to trust
There's nothing more to say
You've lost someone special
You can't get back each day

Now you're the one left in the dark
And all of a sudden you feel my pain
You expect me to take you back
But you still feel you're not to blame

I could never forgive you
Even if I tried
You can never make up
For the lonely nights I've cried

You will never know the feeling
Of losing the person you need the most
To laugh and cry and love you
Instead of making you feel like a ghost

I've moved on with my life
Without you by my side
My pain has kept so long
I'm telling you how I feel inside

In a way I want to thank you
Because of you I'm strong
I just wanted you to know
I didn't turn out wrong


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  • Rating 4.51
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jada Williams by Jada Williams
  • 6 years ago

This is an incredibly relatable poem. The lady I’m living with adopted my mother, and when my mother was 16, she had me. My mom left when she was 19, and she left me with the lady I’m living with. I’ve been living with Helen ever since I came home from the hospital. She’s the one I call mom. My dad also left. When my mom left, she had 3 more kids – two girls and a boy. I see them once every five years. One of my sisters didn’t even know I was her sister. After my dad left, he had a son.

  • Virginia Gonzalez by Virginia Gonzalez
  • 6 years ago

My story began when I was a baby. I got taken into a family, but my sister and brother (only 1 and 2 years older) stayed with my mom. She had another baby girl 2 years younger than me who soon died of a vicious crime. My siblings were taken away, but we all still had contact, spent holidays together, and indeed loved our little lives. After another year went by my mom, had another child. A boy. Then a girl 2 years later. And another girl 1 year later. They had a crazy life. My mom was in and out of all of our lives. She had a baby boy almost 3 years later. I lived in my adopted home and my sister lived with my adoptive mom's mom. My big brother's adoptive parents chose to not let us see him anymore. My mom left for good about a year later. My littlest brother went with my mom's sister and we can't see him anymore. The other 3 littles are doing fine. One with my big sister and grandma (the littlest girl) and my little bro and sis are with our uncle. We are doing good but still miss my mom.

  • Coco Rios by Coco Rios
  • 7 years ago

I was 10 years old when my dad left me because he went to jail for drinking and driving. When he got to his home country he found a wife and never told my mom. After that my mom found out. She started to drink and smoke, and she once slapped me in the face because I look like my dad, so I cried in my closet every day, but now I am 16, and I still have this pain in my heart. I live with my mom and step dad and my half-sister and my real sister.

  • Cindy Nichols Garland by Cindy Nichols Garland, TX
  • 9 years ago

My story starts when my mom let our step-dad mentally abuse me, beat my older sister and molest my younger sister. I had a nervous breakdown at age 15. My mother lives life in compete mode. If I did it she did it better. That includes medical issues. The cake though is that she keeps saying my husband touched our granddaughter when it was proven he didn't as well as the parents revealing they were mistaken. She cannot remember our childhood as she has blocked it out of her mind. I believe the stress caused my husbands immune system to lower and now he is battling non Hodgkin's lymphoma. Triple hit which has devastating odds. She didn't cause the cancer but the stress made it worse. MOMS- just love your kids and who they choose to love. It's not a competition on who can love me more.

  • Jo by Jo
  • 10 years ago

My mum had a terrible life herself, her dad was violent and drunk and her mum didn't care for and protect her. She left home by 11. When she had her babies she loved them until she began to find life with us stressful. She started drinking and smoking dope every day and that's when she started yelling and getting really violent with dad and us. She got so bad that once she pulled a knife and threatened to kill herself then my dad. The police came and now she has left us and we don't really see her much. I feel empty and sad without my mum. I love her and wish she would stop using drugs and get help for her emotions.

  • Mackenzie Quigley by Mackenzie Quigley
  • 10 years ago

I know how you feel except my mother left me when I was 11 but now I am 13. She did drugs and tried to pay me with nice things so I would love her and that I would not find out the truth about her. The thing is I don't miss her any more. She would lie and steal. I don't think she loved me that much because she smoked when I was in her stomach. I could of died, or been defected, I wondered if she even cared about my health or if she even wanted me. I am fine now I go to a regular school, I live with my dad and brother with my dad's girlfriend. But I have a half brother living some were, I wonder If he remembers me? Anyway do not speak of this to anyone except yourself.

  • Wendy by Wendy
  • 10 years ago

This really got to me, I'm 15 and my mom left me when I was 18 months I struggle everyday thinking about it but this poem explains everything I'm feeling it really brought tears to my eyes.

  • Anna by Anna
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for this, I can't stop crying as it's exactly how I feel. The bit that really touched me was the part 'that they think they have not done anything wrong!!! That they somehow are the victim??? Truly heartfelt xx

  • India by India
  • 11 years ago

This poem really touched me. My mom never really left us, but that's because while we were growing up she was too drunk to care. Later she gave up drinking but then became so self obsessed. It's always been like I'm the parent and she's the kid who needs pampering to every whim. I grew up learning that it was wrong of me to leave her so today at the age of 48, even though I'm married and have a child. (To whom my kid says, I'm a fantastic mum) however hard I try she is always my first priority. She always tells me she loves her eldest son and I don't mean anything to her. Thank god she loves my child. I'm always supposed to feel sorry for all her problems in life.

  • Mogane by Mogane, Belgium
  • 11 years ago

My mother left us when I was 17, just when I needed her the most. I tried to commit suicide but my friends pulled me through. Now I don't want anything to do with her anymore. Lots of people don't understand me, just because they've never been in this situation. It's a good feeling, to know that I'm not alone, that she's not the only mother who left her own children.

  • Destinie Helms by Destinie Helms
  • 5 years ago

You are not alone, trust me. My mom left when I was only 9 months old. I'm 14 now and it still has a lasting effect on me.

  • Chaitrika by Chaitrika
  • 11 years ago

Ahis is a nice poem.....a letter from a child who lost his/her mother at a tender age. It truely softens my heart....I can never imagine a day without my you mom.

  • Kimberly by Kimberly
  • 12 years ago

Oh my gosh I love this poem I mean its like you just told the story of life and wrote the letter I have been wanting to write for so many years now. It's amazing. Thank you for writing this poem.

  • Shanine Annah Gayle by Shanine Annah Gayle
  • 12 years ago

Teenage years was when I truly found out the real side of my mom..... she became so overprotective towards to me. Sometimes I think she is cramping my style by not allowing me to attend the social events my heart could ever desire.....

  • Bhutan by Bhutan, Thimphu
  • 12 years ago

After reading this poem I, as a mother realized the importance of knowing and respecting our children feelings before we really leave them behind no matter how bad the situation is.

  • Whitni Brandle by Whitni Brandle
  • 12 years ago

My mom left my life just after I turned 14 and this poem sounds just like something that I would think. You're a gifted writer, keep it up(:

  • Sarah by Sarah, Oklahoma
  • 12 years ago

This is just what I needed to hear. My mother called child protective services to my home and told them horrible lies that got my three beautiful daughters taken from me. I can never forgive her. My new born daughter was placed in her fathers care he broke both her legs and four of her ribs. Instead of standing with her daughter she chose him instead. I hate you mom.

  • Charlene by Charlene, California
  • 9 years ago

Sarah, I can't imagine the pain of all of this, that you went through. My heart broke reading your story. I pray that your children have or will be returned to you. I'm so sorry and will pray for you and your daughters.

  • Arkansas by Arkansas
  • 12 years ago

I know how hard it is to go with out a mother. Mine gave me up for drugs and men. I never knew my father but I learned how to deal with life on my own. This poem really touched me, I cried when I read it. My mother tried to come back in my life when I was 12 and allowed her new husband to rape me and she acted as if it was ok. I have 2 girls of my own now and I want them to know I'm never leaving them. Thank you for writing that so others know they are not alone.

  • Emily Mason by Emily Mason, Montana
  • 13 years ago

After my brother died, the family has never been the same, as expected, but my mom was the worst. She suffered from depression afterward and still does. I know it's not her fault, but it sucked for all of us, and I needed her but she wasn't there. I had to be strong for my family, and I am just a kid. Losing a son is hard, but she lost everyone else, and it seems like she doesn't even realize what she did.
Thank you for writing this.

  • Angie by Angie, California
  • 13 years ago

Well I just wanted to say that this story really touched my heart because it compares to something. I'm going mom left her 5 kids for a man (I am the youngest)...she didn't really leave me my whole life but it's worse because I know how she was and I miss her more than ever! :'(
Thank you for this poem it really really touched my heart! <3
It relates to me so much that I had to put on Facebook...I hope she reads it! <3

This is a very good poem, it really touched my heart. My mother left me when I was 15 months old. I was allowed to stay with her until I was about five because she would always leave me at other peoples houses when my dad would let me stay the night with her. Anyways I'm glad you could kind of put what I'm feeling into words. Thanks for everything.

  • Mariana by Mariana
  • 13 years ago

My heart is saddened by your poem. My heart breaks for you. My story is a little different from yours but in so many ways the same. I hope that God heals your heart one day and that you are able to forgive her.

  • Mariam Letriz by Mariam Letriz
  • 13 years ago

My mother abandoned me when I was 8 months old. I now have three children that she has never come to love. I know the pain and I can relate completely.

  • Franchesca Strood by Franchesca Strood
  • 13 years ago

The day after me 16 birthday my mum put me in care. Since that day I have never been myself. I lost everything and everyone and now I am trying to grow strong. I have attempted to commit suicide several times and now I say to myself each day people have it worse then me. So now I do more charity work and help people as they need it but I still need my mum xx

  • Lorenza by Lorenza, San Bernardino CA
  • 13 years ago

Wow.... I like this poem . it was written straight from the heart. My mom is still alive but is in her addiction with meth. I have lost my father to heroin, But I'm still alive and kicking and clean from drugs ! Thank you for your true feelings ...because I don't want to be "that mom".

  • Mudra by Mudra
  • 13 years ago

Wow! Just absolutely love this poem. I don't know about my real parents but I was adopted by an American family and they left me at age 17 years old and didn't want me to be in their life. Thank you for writing this poem and it means so much to me.

  • Caroline by Caroline, Pakistan
  • 13 years ago

This Poem touched my heart,
My Mother left me at the age of 15 and took my two other younger sisters with her to live with her new Boyfriend.I lived my life looking at my father drinking and doing dope all night and day.I shshouldn't be saying this but I hate my mother at times....

  • Toronto by Toronto
  • 13 years ago

My mom left me at age 14 living by myself, and I didn't tell anybody cause she came back every few weeks. I left at age 16, and she told me never to contact her again when I wouldn't come back. I remember taking care of her most of the time, and I thank her for that cause it has made me a strong person

  • Liza by Liza, Indiana
  • 14 years ago

This poem hits the heart, my mom left me and my sister. Came back to my sister and never even tried with me. It's hard but life does move on, and does make you stronger.

  • Tori by Tori, Oregon
  • 14 years ago

Thank you for this. I love it so much and have the same feelings. It was great to find something that put my feelings into words

  • Chris Rogers by Chris Rogers
  • 15 years ago

My mother never left, but she lied to me about my biological father, she said he signed me over because he didn't want anything to do with me, but he actually couldn't afford the child support, so she threatened to sue him if he didn't sign us over.

  • Tarina by Tarina
  • 16 years ago

wow its like you took the words right out of my head. My mom didn't ever really leave but she'd be gone for up to a few years before calling. thank you for posting this poem it really helped me.

  • anonymous by anonymous
  • 16 years ago

WOW. this poem is amazing. It really touched me. its like a letter written to your mom I absolutely LOVE it. amazing job =]

  • tamika by tamika
  • 16 years ago

That really meant a lot to me! as my biological mother left me at 18 months old and has been in and out of my life ever since and I know what that poem is meaning and I totally understand. Xx

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