1. Shining Star
The angels looked down from heaven one night.
They searched for miles afar,
And deep within the distance
They could see a shining star.
What are some of the feelings that one might feel when a friend passes away? When someone that is special to us is gone it can be difficult to continue living life. Things that were special to you may begin to seem pointless when you don't have that special person to share it with. All of the things that you did together are reminders of the loss that you have suffered. Do yourself a favor and take the time to mourn your loss. As you go through the five stages of grief; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, memories of the good times you spent together may bring a smile to your face instead of a painful grimace.
The angels looked down from heaven one night.
They searched for miles afar,
And deep within the distance
They could see a shining star.
In memory of my aunt, Rose, who is looking down on us right now. She is definitely a guardian angel because my 7 year old (who is now 9) was hit by a drunk driver while crossing the street...
My dear friend,
close your eyes...
hold my hand,
and hear me whisper.
This poem touched my heart. I lost two friends some years ago. They each kept their sickness from me. I just didn't know. The last time that I saw one of them I took her all of her birthday...
Today is the day you will be laid to rest,
But you know what they say,
God only takes the best.
Everything happens for a reason,
I lost a dear friend and very close colleague of mine during the Easter Break precisely April 25, 2019 (Easter Sunday) in a ghastly motor accident while visiting family at country home....
It's okay to miss you,
It's okay to cry.
Just know I'll never forget you.
This isn't a permanent goodbye.
I lost a dear one yesterday. She died of kidney failure. We were supposed to get married soon. We both had plans for the future. She was the one with a plain/good heart. She was full of life....
I understand how you feel. I lost my parents and 4 of my best friends in a short time. Overwhelming grief affected my faith in God and took over my life. Every day I wonder, "Where did all...
We are here to celebrate your life
And the measure of its worth
And every single life you touched
While you were on this earth.
I sit around and wonder
and watch the days go by.
I look at all the pictures
and ask, why did you have to die?
I lost a friend about a year ago. She was 13 or 14 years old and like family to me. Some people think it was suicide, but I'm not sure. Even though it's been almost a year, I still have...
Farewell my friend, you're leaving.
It's time for you to go.
Your friendship was a blessing,
And I will miss you so.
On MAY 9, 2017, around 04:00 in early hours of the morning heaven couldn't wait for Lindo. May 8th is my birthday. I celebrated it all by myself and planned that on the coming weekend Lindo...
Since the loss of you,
I've learned to live for each day
And take it as a blessing,
Knowing it may not always be this way.
When I was about ten, I went to my first summer camp. I had so much fun. No one could break that happiness I had throughout the whole camp. I always made friends with older people, manly...
I wish I could give you many more years.
I wish I could erase away all of your tears.
I want to take away all of your pain.
On this very same day, I lost a friend who was more like a sister to me. She has been suffering from kidney failure for more than 4 years now, and only today God decided to snatch her away...
Although unheard, I thank you
For always being there.
Even when you were bedridden,
You always seemed to care.
My friend passed away on the 27th July 2013, 10 days before her 21st birthday. She'd had a hard fight with Cystic Fibrosis. I had to leave the country the day that she passed away, but the...
I know you are in a better place,
But I miss looking at your face.
You were so young to die.
Every night I sit and cry,
My best friend died on 09/23/17. It was the hardest thing I've ever gone through. She killed herself, and I can't help but think that I was to blame. Not even 3 days later, another one of my...
My best friend has gone away.
No more will we laugh and play,
No more games and whispered secrets shared.
No more comfort knowing she cared.
It's been a super bad start to this year. It seems like every week I have had to say goodbye to those I considered so dear. Many I didn't even get to talk to one last time. It's put me in a...
There was no time to say goodbye.
But this I ask - please do not cry.
Remember me as you think best.
Remember the happy times, but forget the rest.
Joan was a very positive lady who suffered from COVID-19 twice. I enjoyed your short friendship and missed you when you left the group I lived in. A stroke didn't dampen your understanding of...
The way I miss you is different now,
I don't think about forever; I just don't know how.
I miss your face, your laugh, and your smile,
He is a friend to remember,
A friend I miss so much.
I think about all the laughter
And even the times we'd touch.
If I knew then what I know now
I would've spent more time with you.
Things go by so fast,
And I wish I could go back and change the past.
You can no longer see me, but please know that I am there
I am the flowers in the garden, I am the wind beneath your hair
The memories that I left behind, shall forever be with you
As for me I am in heaven now, where my life will start anew
I am a breast cancer survive. Out lived two beautiful women in my life my mother and co-worker they both had stage 4 breast cancer. Please don't blame them because cancer gave no signs the...
I cherished the times when we were together
I hoped that it would last forever
but now there's nothing I can do
today I'll say my goodbye to you
Good-bye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart's the memory, and there you'll always be.
You are with me every day,
I feel you with every breath,
Your thought is with me,
With every decision I make.
I had two friends that had recently committed suicide I hadn't known them long but it was long enough. Your poem was the exact thing that I have tried to say but could never find the words.