Loss of a Friend Poem

In Memory Of A Friend Poem

This is a poem I wrote in memory of Lauren Rhodes. She was one of my good friends. She passed a way in a car wreck not too long ago. I felt like she was whispering these words in my ear.

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I understand how you feel. I lost my parents and 4 of my best friends in a short time. Overwhelming grief affected my faith in God and took over my life. Every day I wonder, "Where did all...

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Don't Cry For Me Today


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2011 with permission of the Author.

Don't cry for me today,
I wouldn't want it this way.

Be strong and smile,
for you will see me in a while.

I know you miss me,
but now in Heaven I will be.

Do not keep your sad face.
I am in a much better place.

Do not let your tears fall,
for I cannot wipe them all.

Yes, my life wasn't long,
But I'm begging you to be strong.

Live every moment as if it were your last.
I won't forget any memories that have passed.

Cherish life and love
as I watch you from above.

As I remember all of the good things,
I come to see I have gotten my wings.

It is time to go and fly.
As your guardian angel I will try.

Don't cry for me today.
I'm on my way.

Soaring through the sky,
I watch all of you telling me goodbye.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Joy Skrove by Joy Skrove
  • 1 year ago

Today I found your poem
Today I needed that poem
Today my dearest friend lay dying.
Today I am more at peace
Today I found your poem

  • Janice Tupper by Janice Tupper, Florida
  • 10 years ago

I lost a very dear friend and companion to cancer almost 9 months ago. Then 6 months later I lost my Uncle & Aunt on the same day and I just can't seem to think of anything else but my loved ones on a daily basis. I still cry every day for the 3 of them and can't seem to think of anything else. I found your poem and it made me cry but it also made me feel somewhat at peace too. I have saved it and will read it often. Thank you.

  • Lisa Pope Padilla by Lisa Pope Padilla
  • 8 years ago

I understand how you feel. I lost my parents and 4 of my best friends in a short time. Overwhelming grief affected my faith in God and took over my life. Every day I wonder, "Where did all the dead people go?" Every day that thought consumed me. I realized by all my wonderment and grief I was no longer living my life. Something had to give. But how does someone change their feelings? Seemed impossible, but it's not. Hopefully this will help you as it did me. This seams mean, but trust me, those who have passed would understand. When you think of someone who has passed, immediately think of something else. Do this constantly throughout your day. The more you do this, the easier it becomes. Pick a time in your day or night for an hour to think about those you loved and lost. Cry and relive memories at that time. Once that hour is over go back to not thinking about them. This way you may live YOUR LIFE, while you're still alive! Good luck and God Bless

  • Rielle by Rielle, Canada
  • 11 years ago

I have never lost anyone close to me, but when my best friend asked me to sing at her grandmothers funeral, I said yes.
She asked me to turn your poem into a song, and I did, I have my band play and I sang it, after the service my friend told me she knows her grandmother will be at peace after hearing such a lovely song.
To this day I am lucky enough to have everyone I know and love alive, but whenever I read this poem or am asked to sing it, I think of how at any moment I could lose those I love dearly, Thank you for your poem truly says it all.

  • Rachel by Rachel, Ohio
  • 11 years ago

My son took his own life on December 16, 2012. He was only 16 yrs old. Not only did he leave us right before Christmas, but his birthday is December 28th. The beautiful way this poem is written, gives me the hope that he found the peace in death that he could not achieve in life and whatever torment he suffered that he could not bring to those who loved him, was finally lifted from him and we will one day have an answer.

  • Dianna by Dianna, Alaska
  • 11 years ago

We have a very close friend who is on her death bed due to alcohol. They took her off life support today as they have tried everything to make her better. As I sit her waiting for the sad news, I found your poem...beautiful it is. I shared this with my mother who sits next to her friend holding her hand and talking to her, and hope she has shared with the family. Heaven will receive yet another angel, and as tragic as it is, I know there will be no more suffering. Thanks for sharing your poem.

  • Valerie by Valerie, Colorado
  • 11 years ago

I lost my best friend Luz Chavez to suicide. and I miss her to this day. This poem gave me some peace and gave me some closure. thanks for putting this up. R.I.P luz chavez 1998-2012

  • Alex Sims by Alex Sims, Alabama
  • 12 years ago

There was a little girl at my school and this past summer she died she was in girl scouts in a children's group at church a cheerleader and going to 4th grade she died because her dad crashed from drunk driving. She took the impact she was only nine years of age dearly missed and very special in our hearts
Rip Sarah Peavy

  • Sarah Deshotel by Sarah Deshotel, Pine Prairie
  • 12 years ago

My son lost both of his best friends On May 22, 2012. This poem has helped bring a little comfort to him and me. Only two hours before the accident I was helping the boys make their schedule for their Sr. year of high school. They were talking of the future plans. Kyle was so excited that he was planning to get his pilot license. He wanted to fly more than anything. Now I know they are soaring through the sky and watching over all of their friends. Miss you Kade and Kyle. Forever our angels

  • Kelsey Chambers by Kelsey Chambers, Ohio
  • 13 years ago

I lost a dear family friend, her name was Chris, I just got back from her viewing and service about 30 minutes ago, and well she loved my cousin dearly and I loved her as family, she died from a drug over dose, and I cried so much today that my head hurts, but when I read this it made me feel almost glad. Thanks for the poem, it can be supporting and positive in some case, especially mine...

  • Soledad Rodrguez De Caro by Soledad Rodrguez De Caro
  • 13 years ago

My little brother passed away Jan 10th, 2012 and one of his friends posted your poem on his Facebook. We read it to mom in Spanish it made her feel some what in peace. My brother was the youngest of eight siblings and loved by so many people. He was loving and caring for everyone that came into his life, although he was lost and sad in this world, a side that not many people knew about. My brother was only 30 years of age. Reading your poem just reassures me he's in a better place. Thank you and God Bless

  • Charlotte Hawkins by Charlotte Hawkins, Maine
  • 13 years ago

I had a dear friend murdered on November 29, 2011. He was a special man who loved his children, his friends were also a big part of his life. He loved life and to have it taken from him at such a young age of 53. This poem is wonderful, Thank-You

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