Loss of a Friend Poem

It has been four years since the death of my best friend, and it doesn't get easier. This deals with the pain after several years.

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My friend passed away on the 27th July 2013, 10 days before her 21st birthday. She'd had a hard fight with Cystic Fibrosis. I had to leave the country the day that she passed away, but the...

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Time Is Meant To Heal


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

Although unheard, I thank you
For always being there.
Even when you were bedridden,
You always seemed to care.

You meant so much to all of us;
You were special and that's no lie.
You brightened up the darkest day
And even the greyest sky.

Many tears I have seen and cried.
They have all poured out like rain.
I know that you are happy now
'Cause you're no longer in pain.

Four years on, I remember you
And what you used to say.
You made each of us smile
And live to the fullest each day.

They say in time it gets easier.
I believe this isn't true
Because even after all this time,
I still don't have a clue.

I was not ready to say goodbye.
Your disease just over took,
So on this day we remember you.
I take a second look.

Our friendship is forever.
Until death, did we part.
Although you're away physically,
You're always in my heart.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Caitlin by Caitlin, Uk
  • 11 years ago

My friend passed away on the 27th July 2013, 10 days before her 21st birthday. She'd had a hard fight with Cystic Fibrosis. I had to leave the country the day that she passed away, but the day before, when we'd been told she only had hours, I had the chance to sit and talk with her and say goodbye. It was the hardest moment of my life but I felt so lucky to be able to say goodbye and have her say it back. This poem just captures how it felt and how it feels now. Thank you for sharing it.

  • Eva by Eva, New Caney
  • 11 years ago

My friend for over 35 years just passed away from pancreatic cancer. they found out in Feb that she has had it for 6 months. In that time she cared for her dying Mother and buried her. My friends funeral is Friday I'd like to copy this and read it and letting them know it's not my poem but my feelings I can't seem to write..

  • Singapore by Singapore
  • 12 years ago

Thanks and Maybe this day all my memories will be forever in my heart :')

  • Pensacola by Pensacola
  • 12 years ago

This is a beautiful poem I just lost my uncle Jan. 3 2013 and that said a lot. It's beautiful but could use a lot more hope I'm not being selfish.

  • Emily Ramirez by Emily Ramirez, CT
  • 12 years ago

My brother died on October 29 & sometimes I feel like I cant do nothing without him because he was my main inspiration sometimes I wish I could go back and time and have taken that one bullet for him but this poem ? Just made me feel way better R.I.P Jasson <3

  • Penny by Penny
  • 12 years ago

My friend died Tuesday July 31, 2012. Even though I knew it was coming I can't get over it. We loved each other so and were apart of each others family. I feel as if someone ripped my guts out. I know in time I will heal.

  • Jerrod Rusich by Jerrod Rusich, Riverside
  • 13 years ago

A couple weeks ago my friend was shot and he died in the hospital a couple days later, and his death effected half of my school (Poly High School).

  • Megan by Megan, San Antonio Texas
  • 14 years ago

My friends brother and dad died about 3 months ago. My friend acts like nothing happened and it bothers me cause I know he loved them. I miss them so much and cry almost every night. This is one of my favorite poems ever! It's helped a lot.

  • Hannah by Hannah, NY
  • 15 years ago

My aunt passed away 3 years ago it will be 4 years in July. I was camping with my parents and sister, It was about 4 o'clock in the morning and my mom got a phone call from my grandma and she said my aunt died. I was about 10 years old and I didn't really know what was happening. All I knew was that my mom got a phone call and she started crying for about 2 days straight. I was to scared to ask what happened. But finally my mom told me that my aunt drinking then took some pain pills. I had never seen her drink before so this was a shock to me. So my Uncle took her to the hospital and they pumped her stomach then she died. She drank and took those pain pills because my oldest cousin was going off to college and she didn't know how to deal with it so she did that and that's what killed her. This poem really speaks to me because I haven't healed. I still think about her every day and cry about her every day. I just hope that one day this wound will heal even if it turns into a scar.

  • Rose by Rose, MN
  • 15 years ago

This is a wonderful poem. My best friend was also diagnosed with Leukemia when she was younger, I didn't understand what was going on, I was too young at the time to really understand. I would spend every waking minute with her in the hospital. All the years, I was there for her, and she was always there for me. But she passed away 6 years ago when we were 9. Now that I've grown I understand what happened, and that only makes it worse. Time really hasn't healed me. It's made it worse. But because of my friends, I hold up. But sometimes, in the hardest times, I want her, and I need her, but she's not there. I know the pain you have all gone through. just know there are others with the same story, and you're not alone.

  • Kim by Kim
  • 15 years ago

Thank You for your comment Shelly,
Its hard when you love someone so much and all you want is the pain to stop, Its been 5 years now since my loved one passed on, you never forget that person EVER! Sorry for hear about your friend, I hope in time your pain starts to fade...
Take care x

  • Shelly Moffitt by Shelly Moffitt
  • 15 years ago

This poem means a lot to me. Today is the 1 year anniversary that my best friend was diagnosed with Leukemia. I was trying to find a poem that I could relate to and I found it when I read this one. I've been told it gets easier but I'm still having a hard time with it. My best friend passed away on May 16, 2009. I'm sure that will be another bad day in my life. She was 32 yrs old and left behind a 9 month old baby and a 3 year old. We are blessed to have 2 special gifts she left behind. Again thanks for this poem.

  • Kim Thompson by Kim Thompson Poet
  • 16 years ago

Thank you for your comments people, Time heals wounds but it takes so much longer than you realize...I wrote this because I was in so much pain and no-one could understand the affects her death had on me...I hope this helps you in your time of need :)
Kim x

  • heidi by heidi
  • 16 years ago

My friend, Paul died three months. ago today and I hate it, I a mad and sad all at the same time and there is nothing I can do, he lost his life w/ a needle in his arm and that picture is the one I can't shake.

  • 16 years ago

I have lost so many people and everyone says time heals but after reading this I knew it never will ... Thanks for this poem.

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