In Memory Poem

Friend Is An Angel Poem

The light that keeps you going, the star that makes you remember or the sun beam that brings back a memory. A friend lives on through light.

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I met my late husband through my cousins. I knew for years that my late husband had a crush on me, but I always thought of him like family, until one day that all change when we talked for...

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You're My Star, My Dear

© more by Alex

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2011 with permission of the Author.

The beam shines down,
The rays so bright,
The stars come forward,
At the dead of night.

I feel you close,
You're always here,
The glow of the sun,
You're my star, my dear.

An angel gained,
A distance apart,
Our friendship lives on,
A place in my heart.

I feel you close,
You're always here,
The glow of the sun,
You're my star, my dear.

A loss like this,
Won't heal too soon,
You light the sky,
The sun, the stars, the moon.

I feel you close,
You're always here,
The glow of the sun,
You're my star, my dear.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Qiwanne by Qiwanne, Lakeland
  • 9 years ago

I met my late husband through my cousins. I knew for years that my late husband had a crush on me, but I always thought of him like family, until one day that all change when we talked for hours.
I think that when I fell in love with him from that point on he was my heart that I felt like it couldn't pump without him. On one Thursday September 17,2009 that changed when a massive heart attack took him to glory, God knows I miss him dearly.

  • Gloria by Gloria, Georgia
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem! It has such a special meaning to me. I lost my ex-husband who was also my dear friend 16 years ago this coming April and ever since he died, I feel him near me. I know that he is my guardian angel, always there, and he loved me when he died.

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