Husband Death Poem

Poem About Grief And Loss Of A Husband

I wrote this poem for my wonderful mum who felt so very alone when my dad passed away. I wrote it to fill her heart with some sort of hope.

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This wonderful morning I woke up realizing you're two hours away, sick, and unable to play. I said my prayers and begged God to keep you safe and to heal all your strife and illness away. A...

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To Fill Her Heart With Hope

Sarah B. Blackstone © more by Sarah B. Blackstone

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2008 with permission of the Author.

She got up this morning,
sun shining through the blind.
She took a look in the mirror,
and something crossed her mind.

You weren't there to see her wake.
She didn't see your smile,
for when she does, she feels like
her days are all worthwhile.

She went into work today,
kids running through the halls.
She looked at plans for tomorrow
and is sad when nobody calls.

She got in her car to go home today.
On the radio she heard a song;
it reminded her of you
and how hurtful it is you're gone.

She went out with a friend tonight,
smiled and wore a brave face,
for all she really wants in life
is to have you in this place.

She gets a daunting feeling,
one that won't disappear.
What's the point in all of this?
What's the point when you're not here?

She went to sleep that night,
tried to prepare for the days ahead.
If she looks real careful,
you're there on your side of the bed.

Stroke her hair and tell her
that no matter what life throws,
you have a love like no other;
in death it continues to grow.

She got up this morning,
sun shining through the blind.
She took a look in the mirror,
and something crossed her mind.

You WERE there to see her wake,
and she could see your smile,
and when she did, she realized
you're only absent for a while.

She closes her eyes and in the dark,
she knows she'll see you again.
The only thing that troubles her
is not being able to say when.

For now, she must be patient,
and one day her time will come,
and you'll be there to take her hand
and safely guide her home.


more by Sarah B. Blackstone

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • GIUSEPPE CorraoJr by GIUSEPPE CorraoJr
  • 6 years ago

This wonderful morning I woke up realizing you're two hours away, sick, and unable to play. I said my prayers and begged God to keep you safe and to heal all your strife and illness away. A whisper I heard in my heart; "All will be well in your life!" Our time together has gone by quickly, but you always stuck so close to me, like my walking stick! Keeping me from falling and straightening me up when I needed it! Jennifer, my words are lost, but this I know like a beautiful rose. I want to put you on display. You're blooming into a real treasure, smelling so sweet, and looking tender. Our souls have known each other before we ever met. God's arms, like mine are wrapped tightly around you, so don't ever despair when times are rough, because just like our Lord, I'm here for you in your life when you have to go through all of life's strife.

  • Daniellagray by Daniellagray
  • 7 years ago

I love this poem. It is very touching and brought a few tears to my eyes. Well-written. Excellent use of words. Amazing.

  • Dawna by Dawna, Florida
  • 10 years ago

I Love this Poem, I lost my father May 06, 2006 on his sixty-fifth birthday, I lost my mother December 07, 2013 it is a very heart felt Poem and touches a lot of lives in someway, God bless you

  • Teresa Garcia by Teresa Garcia, Oklahoma USA
  • 10 years ago

In my heart you'll always stay, The years and miles couldn't take that away. I have so many memories and feelings I can't explain. I feel this yearning but also some pain. Your sparkling eyes and so sweet smile. I find myself wondering all the while, what could have been if we had done things different back then. We went our separate ways by chance or by God's grace we met once again yesterday. You awoke that love inside of me that had been silent since 1973. l was nervous an trembling like I was back then, you hugged me so tightly you made everything alright. You always looked after me and made me feel safe no matter where we went. Regardless of what anyone might say I know you were heaven sent. I may not remember all we said or did, although your kindness and gentleness I could never forget. I treasure everything about us and will never regret our time together. If it is possible I love you even more.

  • William Croxon by William Croxon
  • 11 years ago

Wow, what a delight to read and well written, I love poetry when like a story you can picture it and as only poems can do, do it all in a few lines not a whole book! Well written, lovely poem!

  • Liz by Liz, Dublin
  • 11 years ago

Such a heart felt poem, reminds me of my late sister, and how her husband feels empty without her.
well written.

  • Adex Emmanuel. Nigeria by Adex Emmanuel. Nigeria, Gombe
  • 13 years ago

So great..... I love that, and that reminds me of my lovely friend who passed away on 30th September 2009. Love you dear friend and the whole school misses you.

  • Theo Christo by Theo Christo, Melbourne Aus
  • 14 years ago

What an amazing poem. Seriously made me tear. I think many of us can fit within this story. Well done.

  • Glory by Glory
  • 14 years ago

This poem touched me a lot because my dad passed away recently and I can feel the void my mum has. Please dear God give her strength to face what happened, they were like love birds, I wish one day God will give me a husband who'll treat me good as what I saw from my parents. Love you dear dad. We miss you a lot.

  • carol by carol
  • 16 years ago

I lost my father 10 months ago and my youngest sister only 2 days ago. Your poem is just so beautiful. It touched my soul.
Thank you

Wow.........that was so touching.
So compassionate hence the category. I loved it. Fantastic work!

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