Husband Death Poem

Mourning A Spouse's Death Poem

To my darling husband who died in March 2008. This poem has helped me to express my feelings to all who are going through the same situation as me.

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I lost my husband 3 months ago. My heart is still aching as strongly as the day he died. He was not ill, and was taken from me suddenly. I suppose that is the hardest part. I had no time to...

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My Lost Love


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2010 with permission of the Author.

I have only just lost you; the pain is hard to bear.
Do I have to go through life knowing you're not there?
Please, someone explain to me why he had to go.
Are there any reasons, I really need to know?
I sit here and remember all the lovely times we shared,
the talks, the laughter, of everyone you cared.
I am told the pain will ease in time
and I will think of him without a tear,
but that will be impossible as I need to have him here.
He was my very world, my ever-guiding star.
Just kiss me softly on the cheek and tell me where you are.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mrs Eleanor Ann Gibbons by Mrs Eleanor Ann Gibbons
  • 4 years ago

So very touched, My husband died just months ago 7th April 2020. Just 61 years old and weeks away from our Ruby Wedding. This corona virus took him from me. He was healthy and my care giver. When they took him into hospital I was never to see, speak or hear from him again.
No big funeral for all to say goodbye. Just 5 sat 2 metres apart. No-one to hold me and share my grief. I don't think I will ever get over this, like the poem ....please someone explain why! Was my cancer fight 10 years ago not enough pain. He was too good a person to die like this.

  • Vera Jenkins by Vera Jenkins
  • 3 years ago

My husband of 44 years died 3 weeks ago. He suffered with multiple conditions, but the last 6 months were the hardest. When I read notes and texts he sent me thanking me for taking such good care of him, I can only be grateful and say to myself I did what I could. I know the suffering we see and feel are temporary. Revelation 21:3-4 promises that one day soon God will wipe out every tear from our eyes and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away...our lives are on a detour from what was purposed from the start. When we learn why we suffer and die, the reality is much easier to bear.

  • Cabbie by Cabbie
  • 4 years ago

I lost my husband 20 days ago. He was taken suddenly from me without any signs. It pains me every day and is agonizing as each seconds pass. The memories are more hurtful because it makes me sadder than ever. I cannot mask the emotion and it's drilling inside my head. I have flashbacks and replay everything that happened that day. I tried to pray hard so I can grieve with acceptance. I tried to journal but every word hurts like no other. I don't know why he was taken away so early in our 22 years of marriage. No more Father's Day nor anniversary, his birthday and every loving occasion. How can I survive the pain? But one thing I know is that this is not goodbye. One day we will meet again.

  • Claire by Claire
  • 4 years ago

I lost my husband 3 months ago. My heart is still aching as strongly as the day he died. He was not ill, and was taken from me suddenly. I suppose that is the hardest part. I had no time to prepare. I still believe I am living in a nightmare and he will return and wake me from this tormented dream. We were together 26 years. He was my soulmate and best friend. He loved me for who I was, not for who I might become. I had never known unconditional love until I met him. He was a true renaissance man. He had a curious mind. He could talk to anyone. He was a talented artist, and he found solace in creating beauty. He loved and respected nature. I am finding it very hard to go about the tasks of day-to-day living. I feel as though I am slogging through quicksand to move through my grief. I want to feel better, but he was the one who helped me through my difficult life passages. I feel his presence most of the time and believe we will be together again one day.

  • Catalina by Catalina
  • 2 months ago

I lost my husband suddenly with no signs at all. He was only 36 we had our entire life ahead of us and I feel I don't belong in this world anymore. It's been nearly a year and I struggle as the first day. I can't stop crying thinking about him, Gosh we were so one, so happy. People say perfection doesn't exist but it's a lie because I lived with a perfect dream husband and the saddest thing is I now have to live this horrible life without him. How to move on? I don't believe to anything and anyone saying this will get easier because for me it gets harder and harder. I really wish to know how, when the love of my life and my dream is gone what to hold on to any more.

  • Velma Fobbs by Velma Fobbs
  • 4 years ago

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I just laid my husband to rest this past Monday...two days ago. He was only 49, I am 43. It hurts, but God has been giving me peace. I am having up and down moments throughout the day. This is my second husband. My first husband passed away when he was 29 and I was 23. My first husband passed away from congestive heart failure. My current husband passed away from COVID. I find my strength in praying for and helping others. I will be praying for you. I am so sorry you have to endure this pain. May the peace of God be with you and cover you.

  • Funasi by Funasi
  • 4 years ago

Hi Claire,
I know how you feel. I lost my husband 11 months ago. Next month it will be a year, and to me, it still feels like yesterday. He was also taken away from me suddenly. He was not sick either. People will tell you that time heals the pain. For me, I don't think it's true as I miss him every day. I think about him every day. I miss our time together, our talks and all. I think we have to allow ourselves to grieve. If you want to cry or scream, you do that. It is not easy and you said about his presence.

  • Simo by Simo
  • 5 years ago

We skyped every day, sometimes all night, for a year. We planned our future together. We loved each other so much everything was set for us to meet face to face on that Saturday, but Eric never showed up. When I called, it went to voicemail. When I called his brother, he told me that they found him sleeping in his room. He didn’t wake up that day. It’s been 3years now. My heart is still bleeding like it was yesterday. I miss his voice, his smile, everything. I lost him before we even met. May God take care of him...

  • 6 years ago

Married the love of my life when I was 15-years-old. We were married 43 years when he passed away. Out of the blue we found out he had the worst brain cancer you could think of. He lived for 7 months from the time we found out. We found out in February 2018 and he passed away September 16, 2018. My life, my kids' lives, and my grandkids' lives will never be the same. I grieve every day for him. I'm really lost and feel so alone.

  • Tyrone by Tyrone
  • 6 years ago

Lost my precious Lisa 6/25/16. I'm lying here tonight listening to my 14-year-old daughter and her friends from church giggling in her room. She was so happy because I finished building her bed and dresser. We have the music playing that her brother and I picked out for Mom's funeral. Haven't listened to it in about a year. Fridays are the hardest. I couldn't wait to get home and spend time with Lee and the kids. Date night. Movie night and popcorn with the kids. My littles (7 and 8 year olds) lost the most. Thank God we homeschooled. They had more days and hours with their mother than most kids. Have been really pushing into God these last few weeks. He brought some peace and satisfaction in Him. But I am so lonely. Her smile when she saw me in the window coming home, the warm hug and kiss that followed. Her smell. Her hair brushing against my face. Those sleepy dark almond shaped eyes that I got lost in a million times. Loneliness never felt so alone.

  • Lisa Calderon by Lisa Calderon
  • 6 years ago

I lost my husband on May 23, 2018. It was unexpected and sudden. We were together for 25 years. He was active up until then. I have a lot of guilt because I was never there for him when he needed me. It still hurts a lot. I'm trying my best to get rid of this guilt. We have four girls together, and he raised my two oldest as his own, plus he has two grown-up kids in Mexico. We have 9 grandkids together with two on the way, plus his 5 in Mexico. It's really difficult to move on. We have one minor child who is counting on me. I know she is relying on me now, and I have to be there for her as well as my grown-up kids and grandkids. I just wish he could see our grandkids grow up. He loved to dance. He danced a lot with our kids and grandkids. He was the rock of the family. A hard worker in roofing and loved it.

  • Idella J Parks by Idella J Parks
  • 6 years ago

May 24, 2016, my husband passed away, and I miss him as much today as when it happened. I had no warning, didn't expect it. I didn't know he was having trouble breathing until the day after he was gone. He was an avid fisherman who went everyday he could, except Sunday and Bible Study night being that he was a pastor also. There is so much more I want to tell him, many things I need his help and advice on, and I greatly miss his presence, love, our talks, and ride to church and back. Lately, riding in the car at night alone is when I miss him the most. It's hard to look at his pictures without feeling so much grief. I dream about him so much. I just know and feel I was in his presence. Grief is like a shadow that overcomes you at the most unexpected times. If there was a stairway to heaven, I would march right up there and bring him back again. I know that one day I will get to the point where the hurt is not so deep.

  • DeAndra Schmersahl by DeAndra Schmersahl
  • 7 years ago

I lost my husband, best friend, October 5, 2017, to cancer. He was a great father and husband for almost 19 years. He was only 40. We have 2 boys: ages 18 & 15. My heart breaks for them every day that they don't have their dad anymore. For a while, I kept waiting for him to come home but he never did. Now I spend my time being lonely. I have a wonderful support group of family and friends, but they don't understand the pain. People ask if there's anything they can do for me, and all I want to say is bring him back to me and fix my heart. I know in my heart I'll see him again one day. I feel y'all's pain.

  • Sheryl by Sheryl
  • 7 years ago

I lost my husband on October 15, 2017 to throat cancer. It's been three months, and I miss him so much. We were together for 27 years. I do count myself as blessed to ever have known him. He was a good man. Going through the grief process is hard. On some days I feel like things are getting better for me and on others I feel as though he just passed away and I can barely stand it. The thought of him never coming home again feels so unbearable. It just doesn't seem real. On the other hand, I do realize that God doesn't put any more on me than I can bear and that no one belongs to anyone. The world is the Lord's and all that is in it - (Psalm 24:1) This is what I remind myself of to help me cope. And that he is no longer suffering. I just thought I'd share some of my thoughts.

  • Pauline Miles by Pauline Miles
  • 7 years ago

I lost my husband on October 14, 2017. He had a massive heart attack at home and he passed away. Just take each day as it comes. There are no words to why things happen. We were together for 30 years and 20 years of that married. I miss him every day/night. I hope you can get through the pain.

  • Linda Mangiolardo by Linda Mangiolardo
  • 7 years ago

This Oct. was the saddest month of my life. That was when my husband passed away. We were married 50 years and had shared some very beautiful moments. We did everything together. In all those years we were only separated twice. Once when I was pregnant and then again when he was hospitalized with heart problems. We had bought our home years ago, and it needed a lot of work. My husband did most of the work himself, even built a pond in our back yard, put in two patios, and enclosed our porch. He was a very handy man who worked very hard in his life. He had a job at a school for over twenty years and previously owned his own business. He was twenty years older than me, but I always wanted to go before him because of being alone. The day he died was the day I died inside. I have no desire to go on. I just want God to take me and to join him in heaven. He was my life, my world, but I know God has left me here alone for a reason. Lost my brother four weeks before my husband had passed.

  • Barbara Bouchie by Barbara Bouchie
  • 6 years ago

Hi Linda,
First let me say, I'm so sorry for your loss. I, too, lost the love of my life last month. He was much like your. He was so handy. I always said, "You can do anything." He was 15 years older than me, and I'm a very lost, broken soul. I know someday we will meet again, but that does not console me right now. We shared 20 years together, and I don't regret a day. Everyone is so kind, but if they have not lost their other half they cannot understand. We just want them back. On his last day, I told him I loved him a zillion times and kissed and hugged his sick, broken body until his last breath. God Bless you Linda. I hope we both will someday see reason to laugh, smile, and be happy. Take care, Barbara

  • Kathy LoSauro by Kathy LoSauro
  • 7 years ago

My husband died October 31, 2017. I wanted to die before him. I even prayed for that, but he passed first. I'm so lost that nothing matters. There is no joy, no peace, no normal days. The nights are unbearable. I sleep on the couch. Everyone says it will take time and to keep busy. I try, but he's missing. There's a void, an absence. I can't see his smile, hear his voice, feel his touch. I don't have the feeling of being safe, being loved, being cared for by someone who makes your day. That's the loss I live with.

  • Kim RW by Kim RW
  • 7 years ago

My husband's funeral is tomorrow. We went to bed and he never woke up. A heart attack in his sleep at 45 years old. He had been perfectly healthy. I feel like I can't breathe. I don't really want to anymore. I just want to be with him. We have 5 children, and I know they would be lost without the both of us, yet I still just want to be with him. I feel selfish for having those thoughts. After reading all these comments I realized I will never be happy again. I'm so sorry ladies for all your losses. I have no words of comfort for you whether it's been 1 year or 40 years, but I do share your pain. You are not alone in that. God bless us all.

  • Carla Wade by Carla Wade
  • 6 years ago

My husband passed away Monday. We would have been together for 14 years and married for 13 years. He died at the young age of 48, of a brain aneurysm. I am only 47. A lot of what Kim RW said is how I feel too. I actually haven't buried my husband yet though. His funeral is Thursday. We're waiting for his son (by his ex-wife), sister, and one of his brothers to come in for the funeral. Unfortunately, I didn't have any children by this wonderful man. He was my best friend, my confidant, my lover, and my foundation. I wouldn't be the strong, confidant woman I am today if this wonderful, amazing man hadn't come into my life! God, I love him SOOO very much and I miss him like crazy!!!

  • Sandra Kendall by Sandra Kendall
  • 7 years ago

I lost my husband of 55 years. We did everything together. I have no family and very few friends that want to be bothered with me. I love Jesus and pray all the time and ask him to please take me home. I am so lonely, sad, and lost. I don't know what to do with myself. I need God's help, and I just don't know how to ask for it. I am blessed by God. I have a roof over my head and food to eat and I am thankful but so sad. I am running out of tears.

  • Morwesi by Morwesi
  • 7 years ago

This poem did help me after I buried my husband in April 2015. I was depressed and no one noticed. We have 3 children, and we were only 35 years old. He had meningitis, and it was a shocking moment for me because I watched him in the hospital suffering each day. His hand had to be cut off because of gangrene. He was in ICU for 14 days, and the machine was switched off because of brain damage. I miss him every day. I'm still not OK. The worst part is that after all the emotional suffering you are still alone, picking the pieces. I wish there was someone I could talk to about my life, someone who really is a good listener, who understands an emotional suffering person. My problem is that I don't talk about my feelings. Vuyisile, I will always love you. You were my everything.

  • Dorothy Pilkenton by Dorothy Pilkenton
  • 6 years ago

I understand your feeling. I lost my husband on November 25, 2017. I have no children, but if I did I would still be lost. The pain is so intense that some days I do not know what to do. They say it will get easier, but I have my doubts. I try and talk with family, but I start crying and it just does not work. If you need someone that understands I am here and praying for you.

  • Wanda Bissainthe by Wanda Bissainthe
  • 7 years ago

I share in everyone's pain. It was my hardest goodbye. My husband, Jules, of five year died of a heart attack right in front of me on June 5, 2017. He was my world. I ache like it was yesterday. I pray to God to ease my pain. It's hard to explain to our four year old who keeps asking for him.

  • Jenny by Jenny
  • 7 years ago

My heart goes out to you. I just lost the love of my life. We were together 26 years, and he was my everything. He passed 9/21/17. I am lost without him. It seems to get harder for me each day. I love him more today than yesterday. I don't think I can ever get over this pain. My kids at 17 and 21, and it breaks my heart to see the pain in their faces. He was taken from us too soon. It was a sudden heart attack. He was only 47. Life is not fair. I ask myself why each day. I'm sure you do the same. I have no words. People tell me be strong, but they just don't understand the pain.

  • Sharon by Sharon
  • 7 years ago

I lost my husband August 19, 2017. Worst day of my life. He was an awesome man. We had just bought a new truck and new house. Sometimes I hear him calling and go to look and can't find him and then just sit down and cry. Two days before he passed he had fallen and broke ribs. He went to the hospital and was told he had a small hole in his lung. He was fine Friday when I went to bed. He said, "Goodnight, love ya." I said the same. Next morning he was gone. I just pray he knew how much I loved him and miss him. I go to bed and cry all night. If I do sleep it is like 1/2 hour. I cannot stand to be in this big house alone. My 2 oldest sons moved in so I would not be alone. He was 62, too young to be taken from me. But I know he is with his Lord and doesn't hurt anymore! Till we meet again! Love you, Brad. Honey, I miss you so much...

  • Jenny by Jenny
  • 7 years ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. Tomorrow will be my spouse's 40th day anniversary of being gone. He passed 9/21, and each day it just gets harder for me. I'm trying so hard to be as strong as I can be for my two kids, but I'm just exhausted. He was my everything. I'm lost without him. I feel weak, empty, and lifeless without him.

  • Marsha by Marsha
  • 7 years ago

I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. I, too, lost my husband of 46 years on 8/2/2017 at age 66. He was on life support for 2 weeks, and I had no idea he would never come home. I am so lost without him. We met in the Navy at 19 and have been best friends since that time. I wish I would have hugged him and told him I loved him more. He was sedated, so I couldn't even say good-bye. I know he is in heaven and with our daughter who passed away 6 years ago, but I am so sad.

  • Peggy by Peggy
  • 7 years ago

Sharon, I've felt your pain just one day longer. Lost my love on 8/18/17. Checked in for routine testing on July 10. A totally unexpected cardiac arrest on July 31. During one of the few times I had left his room this happened. I entered a corridor and a nightmare while efforts to bring him back brought the sound of his heartbeat. He never woke or spoke again. He had told me he just wanted to watch TV. I gave him the remote, a kiss, and stepped out to stroll to get coffee. We finally let him go 18 days later after there was no hope for improvement. We met when I was 12 and he was 14. Together 55 years, married 48. He was 69. My best friend, my soulmate. I hold onto this - I think his heart beat again to give me closure, a chance to tell him how much I love him and spend almost every moment of 18 days by his side. My daughters and 3 grandchildren are his gifts to me, the reason I breathe. I pray you feel healing very soon and the strength to go on each day. I hope I can take my advice to you. In sympathy.

  • Rhiannon by Rhiannon
  • 7 years ago

I lost my beloved husband to a heart attack six years ago today, and the pain feels as raw and fresh as if it just happened. I miss him as much as ever; time is not the healer they say it is. Yes, most days are bearable now and I don't think of him every minute like I used to. I've even found another man to love and be loved by. But these anniversaries! Two days ago was the anniversary of his birth and today is the anniversary of his death. I haven't wanted to get out of bed this week. The pain of losing the love of my life never really ends. I have "moved on" and learned to live without him, but on days like today, I am feeling all those feelings of love and loss again, and I can't stop crying. I know that once this day is over, the pain will subside again, but it's never truly gone. I will love and miss that man until I take my own last breath.

  • Irene King by Irene King
  • 7 years ago

I lost my husband Terry 6 months ago now. I have wonderful family, friends and, neighbors, but I still feel alone. Am I being selfish? No words can help me. I just want to be with him. People say I will be with him one day. If I knew that was true I would not be here today. I would be with him right now. I had no idea his loss would hurt so much. He had said he wanted to go first. Now I understand why. He gave me the best life ever. I will love him until my dying day. Love you always, Terry. xxxx Irene

  • Keneiwe by Keneiwe
  • 7 years ago

I also lost a loving husband on January 5, 2016. He was murdered while on duty. The pain I felt is so deep and unbelievable. I am left with my 10 and 2 year old sons. His killers are arrested but still feeling the punishment is not enough. The feeling of knowing that my children will grow up without a father and me being a widow at the age of 32 is so fearing that I have grown so much hatred. I love this man, still do, and can't stop crying all the time. Just sharing my grief.

  • Sharon Capretto by Sharon Capretto
  • 7 years ago

I feel your pain. The Juliet walk is difficult, and wrongful acts of others rob us from seeing and being with our loved ones. However, there is hope. The choice is yours, either to forgive and love or not to forgive and remain alone, embittered and hateful. Regardless of what happens right or wrong - we are called to a higher level - love and forgive. The Bible refers to forgiveness - discard bitterness because it will only kill you if left unattended....

  • Vania Mahon by Vania Mahon
  • 7 years ago

I just have been diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. I am having a really tough time, and so is my husband, coming to understand what this all means. I am living with a time bomb that can either take my life within an instant or forever alter the person that I am today. The other day I told my husband I do not want to be a vegetable. If it is the hardest thing for you to do, please let me go in dignity. I was thrown aback suddenly and realized we were discussing the IF and ending moments of my life. Since than I have gone into a blanket mode. I am afraid of dying. I look at my beloved husband who I love so dearly and have to hold on with all my might. I keep holding on and pray God please give me just one more day. Just one more beautiful day with my family.

  • Gary by Gary
  • 8 years ago

My name is Gary, my first wife Tina passed away in 2001 from liver cancer. She was 43. In September, the same year, my brother died of a massive heart attack. I managed to get through by caring for our 2 children. The years passed and I decided that there must be a way to move on, and I met Pauline. We courted and married in Cyprus in 2011, bought a house together and began to redecorate it as our home. Two years ago Pauline was diagnosed with lung cancer and our worlds fell apart. We worked through together, determined to fight it, but it went to her brain then her liver. They could do no more for her, and she passed away 8 days ago peacefully at home where she wanted to be. I truly feel that God had deserted us and am angry that he has done this to me twice. I know I am being selfish, but he took away my belief in a better tomorrow as well as my dreams of the past. Can I move on? At 62, what is left now? A life of what was and is no more. I want to be with them now.

  • Mary Carn by Mary Carn
  • 7 years ago

My dear Larry passed this past March 2017. I have no words for this horrible grief...there are none. But I do know God will never leave me alone. I'm in my early 50s and dear Larry was 84. He was so healthy and active right up until his final day here at home. We argued some, but he truly was my blessing in disguise. A beloved pastor, husband, dad, friend, everything to everyone I will pray for your sadness--you are never alone.

  • Diane Conium by Diane Conium
  • 7 years ago

I understand your pain, as I have experienced being a widow also, and it is a very, very devastating thing to experience. What I am about to say will sound like I don't care, but it's totally the opposite. God would not have you endure this if He didn't believe you could get through the grief to find happiness yet again. So here it is; sometimes it's not all about you. Sometimes it's about helping others around you get through tough things, even if you don't think their things are as tough as your things. Maybe many others around you are having difficulties that they feel are too much to bear, and then they look at or hear about what has happened to you, and they think, "Oh, I guess I can get through this; it's not as bad as what he has to survive." Your wives fought the good fight, and you must also. Help an old lady across the street, open a door for someone in a wheel chair, and be helpful to others who are fragile, scared, hurting, and alone.

  • Joan by Joan
  • 7 years ago

Dear Gary,
I've just found your story in a search of a poem for a friend who has just lost his spouse to lung cancer. Please believe that life will go on. You are lucky in that you have 2 children who love you. And 62 is not old. I should know for I am 63. Just remember there are lots of us in your age group. If you believe you will find happiness, you will.
All the very best,

  • Josie Ojeda by Josie Ojeda
  • 8 years ago

I lost my husband 13 days ago. I feel like this is not real like I'm having a nightmare and I can't wake up. I miss him so much! My heart is incomplete. I just can't accept the fact that I will never see him or hear him. I'm never going to be able to hug him and tell him how much I love him. He was my best friend, the love of my life. At night I get very scared, and I'm having a hard time sleeping because I know that when I wake up he's not going to be there and this horrible nightmare will continue. We have a 6 year old, Isabella. She's been a lot stronger than me. What now? I ask myself.

  • Andrea Buttacavoli by Andrea Buttacavoli
  • 7 years ago

I feel the same. My husband passed 2 months ago. I have a 6 and a 3 year old. My heart is not only breaking for myself but for my children also. They're so innocent. They are supposed to enjoy the childhood with both their mother and father. How do we move on?

  • Curtis L Durden by Curtis L Durden
  • 7 years ago

My wife died of cancer on Nov 5th. I have the same feelings of loss and anxiety as you do. It is like a bad dream. I will not give in to the grief and pain. She would not want me to. Seek comfort in friends and family. God Bless you.

  • Agnes by Agnes
  • 8 years ago

I feel a better knowing that I'm not alone in this pain. My fiancé was murdered one night by robbers who decided to play God and take his life away from him. It's been so hard because I've never experienced grief before, and for the first one to be my soulmate and to be taken in this way is just unbearable.
I'm 29 years old, and we had so many plans. Our wedding was originally planned for April 1, 2017, but a 3 days before he was killed he asked we move our wedding to February. We planned to sit down and discuss the move on Saturday and he was killed on Friday. It's been almost 3 months, and I wake up every day wishing there was I way I could bring him back. Or that I'd wake up from this nightmare and stop him from going where he was murdered.
I love him so much with all of my heart. A week before he was killed I told him he was my everything. He was so moved that he cried and said he will always remember it. I know he fought with his killers before they killed him and I'd like think it was for us.

  • Latricia Magee by Latricia Magee
  • 8 years ago

Hi, my name is Latricia. My husband was murdered Dec. 29, 2016, in my car outside my apartment. I don't know what happened. He was a good guy. He just worked, played lottery, and took care of me and family. We had just come from the movies seeing Fences. Thirty minutes later he was murdered. I'm so hurt and in pain. I lost my best friend, lover, confidant, my life, my husband. He loved me and I loved him. I miss him so much.

  • Loretta by Loretta
  • 8 years ago

My heart aches for each one of you who have posted. Reading them makes me realize I'm not the only one sitting in alone tonight thinking of my lost love. He passed on April 3, 2016 in my arms after a short battle with skin cancer (squamous cell). I'm still full of anger because doctors did not discover it until it was too late. My heart has an empty hole that will be filled. We were together 35 years. I sit hours upon end just "waiting." For what, I have no clue. I just keep hoping he will walk through the door and this nightmare will be over. The loneliness is unbearable.
I, like most of you, just want to go be with him. No purpose, no joy in living. I just "exist." I'm only 60 years old, the thought of living maybe 25 years without him is overwhelming! May God richly bless all who have lost their soul mates.

  • Linda by Linda
  • 7 years ago

Dear Loretta, my husband passed 3/7/17 of leukemia. He had fought for 8 years. Every word you have written is what I am going through, alone, devastated. We would have been married 38 years Wednesday just gone. I am 63 and I am just existing, searching for answers that are not there. God bless you

  • Diane Conium by Diane Conium
  • 7 years ago

I know EXACTLY how you are feeling. My words are flat on paper to you. I know this. My husband, soul-mate, EVERYTHING, passed on March 26, 2007, at 9:45am. I was 38, and we just found out I was pregnant. Miscarried 2 weeks after he passed. 10 years now, and I'm still here. Didn't try to be either! I had always, and still am, an upstanding person morally. But I did start drinking. Not now, but for the first 3 years, yeah, hard and heavy. I was a MESSSSSS. Grief. Serious dark, ugly, grief. Fast forward, 10 years later, still miss him, but it's ok, married again to the man who tried to save his life. We argue at least 3 times a week, laugh together on a regular basis, survived cancer, adopted 4 cats, moved to a different state, and all the while I know that I am loved, loved, loved. HERE and THERE. Wait for God to take you home. IT WILL BE WORTH the wait!

  • Nancy  Chappell by Nancy Chappell
  • 8 years ago

I lost my soul mate David 3 weeks ago after 57 years of marriage. My heart aches and I feel so lost without him. I know he is at peace and free of the pain and suffering he endured for over 2 years, but I miss him so much. I have loved him since the first moment we met in Journalism class in high school in 1957. He was a new senior, handsome, funny with beautiful eyes and a sweet smile. I was a tall, shy junior, but we became good friends and soon were dating steady. My life began then and he was my rock, my prince, my everything. He made me feel safe for all those years and we could face anything as long we were together. We were blessed with 3 caring children and 4 beautiful grandchildren, and they are all near and dear to me. I want to be strong for them, but I just want to go and be with him. I don't want to stay here without my love, my David. I pray God will take me home soon. I know he is waiting there for me and we will be together again for eternity.

  • BettyJain Willies by BettyJain Willies
  • 8 years ago

I've read everyone's stories, and I feel so sad for everyone. I, too, lost my husband of 40 years on Thanksgiving Day in 2011. He fought a long tough battle with cancer. We had 8 children between us and had adopted our grandson and later 6 little boys. All brothers. Then adopted their mother. We have many grand and great-grandchildren. It has gotten easier, but the pain never goes away. The first few years I could not celebrate our Thanksgiving with family, but it does get easier, and I keep my pain and sorrow to myself so I don't ruin it for the family. My heart goes out to each and every one of you who has lost loved ones. And I pray for you and myself. The only consolation for me is that I know one day I will be reunited with my "Honey Babe" once gain. Until then, I just try to fill my days with our grandkids and my MEMORIES...

  • Raymond by Raymond
  • 8 years ago

Sorry for your loss. I don't know what it's like to lose a spouse. I lost my dad, and it was tough, but to lose someone you shared everything with and you were with day in and day out must be harder, especially on Thanksgiving. All pray for the family. Have a great day, and God bless.

  • Blanca Benavides by Blanca Benavides
  • 8 years ago

I don't dismiss anyone's pain, my condolences. I lost my husband eleven months ago. He was murdered by three men old enough to be his sons.

My husband was 57 years old. We were married 39.5 years. I just cannot seem to cope with my pain. My husband was a kind and honorable man. We have 5 children and 15 grandchildren. My heart bleeds in disbelief.

Texas has no Victim of Crimes support group. Losing your spouse to disease is one thing, but having their life taken is a whole other subject.

God give us all peace.

  • Diane Conium by Diane Conium
  • 7 years ago

You know how much you love your husband because you knew him here. You could see him, feel him, talk to him, and hear him talk to you. God needed you to come to this earth, both you and him, knowing that this place would present to you with the worst pain you would ever experience anywhere in the entire universe, and you agreed to this with a joyful heart, knowing that you were fulfilling a need for God. He will benefit you more than you're allowed to realize here, and He loves your husband as much as you do. He loves you more than you know, and knows that you don't remember how much you love Him, or else you wouldn't be here. It is very important that you are here.

  • Justin by Justin
  • 7 years ago

Being murdered or dying from a disease should not matter. You should respect other people's feelings. My wife died 4 weeks ago, and I hurt just as bad as you do! We were married 17 years & together for 20. We have two beautiful daughters who are also hurting. She fought heart disease for the last two years. Her heart was getting better! I had to go out of town for work, and our 12 year old found her. She died in her sleep. I have never felt pain like this. Only thing that's going to keep me going is our kids.

  • Agnes by Agnes
  • 8 years ago

Blanca, I know exactly how you feel. My fiancé was murdered in Oct 2016. I'm only 29 and this was my true love. My soulmate. I'm so broken I don't know how to continue living. The pain is too much. My grandparents passed before I was born, and I've never experienced grief before.

Most days I feel so angry that some people decided that his life was worthless and killed him. Other days I feel so sad that I wasn't there because I feel if I was there it wouldn't have happened. Every day I ask God why bring us together then have us separated this way. Even if we weren't meant to be together forever, why separate us like this? My baby taught me so much about love with his unconditional and selfless love for me. I wake up every day hoping that I've been dreaming the last 3 months. Or that there was a way I could bring him back to me. To have him hold me, squeeze my cheeks, and hear him laugh.

  • BERN by BERN
  • 8 years ago

My fiancé and I had an argument on Aug 27th. I left to cool off and we kept text arguing. I came back home in hopes to make up. I found him slouched over. I hit his shoulder to wake up and he fell to the floor, and I knew something was wrong. I attempted CPR and called 911. He was gone.

I cannot get past the pain of leaving him. I cannot get past the pain of losing him for good. Original wedding date was 08/27/2016, but we moved it to Oct 31, 2016.

I really wanted to be his wife, and he so couldn’t wait to marry me too. I miss him so badly. I can’t feel him, I have not seen any signs of him. I can’t deal with the fact that he left me without really knowing that I loved him with everything I had in me. Nothing will be the same again.

  • Ronda by Ronda
  • 8 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss. I, too, went through a recent loss. My fiancé passed away on 11/16/16....we were arguing and I left to go to work and continued to argue through text messages. I thought I would come home after work and we would talk things out. Instead, I came home to him on the floor, unresponsive and cold. I called 911 and attempted CPR too - but he was gone. I know your pain - I was the love of his life and I couldn't wait to become his wife. We have a 3 year old son together who doesn't understand where daddy has gone. I am happy that I get to see my fiancé in our child every day, but it doesn't heal my broken heart from missing him. Good luck in your healing.

  • Peggy Bowman by Peggy Bowman
  • 8 years ago

I lost my husband of 13 years on November 5, 2105. We were sitting in the living room talking and he lay his head back, began to snore I thought. I went over to him and realized he was not not breathing. His beautiful green eyes were completely glazed over. I was a basket case. He had a blood clot that traveled to his lungs. I miss him more each day that passes.

  • Nicole Bell by Nicole Bell
  • 8 years ago

That you can put into words how I feel is extraordinary. I lost my husband suddenly on June 20 this year in the same way. Thank you for putting my feelings into words and making me feel a little less alone.

  • Rosa De Leon by Rosa De Leon
  • 8 years ago

Peggy Bowman - I lost my dear husband Rodrigo (Rod) January 27, 2016. It has been 5 months or so and the aching pain I feel gets worst every day. Why do people say time heals, I feel that same pain I felt the day he died as if were today. I lost my Babe. I see you lost your husband 13 years ago and you wrote the message above 6 days ago. I now know that the pain of losing someone you really loved never ends.

  • Beth Finley by Beth Finley
  • 8 years ago

I lost my husband suddenly on March 19 after 32 years....I am lost, heartbroken and don't know how to go on...I just want to join him.

  • Paul C. by Paul C.
  • 8 years ago

I lost my wife on February 26th. I was 17 when we met in 1986 and got married Jan. 5, 1991...29 and half years together. My wife, my best friend, my everything. I just can't get it together...I miss her so much. I just want to go be with her. Please pray for me as I pray for each one of you.

  • Ivy Ash by Ivy Ash
  • 8 years ago

I lost the love of my life two days ago. I went to grab dinner, and when I came home he was sitting on the couch, dead. He was 53 years old, and it was his birthday. I feel like I want to die. I have kids and a family, but it's like my soul is missing. All that makes me happy is the thought that one day he will come for me.

  • Shelayne Sharp by Shelayne Sharp
  • 8 years ago

I feel the same .. My husband died 2 days ago and I want to go and be with him also.. My heart feels like it's been ripped out of my chest and everything reminds me of him. I feel so empty and even though there are many friends and family around - I've never felt so alone in all my life.

  • Karen by Karen
  • 8 years ago

I read all of your stories and it helps somewhat to know I'm not alone in my pain. I lost my husband on April 16, 2016. He lost his battle with a Traumatic Brain Injury and took his own life Sat morning. I just keep walking to the back door looking for him saying please come home. I can't do this without you. This poem expresses exactly what I am feeling. He was only 44 and we were house shopping and cottage shopping and all our dreams and plans are gone. I would gladly give up all those dreams just to have him back here with me. The bed is too empty and the house is too cold and lonely without him. My heart goes out to all of you.

  • Jane by Jane
  • 8 years ago

Karen, I truly feel your pain. Your story stood out to me because I also lost my husband April 16, 2016, our 39th wedding anniversary. He was diagnosed with lung cancer January 2015, went through chemo and radiation therapy with such bravery. Although he was granted a few months of remission, by the beginning of 2016 it was back with a vengeance. I watched a vital, hardworking man go from loving life to a scared, pain filled man. But even through his terrible pain he worried more for me and our four grown children much more than himself. He knew he was dying and wanted to make sure we would be alright. He wanted to end OUR pain, thinking that once he died our pain would finally be over. That has so not been the case. I'm hurting from the loss of the love of my life more now, 6 and a half months later, than I was at the beginning. Most days I find myself just trying to make it through the day. But I'm grateful for the time we had before he was taken from us and a chance to say goodbye.

  • Attracta Redmond by Attracta Redmond
  • 8 years ago

Hi, I lost my husband on July 8th 2015, he was 49. It's just coming up to his first anniversary now in two weeks time and I feel completely lost without him and so lonely even though people tell me I am brilliant back in work and always cheerful but they don't know what I feel inside. I go to bed at night and cry 4 nights out of the seven. I still think I am going to wake up from my worst nightmare but I know that's not going to happen and it is so hard without him. Our children are young adults now and he got them both to 21 and 18. They have been so good it has helped me because they have been so mature about it all. I just miss being a part of a twosome and it is a lonely life no matter how many are around you. I also live with my 76 year old mother who has also lost her husband my father, her own parents, her sister and brother and three children who died in infancy so she has had a lot of grief and pain but I can't support her so that's hard. I have to think of myself and the kids.

  • Ben by Ben
  • 9 years ago

Such love, powerful, burning with energy. The loss so many of you express here is overwhelming. Have faith that Love will save us in death, wipe your tears away. Rebuild but don't discard the rubble, don't hide the broken shards of glass. The pain will become bearable some day but never will disappear, don't forget them. I still cry for my lost loved ones and even those who I never met.

  • Karen Wood by Karen Wood, Michigan
  • 9 years ago

Hi, my name is Karen and I lost my husband on May 17 2015. We were married for 51 years and 259 days, yes that is a long time. I was his caregiver for the last 5 years and would still be doing it for him if God didn't decide to take him home. I felt like I broke into 1000 pieces and just when I thought I had 100 put back together, I would fall apart again. I think I am getting stronger but not for sure. May God bless who ever reads this.

  • Denise Motto-Ros by Denise Motto-Ros
  • 8 years ago

I empathize with you. I too was my husband's caregiver. He beat cancer and a week later had a major embolism. My pain and loss is too deep to describe. He was my soulmate and friend and trustee of my inner soul. I believe God is the God of all comfort 2 Corinthians 1:3 and he gives me strength to have hope to see my husband again. Have faith and do not wonder for God is a God of Love and promises everlasting life to mankind who put faith in his Son. I wish you the best and rely on your Creator. It is a very difficult road and one day at a time sometimes one step at a time with with our Heavenly Father we can walk with Him granting us strength beyond what is normal! Take care and be safe

  • Marie Rosser by Marie Rosser, Mississippi
  • 9 years ago

I lost my husband 4 months ago. Me and him had just came from town shopping and we were laughing and joking and we pulled into the yard still laughing as we prepared to take everything into the house. I turned my back as I closed the car door and I heard something fall out the bag from the car and I noticed I didn't see my husband. So I called his name and he didn't answer. I ran around the car and saw him laying on the ground. I thought he had just passed out cause he drank. So I noticed he sounded like he was snoring so I was trying to wake him up so I called 911 and asked for an ambulance to come. They were taking so long to get here so I called back and I noticed he was taking his last breathe. But I hear people saying it's going to be ok, or it was his time, or God need his angel back, but I look at it I need him too I only got 5 years with him and had just married him 2 weeks before he died. I sit and look at his pictures and I cry over and over again if only I can have him back again. I love him.

  • Toni by Toni
  • 8 years ago

I lost my love, my world, my partner, my heart, my everything, 3weeks ago. I feel empty not knowing at times what to do, for everything I did was for him. I don't know how to do for me, he was my world. For 16 years we did everything together. I miss him so much my heart feels that it hurts with a hurt that will never go away.

  • Keneiwe by Keneiwe
  • 8 years ago

The pain will never get away, it will become better as time passes. I lost my husband 3 months ago, the pain is so unbearable, I have asked myself questions like why him. Prayer will help us pass these difficult times, GOD knows, it's time to put our faith in him.

  • Sandra by Sandra, Tx
  • 9 years ago

I lost my husband almost 3 momths ago. I know everyone says you will be ok and give it time but I miss him so much that sometimes I feel like I can't breath. We have eight kids together and lots of beautiful grand babies and even with this big family I feel alone. Someone said that people ask how you are doing and they just answer ok cause that's what they want to hear. I would just like to say to these people, I feel like life is never going to mean anything to me again. I know they mean well but I was a strong person and I have a house and land and animals and I just don't care about any of it anymore. I don't think I will ever smile again and I just want to put my head under the covers and sleep. I'm so lost I don't know what to do next.

  • Peggy by Peggy, Prince Edward Island,canada
  • 9 years ago

I relate to your story and I understand. I went with my husband for 12 years before we got married and married 6.5 years. There was no warning, nothing to tell me to stay close. I went a province away in answer to a crisis of my daughters and my husband called me the same time each night and the last night he said I love you baby and the next night I said Ken hasn't called. I finally had to call his daughter and she went to our home and found her dad on the floor, it was a massive heart attack. I didn't get a chance to say I love you or be with him. He always said he loved me so much that if he were dying I would be the one he would want there and I am living with regrets. One that I went away and it turned out that I could not help that situation anyway and that I wasn't with my sweetheart, maybe I could have done something although they say I could not. I live alone without friends as I stayed here because of him and I am not from this province so I need to decide what to do.

  • Amy by Amy, Nj
  • 9 years ago

I lost my husband 3 days ago. A week prior he was at work he was a commercial roofer and they were finishing up for the day and a piece of equipment malfunctioned and knocked him 30 feet off a roof. He was on life support for 6 days before he passed. He had severe brain injuries. He was only 36. We have a 3 month old daughter and I have a 6 yr old daughter also. I don't know how I'm supposed to get through this. He was my everything, the love of my life, my soulmate, my best friend. It still doesn't feel real. I'll love you ALWAYS & FOREVER

  • Lillian Zelitch Fisher by Lillian Zelitch Fisher
  • 5 years ago

To all of you wives who suffer the pain of losing your man at a young age either by an accident, terrible sickness, or some crazed person, I feel your pain. I met my husband when I was just 16 and he was 17. It was 1945. Except for the 2 years in the service, we were never separated. We have 3 sons, grandchildren and great grandchildren. He started falling 3 years ago, and I had to become his caretaker. He died on November 1, 2019. After 75 years together and all the illness, I still was not ready to say goodbye. In Hospice they said, "Play music for him; he can still hear!" My son played our love song: Perry Como's "Till the End of Time." He drew his last breath on the final note of that song. I still find myself talking to him and missing him so. You all make me realize the great blessing God bestowed on us allowing all those years together. Praying for all of you that each new dawn helps ease your pain.

  • Rosa De Leon by Rosa De Leon
  • 8 years ago

Amy, from NJ, I can't imagine what you're going through. My heart goes out to you and your two young children. I am reading these messages to get through my loss too. My husband Rod of 34 yrs passed away on 1/27/16 after three years battling cancer. My husband was 77 years old Amy, and had lived a very long life. You dear husband was only 36 yrs old and just starting to live his. I am sure you have received all kinds of advice but you cry all you want and mourn him for as long as you want. I don't know how you're making it but I sure hope your relatives and friends are pitching in and helping you through it all. God bless you and guide you through all that comes after the loss of a loved one. Take care of yourself and your family.

  • Jane by Jane, Liverpool Uk
  • 9 years ago

My life changed forever 9 days ago, 11th June 2015 when my beautiful funny Lez left me so suddenly, he was 47. A heart attack took him, we were married for over 27 years. We have 2 beautiful intelligent daughters who each have a small baby of their own. It breaks my heart to know that my grand kids won't know their granddad, he absolutely idolized by them. I am walking around in a trance, have a funeral to sort in 4 days but all I can think is Why Me, I shouldn't be doing this. Someone on the phone called me a widow yesterday. I'm 45 years old and a widow. How do you cope? I've got so much anger inside me. I am a strong person and I know myself that I haven't yet accepted what has happened let alone started to grieve for my best friend. Just don't know what to do next, everyone asks are you ok and you just say yes so not to upset people. Is there anyone out there who knows what to do? Where do I go next?

  • Debby Hooey by Debby Hooey
  • 8 years ago

Hi, Jane!

Sorry for your loss. It has been a year for have you been coping?

I lost my hubby 6 days ago...he was only 57. We were married for 27 years. I am lost...lonely...angry and don't know what to do next. I understand what you mean when people ask if you're okay...I say yes but really mean no! I feel like I'm floating on a cloud...that this is a bad dream! Does the pain ever ease up??

  • Debbie Cumbow by Debbie Cumbow, Ohio, United States Of America
  • 9 years ago

I lost my husband of 32 yrs on 5/23/15 from a heart attack. He was 66 yrs. Too young to die. We had many plans of growing old together. Your question of what to do now; you just keep going every day doing the same things you've always done. It keeps you going so you don't just sit. Now your energy is used up by your grief 99%. You have little left to deal with much else. Put your attention on you. Do you write? Start a journal. It goes with me everywhere. After 3 wks I sought out a grief counselor. In 2 wks I go to a spousal grief group. Don't bottle up your tears. You're not crazy, you need this time to yourself. I have two great friends who are here for me. They let me talk & cry when I need to. My counselor has a good saying: "Your grief is measured by the love you shared". Just like you, my husband was my soul mate. It makes sense that my grief is huge. I'm not ready to move on yet. Hang in there. I'll write you or anyone else by email subject /"Widow" My best to you in the new year

  • Lisa by Lisa, Indiana
  • 9 years ago

I, too, just lost my husband 20 days ago. He died in my arms due to a fatal accident. He was 37, I am 34 and we have 3 sons, 6, 14 & 15. We were married 10 wonderful years. My older 2 from a previous relationship that he immediately took as his own and loved and cared for them from the moment we started dating. I am completely lost without him, a full time working mom, now caring for 3 children on my own along with trying to figure out how to keep our house, keep the bills paid, etc... He was my everything, my best friend, my soul mate. It is a struggle to get through each day, but somehow, I manage for our kids. Our lives will never be the same. I am completely lost without him and the pain will never go away. He was my rock, my shoulder to lean on and I now have to figure out how to do this without him, to live our lives. I miss him every minute, every minute of every day.

  • Janice by Janice, Toronto
  • 9 years ago

Dear Jane: I just read your story and had to reply. I too lost my husband Ken almost 1 year ago. I truly know how you are feeling and just want to tell you that you absolutely WILL be alright and get through this. It will be tough and there will be days that are sadder than sad but somehow we get strength from I don't know where and before you know it you will be alright. I pray for you that you have a wonderful family and have lots of support. Please know also that there are wonderful grief support groups out there that I encourage you to join. There is great comfort in being with people that are going through the same emotions as yourself. Have faith and trust and cry when you must and smile when you can. I am trying to write a memorial for my husband and came across your post. Wishing you well Jane, and my condolences to you and your Family. Wishing you all the best.....

  • Holly by Holly, Pennsylvania
  • 9 years ago

I lost my husband 2 months ago and I'm having a very rough time with it. It was very unexpected. He was only 46 years old. My heart feels like it was ripped from my chest. Every time I close my eyes I see his face, I wake up with nightmares of the entire day he passed. I am having a rough time dealing with all of this. This was my first husband and I knew this man for 18 years of my life. We got married when I was in my 20's. He passed on right beside me, we had 4 children which are all in heaven with him. I miss him terribly, I just don't know how to move on without him.

  • Alex by Alex, Virginia
  • 9 years ago

I know what you're going through. I feel so badly for you. My husband passed away 2 months ago on a business trip. He had just turned 49. We were married for 26 years. I'll never forget that night when I started getting phone calls while I was at home on the east coast. I felt like my whole world had come crashing down. Did you say that all 4 of your children had passed on as well?? I've been reading these posts and can't stop crying. I keep moving forward every day and doing my best to cope. We have 2 children ages 19 and 21. It does not get any easier. Everyone that says time heals has obviously not lost a spouse that they dearly loved. We do not heal we just learn to adapt and live with our loss.

  • Irene Dubai by Irene Dubai
  • 10 years ago

I lost my husband four months ago he was murdered and only 35, tomorrow is supposed to be his birthday can t stop crying I miss him

  • Tesa by Tesa, Washington
  • 10 years ago

I lost my husband 20 days ago, this poem is exactly how I feel. I know that life goes on, but how do you get yourself to allow it? We had plans...we have kids to raise...This is not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jackie Todoroff by Jackie Todoroff, Phx
  • 10 years ago

My husband, lover, soul mate, best friend passed on June 14th, 2014 from cancer. His cancer journey began 15 years ago due to a tumor in one of his kidneys which was removed. Cancer returned over two years ago and he fought a long hard battle and the only way I can accept the fact that he is no longer fighting the painful battle is he is resting in peace. He died 11 days short of our 47th anniversary and 10 days short of his 68th birthday. We were a "team" throughout our 48 years together and he was the rock of love and kindness in our family. My head is constantly filled with all the wonderful memories but I cannot accept the fact there will not be anymore to remember. The pain in my heart comes in waves all day and I don't see my future without his love and caring soul. I feel so lost.
May you all have the strength to move forward while your heart is broken in a million pieces.

  • Norma Rodriguez by Norma Rodriguez
  • 9 years ago

Jackie T., I hope you feel better over time, looks as if we will never feel happy.
I also lost my husband to cancer on Aug. 30. 2014, 2.5 hrs. before my birthday.
His last words to me were "oh, by the way Happy Birthday".
He was diagnosed with lung cancer 15 yrs. before, over time he had melanoma twice. Then the lung cancer returned in his brain, lymph and other lung.
I miss his more than I can say, he was at home where he wanted to be with our daughter and me with him. We were together 37 yrs. and were best of friends, could finish each other sentences.
I do have dreams of him where he talks to me and says to move on, that he is OK and looks like his old handsome self.
I will miss him forever and never forgot the happy memories we had.

  • Bobbie Redgrave by Bobbie Redgrave
  • 10 years ago

Lost my sis August 21, 2014. She had cancer and gave it one hell of a fight, but succumbed to it. We were a year apart and we're best friends. I truly have never felt so sad so lost. Her journey started July 2014. I would stay several days everytime she was hospitalized. It made her feel safe. We've laughed together, cried together. Towards the end I came and stayed at her home she asked me please don't let no one put me in the hospital. I promised her I wouldn't. Last four weeks I slept with my sister so she wouldn't fall. Last 2 weeks she was not alert and sadly passed. I need to still get her head stone. I will save and hopefully get it. I know she's dancing in the clouds with all the angels. Just want to feel happy again and not cry everyday I miss you Linda !!! Love you over the moon always!!!

  • Diane Kinney by Diane Kinney, Akron Oh
  • 10 years ago

I lost my husband Greg to pancreatic cancer exactly 4 weeks after he was diagnosed with it. He passed away on March 4, 2014. He wasn't able to have chemo, he wasn't strong enough for it. I watched the man I loved for over 30 years suffer and die a horrible death. I miss him so much and cannot tell you how much I wish I could have saved him. He did everything for me and doted on me, I felt like the most important person in the world. He was and will always be in my heart and I know we will be together again some day. I know heaven received an angel that day. I love you babe.

  • Tonya Brown by Tonya Brown, New Orleans La
  • 10 years ago

I just lost my husband August 26 14. He was only 30 years old and it was very unexpected. How do you get through this? I still wake up expecting him there. This poem is every bit of how I feel.

  • Patrick by Patrick
  • 10 years ago

I lost my wife 2 weeks ago on Aug 18, 2014 of metastatic breast cancer. Tuesday would have been our 25th anniversary. I feel that my heart has been ripped out of my chest.

  • Candido by Candido, California
  • 10 years ago

I lost my wife March, 2013 of 44 years 3 months ago and the pain in my heart is like nothing I've ever experienced. The poem below hits home like a ton of brinks. I get tired of people telling me that time will ease my pain. Time is nothing without her. She was, is and still is my love forever, she will always be the love of my life. I still to this day cry in bed, or whenever because it hurts so much. It was our first marriage for both of us, and all we knew was each other. Only Jesus knows how much I miss her.
Thank You..

  • Mark Hoy by Mark Hoy
  • 9 years ago

It will be two years July 22 that my wonderful wife passed. I am having a hard time adjusting.
I feel like I am giving part of her away when I part with anything that was hers.
I also lost our Daughter 11 years ago. It hurts & hurts every day.

  • Bec by Bec, Australia
  • 10 years ago

My husband was murdered June 10th 2014 and I was holding him when he took his last breath, it was the worst thing I have ever had to deal with. I have a beautiful son and he does look like his daddy very much and it breaks my heart my son has to live without having his daddy around. I have this huge hole in my heart and breaking in two. I really want my husband to come home, I know he has gone, but the hurt and pain is just to hard to cope with. And watching my son search and ask why his daddy isn't coming home :'-( please keep your loved ones close as they can be gone in a second anyway or any night :'-(

  • Evelyn by Evelyn, Scotland
  • 10 years ago

I lost my husband 10 weeks ago just a week before his 60th birthday. He came home from work and we walked the dogs and had lunch and he decided to do something in the garden. He collapsed with massive bleeding in the brain and he died that day although officially it was two days later. We were married for 38 years and have 2 sons and three grandchildren. He is the love of my life and two people died that day it is just that I am still breathing. I hope my children can understand how much I loved him and can't wait to be in his strong, loving arms again. I can't stop crying and miss him so much.

  • Connie Bryant by Connie Bryant
  • 8 years ago

I lost my husband on April 5th 2016 6 weeks before our 3rd wedding anniversary, it was love at first sight, I am from Scotland and he was from England. We married in May 2013 in England where I moved to after we met in early Feb 12. He was my husband, friend soul-mate and my world, and every day I just want to be with him. We both had been married before and had grown up children from our previous spouses, but I love him with all my heart and will till we meet again. My husband was 61 years old , I am 56 and married in our 50's, I just wish we had met 30 years earlier so we would have had more time together, as we missed out on so much as he had advanced COPD and I nursed him for the last 4 months at home and watched him suffer so much. I just want to see him again and give him a big kiss and hug, and do all the things we couldn't while he was ill. I am in constant heartache which people do not realize, they say times a healer, well I don't want to heal I want to be with him forever.

  • Denise by Denise, Pennsylvania
  • 10 years ago

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you as we are all part of a club we didn't ask to join. It has been two months since I lost the love of my life, my husband Wayde (Buddy). We would have been married 32 years this year. My life will never be the same without him. He was here one day and gone the next leaving me no time to say Good-bye. It is so hard to live with this hole in my heart. I wonder if there will ever be a day that my tears will dry. My love will grow forever stronger for him and I am no longer afraid of death as I know we will be together once again.

  • Debbie by Debbie, Newcastle
  • 10 years ago

My darling, sensitive and kind husband, father and stepfather - Frank Carrick (the gang leader) passed away 4 days ago. He knew he was ill, and kept saying how much pain he had, he said he was dying and he was right. At first the doctors couldn't find out what was wrong. Four MRIs and 2 CAT scans later, 3 weeks before he died they found the tumor in his face, eye, skull, brain and lungs. The histology confirmed it only 24 hours before he died. He was so so brave and strong. He got his wish, to die at home in his bed with his children and family around. I held his hand and told him his time had come. He was only 63 and I am 49. Like others, the feeling of overwhelming loss and sadness is so immense it is so hard to carry on, but reading your stories helped me to feel that I am not alone and like you, I just hope my shattered heart will slowly mend. Faith is massively important to me and I hope and pray that God will guide and help me to be strong until I meet my lovely Frank once more.

  • Kashmir Singh by Kashmir Singh, Sydney Australia
  • 10 years ago

I lost my husband of 44 years 9 months ago on 13 June 2013, a day after my birthday. The whole family celebrated my birthday - we had lots of fun not knowing that that was his last night with us. He passed away in front of my eyes the next morning. I cannot forget the last moments. I am shattered and lost. Reading everything from you all who are in the same situation, I know I am not alone. I miss my husband very much but you know what, as days go by I feel I am getting closer to seeing him. I know he is in God's care and he is no pain. May God give you all strength and courage to deal with your loss.

  • Gina by Gina, Houston Texas
  • 10 years ago

I lost my husband of almost 11 years yesterday morning. We were together for almost 17. He was my partner in crime and I will forever love him. He had his demons that unfortunately won the battle and now I'm here left alone to try and put the pieces back together. But at last he is at peace and will no longer suffer. I love you Robert.

  • Akshara by Akshara, California
  • 11 years ago

I lost the love of my life, my husband Thomas, on December 11th, 2013. We have three beautiful children, 13, 9 and 7. I feel so lost without him. He showed me what love is, and made me feel precious everyday. I don't feel special these days. I miss the simple things like holding hands, shoulders touching in the kitchen, and texting him when I had free time. Now I don't have anything to look forward to. I feel guilty because I have children and I should be happy. I look around at what I have and feel like none of it has any meaning. Your poem said exactly what I wanted to say. How do I get through this?

  • Michelle by Michelle, Arkansas
  • 11 years ago

My husband shot himself December 18th of 2013. I am Michelle. His wife. He was 23, I am 20. We had two babies. I fell in love with this man in highschool. Threw away everything I had for his love. Now its just me and the kids. I should've done more. Should've tried to stop him. He was bipolar, off his meds.. I wish I could've done something more. But I am so angry at him we had babies.. it was a very selfish thing he did to us.

  • Jeanne by Jeanne, McNeil
  • 11 years ago

I lost my angel husband, as I called him, Tom, this past December 11, 2013. I came home and found him on the floor with our 2 year old granddaughter standing with him. The shock seems over and the reality sets in. It is difficult not to feel guilty over stupid things we argued about. He and our baby were my family, and now it is just us two. I know he is doing great things in heaven, but I will never stop missing him, and find it hard to believe the hurt will get less painful.

  • Ottawa by Ottawa, Ontario
  • 11 years ago

I just lost my husband 3 months ago...he was the OC bus driver...he was the best driver ever...he loved his passengers and everybody that he worked with...My heart is empty. I kiss him goodnight every night and speak with him also...I think..this helped me a lot, but I would do anything to see his smile, hear his voice and kiss our daughter goodnight. She's only 18, she will always remember him...she and the boys are the reason why I continued. It's hard to even sign a song and laugh. It's Christmas time and I wish I can fall asleep and wake up on January 2nd. Love you David my Love...please come and kiss my goodnight...with all my love..xoxo..T&D4ever

  • Margaret Weston by Margaret Weston, Halifax Nova Scotia
  • 11 years ago

I just lost my wonderful husband Ken two weeks ago after a seven year battle with liver cancer. We were married 42 years and I took care of him at home, up until he passed away. I can't explain the hole in my heart his death has left me. He was my soul mate and was always there for me no matter what. Now I don't know how to live as one when I've always been part of two. I am very fortunate to have a loving family and many friends who are so supportive but the emptiness I feel inside I can't explain to anyone. God bless you Ken and I will always love you.

  • Claudia by Claudia, St. Michael
  • 11 years ago

I just lost my husband on September 15,2013. After being misdiagnosed in January 2013, six months later the doctors found it was Lung cancer and it was too late for any surgery to help him.
He became very ill quite quickly. After only one chemo treatment, he took a turn for the worse on September 10, 2013 and suffered for 5 days. It was a horrible ordeal to watch him suffer every day. We were only together 12 years and I feel so cheated. My world is turned upside down and I don't know how to go on without him. He was the love of my life. My lover, my partner, my strength, and my best friend besides being my husband.

  • Tania Terzopoulos by Tania Terzopoulos, Melbourne Australia
  • 11 years ago

I lost my husband Nick, my soulmate, best friend, the love of my life on May 14th, 2013. He was 44 years of age just and he lost his courageous battle of 7 months to stomach cancer. We have two beautiful children and were together for 27 years and married nearly 23 years. There isn't a day or moment really that goes by, where I don't miss him. He was much loved and there is a huge void in our lives without him. Your poem touched me so, as that is how I feel. He was my everything and more so. How can life continue without him? Everything reminds me of our life together. We his family are struggling as life without him is hard. We now have our memories of him, his huge heart, smile that touched us all and his hugs are so missing.

  • Sue by Sue, Tennessee
  • 11 years ago

My soul mate passed away December 28, 2010 just ten months after being diagnosed with lung and brain cancer. Frank was the most wonderful man I have ever known. He gave me 21 years. Of the most peaceful, loving time I ever knew in my entire life. He was a dad to my girls and Pa to the grandchildren we have. It was his first marriage at age 54 and he was so happy to be dad/pa and great husband. I still long to feel his loving touch and see his smiling face everyday. I still miss him so much and I think I always will. He was and is the love of my life! Forever and Always my love

  • Cherie by Cherie
  • 11 years ago

It has been 18 years since I lost the love of my life. He was murdered. We share a daughter. She was only one when he died. There is not a day that goes by that I don't miss him, and wish that he were apart of our lives. I look at my daughter and see him, I hear his laughter through her. When she smiles, I see him. I thank him everyday for leaving me with an awesome gift. I share a lot of my memories and stories with our daughter, I want her to know how much her dad loved us, and how good he was to us. She is having a hard time still, growing up without never knowing what a good person her dad was. I will always carry him in my heart.

  • Shellie Santa Fe by Shellie Santa Fe
  • 11 years ago

The Love of my life, my Peter was taken from me on March 14, 2009, 6 1/2 months after the first love of my life - my father died of colon cancer. My Peter, my love worked out every single day, never smoked and never drank alcohol - my baby had a massive heart attack while watching basketball, March Madness, he loved sports especially Basketball. It has been 4 years and 5 years my dad has been gone. I cry every single day for them, I can't go on without my Peter. He was one in a million!

  • Jenny by Jenny, Toronto
  • 11 years ago

Tomorrow will be 1 month since my amazing husband passed away with his family at his side. It was all so surreal in the end. For at least a month before his death, I knew that he was getting a bit worse every day. I was so busy fighting for his life, that I did not take the time to acknowledge all that - I was SCARED to face the truth. Even so, I had hope that the little setbacks would right themselves the next day. My sweet husband was such a proud man that if he knew he was slipping away he did not tell us. I know he did not want us to worry at all. Now I wish he had told us, so we could have just spent the time together processing it all together. But it did not happen. The last few days of his life was spent in the hospital with my children and I at his side. The night before he passed, I saw the pain my husband was in. He also became agitated in his actions, maybe from pain. We took him to Palliative care, and he did not last long there.

  • Lizzie by Lizzie, Scotland
  • 11 years ago

My husband passed in Aug. 2012. My life is just existing now. He passed from melanoma which is a horrendous way for someone you love so much to suffer from. We were married 33 years, argued every day, but loved each other too. I can't believe its nearly a year since I saw or spoke to him. I sleep on his side of the bed now as I can't bear to see a empty space. Until we meet again ,love you to the moon and back xxxx

  • Cherish by Cherish
  • 11 years ago

My hubby just passed away last June 10 due to bad car accident. June 11 they declared him brain dead. But I know since the accident happened he already gone. And I was 36 weeks pregnant those time. It's really painful for me to accept that he is not coming back. Even my 4 year old daughter knew what's going on.. but what can I do.. he is not coming back. His family brought him back to our country. I gave birth 3 days before they buried him. It was a tragic experienced for me. I won't forget.

  • Stacy by Stacy, Alberta
  • 11 years ago

Lost my fiancé a month ago. He had a 4 yr old son from previous relationship, we had a 9 month old and I'm 20 weeks pregnant with our second. He also left behind 2 step daughters. I'll never forget the feeling when the police showed up at my door and said he had been on a head on collision and didn't make it. I don't know how I function, but I think it's only for the kids. I miss him so much, and it hurts so bad. We're a young family. He loved his kids so much, and won't ever get to hold his youngest. It kills me to think about it. All I ever hope for is that it's all one big nightmare and tomorrow he will be calling to say he's on his days off and coming home.

  • Julie by Julie, UK
  • 11 years ago

I was married to my beloved husband Kevin for 22 years who sadly passed away at the age of 55 years on 3/2/2013 the day before my birthday from lung and brain cancer. He passed away in hospice with me and his son beside him it was the hardest thing to say goodbye. It's hard to carry on with out him. There isn't a day goes by when I'm not crying for him, I too keep getting told the pain will ease and that Kevin wouldn't want me to mope about it's easy for them to say. There husbands are still with them. The poem is wonderful it's exactly how I feel right now. I miss him so much

  • Connie Bunch by Connie Bunch
  • 11 years ago

I lost the love of my life 5 months ago to a massive heart attack. I was reading my mothers will at my sisters home, because she had passed 2 weeks before my husband. I can not go on anymore. I loved him so very much. 26 years we were soulmates. I am struggling. hate being alone. What to do?

  • Michele Lucy by Michele Lucy
  • 11 years ago

I was having coffee in the diner of the farming community we used to live in, when a neighbor came in and announced Doug's (my fiancee) farm hand just found him dead in the house. Everyone looked at me and I ran to my car and drove as fast as I could home. It was true, he was dead, and I was devastated. It was April of 2011. Almost a year has passed and I am still sad, I can't sleep, and I cry everyday for him. I just wish I knew what we did to deserve this. I don't want for anything or care about much now. I am waiting until we're together again.

  • Kimm Taylor Keighley by Kimm Taylor Keighley, West Yorkshire
  • 12 years ago

I've just lost my husband 12/2/2013 and I just don't know how I will ever get over it, even though we knew his heart was weak after two heart attacks, and this proved fatal in the end, I just never thought he would leave me to face the world alone and haven't had a day when I have not cried since, I don't know when the pain will ease, or when I will feel normal again because for a week I've been in a daze my life just seems empty like I've lost part of me, and having to plan a funeral and concentrate on two grieving children as well as yourself and want the best final journey money can buy, when all I really want is my husband back. He was my husband, lover and my best friend and an amazing father to our 14 year old son and 10 year old daughter. We are just totally devastated, not a day or second goes by when I don't think of him, my heart is broken in to tiny pieces and I don't know how or if I will ever get over this.

  • Valerie M. by Valerie M., Sierra
  • 12 years ago

My husband, Frank, of 40 years passed away of cardiac arrest on November 3, 2012. He had been quite ill for over a year and a half with heart, lung and kidney disease. I left my job to be home as his full-time healthcare nurse. I had promised him that as long as there was breath in my body, I would not let him go to a nursing home. The day he died was very uneventful. He had become totally bedridden, so we would spend our days watching TV or listening to music. He hadn't been able to walk on his own for quite a while, so I would assist him to the bathroom in the wheelchair. As I helped him stand up from the chair, he started to fall backwards and as much as I tried to stop him from falling, I couldn't. I put a pillow under his head, covered him with a blanket and called 911. As I was on the floor holding his head, he kept saying "help me" and then all of a sudden he stopped talking. He never spoke again. The pain of his loss is getting worse very day.

  • Linda by Linda
  • 12 years ago

I lost the love of my life on the 8/11/12, he was my world. We were together for 3 years we had both been in long term relationships but we both said we had not realized what true love was till we met. He was my rock don't no how I will get by with out him. I look for signs all the time but haven't had none and I want to believe he is waiting for me somewhere but I am finding it hard to believe in life after death. I know that no one will ever make me feel like he did miss him so much xxxxx

  • Spring by Spring, Texas
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband of almost 12 years on December 3, 2012. He was only 30 years old and we have a 15 month old son. I am so heartbroken I can not even function. He was my best friend, my soul mate. It was a sudden accident but I at least got to tell him bye and that I loved him. Breaks my heart he will never get to see his son grow up and that our son will not even remember him. I want him back so bad it hurts. How do I go on without the one person that completed me.

  • Melkia Kimya by Melkia Kimya
  • 12 years ago

My husband died suddenly from cardiac arrest on March 4, 2012 at 40 years old, 5 days before our daughter's 9th birthday. We also have a 17 year old daughter and my two-step children, ages 17 and 23.
The day my husband left this world the way we know it, my heart and life was shattered into pieces. He was my all and all, the love of my life and the man I dreamed of marrying since I was a little girl. Gone so soon because we had so many hopes and dreams that we prayed to come true for all of years together. Life without him seems meaningless, how do I carry on. I try to smile and be normal but inside I feel as empty as someone who haven't eaten or been fed in years. He was the man of my house, the one who inspired me and our kids to love God despite our struggles as a family. His smile, laughter, humor, unconditional love and handsome face is a constant memory which I hold onto. This new life isn't what I expected for me or wanted but God knows best. I will strive everyday to live in peace knowing that one day we will meet again and be together for eternity. I love you with every breath I take baby! Miss you to pieces Jamel Tarver!

  • Kay Balsley by Kay Balsley, Ohio
  • 12 years ago

I was Married to my Husband Chris for 32 yrs and a little over 2 months he died on April 06, 2012 He had MD but that is not what he died of he died of a leg infection that a Home health Nurse did not catch. He started to have back pain real bad and we could not get him strong Pain killers so I called Hospice in and a week later he past away. It was so hard seeing him take his last breath. I will love him forever and can't wait to see him again myself.

  • Lynne by Lynne, Southport
  • 12 years ago

My darling Harry passed 18 months ago. Harry died the way most men would like to die. Sat in his own chair, having enjoyed a lovely day and watching his beloved Manchester United on the TV. I was only in the next room and when I came in to see how the football was going, I glanced over to his chair and he seemed to have fallen asleep. I walked over slowly to talk to him and even though he just looked like he was asleep with his eyes closed I sensed straight away that something was wrong. I just stood for a while and called his name, but I knew then that I had lost him. So glad it was so easy for him, but so very very hard for me. I loved him so so much and what is my life all about now. Good night God Bless my love.

  • Gayle by Gayle, Bunbury Western Australia
  • 12 years ago

My 34y/o husband was killed in a truck rollover/fire on the 18 November 2012, he was my soulmate, my best friend and my rock and the father of Ben 5 1/2 and stepfather to my 12 y/o daughter. I will never understand why. We had been together almost 7 years. We only married on the 28 Oct 2012 and I find it hard to bear he will not see his boy grow up. We will love you forever Brett. Only the good die young sweetheart xxxxx forever your soulmate and loving wife Gayle

  • Kim Fratick by Kim Fratick, Hollister
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Husband at the age of 54 on 10/30/2012. We were married in 1989, 23 years and have two children age 25 son and age 21 daughter. We were friend, soul mates, we did a lot of things together. August 2011 he we diagnosed with melanoma. 1 year 2 months later he passed away, cancer takes so many good people. When is someone going to step up and find a cure? I'm not sure how to get through this alone. I cry a lot at night and it seems to be getting worse. I feel so alone. I have a home that is not a home any more. My dreams are gone. I would love one more minute with him. I love you Mark, I know I will see you someday. You were my world, you made me who I am. Please help me through this. Love you forever and always your wife.

  • Fran by Fran, Florida
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband at 55 years old on 10/7/12. We were married for 31 years and had no children. We were best friends and did everything together. It was exactly 1 1/2 years from the time he was diagnosed with cancer. That disgusting disease that destroys so many lives. I don't know how I'll go on without him. I hate to wake up and realize he's gone. It would be easier to just die instead of having to think about it and feel the pain every day. I now live in the house alone that we moved into earlier this year, He never got to enjoy the house or his recent retirement. I'm left with nothing but shattered dreams. I want to go home with him. Nothing on earth can ever make me happy again.

  • Dj by Dj, Colorado
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband, on October 19th, 2012. Less than 3 weeks ago. My heart aches and my sorrow goes to the core of my soul. We were soul friends, we worked together daily...our love was deep. We had been married 27 years, and together 30. He was an amazing man, that made me feel his love for me, everyday. His death was sudden. A pulmonary embolism, it happened so quickly, in a day that started like any other ordinary day...I feel lost right now...some days good, some days bad...I want to have joy in my heart, for having had such a special relationship, but how can one not, be rocked by a loss like this?? I know I am not the only one, because I see the other unfair life can be...but I guess I need to cling to the wonderful times and try to fill my heart with the wonderful memories of the life I had with him..."Always & Forever" to you, my dear Ted <3

  • England by England
  • 12 years ago

I lost the love of my life, soul mate and best friend of 10 years in a motorbike accident on 29th May 2012. It's been 5 months and I feel like it's been an eternity since I've seen his beautiful face. The pain I feel is unbearable, a huge part of me died on that day and I am left with a hole in my soul. I miss his laugh, his voice, his support, his cuddles, our chats, the way he loved me unconditionally and I him. I think of him every second and all the things that we will never get a chance to do together. My life was shattered on that day and I feel that I will never be happy again. What I wouldn't give to see him one last time to tell him how much I love him. There will never be anyone else, one day we will be together again. I know you are waiting for me.

  • Kristen by Kristen, Arkansas
  • 12 years ago

My husband passed away just over 3 weeks ago. Saturday Sept. 22, 2012 at 10:56 pm. He had a disc replacement surgery on Sept. 18, and was home the afternoon of Sept. 19. I woke up on Friday morning to my son 7 year old son asking to watch TV. When I rolled over, he was not breathing and had no pulse. I immediately dialed 911, and started CPR waiting for EMT's. As soon as they got there, I told them to do whatever they could if he had any chance. They got his heart started back up, and oxygen going through him. We waited until the next day to find out that he never breathed on his own, and had no brain or body activity. I had to let him go, because his wishes always were no resuscitation at all. That was the hardest thing I've ever done. My husband and I were married for 7 years, together for 8. We have 2 amazing strong boys who have totally been my inspiration to keep going. My husband will forever live on in them. He will always be my soul mate.

  • Sabrina by Sabrina, Whittier
  • 12 years ago

The love of my life of 5 years, Michael passed away on June 28, 2012 from a massive heart attack. He just turned 45 years old. There were never symptoms and it was the worst day of my life when the Dr. told me he had passed. There were so many words left unsaid. It has been 14 1/2 weeks and the heartache and tears do not ease. He took part of me with him and I wish this was all a bad dream. This is reality now living my life without him and I pray every night that he will visit me in my dreams. Love you always my big handsome bear, you will always be my honey bear.

  • Zambia by Zambia
  • 12 years ago

Indeed its nice to share: My dearest husband Mathews David Kamono born on 4th June, and died on 19th June, 2005 after a two year battle of cancer. He left with son David aged 13 and the twins aged 3 years.

We wedded on 27th August, 1989. It is very sad to lose a loved one like a husband.

Only those who have lost husbands can understand. Gob bless you all.

  • Cheryl Kirkpatrikc by Cheryl Kirkpatrikc, Hesperia Ca
  • 12 years ago

I lost my best friend my husband my everything 9 months ago. We were together for 27 years. The hospital ER released him October 2,2011 with blood sugar of 40. He went into shock from eating and never got out of the Coma. He passed away Dec 30 2011 and Life will never be as good with out him. Had the hospital evaluated him with his eating and blood sugar I believe he would be alive today. How careless of a hospital to do to anyone.

  • Kampala by Kampala, Uganda
  • 12 years ago

Oh nice to share experience with people who have gone through such a terrible experience like I did nearly 2 years ago. I lost my lovely husband on 11th November 2011 to brain failure which he suffered in only one day. He was just 32 years, I have failed to understand how a brain can kill someone in one day, but what to do. Since then I have failed to understand life, we had been married for only 3 years and had 2 children. I feel robbed of life but must move on for the sake of my children, I believe one day I will see life differently through God. For all who have gone through it, may God comfort you!!

  • United Kingdom by United Kingdom
  • 12 years ago

My kind hearted husband died nearly 2 months ago. He was battling with cancer for 9 years. During these years he had lots of chemo, radiotherapy and on special diet, but In November 2011 things started to get worst and he keep getting strong severe pain at the bottom of his spine. He went through 10 hours operation which end up leaving him paralyzed from the waist downward. He had cares coming 4 times a day and me taking over after they finished. Although we kind of expect that one day, his illness will take him but not this quick. Now that he is dead the anger and pain stays with me. I miss him so much and praying for him all the time. He left me very lonely and I still find it hard to come to terms with it. May God bless him in heaven.

  • Kimberly Cantwell by Kimberly Cantwell, Virginia Beach
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband of 28 years on July 10,2012. It was our son's 24th Birthday. As most couples, We had our up and downs but We still loved one another after all these years. He had been in the Hospital in Oct. 2011 for 3 weeks and nine months later he died. He had a Doctors appointment the morning he died because he hadn't been feel well. I'm still waiting for the final Death Cert. to find out why he died.
There's not a day that goes by that I miss him and my heartaches. For 28 years he was the love of my life and life just isn't the same without him.

  • Kim by Kim, Dallas
  • 12 years ago

The love of my life died in October 2011, the day before Halloween. The anniversary is approaching, but I don't feel as if any healing has taken place. I have days where I've cried 7 hours straight. Most days I can't bring him up without crying, yet he's the only thing I want to talk about. Our children are the world to me. Part of the world is missing now, a gaping wound that never heals. I can't imagine a day when I'll want to date anyone. Roger was Mr. Perfect, how can I settle for anything less. Like in the poem, just a kiss on the cheek and to know he's in a better place where I will be with him again. That one last goodbye would help the healing perhaps.

  • Lynda M by Lynda M, Bartlesville OK
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband/best friend on 5/20/12. We battled liver cancer for 8 months. He left me with 2 teenagers, who are absolutely awesome. They have become my rock now. Today would have been my husbands 41st birthday. Your poem is awesome thank you for sharing it.

  • Vimbai by Vimbai, London
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband on the 27th of August 2001 aged 34 leaving me with a lovely 4 year old beautiful daughter. My heart bleeds even now 11 years later and the events of that very day unfold daily in my heart. He was my best friend, my soul mate and I miss him dearly. So many people have told me that time is the healer but every morning I wake up, I have fresh wounds in my heart and tears dribbling down my cheeks. I thank God for the wonderful daughter he left me with and we talk about him everyday. Thank you so much for the lovely but touching poem. I have learnt that I am not the only enduring the loss of a soul mate. It is my hope that one day we will be together again.

  • Lisa by Lisa, Massachusetts
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Scott on July 11, 2012 after a 6 month battle with lung cancer. He was only 52. We would have been married 20 years next March. As others have said, we never really talked about dying too much because no matter how sick he got, we kept thinking we had more time. I thought, though, that watching him die and become sicker would make his death easier to bear. It did not. At least when he was sick, he was there with me. I am grateful he is not in pain, but his excruciating pain has transferred to me. My heart is broken and I know there will always be a hole. I thank goodness for our 2 sons because they are my only reason for getting out of bed each morning.

  • Kali by Kali, Canada
  • 12 years ago

My fiancé died June 25th in a work accident and left behind myself and our now 6 month old baby girl. She is the spitting image of her daddy and it breaks my heart that she will never know the amazing man who loved her so completely and deeply. He was my best friend and I miss him more every day. We had decided the night before the accident to get married next summer... I know I will see him again when it is my time but the thought of having to wait that long is excruciating. I just want him back.

  • Debbie by Debbie, Oho
  • 12 years ago

I lost my fiancée August 2011, It will be a year this month and it still feels like the day I lost him, its the most painful thing I have ever had to endure, he was my friend, bestfriend, love of my life, my soulmate, the most important man in my life.
Steve was my whole world, I didn't realize just how much I loved him, how much I needed him, you hear someone say "You don't know what you have until its gone" those words are so true, but it still hurts more today than when it happened, it won't get better because I can never hold that precious man, I can never tell him just how much we loved him, how, with his love he changed my life forever and I thank him everyday for choosing me, I thank him everyday for giving me our 9 yr. old son, if I didn't have that part of my Steve, I don't know if I could endure this pain, but I look at Gage and I see his father and I thank him and God, I know I have to keep it together....I love you Stephen, thank you for listening.

  • Isabel by Isabel, CA
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband, my soulmate, my best friend and my better half May 9, 2012 due to a car accident. A 20 yr old crossed 3 lanes, went over a center divider and struck his car head on while he was on his way to work to provide for his family. He was 30 yrs old, we had been together for 11 1/2 yrs since we were 19 and have a 4 yr old son that looks identical like his father. The day the police gave me the terrible news was the worst day of my life !!! We had soooo many plans ahead of us that will go unfinished. I miss him soooo much, my heart aches so bad words could never explain the pain I feel. When he left me he also took me with him. Life is just not the same without him its been 3 months and the pain feels worse. I feel so lost and confused, he was my rock, my everything. I know I have to be strong for my son but it's so hard when I'm dying inside. My life has been turned upside down and I don't know what to do. I miss him so much and I long to be with him !!!

  • Jessica by Jessica, Florida
  • 12 years ago

On June 22, 2012, My sweet husband left me, and our 3 sons while we were all sleeping. He was only 30 years old. I woke up to find him not in our bed. I walked into the living room and found him on the floor. I tried to wake him, until I noticed he was not breathing. I checked for a pulse, but nothing. I rolled him to his back, found blood and vomit in his mouth. I did CPR, called 911, and slowly watched him turn blue, become colder, and I prayed so hard to God to give him back. He died from a seizure. My healthy strong gifted handsome man, is gone forever. I can never hold him, kiss him, talk to him again. I get so angry at people who tell me things will get better. Life without hearing his voice to tell me he loves me, aren't "things" that just get better. I love him, I love the sons we have, I need him. I am so alone. Baby, I love you, wait for me on the other side, be there with me the moment I die.

  • England by England
  • 12 years ago

My friends husband died today in a motorbike crash they were only married 2 days ago. I can not imagine how she feels right now. Lets not take our loved ones for granted ever because you never know when they will leave us. Love to all those who've lost loved ones x#

  • Amy by Amy, CA
  • 12 years ago

July 7, 2012 I lost the love of my life. We've been together for only four years and it breaks my heart because we had our whole lives to live together. He died in a car accident and I was 10 hours away at a camp when I got the call.. My worst nightmare came true. We got into an argument before I left because he didn't want me to go to camp for a week. We made up through texting and we were going to do something special together when I got back. He always protected me and cared when no one else did. I have barely any family he was my everything.. I can only keep him alive in my memories now. I love you Tony see you soon

  • Micronesia by Micronesia
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband last year on the September 4th 2011. Family and friends always tell me to pray to God so that he can help me. Somehow I can't pray to God to help me. I don't know why but I just can't. Right after when my husband passed, I've been doing stupid things in my life just to ease the pain I have in my heart. The fact that he's not with me and our kids. Every time when I go to work, I just smiled but when I come home alone, I just break down and started to cry for him. Looking at our little son feeling sorry for him that he will be growing up without a father and it just breaks my heart. I just missed him so much. missing him will be like a scar that will be with me till I meet him again.

  • Astoria by Astoria, Ny
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband on 3/14/12. I miss him terribly. I loved him more than I think he knew. We had our ups and downs. He was a seemingly strong man with a strong will. He was very sick with diabetes which unfortunately he started trying to control his diet and taking insulin too late. I have a seventeen year old and a nine year old, both are devastated by the loss of their father. It is a pain that never goes away.

  • Dan by Dan, Atlanta
  • 12 years ago

The first time I read this poem I did not realize it was meant for those who have lost their husbands. However, it can still apply to either spouse, and I was deeply touched when I read it. I just substituted "she" for "he" and it still rings true for how I am feeling.

  • Dan by Dan, Atlanta
  • 12 years ago

I lost my wife after a long fought battle with lung cancer on July 10, 2012. She was 31 years old and was far too young to go. She leaves behind 3 wonderful sons who I am left to cared for. She was my world, and I feel completely lost without her. Its only been a week since she left me, but it feels like an eternity. I will miss her beautiful smile and her gentle touch. I love you so much, and will look forward to seeing you again one day.

  • Jiera by Jiera, Sabah Malaysia
  • 12 years ago

I lost my precious husband on 30 April 2011. That day was a horrible day in my life and until now I can't forget that incident. He was at the wrong time and the wrong place. He was shot by the gold robber while he was waiting for his friend inside his car. I just cannot accept that he has left me and my 3 children. He was a loving, kind, and wonderful husband and father. I love him and I miss him so much. I don't want to loose him but God love him more than I do. I'll be seeing you again my love. I know that we'll be together someday. I love you so much and God bless your soul..

  • Yhara Tobias by Yhara Tobias, Las Vegas
  • 12 years ago

I meet him at the age of 14, I fell in love and from the beginning of our relationship he told me we will get married as soon as I turned 18 (he is 3 years older than me), we had fun growing up and living with adventures, he was the best thing that ever happened to me. No matter what I did or I said he supported me no matter what. He was the sweetest thing, not just to me but everyone, 2 weeks before I turned 18 he proposed and of course I said yes. We got married 2 months later. We planned everything fast but it was the best day of my entire life. We got married on our 3 year anniversary. I honestly was a very happy person for once. I loved his family, my family loved him and we were great. We celebrated our 1 year as married in universal studios. A month after that he started feeling sick and started losing weight, he didn't want to go to the Dr. One morning he woke up feeling sick and throwing up telling me he was dying , I rushed him to the ER, 3 days after being there the diagnosed him with leukemia m4/m5. After 2 rounds of chemo and 3 long weeks in the hospital, He feel asleep in death, it's now been 5 months and I still can't believe it , I love him and miss him. Everything has gone down hill from here. At age 19 as a widow already it kills me to know I wont see him again anytime soon, but I know I will some day due to the promise we have in Revelation 21:4. I'm so heart broken, I wish things were the way they were before.

  • Jeanie by Jeanie, Valley Mills
  • 12 years ago

It's been six years now since I lost my beloved husband, Wesley. We found out Dec. 2005 he had cancer and he passed away Nov. 3, 2006. He was everything to me. My best friend, lover, companion. We did everything together. We told each other "I love you" so many times that last year that he was sick. But we never really talked about his dying. I don't think I ever really thought that he would die. I couldn't let myself think it. He dropped from 140 lbs to 98 lbs. Even when the ambulance came I thought he'd be ok. I believe he died as he was being carried out of our home. The memory of his death is as clear today as the day he passed away. I don't know when grief ends if it ever does. I miss him every day. Still, I can only take comfort in knowing that I will see him again with our Lord.

  • Jo by Jo, Cleveland Qld
  • 12 years ago

My beautiful husband Ronnie died 5 weeks ago, 26 May 2012 was the day my world fell apart. He was only 55 and we have 4 gorgeous kids together and we were married for 33 years. he went to work on Friday as normal, came home, watched the football and went to bed, all the normal things he did on Friday night. In the early hours of Saturday morning he made a kind of coughing / spluttering sound I asked him if he was OK and he lifted his head up and I thought I was waking him up from his sleep, the next morning I couldn't wake him up. I will live with the regret that I didn't call emergency straight away, and wondering if I could have saved him. I wish I could say I'm sorry and thank him for being the most amazing husband and father we could have ever wanted. He was the most beautiful person, and my heart breaks everyday I wake up without him. How do you ever get over the loss? I don't think I will ever get over losing him. I will love you forever babe xxx

  • Jennifer by Jennifer, Scotland
  • 12 years ago

I lost the love of my life 5 weeks and 4 days ago, he went to work and never came home, he died suddenly of a heart attack aged 45, he left two boys 11 and 17. Can't come to terms that he's gone don't know if I ever will. We were together for 22 years since I was 15 and don't know how to cope with the loss, the loss of his life and that of our future, Anne Spillers my lost love describes how I feel in away that I could never express.
Love you Alex always and forever xx

  • Angie by Angie, Hesperia CA
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband of 35 years on Dec. 1, 2011 in a car accident less than a mile from our home. I was driving home from our son's home and came upon the scene, recognized his car, and was told in the middle of the street that he was already gone. Our 2 sons just spent their first Father's Day without their Dad and I know they're hurting too. He was only 56; we were supposed to grow old together. My heart is shattered like so many others here. So sad to know there are so many of us. May God gives us strength.

  • Denise Matthews by Denise Matthews
  • 12 years ago

I was in school it was 1975, his name was Steve, we went to the local disco together and still together 2012. In this time we married and had a child together.
Life together was like breathing, it was so natural,
2010 Steve got sick, had stomach cancer, lost so much weight, but after the operation of removing his stomach, Steve seen this as a 2nd chance and he BEAT the cancer without the post chemo
We made plans, had dreams,.
While Steve went to work on 18th April, I carried on with my normal duties in the home, went to bed
Then little did I know I was to be waken up by a phone call from Steve's company to say he was in terrible pain, and I needed to be there as soon as possible.
With one look at Steve I knew he was going to hospital, and He wasn't coming home again.
unfortunately I was right, and Steve was to be taken away from me and my son on April 20th 2012.
Today 15th June I still cannot accept that STEVE IS NOT coming back home.
Every day for 37 years I have spoken to him, we were a team united we thought until our old age.
Steve was 51. Not ready to leave me or this world.
I will never get over this, I feel lost, broken, and frightened.
I love and miss you so much Steve, Good Bye until was are reunited again (I know you are just keeping the bed warm for me).

  • Daya by Daya
  • 12 years ago

I lost the love of my life on January 24 this year. He was involved in a motorbike accident. It's been almost 5 months but I still cry for him. We were together for 5 yrs. He was the only one for me. He is all I think about every single day! We had planned to get engaged this yr and even applied for a house. I don't know how to move on without him. I'm crying my eyes out typing this. I love him so much!!!!! I cant imagine being with someone else. He was only 24 when he passed away. No one can ever replace him. Faizrul, wait for me on the other side. I love you so much!!! Will be missing you till my last breathe.

  • Ceci by Ceci, Texas
  • 12 years ago

I lost the most wonderful husband any woman would be proud to have, two weeks ago today in a Memorial Day weekend get away at a lake. I feel as if my heart sunk along with him. We spent a total of 4 years together and 2 married and they were the most happiest times of my adult life. He left me a little angel of 8 months to care and love for.. If it was not for him I don't know how I could go on. People keep telling me time will ease my pain, yet each day it hurts more and more.. what I wouldn't give to hear him tell me that he loved me one more time. My heart and soul are simply shattered. I'm Christian and I do believe God will reunite us one day. Until then, I will cherish the amazing life and love we shared and promise to raise our son to be a great man like him. My prayers are with you all and god bless.

  • Narn by Narn
  • 12 years ago

I lost my beautiful fiancé a month ago we had a little boy together and am currently pregnant with our second child I lost my best friend/fiancé and my children's father all at once and can not understand why god had to take him so early in life as he was only 24 :(

  • Linda Barstow by Linda Barstow, Mohave Valley AZ
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband on May 31, 2012. I went to watch my grandchildren and came home to find him laying on the kitchen floor. I was so devastated I didn't know whether it was a dream. He will always forever be in my heart. He has 5 children, 3 grandchildren whom he adopted, when he married me the year of 2001. I have two children who he adopted as his own. I only remember him as being such a great husband, grandfather, father, and worked very hard all his life.

  • Jordan by Jordan, Louisiana
  • 12 years ago

I lost the love of my life, April 19th this year. The absolute worst day of my entire life. He was my soul mate, my favorite person I've ever met. We had our whole lives planned out together.. but his was cut short at the age of 22, 3 months before his 23rd birthday. He dropped me off at the airport on April 18th, to send me off to my grandmother's funeral in North Carolina. We said our goodbyes, kissed, said we loved each other, couldn't wait for me to come home in 3 days. I woke up the next morning... to find out Zac died in his sleep. Every day feels like a dream, like it's not real. The pain is so deep, I can't breathe at times. A part of me died that day he died. He was my soul mate, the one person who could get me through anything.. My heart and soul feels like there is a huge hole in it. They say that time heals... but every second feels longer and longer without my Zac. Every day feels like an eternity without him

  • Inga Frost by Inga Frost
  • 12 years ago

I lost my 26 year old husband, best friend, soul mate, other half suddenly on March 28th 2012 after 6 years together. I miss him every day my life is forever changed.

  • Liz Baer by Liz Baer, Pelham
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband Sept. 14,2008 due to suicide. It broke my heart and I still hurt every day and think of him every day. I think I died when he died. He was my husband and best friend. We had no children, just each other. I am still numb with disbelief. He was so special to me and my heart aches every day. We were together 31 yrs. I will always love and miss him. I cry most every day. I pray I will see him again one day.

  • Georgia by Georgia, New Jersey
  • 12 years ago

My husband, my best friend, my love, and baby girl's daddy died of a sudden massive heart attack on Friday, April 13th, 2012 (on Greek good Friday), he was only 46 and we were married for only 4 years this October. It happened so fast that I still can't was a nice morning, I was feeding the baby when he collapsed the first time in the laundry room, then getting up and collapsing again in the kitchen in my arms, he passed away almost an hour later in the hospital. Our beautiful daughter will be one on June 2, he was so looking forward to celebrating her birthday. Niko was a wonderful person, honest, kind and most loving. This feeling of missing him and knowing I will never see him again breaks my heart every minute. Sometimes I have no idea what I am doing and saying. He was a wonderful daddy and so loved baby girl. I love him so much and miss him so much...a part of me died that day too. I love you Niko and will always be loving and thinking of you.

  • Yvonne by Yvonne, Ireland
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for sharing your poem and I am sorry for your loss. I lost my wonderful, funny, caring soulmate, best friend and husband Mike on 2 November 2009. Three weeks before his 46th birthday. Stolen from me by the big C.... in seven short weeks from diagnosis. A big part of me went with him that day and life can never be the same. I miss him intensely 24/7. Love and miss you my Smithy xxxx xxxxx (xxx)

  • Serika by Serika, South Africa
  • 12 years ago

My wonderful husband aged 33 passed away tragically on the 26th March 2012. A day before my birthday. Before he left home, he told me he had a huge surprise for me and guess what.. he did. He gave me a sealed box that could never be opened (HIS COFFIN). We have been together for 15 years and have a stunning 5 year old son.. I miss him terribly.. life will never go on!!!!

  • Josephine by Josephine
  • 12 years ago

Joseph died in 2005. My life has changed for the worst. Words are meaningless. You lose a part of yourself. My heart goes out to millions who have lost........

  • Stafford by Stafford, Va
  • 12 years ago

I lost my husband Rick of 22 years, suddenly and unexpectedly on April 6, 2008 to a massive heart attack. He was only 44 years old and on April 26th that year we would of celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary. The 4 year anniversary of his death is coming soon and it is a reminder of the most tragic day of my life! As much as I try, I will never forget coming home and finding him face down in my drive way. I wish he didn't have to go. My life has not been the same without him and it will never EVER be the same. I'm really not sure how I have made it this far without him. I love and miss you so much Rick!!

  • Mimi by Mimi, Fort Myers Florida
  • 13 years ago


I lost my husband of 25 years in tragic car accident, his car was hit by a dump truck in January of 2009 , my sweetheart died instantly, did not have my last goodbye with him, until I saw him lying in peace in a hospital holding place where they had his body. I did say good bye to him there, and told him how grateful I was to have him in my life for all these years. I though all this tragedy I have become such a strong person in God, I did not know how strong I was till being strong was my only choice, and God was my strength and God was my choice, The journey was long, but with God on my side the road was smoother, at least for me it was. I have learned to trust God, he will never leave us nor forsake us. When we think God is so far from this pain we go through, that is when he is the closes to you. May God bless everyone.

  • Winston Salem Nc by Winston Salem Nc
  • 13 years ago

I've been married for 19 years to a wonderful man, my best friend. Never sick a day in his life until Feb. 15, 2012 at 1:40 pm. He was 44 yrs old he had a Massive heart attack. It felt like my life just ended. We have 3 children together 18, 14 and 6 years. No one know how my heart is hurting I miss him dearly. They said time heals the heart when will the time start!

  • Christina by Christina, Indianapolis
  • 13 years ago

March 13, 2011 will mark the 1st anniversary that I lost my husband and best friend to cancer. Mark and I were married for 23 years. I feel so lost and lonely without him. Some days are harder to get through than others but I try to remain strong for our 2 children that he loved and adored. I have a picture of him on our bed that I kiss every morning and night, a ritual to keep him alive in my mind. I talk to him everyday and I always tell him I love him. I know he is with our Heavenly Father and that's a comfort but at times my heart aches for him so bad, it's hard to breathe. I miss his smile, the sound of his voice, everything about him. I miss and love him so.

  • Kelly by Kelly, West Monroe
  • 13 years ago

I lost the love of my life, my soulmate and my best friend Randy on May 31, 2011. We had a great day spending time with our 2 girls, ages 7 and 10. It was a normal day, mowing the yard, riding 4-wheelers, eating take-out pizza for dinner and having a pallet party watching movies and eating popcorn. Then a few hours later our lives completely turned upside down. My husband of 16 years at the age of 41 had a very unexpected massive heart attack and was gone from our lives. Our lives will never be the same. I lost my one and only and my girls lost the daddy that was their everything! Oh how he loved his 3 girls. Our hearts are filled with such sorrow, but knowing he is with Jesus waiting on us seems to bring a little comfort. Thank you for this means a lot to me and my girls.

  • Carla by Carla, England Doncaster
  • 13 years ago

Hi, this poem touched me, and so has many of the messages I've just read, I also lost my husband 9 years ago yesterday, We were both in a friends car, he was driving very fast he wouldn't slow down he was showing off, he hit a speed bump which was sticking out burst the front tire, the car then slammed into a number of parked cars, then hitting a lamppost and flipping the car into the air doing a barrel somersault, then landing back on its wheels, my partner last words to me was I love Carla, I watched him die in that night and also our best friend, we had a 4 year old boy, I was 21 he was 28, my life was shattered that night and even as I'm writing this I am crying. How long will I feel like this? The guilt is unbearable, I was and still in love with him, he was my first love.

  • Chris by Chris, St.Louis
  • 13 years ago

I've lost my soulmate, June 01, 2011. in my arms...I tried CPR...but it was just his time to go home....he suffered dearly due to diabetic complications, kidneys, heart, eyesight, numbness in his limbs, he had a leg amputation, 3 times till they got to 6 inches below his knee. We have been blessed with a son {a little daddy} he is his clone...I love him dearly, but sometimes I look at my sons hands...{clone of daddy} and I will start aching in my heart...the tears start to fall..those hands comforted me loved me, tickled me, wiped my tears, when he was going through dialysis..he was so strong. I cry like a baby, but what I had was a God given gift, I was truly blessed!! I cry as I type these words in...the pain is unlike anything I've ever felt! There are no words to describe my deep pain, my heart broke into pieces that day, And I'm afraid there is not enough glue to put the pieces back, because the pieces are shattered! Time does not help....I will never understand why people tell me it will get better in time? Only memories linger, when he was still on earth...sincerely bittersweet.

  • Rita S by Rita S
  • 13 years ago

I lost my fiance in a tragic accident, a building collapsed killing him. He was 49 years old . We had a love story of our own and we found each other again after 23 years to only be together for 2 years till his death. He was my soulmate, my love of my life and I was that to him. I don't know why this happened , I just don't understand , I'm so lost and confused I don't know how to move on from here. My heart is broken and no matter what happens I will never be the same . I'm so scared when I think about it that I just want to die myself. Where did you go Vince please tell me. I love you.

  • Janell T by Janell T, Nebraska
  • 13 years ago

I lost my husband, July 23, 2011. He was 55 years old. We just went and bought a Harley. We were on our way home. I was following behind him. He merge over to let the other traffic on the interstate, hit the rumble bars on the side of the road, went into a ditch. Next thing I see is him laying in the ditch. People stopped to help. I heard them say slight pulse, snapped neck, no pulse. I lost it. We had our 6 year old granddaughter with us. I am so lost. I LOVE AND MISS HIM SO MUCH!!! We were married for 18 wonderful years. We had planned our vacation for 2012 and everything. I will go on that vacation and I know he will be right with me.

  • Pamela T. by Pamela T.
  • 13 years ago

I lost my husband of 20 years on September 8th, 2010. He had been sick for 2 years. But I never took for granted that just because he was sick that I could have died before him. God took him first and no matter how prepared you may be, it will hit you like a ton of bricks. All sickness is not unto death, but God said different. I miss him very much. But because of my relationship with Jesus, I have been able to cope and maintain my sanity. Jesus was always first in our lives and because of this the pain is less intense and a little more bearable. I cry, I laugh, I hurt, I grieve...but God. I appreciate this poem, however, my husband was not my whole world, Jesus is. And I know that when I die I will see him and all my saved loved ones again. So they are not lost, just gone from this earth but never from our hearts and our minds and those memories will last a lifetime. Love you Honey..until we meet again!

  • Debbie L. by Debbie L., Ohio
  • 13 years ago

Back in 1994 I lost my husband to a brain aneurysm. He was 40 years old. I would love to tell you it gets easier, but I can't. After 18 years I still miss and mourn for him. It's impossible to forget about someone who was so loving and true. And you shouldn't have to. If memories are all you have then you should cherish them, every day. Until I go to my grave I will carry him in my heart. That answers the last verse of the poem! I believe it's better to have had his love and then lost, than not at all. It sustains me. Love never dies is so true!!!!!! Sorry to hear of your losses which brought you to this sad but good poem.

  • Valerie P. by Valerie P.
  • 13 years ago

My marriage to Dave was sometimes very difficult. It felt like we were so far apart at the end. He had heart failure, diabetes and kidney disease. We spent months in the hospital. Every day was long and hard and there were days I wished I was alone. The good times and the laughter were just memories. He passed away on June 25, 2011. I am numb. I feel lost. I wish I could talk to him just one more time. He was 56 years old. I always thought there was more time. . .

  • Kallette Hall by Kallette Hall, New Haven
  • 13 years ago

Jan. 11 2012 had totally changed my life. It was the day the police came to me and told me my husband was dead. They said it was an accident that he used that jack and the car fell on him and he died instantly. Words can't express on how I felt that day he was so good with cars and he was so young he was only 31 years on. He was just starting life. For a 25 year old to lose her husband at such a young age is hard although we've been together for seven years I still wish it could have been longer. I thank god for him bringing you into my life you helped me grow in so many ways. I love you Hun and I'm gonna treasure our memories forever may your life go on through your kids. Miss you

  • Blaine by Blaine, MN
  • 13 years ago

I lost my husband on January 27, 2008, Life was never the same any more. Everyday, I cried and was sad but talking to God everyday helped. When I go watch my little one played soccer sometimes I cried and wish that his dad were here to cheer him. I think God for giving me the chance to share 25 years with my Steve.

  • Claudia Stevens by Claudia Stevens, Flores
  • 13 years ago

I lost my husband on December 17, 2011. He was only 35. We have four beautiful children, ages 14, 8, 6 & 4. We were together for 17 years. He went to bed on a Friday night and never woke up. It has been the worst 4 weeks of my life. I know these feelings will be here forever. I know I need to move forward with our children. There's not one minute of the day that I don't think of him. I know one day we will meet again and have eternity together.
Thank you for sharing this poem. It's beautiful

  • Melinda by Melinda, Cabins WV
  • 13 years ago

I lost my Loving Husband and Soulmate Rusty on Sept 22,2009. I was at work and got the dreaded call, He had a massive heart attack and passed in our sons arms. I felt like it was a nightmare and I just couldn't wake up. I feel so lost and empty without him, they say time heals a broken heart, but that is so untrue. He was not only my Husband but my best friend. He was the kindest and loving person one could ever meet, He was a dedicated Husband and Father. He always put others first and himself last. He treated me as his queen and was always telling me how much he loved me, He always greeted me after I had a long night at work and would give me massages to take away the stress and pain. It hurts to go on with life and him not being a part of it. I was so blessed to be his wife and to have what others take a life time to find what we shared. I will always love him and hold him dear to my heart and look forward for the day we can be reunited and spend eternity together.

  • Alice by Alice
  • 13 years ago

My loving husband passed away on Christmas Eve. He went in the hospital on November 27th, with what I would later find out was an inoperable glioma brain tumor. I thought we would be able to get treatments, and I would have some more time with him, but it wasn't to be. The oncologist told me he couldn't treat him and couldn't believe he was still alive. He passed away less than 3 days later. He was only 52, and we were only married 6 years, but he loved me completely and was so devoted. I can only say that I long to see him again in heaven, and until then, I pray for dreams of him.

  • Sandy by Sandy
  • 13 years ago

My dear husband passed away Sept. 10 2011. He had a 2 year fight with cancer and watching him whittle down to nothing was so painful. The house screams gone and alone. We were married 34 years and he was always so good to me. Yes we had differences but who doesn't. So glad someone expresses the pain in poem. Only those who go through this knows. Looking forward to the day we are together again.

  • Trisha by Trisha, UK
  • 13 years ago

I lost my soul mate and my heart on 6 Sept 2011. He fought so valiantly the cancer that consumed his body. I've never realized how much you could love until I met Ray we spent 4+ wonderful years together and did some amazing things - like many others I wish we'd talked more about his dying but I suspect like many others we didn't really believe it would happen. I miss him terribly and feel that my heart has been ripped out - do I want to continue without him well the answer is of course NO but that would go against his zest for life. So I will grieve and hope the good lord will re-unite us when my time comes.

  • Kari Vitori by Kari Vitori, Pittsburgh Pa
  • 13 years ago

This poem really touched me. I feel for all of you. I lost my husband, Vince, on May 19,2011. He is only 45. He died suddenly of a heart attack at work. He is a high school principal and I feel awful for everyone at his school. He is so loved and respected by all the kids. Its been a terrible loss for them also. His heart was truly in his work. He is the best at what he does. Life for me now is so sad and lonely. How do go on? The pain has gotten worse since the shock wore off. I can suggest support groups. For the young woman I'm starting a group in January for spouses 50 and younger. See if you can find a support group in the area you live in. It helps me to get all my thoughts out. God Bless

  • Toneeka by Toneeka, Concord NC
  • 13 years ago

I lost my boyfriend of 11 years Dec. 8 2011. He left behind 3 boys that look up to him so much. Now I have to take on that role as mother and father. Everyday is a struggle for me. I think about him everyday. I wish he was here with me and the boy but I know in my heart that he is in a better place. He was only 25 years old when he died. R.I.P Jesse 1-8-86/ 12-8-11 See you soon my love

  • Mechelle by Mechelle, Florida
  • 13 years ago

I miss my Husband who died in November. My heart aches. Life is not the same anymore. I died the day he died. I am a Christian so I will see him again one day, but life is cold and lonely. I walk around in circles -- I am numb. What a wonderful man. He was so special. I have great memories of our 20 years together. He died at the young age of 46. God makes no mistakes so I know it is his will. One second turns into one minute. I have not gotten to an hour yet. Life without him seems unbearable.

  • Mrs Gail Zoldan by Mrs Gail Zoldan
  • 13 years ago

MY Darling husband Martin was taken from me on 1st October 2011, He simply went to sleep and never woke up, I had the terrible nightmare of having to find him this way. This will haunt me forever, He was my husband, best friend, soul mate and the love of my life. We met when I was just 14 years of age and he only 16. We married 4 years later. 43 We were married for some 43 years After 14 months we had our first child a son Darren. Then was blessed with a Daughter Julie some 20 months later. Then going on to have 4 beautiful Grandchildren Neil, Stacey Courtney and Lucia. My darling Martin was only 63 years of age and looking forward to his retirement. We had so many plans. I will love and miss you forever.
God bless you Martin xxx also known as TRAVEL-S-MART the local taxi driver.

  • Dina by Dina, Athens
  • 13 years ago

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 has become the worst day in my life. I left my husband to go to the doctor at 9 am and when I came back at 10:20 I found him lying face down in the garden, ambulance already called by neighbors. He was purple and cold and I couldn't find a pulse and I was screaming for the ambulance who came soon but could do nothing. It was an aneurysm from dissection of the aorta which took the love of my life away from both me and our son. The pain and loneliness are devastating and none of the tears I've shed have brought any comfort. He was the most wonderful, kind and patient man alive and his funeral was flooded by people who had hardly known him but were touched by his congeniality and kindness. He would always talk to people and listen to their pain, always genuinely interested and looking to help. He was a true soulmate and wonderful father to our 18 year old son.
I will miss him every single second of the rest of my life and can't wait to be with him again.

  • Kate by Kate, Florida
  • 13 years ago

I lost the most important person in my life on 9/27/11. We were married 16 years and together for 20. He died suddenly at the age of 45. We have a teenage daughter who will be going to college soon. What breaks my heart the most is all the milestones he will miss and the dreams that we had for our retirement years are shattered. I miss you, my love, I will never love anyone but you. I know you are at peace. You deserve it but knowing that I will have to live without you for decades is almost unbearable. I look forward to the day that we are reunited for good.

  • Toni by Toni, Columbus
  • 13 years ago

November 9th, 2006 was the worst nightmare I could possibly imagine. I lost my soul mate, best friend and the love of my life, the father to our two boys. To a motorcycle accident. It will be 5 years tomorrow and each second of every single day I ask why. That question will never really be answered but I still need to know, I guess I will in time. We were high school sweethearts and we had our whole future planned and in a blink of an eye it was taken. They say it gets easier with time but I don't see how. Our sons remind me of him so much. If it was not for them I wouldn't be as strong as I am today! This poem speaks so much to me thank you!

  • Lynn Whittington by Lynn Whittington
  • 13 years ago

I loss my husband Nov 4, 2010. We got married 9 months earlier Jan 30, 2010. He died to this terrible thing called cancer. I remember praying and asking God to heal him. God healed him, he just didn't' leave him here. I thank God for the time that we shared. Just keep praying and trusting and cherish the time you did have with your husbands.

  • Lynne by Lynne, Southport
  • 13 years ago

My darling Harry left me on August 9th 2011. He asked me to watch TV with him that evening, we had had a lovely day although his heart complaint had made him breathless and he had just come out of coronary care the day before. I had some jobs to do so did not sit with him. When I went back into the room a little while later, he had passed away in his chair. I will regret for ever not going and sitting with him, maybe I could have saved him. I am only half a person now and miss and love him so very much. God Bless my love, see you in the morning.

  • Joyce by Joyce
  • 13 years ago

I lost my wonderful Husband on the 20th of September 2011 the pain is unbearable. He had Fibrosis and had a chest infection which turned to pneumonia, I was with him but so tired, I had no sleep the previous night and just dozed off then when I woke the nurse said he's gone my love. I think he waited for me to be asleep. I will miss him forever I loved him so much, God Bless my Darling and Thank you so much for our wonderful life xxxx

  • Kentucky by Kentucky
  • 13 years ago

I lost my husband of 17 yrs 3 weeks ago due to motorcycle accident, he was 38 yrs old. We have a 5 year old son who is a carbon copy of his dad. He was a wonderful husband and father. I'm not sure how to live life without him. I love him so much. The day he died part of me died too. I'm so full of anger and keep asking myself why? I was with him on the motorcycle and suffered injuries but can't understand why I lived and he didn't. Keep asking myself why did that man have to run that red light that day.

  • Tami by Tami
  • 13 years ago

Lost my husband APRIL 2011 after a 15 month battle with Leukemia at the age of 40. It has been 5 months now and I miss him A LOT! No one understands the pain that a person goes thru when you lose someone that close to your heart. I having good and bad days but going thru this journey ALONE is tough but I will get thru it. GOD BLESS you all!!

  • Paula by Paula
  • 13 years ago

I just lost my husband of almost 24 years on Sept. 6th, 2011. He went in for an operation on May 5th and never got out. He had esophageal cancer and complications following surgery. I prayed and prayed and prayed for him to recover but it will never be. I have to raise my 17 year old alone now and also neither of us was working (I was laid off in April) and hubby did not have short term disability. Have to go through the motions and I am a mess! I miss him so! I have cried so much I cannot cry anymore. Please God help me get through this!

  • Darelle by Darelle, Windridge
  • 13 years ago

I lost my husband July 17, 2011. He died in a car accident and was only 23 years old! I loved him with my whole heart and miss him every day! He left behind not only me but our two daughters 3 and 4! He was a wonderful husband and father! I try to push my heart ache to the side so I can be strong for my girls but it does hurt... so much I can't bare it sometime! I don't understand why he is gone and not sure if I ever will. He was not only my husband but my best friend! I'm so lost and alone.

  • Cindy by Cindy, Knoxville
  • 13 years ago

I lost my very wonderful, loving husband of six years on July 12, 2011. I miss him terribly. He was my soul-mate, my life...What I would do to have him back here with me.

  • Nicola Swansea by Nicola Swansea
  • 13 years ago

My husband died a month ago and this is the poem that was read out at his funeral it explains how I feel. He was only 32 and we had been together for 15 years, we have two amazing children aged 6 and 8, I feel like a piece of me is missing and that I will never laugh again, he was my soulmate and I can't believe that he will never hold me again, I will always love him more than words can explain.

  • Keri by Keri, Huntington
  • 13 years ago

I lost my husband in Feb. 2011. A month later in March our daughter was born. I am only 21 years old and its extremely hard to be so young and not being able to share my life with him. I did everything I could to save him but apparently it was not enough. My daughter is a living miracle and keeps me going. I know that he had the chance to hold his baby-girl before she was sent to me and I can't wait to be in his arms again.

  • Michele by Michele
  • 13 years ago

It will be one year on June 21st. My husband was my world and the one who showed me my own worth He was my best friend and the one I turned to for everything. He could make me laugh like nobody I know. Time has not made it better, and I am tired of hearing it will be okay. Everyone keeps saying what would he want you to do? I can't answer that cause he is the one I would turn to for the answer. I miss him more than any words could ever say!!

  • Invercargill New Zealand by Invercargill New Zealand
  • 13 years ago

My wonderful gentle loving husband of 39 years, died almost three years ago, on June 3 2009. Almost without warning, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and a month to the day of diagnosis, he died in my arms. That month is a blur of knowing I was loosing him, not wanting to accept the fact, and struggling to hold onto my faith. We got him home for one precious week before he needed hospital care. Life now stretches out long and lonely, I didn't want to face life without him, but to honor his life I go on. 6 adult children mourn his loss too, and 14 grandchildren, one he never met in this life. It is hard not seeing him every day, hearing his laughter, his silly jokes, hearing him tell me he loves me. Plans we had for retirement have all gone now. I will hold him in my heart forever and a day.

  • Denise by Denise, Pittsburgh
  • 13 years ago

I lost my husband, Freddie, on September 10, 2010, 10 days shy of his 52nd birthday. We were together for 26 years and married for 23. Cancer took him 11 months after we found out he had it. He was my life and I am lost without him. Every day it seems I miss him more. Every where I look I am reminded of him. All of the memories we made together do not make me feel better they only make me cry. I do not believe it will ever get easier. I miss my friend. He was a wonderful man with a heart of gold. He loved me and I loved him and we said we would be together forever.....I miss my Freddie.

  • Amy Tennessee by Amy Tennessee
  • 13 years ago

This poem touched my heart. I lost my husband on March 1 2011. I woke up to fond him dead in the living room. The cause is still unknown. He was only 35 years old. Way too young to die. We had too much ahead of us for this to happen. I loved him with all my heart and soul. We had been together for 12 years. I never pictured growing old without him, never could have. He was my soulmate. My one true love. For now I can see nothing but growing older alone. We have a eight year old son who mosses his father dearly. I just can't understand why he had to leave so soon. I cry myself to sleep most night when I do sleep. The bed is so cold without him. I miss his voice, his laughter, his smile. I miss everything about him and I think I will live the rest of my life with a broken heart. I miss you so much Bobby. May we be together again one day soon.

  • Bren by Bren, North West England
  • 13 years ago

My wonderful husband died in October 2010, the day before our 27th Wedding Anniversary. He gave me the happiest years of my life and I do not know how I am going to live without him. Nothing has any meaning to me any more and I find it difficult to be interested in anything. Our 27 years together feels like just 7 and now I only wish I had savored it more. But I know he would tell me that we were busy living life together and enjoying things and that now I must carry on without him and that he would hope I might find someone else.

I often feel he is here with me and then I am full of despair when I wonder whether it is simply my imagination. We were both scientists and, as such, I used to ask him if he felt there was something else after death. He would always answer by saying that we do not know everything which gives me hope that I will meet up with him again one day. I am trying to carry on in a way that would make him proud - until we can be together again.

  • Linda by Linda, North Carolina
  • 13 years ago

The poem really touched my heart. I lost my 50 year old husband on Feb 25, 2011. At 5:30pm we were deciding where to go to dinner at 7:30pm he was dead. It seems a hole has opened up in my soul that can't be filled. Its been 4 weeks today and the pain is worse. Trying to cope with the loss seems unbearable. Will anything ever be OK again?

  • Shawna by Shawna, Newton LA
  • 13 years ago

I lost my husband exactly 2 weeks ago of unknown causes. He had been fairly healthy until that fateful morning. We had been together since August of 2000. I have 2 boys that he adopted that love him. He completed me! Now I feel so empty! My life is completely upside down now! I miss and love him so much!

  • Lily Hermansjah Valdez by Lily Hermansjah Valdez
  • 13 years ago

Tomorrow will be one year my beloved passed away. Left me only with his dog, Coco whom he loved dearly. Life is up side down since he left but I try to survive. He had his best of life for 12 years with me. We passed by lived in ICU and hospital for the first 5 years. He was diagnosed with Heart failure then in 2005 he was diagnosed with kidney failure so he had to do dialysis 3 times a week. We passed a lot of difficulties things during that but we happy together. I am so proud of him, even he's sick but he still help me in our mobile kitchen trailer. He was really tough guy. He was Marines and proud of that. So much bitterness in his life during childhood but I am happy he had a best life with me. He always thankful for the life together we had and feels blessed and joyful. He was very patient and very flexible person. Never a day passed by he said I love you to me. I never regret his passed away, because I know he had everything he want. Missed him and always love him

  • Debbie by Debbie, Manchester UK
  • 14 years ago

I lost my partner to cancer l1 months ago on March 12th 2010, the pain and loss doesn't go it just eases a little, so comforting to read these poems

  • Margaret Jamieson by Margaret Jamieson, Australia
  • 14 years ago

I lost my husband on 12th January 2011. His name was David Jamieson and he was 50 years young.
I would have to say that this has just been the most dreadful time of my life. I loved and still love him so much and I can't come to terms with him not being here.  
The mornings are by far the worst. He's not here in our bed and to wake up to anymore.  
I miss my husband, my man, best friend, soul mate so very, very much and I just can't believe all of this. I am consumed with the thought that I will never see him again and am in denial.
 In the last 5 weeks / 35 days I have cried a sea of tears each day and I wonder what life will be like as I never imagined a day without him in it.  
There is some comfort in that he was unconscious when he went. I was with him when he was still conscious and, thank god, was able to kiss him, tell him I loved him and that I would stay until he woke up. It never happened and my funny, loving & handsome husband was taken from me far, far too soon.

  • Pat Martin by Pat Martin, Boothwyn
  • 14 years ago

I lost my husband on 3/25/2010. We were together for 40 years and we had 4 beautiful children. He went in the hospital with pneumonia and wound up with MRSA. My children brought him home and within 12 hours he was gone. No one knows what I am going through I lost the love of my life. How do you continue on when that person is no longer there for you. I miss his smell and hugs if I could just have one more hug. I know that he is with me but I can't wait for the day that I will be with him again.

  • Tabathe by Tabathe, Texas
  • 14 years ago

I lost my husband of 18 years December 26,2010. Came home work to find him gone to be with God. I miss him with every beat of my heart. I know I must go on but sometimes its hard. But I know when I go he will be waiting with opens arms.

  • Tiss by Tiss, Buenos Aires
  • 14 years ago

I lost him on November 11, after 30 years of true love and a full happiness. He died of cancer and God gave me the grace of being with him when it happened, and before that making everybody say goodbye. We never directly talked about his upcoming death, and I am regretting it now. I knew that he felt full accomplished in life and he preferred his death to pass thru age and illness. He was 76. I don't know how to go ahead. I am also tired of people telling me that time will ease my pain. I need to find a purpose to go on living. We had many projects in common, many dreams to make true but I have no energy.
I am trying to start a spiritual path with more compassion. We were true twin souls, we just mirrored one to another most of the time. I always thought what I would do when he left me (he was 20 years older) and I always thought that I would immediately die. But I am still here, trying to employ my energy on a spiritual search to find out where is he now and how will I reach him.

  • Debbie by Debbie, North Carolina
  • 14 years ago

I lost my husband of 35 years on August 7, 2010 after a 2 1/2 year battle with heart failure. I watched the love of my life slip away. I feel broken and most times I don't even know what I'm doing! Grief is so consuming! I know he is no longer in pain and that gives me peace. My Tom was everything to me and I know that when it's my time to leave he'll be there waiting for me and that is so comforting to me. I no longer fear death cause my beloved husband will be waiting for me. I'll love him forever!

  • Linda by Linda, North Carolina
  • 14 years ago

I lost my husband of 40 years 2 months ago and the pain in my heart is unbearable. The poem hits home with my feelings. I get tired of people telling me that time will ease my pain. Time is just another day without him. He was, is and will always be the love of my life.

  • Tameka by Tameka, Atlanta GA
  • 14 years ago

This poem touched me a whole lot I just lost my husband December 9 2010. He was my everything he and I have 6 kids together I am truely going to miss him a lot. This poem explains exactly how I feel right now and it really touched my heart to read it.

  • Raychel by Raychel, Australia
  • 14 years ago

I am lucky enough to not have lost a loved one yet, but the thought of it terrifies me. I have finally met the man of my dreams, he has swept me off my feet and I never knew it was possible to be so intensely in love with someone. Your poem has touched me, as did Kathleen's comment (because Hans is my boyfriend's name also).

May all of your loved ones rest in peace and be waiting to take your hand when your time comes.

  • Cassie by Cassie, Ohio
  • 14 years ago

I lost my husband on October 8, 2010, and was thrown into this whole new life. We have 3 beautiful boys together and that's what I have left of him. It hurts very much knowing he is no longer with us. I love and miss him so much.

  • Sissy by Sissy, Oregon
  • 14 years ago

I haven't lost him yet, but everyday he is getting weaker and the time feels near. I have no words of how I am feeling I never been like this before. We have been married for 37 yrs. my life has always included him and without him it seems like I will not have a life. I am so tired and numb and scared my mind is trying to find answers for how can I help him or how can I go on without him. And I am feeling like this when I can look up and see him resting on the bed as I sit by him I can't imagine how it will be when he is gone.

  • Hope by Hope, Quincy
  • 14 years ago

Well my husband past away about 2 months ago. We had our ups and downs but I loved him more than anything in the world. We have a 8 1/2 month old baby girl together and she is what I have left of him. We have been together for like 2 1/2 years and I love him with all my heart and I miss him a lot.

  • Kathleen by Kathleen, Antioch Illinois
  • 14 years ago

My Darling Husband Hans,
I lost my husband on April 28th 2010 he was everything to me. He was my rock he was fighting for over 3 years with his diabetes and had had 2 triple bypasses with in 10 years. He was everything to me. I miss his voice calling my name, I miss his silly jokes, his songs he would write to me. He was so very good to me. Yes we had our arguments sometimes silly. But always would tell each other I love you. For the pass 2 years I could see how weak he was getting. And it would break my heart. I don't think anyone especially our sons would believe how sick he was. He was a proud man and would not say how sick he was.

I would give anything just to hear his voice and smiling face and greeting me at the front door when I came home from work. My heart is breaking everyday I miss him so very much. I will never find anyone like him ever. For 36 years he was in my heart. And I am waiting to be at his side once again.

  • Thornton CO by Thornton CO
  • 14 years ago

I lost my husband in Dec of 2009 he never woke up one night, and the next morning I called to him to wake up and me and my 9 year old daughter had to face the reality of God taking him back home to Heaven, the reality hurts so much everyday, it's been 4 months and I still have not made sense of it. I miss him more everyday, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. THANK YOU

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