Husband Death Poem

Poem About Moving On After Husband's Death

I lost my husband to cancer when I was 28 and he was 31. This poem was written almost 3 years after he passed. I had been struggling with moving forward and had been asked out on a date. I wrote this when I realized it was okay. I never did go out on that date, but I have dated since then, and it is still hard. I love my husband with everything in me and I always will, but I also know that I am capable of loving again. I just have to allow myself.

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Each day I wake since you're gone, drinking coffee, feeling empty and alone. No one to talk to about what we used to share. Trying hard each day not to live in despair. Trying to stay busy,...

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Moving Forward

© more by Jennifer

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

I woke up this morning
And reached over for you.
You weren't there, I remembered.
Now what will I do?

As I remembered the events,
I started to cry.
I lift my eyes upward
And scream to the sky.

Why did you take him?
What did we do wrong?
We were finally making it.
We had tried for so long.

As I lay there and think,
I remember the times we had.
The memories flow.
I'm no longer as sad.

A warm feeling spreads through,
Like sun on my face.
I feel light in body,
Like I'm floating in space.

I lay there and wonder,
What could the warmth be?
Not something I can touch
And surely not able to see.

I picture his hand on mine.
Warmth spreads to my fingers.
I smile and laugh some.
The feeling still lingers.

The warmth is him
Letting me know
Everything will be okay.
I am never alone.

On those cold winter nights
When I long for his touch,
When I feel so desperate,
I haven't wanted anything so much.

He will be there to lift me up,
To show me I still have his love.
I still have the memories
We always spoke of.

As our children grow and learn,
They accomplish new things.
I can feel his joy.
Oh, the warmth that it brings.

My memories are great,
But his touch is better.
When I can't feel it,
I just write him a letter.

For I know he is watching.
He's helping me learn.
How to live in the world alone
And for him not yearn.

I have felt his touch less
Over the last several days.
I have met someone who
Is like him in many ways.

He will always be with me;
This I've come to believe,
But now I have found someone,
A new love to receive.

I look to the skies
And raise my voice.
Is it okay, I ask,
And hear a joyful noise.

I feel the warmth on my skin
And know that he is near.
Not just on the outside
But from somewhere within.

He's telling me it's okay
To move on with my life
And not to let it create
Any emotional strife.

So, now when I think,
The memories are clear;
They don't hurt anymore
Because I know he is near.

He is in my heart.
In our daughter, our son,
We weren't separated;
Our souls are still one.

I place a letter to him
On the stone with his name,
Telling him I'm okay,
That here he must remain.

As I walk to the car,
An eagle flies overhead.
He tips his wings as if to say
I'm still alive, I am not dead.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Valerie Robertson by Valerie Robertson
  • 5 years ago

Each day I wake since you're gone, drinking coffee, feeling empty and alone. No one to talk to about what we used to share. Trying hard each day not to live in despair. Trying to stay busy, filling my life with something with meaning now that I'm a widow not a wife. But by nightfall it starts - the ache and the pain, the loneliness sets in all over again. The tears start to fall. My heart starts to melt. I cry to the Lord, "Why my love?" Though I know He's known how I've felt. I keep wondering about how I will live on without you. How this empty heart will ever feel full again. And I pray you are at peace and that until we meet again I someday will find the happiness and contentment I felt with you.

  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 6 years ago

Wow, this is a beautiful poem. I can tell you wrote this poem from your heart. I love it.

  • Lynn Todd by Lynn Todd
  • 6 years ago

I miss you, my darling. Your smile and your touch. The nights, the days, our dreams and such. Even though you're gone, you're never forgotten. You're in my heart as I'm feeling sad at times. The memories will ponder. I will always remember our lives together. I love you.

  • Kathy Crowell by Kathy Crowell
  • 5 years ago

I related to your wonderful words. You expressed them perfectly. Thank you.

  • Aaron Wulf by Aaron Wulf
  • 9 years ago

Simplicity is beauty; that was the phrase on my mind while reading your poem. You did not need to use complex rhyme scemes or big words. Instead, your own emotions came to life in this masterpiece and caused me to feel your soul through these words. This is what poetry is. I have been on this site for about a day or two, but have read many poems. So far, this one is the newest and has the least amount of votes. Yet, I have felt so moved and touched by your words beyond anything else I have had the pleasure of reading on here. You are brave for confronting your inner battles, and I congratulate you on finding peace. I wish you luck in the next chapters of your life, and trust me when I say to continue writing from the heart, as they say. You are very talented.

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