Husband Death Poem

Terrible Emptiness After Loss Of Husband

My husband died in August 2010 of pancreatic cancer. It was 5 weeks from his diagnosis to his death, and the shock was horrendous. I have never felt so alone and empty. I cannot see a future in front of me. I want so badly to talk about him, but people avoid this, and I have to pretend not to mind. I wish people would understand that talking keeps them alive and is important. I pretend to be strong for the sake of my children, but when I get in from work, my world collapses and so do I!

Featured Shared Story

Terry and I had previously been in abusive marriages. We tried to settle with the fact that we would never meet our soulmate! But then it happened in 2013 at ages 51 and 61. Our chaplain said...

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With You Again


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2017 with permission of the Author.

Fifteen years of happiness just wasn't enough time
To show the world that you were mine.
There are no words to express how sad I feel,
How lost I am without you; it does not feel real.

The day you left, no words did you speak.
I held you in my arms and the words, they were mine.
I hope you heard me because you were weak.
No one can answer, but I will find out in time.

Married to you I will always be.
Memories we made will stay with me.
Warm in the feeling that you're still around,
Knowing one day all will be found.

Come to me, darling, in all of my dreams
So I can see you again with my eyes.
Whisper sweet nothings while I'm asleep,
More loving memories that I can keep.

Wait for me, sweetheart, while my life drifts on by.
Sure in the knowledge that one day I'll fly
Back to your arms that will be waiting for me,
Back to your heart where I've wanted to be.

Rest assured, babe, my heart is all yours.
No one could ever replace what I've lost.
Safe in my heart you will always stay
Until my last breath, until my last day.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Toyin Oloko by Toyin Oloko
  • 6 years ago

A very effective story on a human's emotion, I was deeply touched by this and l’m only 17. However, I've written a story about a marriage relationship that went wrong although the couple still loved each other and the husband considers maintaining their relationship since his wife said she was raped while at a bar/pub. Although he left her to stay at a hotel for three weeks before his friend mentioned that she could have been raped and he wants to live with her again and cancel his divorce case. By the way, I am a female and I enjoyed reading this poem till the end. It was dramatic and expressive!

  • Donna Wilson by Donna Wilson
  • 6 years ago

Terry and I had previously been in abusive marriages. We tried to settle with the fact that we would never meet our soulmate! But then it happened in 2013 at ages 51 and 61. Our chaplain said it would last because of our obvious love for each other. We held hands and smiled all the time. We went everywhere together. I sat in the center seat of the truck because we couldn't stand to be apart. We laughed until our abdomen would hurt! We noticed that we were warming the hearts of others just by being in love. Only 5 years together, but they were 5 years of honeymoon. Three years into our marriage the doctor said, "I am sorry you have stage IV cancer." We were angry that we were being cheated out of MANY years of love and memories. We cried. My gladiator put up a strong fight until his very last day August 1, 2018. I love and miss you so much, Terry! Thank you for the memories and your unconditional love. I hope you're listening to me talking to you every day. I'll be home with you someday baby.

  • Ginger Parsons by Ginger Parsons
  • 7 years ago

My life ended on January 17, 2018. My husband took his own life at our home. It was so quick and totally unexpected. I keep thinking I'm in a nightmare and I'm gonna wake up, but I never do. I don't want to sleep anymore because when I open my eyes he isn't lying next to me anymore. My daughter is 14 and saw her stepfather dead on the concrete from a gunshot wound to the head. I have the most unbearable numbness in my heart that I feel I can't go on, nor do I want to! But I have to for my daughter! I am sooo angry, confused, and bitter, but not at him. I blame his family, and I can't let it go. They broke his heart. They never gave me a chance and all he wanted was for everyone to be happy! I want him back! We are in are 50's and it's rare at the age to find someone, especially your SOULMATE! We did everything together, and it's so hard to function because everything makes me think of him and miss him more and more! I am scared and lost!

  • Lori Brooks by Lori Brooks
  • 6 years ago

Your story broke my heart! I lost my hubby to a brief and sudden illness just 7 months ago today. We met at the age of 10, and we're both 52. We were best friends till we were seniors; then we went our separate ways. That was in 1984. We reunited May 2004. Went to dinner and we were together ever since. For 11 years we had both been injured on the job were unable to return to work. We had lots of ups and downs, but we always had each other! We were together basically 24/7/365, and we got along pretty well. Losing him the way I did was so hard, but I can't imagine how painful it is for you and your daughter. I will be adding you to my prayers. I pray He brings you and your family comfort. God bless.

  • Brandi Joe Powers by Brandi Joe Powers
  • 6 years ago

I feel your pain. I just got divorced from my husband on May 15, 2018. Then on June 29, I got the call I never wanted to get. I was told the love of my life and the father of my 6-year-old daughter had just taken his own life. My world was never going to be the same. It has been only 4 days, and the pain is still painful. We got divorced because we just couldn't be married anymore, but I will always be in love with this man. I will always remember the memories we shared for 8 years and the wonderful times we had. I cry and cry when I listen to the songs I used to sing to him or the laughs we had. Our beautiful little girl will never see her daddy again, but I will definitely tell her how he was and the wonderful man he was and what he did for us. I am so broken-hearted and mad at the same time. I will never see him again, and my baby girl will never see the great person he was. I will keep his memory alive for her. I show her pictures and the happiness he had for her. My grief is a hard one.

  • Barbara Reynolds by Barbara Reynolds
  • 7 years ago

I lost my husband of 30 years on 10/10/17. I am broken and lost. I feel alone even though I'm surrounded by many.

  • Kristen Wyss by Kristen Wyss
  • 7 years ago

I lost my husband in August of this year, just a few weeks before our 34th anniversary. It was sudden and unexpected, so it has been very hard for me and our 3 children, especially for our 17-year-old daughter who didn't get to finish growing up with her dad. We are heartbroken and know our family will never be the same. I lost my father in my early 30's and my mom in my early 40's. I was very close to my mom and was devastated when she died, but losing my husband is so much worse. I honestly can't imagine ever getting past this intense pain and sense of loss.

  • B.g by B.g
  • 7 years ago

I was extremely touched by your story, and your poem brought me to tears. You are a very good writer and a person I have endless respect for. Stay strong.

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