Husband Death Poem

I was able to create this poem two months after my husband died. It was an unexpected parting. We got married in 2004. On March 21, 2008 (it was Holy Friday), he passed away. I was left unprepared. He died peacefully in his sleep. Our only daughter, Danielle Rose, was two years old then. He was 36 and I was 35 at the time. I thought I've outgrown the hurt, but looking at his photographs still brings tears to my eyes.

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Lost my husband on Sept 30, 2020, after a five year progressive illness of Lewy Body Dementia. Watching him go downhill with my two teenage sons, having to miss their graduations from high...

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Now That You're Gone


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2017 with permission of the Author.

You're gone, and all that's left is nothing but memories,
Memories that lead me to silence and tears.
I miss your arms that hold me tight,
Your snore that fills our room at night.

You're gone, and I can no longer stare at you as you sleep,
But thank God he lets me see you as I weep.
In dreams we talk and laugh together.
There I can say I love you more than ever.

You're gone, and I feel so weary when I'm alone.
Wish you were here and would come back home.
I'm hurting and longing for your touch.
Why does parting have to hurt this much?

You're gone forever, and we are now apart.
I'm filled with pain that breaks my heart.
You used to playfully sneak behind the door.
Those lovely eyes I see no more.

You're gone, and I terribly miss your voice,
Your laughter that fills the house with noise.
Your absence makes me feel so blue.
My life is empty without you.

You're gone, but I know I shouldn't be so awful,
For you left me a treasure to cherish and to nurture.
Our precious little angel; she's all that I've got,
A constant reminder that once I had your love.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mona Lobato by Mona Lobato
  • 4 years ago

My husband passed away November 3 2020. We are burying him Saturday and I don't know how I'm going to do it. I miss him so much we just started why did he get taken away from me. I'm mad, broken and my emotions are everywhere. I just wish this was a bad nightmare and I can wake up.

  • Sylvia Ochoa by Sylvia Ochoa
  • 2 years ago

So sorry for your loss. I just lost my husband last week, and it hurts like never before. It was like he was here one day then taken in a blink of an eye. Why? I ask. But no answer comes back. Is this a dream or just reality? Sending prayers to you and your family. God bless you.

  • Nancy Evans by Nancy Evans
  • 3 years ago

Lost my husband on Sept 30, 2020, after a five year progressive illness of Lewy Body Dementia. Watching him go downhill with my two teenage sons, having to miss their graduations from high school and the Marines and first loves has been so difficult, but you were here to talk to. Now, he is safely home, and his pain is gone, but ours continues. We had no extra money and I struggled to care for the boys. At his request, his body went to science to help find a cure for Parkinson's (which he also had). But we have his ashes in my living room. The boys and I are lost as to what to do with the ashes. Anyone have suggestions? We have a lot to bury but not the money to open it or put a stone on it. My husband would know what to do but he is no longer here to take care of everything. Feeling very, very lost and missing him this first Father's Day

  • Davina by Davina
  • 4 years ago

I feel just the same way. I lost my husband on November 1, 2020. I laid him down to rest on the 5th... I know how you feel! Like I'm gonna wake up and it's been all a bad dream...

  • Ashita Parmar by Ashita Parmar
  • 5 years ago

I can so relate to this. I lost my husband April 24th 2018, four days after my birthday and two weeks after our first wedding anniversary. He passed away in sleep, and we fought so much for our love and to be together. Today, July 28, 2019, is exactly five years that I have known him. This poem really, really gave me a flashback.

  • Kelli Blunt by Kelli Blunt
  • 6 years ago

I just lost my husband on Sep. 12, 2018. He unexpectedly had a heart attack and passed peacefully in his sleep. We had just gotten married on July 8, 2018. I did not get the opportunity to bless him with a child. My heart hurts, and I am not ready for what lies ahead.

  • Marly Rodriguez by Marly Rodriguez
  • 5 years ago

I lost my husband Sept 18, 2018. It's been a year, and I'm still up crying. Grieving, praying every night for God to take this unbearable pain away. I just want to feel normal again. How does one begin to heal? I saw your message, and I thought I was alone, but after reading yours it's a rough road ahead, but we must pray and live day by day. God bless you. I feel your pain.

  • Margarita Gonzalez by Margarita Gonzalez
  • 6 years ago

My husband just died from heart disease on September 7, 2018, and we had gotten married 10/12/2017. This Friday it was our first-year anniversary, but we were together for 4 years. The house is so quiet. I miss his deep voice and his snoring at night time. He really loved me for who I am. I didn't have to change anything. He was a great husband a good provider and a great stepfather to my daughter. My family loved him and so did all my friends. He was a happy person, caring and loving. I would never find anyone like him.

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