Abortion Poem

I was asked to write this poem by a friend whose niece was distraught because she was pregnant and was addicted to drugs. She felt because of the drugs it was best to have an abortion. Her uncle showed her this poem and told her it was not too late to stop using the drugs. He also promised that the family would be there for her. The girl decided to quit drugs and have the baby. I know the baby was born healthy, but I do not know how they are doing today as a result of losing contact with her uncle.

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This story really touched me as that night of passion left me with twins and my family forced me to have an abortion, I didn't want to upset them so T went along with it. Even now I think of...

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The Baby Must Be

© more by Ronald Doe

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the Author.

The baby's conceived,
Without being planned.
A night of passion,
With an unknown man.

The girl is distraught,
The man is long gone.
The intimate moment,
Does not linger on.

The girl is confused,
Knows not what to do.
The friends that she has,
Are precious and few.

The girl's family
Will shun her for sure.
If she tells the truth,
They'll love her no more.

The thoughts in her head,
Ungodly at best.
"I can't have this child,
My life is a mess.

The drugs that I'm on,
Have taken their toll.
They rule my body,
My mind and my soul."

The answer's simple,
It'll just take one day.
She'll have The Clinic
Sweep the baby away.

The Lord in her heart,
Says, "Please trust in me."
And deep down inside,
She knows the baby must be.


more by Ronald Doe

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • David Becham by David Becham
  • 10 years ago

This story really touched me as that night of passion left me with twins and my family forced me to have an abortion, I didn't want to upset them so T went along with it. Even now I think of Jacob And Sarah R.I.P my babies

  • Barbara Fowler by Barbara Fowler, Baltimore Maryland
  • 12 years ago

When I was 16 years old I was a runaway. My mother lost all of her kids in 1998 I was 14 years old at the time. I got pregnant at sixteen and every one in my family told me to get a Abortion. Even when they knew that I didn't want to. The girl that I though was my best friend told me not to let some one else have my baby that it would hurt more then getting a Abortion would. She lied I am 28 years old now and I wish to god I had a family like that and a friend like you. It hurts everyday when I think of what my baby would have been, or what he or she would have looked like. My baby would be 12 years old. And I took a life before it had time to be.

  • Sania Harris by Sania Harris
  • 16 years ago

I have never read such a beautiful poem ever!!!! I swear....I hope every girl thinks of this poem before she goes for a nights passion with an unknown man!!

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