Abortion Poem

Poem From Perspective Of My Unborn Baby

After my abortion earlier this year, I found it hard to come to terms with my feelings of doubt and regret. I decided to write this poem from the perspective of my unborn baby. I find a lot of comfort in this poem, as I know I will meet my tiny baby one day; this is not the end.

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I was 16 when I got pregnant. My stupid decisions led to this, and I won't ever be able to forgive myself. I wouldn't be able to give them the life they deserved, so at 8 weeks I aborted...

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Don't Forget That I Was Here


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2014 with permission of the Author.

I know that I can't stay here,
but don't be sad for me.
I'm at peace with this decision;
I just wish that you could see.

Treasure moments while I'm gone.
Don't be sad that I am leaving.
We'll be together one day.
Till then, just keep believing.

I know days go so slowly,
But understand it's not the end.
You know I'm watching over you, 
You feel the comfort that I send.

Don't forget that I was here;
You'll never be alone.
The time will come eventually,
And then I will come home.

I hope you find your happiness.
As days go by, you'll see,
Remember, though we've said goodbye,
It's not the end for me.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Dale by Dale
  • 1 year ago

I was on my own by the time I was 15.5, and on April 21,1979, I aborted the baby I didn't think I could/want to raise on my own. The dad was 24, so with a little thought we know where he stood. To this day (almost 60) I still think of the child I chose to rob of his/her life. I used how my choice made me feel to make sure I never repeated killing another baby.

  • Barbara by Barbara
  • 3 years ago

I was 16 when I got pregnant. My stupid decisions led to this, and I won't ever be able to forgive myself. I wouldn't be able to give them the life they deserved, so at 8 weeks I aborted through illegal medicine (in my country it still is a crime), with the help of my boyfriend. Every now and then guilt makes me sob and remember what I did. I got to see the tiny red body, I could see the dark brown color of the eyes through the skin, and the start of the development of legs, arms, hands and feet. An image I will never forget, as well as how it got more and more pale as life left. I'm sorry for making it so graphic but I hope someone finds comfort in relating to my story. You are not alone, I feel you.

I am now 18 and this poem has brought me more comfort and touched me because I do believe I will redeem myself when I'm ready to have kids and give that beautiful soul the love and care they deserved. Thank you for sharing your stories, it feels better to see we are not alone.

  • Anne Rollins by Anne Rollins
  • 4 years ago

I had always wanted many children, but when I was 29 years old (and not married), I deliberately became pregnant, much to my mother's horror. She nagged me constantly to get an abortion until my father told me to not listen to her. Thanks, Dad! Christopher was born a healthy baby and my mother adored him. As a Catholic, I went to confession a few years later and the priest praised me after I assured him that the baby was well-cared for by my mother while I worked, so I got absolution.

Christopher led a healthy life, but that meant nothing because at age 19 he got sick with Hodgkins Disease and passed away when he was almost 21. I have no other children and think constantly about him. Recently, my sister again told me she feels ashamed of me (even though she loved Christopher).

  • Unknown by Unknown
  • 5 years ago

I'm in tears. I am approaching the first year marking my abortion. And I just can't help but to feel lost and unhappy. I chose to end a pregnancy after finding out I was pregnant 9 months after having my son. There's nowhere to turn for relief and reading comments on websites telling me I was selfish and a killer as if it doesn't kill me inside every day. Reading this and the following comments I sensed this might be the place to confess my secret.

  • Meg by Meg
  • 4 years ago

I'm praying for you. I've been where you are. It's a hard place. You can turn to Jesus.

  • Alexis Flores by Alexis Flores
  • 6 years ago

I had an abortion on Wednesday at nine weeks and four days. This was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make, and I just want my baby to know that I truly had love for it and I wish that things could've had a different outcome. I hope you can forgive me one day, baby.

  • Ish by Ish
  • 6 years ago

I have just started with my abortion pills, and I can't stop crying. I heard my baby's heart beat yesterday, and it keeps on playing in my head. I really wish that I could tell my baby that I really, really wanted to keep it. This has been the most difficult decision I had to make, and I wish I could fix it. My baby needs to know that I love it with all my heart and I'll never be able to forget this day. I wanted to hold it in my hands and be grateful to God. My perspective about life has completely changed. I'm no longer the person I was. I have become way more gentle and loving. Although I wish I could give all this love to my baby. :( I just want my unborn baby to know that the decision I made was influenced by the society we live in. But that doesn't mean that I don't love you. I love you so much. I'm sorry for all the pain caused to you and how I wish I could bring you back. I'm sorry, baby. Please forgive me.

  • Cmby Cm
  • 6 years ago

I am so sorry for all the pain you are feeling, and if I could, I'd give you a big hug and try to make you feel better. I know you must have been scared and felt like there was no way out. But if you ever find yourself stuck again and if you every feel like abortion is the only way out just remember YOU DONT HAVE TO DO IT. There are so many people who will carry you through the tough times and will be by your side and help you have your baby. Also God forgives you and will forgive you a thousand times over because he loves you. He loves you so much and he will never turn his back on you no matter what! Right now he is holding your baby in his arms protecting your sweet child until you are in heaven and can hold your baby yourself. I know we live in a crazy world, and I know there are more bad days than good, but just remember God loves you, and there are so many people who are willing to support you with all the love and resources you need to heal and never have to make that decision again.

  • Molly by Molly, Canada
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for your beautiful poem and the small comfort it has brought to me.
I am 20 years old and aborted my 5 week old baby a bit over a month ago. It was a very traumatic experience, but the right choice.
Losing an unborn child is the hardest thing I have ever had to face and my additional complications have only enhanced the trauma. But one thing that has brought me peace is knowing that it's all over now and my child is in heaven. While on the morphine, the image of my small little baby lying peacefully on a bed of flowers kept passing through my mind. I love my child so much and I will always be his/her mother. I hope my baby is at peace and feels my love. I will never forget my baby and it helps me to think of him/her as my angel. I am not religious but I feel my child's presence with me always and know that they want me to be happy and know that I am not alone.
Your poem touched me and calmed me while I lie here in my bed with a heating pad, crying. I wish i could hug every women who's gone through this pain and tell them that they are not alone. We're all connected by our losses and our little angels are watching over us too.

  • Nons by Nons
  • 6 years ago

Your story really touched me. I aborted two days ago, and I've never felt so empty and broken. I'm only 15. I'm crying every day, and it's so hard to move on. I love the man that gave me that baby, although he doesn't understand it. Feeling helpless sucks and feeling stuck is even worse. I hate my body and what I did. I might never forgive myself, but I hope my unborn baby does. I already miss him or her, although I never met them. I hope someday I can move on and be able to live life again and love again.

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