Addiction Poem

Poem About The Shame Of Addiction

A poem, about the shame I have whenever I succumb to my addiction, and about the determination I have to beat it once and for all.

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Call someone. Someone who is clean and you can trust. Take it only one hour or even one minute at a time. It is a lie that you love heroine. What you love is not feeling the pain of life. But...

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Shut My Eyes


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2013 with permission of the Author.

When I close my eyes
Shut out the pain outside
My soul turns inwards
And I feel the shame inside
I'm trying to be perfect
Trying to be right
But I know that deep down
For my soul I will have to fight

These demons are coming for me
I am not ready
I'll have to be strong
Be determined, be steady
In a battle I can't win
When the enemy is myself
My demons of sin
I know I'll need help

But who do I turn to?
Who can I trust?
Bound by chains of shame
Which cannot rust
I have tried everything
Nothing has worked
Do I give up?
Let go of the stress, the hurt?

Do I lose myself to sin?
Lose hope
Let the darkness win?
Or do I rise and fight
Struggle and battle
For what I know is right
Either way is bad
But I know the path I'll take
A better world
For myself I'll make

I'll try my best
I'll win this war
I'll pass the test
This is the final straw
Although my life has just begun
It is dark and cold
But there will be a rising sun
Shine rays of hope
Onto my cold world
To be reborn
Allow my wings to unfurl
And soar above the pain
Nothing to lose
Everything to gain.

I have made my choice
There is no going back


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Missme by Missme
  • 8 years ago

I'm an addict. I'm addicted to HEROIN.. I read these poems and it sounds like hope. But the truth is no matter how many times I detox, no matter who I hurt, no matter how dead I feel....I still love heroin. I'm not sure if I'll make it through this, but if I do then I owe it to the poets on this page. Thank you for showing hope to an addict.

  • Tracy Audley by Tracy Audley
  • 7 years ago

Call someone. Someone who is clean and you can trust. Take it only one hour or even one minute at a time. It is a lie that you love heroine. What you love is not feeling the pain of life. But what you will find in not using is that you can feel the great things too. And eventually those outweigh the bad. Man, I know you want to quit. Stop lying to yourself that you love that drug. Be real. Be whole. My prayers are for you today.

  • Mislead by Mislead
  • 7 years ago

I'm also a heroin addict. I had 5 years clean. I was a fool, in the way I thought I had it beat. Today is day 1 of my starting over. I'm completely bummed, and I've never felt so let down in my life. I was cocky and arrogant. Good for you and the all the others who are fighting through this.

  • South Africa by South Africa, Kwa Zulu Natal
  • 10 years ago

The poem is deeply awesome. When I see craft like these I get inspired.

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