Addiction Poem

Inspirational Poem About Addiction

This poem was written when I went to treatment in 2002. I loved drugs and being high. I was a good person doing bad things. I lost my family, and my heart breaks every day. But I pray that I will continue to find that sunshine. I finally learned the difference between needing recovery and wanting it.

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I can relate to this story. I went down this road for 15 years. Battling addiction is the hardest thing I have ever done. I have been clean for 5 years, and i have had to watch my son go down...

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Sunshine After Rain


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2011 with permission of the Author.

One day when I was young, I heard a knock at my door.
It sounded familiar, like I had heard it before.
I opened the door, and to my surprise,
There stood a young lady with blond hair and brown eyes.

She said, "I have the answers; are you ready to play?"
So I grabbed my money and I said okay.
There were the answers that I had always sought.
Liquids, pills, and powders, and I bought and bought.

Then one day, my friend suddenly changed.
Her face became ugly, calloused, and deranged.
She grabbed my hand and we tore through the town.
My loved ones and friends could only watch and frown.

She kept whispering something I could only guess.
It sounded like she was repeating, "Yes, Yes, Yes."

How quickly from fun to very near death.
How quickly from one beer, to smoking crystal meth.
I thought of my family, oh what a mess,
But all I heard was screaming, "Yes, Yes, Yes."

I had to find help; I was at my wits end.
I had lost my child, my family, and my friends.

I said, "God are you there? Can you help me, please?"
A sudden peace came over me and I fell to my knees.
God answered the riddle that so long I did guess.
Why my addiction kept screaming, "Yes, Yes, Yes"

It's because I kept asking night after night
It's going to be different this time, right?

I said, "God, I'm not worth it; I feel like a jerk."
He said, "Suit up and show up; it's time to go to work."

Now it's been eight months since I had my last drink.
It's given me time to remember and think.

So I am here to tell you in this little rhyme.
Life keeps getting better one day at a time.
So when you think you are going insane.
There's always sunshine after the rain.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Christine Anny by Christine Anny
  • 5 months ago

This poem was like a bright light in my darkness. I have read so many dark and depressing poems about addiction while trying to write a school paper. All those did was bring up dark, hurtful, and painful memories of my addiction. The losses I suffered while living in my addiction. But your poem had a positive ending, A light at the end of a dark tunnel. I could feel your emotion behind this. And I can relate, I love the "Suit up and Show up. It's time to go to work!" That has power in it! Keep up your great work! God Bless!

  • Neil Daly by Neil Daly
  • 10 months ago

This poem really hit home today. Fell into a really bad habit and am now struggling to quit. 2 years increasing to weekly, at periods daily. Foolishly seduced taking its hand and led astray. Willingly watching it replace so many opportunities for progress and happiness. Why why why? It's apparent that yes yes yes becomes the default setting and I do remember the moment I realized I was already in dangerous territory. Felt like falling into a vortex. Thank you for the inspiration to reflect and the thought of a sunnier day that surely keeps the flame of hope alight

  • David Miller by David Miller
  • 5 years ago

I am touched by this poem. If it weren't for my beautiful baby girl, I would most likely be lying in a ditch, dead. I am only a couple months clean, but it's gonna be a lot more years clean and sober.

  • Ryleigh by Ryleigh, New York
  • 11 years ago

I love this! It shows you how hard it is to go through a addiction when I went through mine it was hard but like you said there's always sunshine after the rain. I love that quote it's very true, and not only true but helpful to the people who think they're stuck in their addiction I'm only 15 but I feel like I'm 40 with all that I have gone through. Very good job made me love my story of recovery. I'm very proud keep calm and carry on the your recovery!

  • Julie A. by Julie A., Tx
  • 11 years ago

I like this poem because its simple and yet powerful. I had years of addiction and binge use. I had children and that wasn't enough for me to change. My mom's tears were not enough either. Until I came to myself and realized I would die this way and my children would be left behind; then I said God if you are real please help me. He began working right then. I didn't see angels and my life didn't magically become perfect. There were a lot of tears, broken hearts and disappointed loved ones. Through it all I still find it amazing how my children still loved me and called me momma. God is the same way but 100 times over. It's been over 8 years since I touched a drug or drink. Never again. We found forgiveness as a family and have grown together in our faith. I still have hurts and struggles but getting high is not an option anymore. God is my strength. You are worth it, and so am I.

  • PAmela by PAmela
  • 8 years ago

Wow!!!!! What great words and strong faith in God. I wish my sis could read this. She had been off alcohol a long time, and we just found out she has gone back. Congrats on your recovery!

  • Terri Lee by Terri Lee
  • 11 years ago

My friends daughter who is 24 is in jail again because of drugs. She lives in FL, I live in Ohio. I love her so much and my heart is breaking for her. I am writing to her and looked up poems for her to give her hope and inspiration. She is a talented writer herself! I saw this poem and knew it was the one. This poem has started me crying and I can't seem to stop. To me, she's still a little girl and I feel helpless to save her. No one plans to destroy their lives and I pray for everyone who is affected by addictions. The addict, family and friends who suffer with them. Thanks for a beautiful poem!

  • Indranee by Indranee, South Africa
  • 12 years ago

I have a son who is 26 years old. He is presently at re-hab for the 3rd time. I pray that when he comes out in 4 months time that he gives us peace. As a mother I have been through hell. To see your own responsible, loving son become a monster is the greatest pain one can endure. You can ask yourself a thousand times why can't he change for his children? But the devil called "drugs" takes over his empty life. He cries with regret when he is sober but a week of peace and back again to the hell hole. Drug lords become his parents, lovers, wife and brothers! How does God allow this for more than 8 years? Is this the much as I hate the drugs I love "my old loving son" I just want him back. That's my prayer.

  • Diane Hamilton by Diane Hamilton
  • 6 years ago

Don't ever believe that you can't find your beautiful loving son again. Recovery is not an easy thing. Never did I doubt my son's love for his family. My boy had an opiate addiction and tried several different avenues to find himself and recover. One year ago he opened his heart to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. He found strength to fight his addiction. My son was well on his way to recovery. On June 30, 2018 my dear son of 32 years passed away in his sleep. His heart just stopped. His beautiful loving smile will be forever missed. I am so thankful that I had the strength to love and support my boy when he needed it most. So I say to you from one mother to another...please don't ever give up on your boy. Even if you can't be around him, let him know just how much he means to you and how much you truly love him! Tomorrow is never promised!!

  • Janice by Janice
  • 12 years ago

I can relate to this story, my life for 30 years was controlled by a drug. Over time my addiction took everything from me. I was left homeless, broke and almost never walked again due to the abuse to my body. I thought my life was meant to be this way, that I didn't deserve anything better, God had other plans. Now thanks to God and the inner strength he gave me and still does, I'm hitting a year clean. Hey this hasn't been easy but its so worth it. Like the poem says "There is sunshine after the rain."

  • Mary Ayers by Mary Ayers
  • 6 years ago

I can relate to this story. I went down this road for 15 years. Battling addiction is the hardest thing I have ever done. I have been clean for 5 years, and i have had to watch my son go down the same road. The other day he asked me, "Mom, how do you do it?" And I said, "You need to look into your baby's eyes and think how you will explain it to them that a pill or needle meant more to you than they did. Or just think if one of those babies found you dead, how do you think they could cope with that?" I hope I got through to him. It's no life to live. Mine started as a back problem. I never knew that it could turn to what I have gone through, but God has pulled me out of hell, so please if you're reading this and think no one cares, you're wrong. Your family does. They just don't understand addiction unless they have walked in those shoes. Turn to God and he will hold your hand.

  • Charllette by Charllette
  • 12 years ago

I am truly touched by this. I am a recovering meth addict. I was just released from prison almost two months ago. I only used for eight months and now will be affected for the rest of my life. Meth is a murderous drug and it was amazing to see the expression through this poem. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  • Tracy Young by Tracy Young, Las Vegas
  • 13 years ago

This poem made me cry. I am in an Clinical Intensive OutPatient Treatment program (CIOP)

  • Edgar by Edgar
  • 13 years ago

I have no particular story!!! I like the message in this poem. At the age of eleven, or twelve, in the fifth or sixth grade, I promised The Lord, that I would not smoke cigarettes, drink liquor, nor do illegal drugs!!!! As a youngster, I used to read about the ill effects of the above on the body, and the behavior of the persons addicted. I learned to love me, for who, and what I was. That has sufficed, even to this day.

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