Addiction Poem

This is something I wrote in the deepest part of my addiction. I am proud to say that I am in recovery now but still wanted to share.

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This poem really cuts deep. I can relate to this on every level. Not only did "my master" take control of every aspect, it took control over my every move and breath. Every time I used to...

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My Master

© more by Selena Odom

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2010 with permission of the Author.

I have a master of an evil kind.
He totally controls my body, soul, and mind.
At first he was fun and cool,
But soon I became his fool.
A victim without a chance,
He took my life in just a glance.
He's so sneaky and full of deceit.
I wonder why we ever had to meet.
Thanks to my master, I am now someone I hate.
I used to have a life, and it was somewhat great.
Now all I do is cheat, steal, and lie,
And then lie in bed praying to die.
Still I can't leave my master for any reason.
He's too strong and his control is never ceasin'.
He's the one I run to when I wake.
I can't rid him, even for my children's sake.
I used to be loving, caring, and enjoyed my life,
But that was before my master took me for his wife.
Everyone says I don't look like the type.
They can't picture me locked in my room smoking a pipe.
I once was a pretty girl from the South,
But now I am left with teeth rotting in my mouth.
My master says, "You'll never stay clean;
You love me too much to be happy and serene."
He loves that I don't even bother trying
And gravels when I am miserably crying.
I'm already dead really, just a shell.
My master gave me a life of pure hell.
Yes, I have a master of the most evil kind.
He took over and everything good was left behind.
He shows no mercy to religion, sex, or age.
He only searches for his next victim in which to engage.
I pray you never meet my master.
If your paths cross, run fast and then run faster.
Just in case, he goes by Meth, Crystal, or Ice,
And I am begging you to just take my advice.
No one should have to succumb to this Master of misery and shame.
Trust me, this is your life and not a game!
Nothing good will ever come from knowing this dark demon,
So don't ever try him, no matter how unbearable life is seemin'.
My master took me and broke my spirit.
So don't meet him, just don't hear it.


more by Selena Odom

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Heidi LeBlanc by Heidi LeBlanc
  • 4 years ago

This poem really cuts deep. I can relate to this on every level. Not only did "my master" take control of every aspect, it took control over my every move and breath. Every time I used to read it and still read it today, I start to cry. I am now a recovering addict from meth. I am beating "my master" now and couldn't be any happier. This poem will always stay with me. Meth took everything from me, and now I'm taking one day at a time to gain my life back and so much more.

  • Valerie Marie Maiwandi by Valerie Marie Maiwandi
  • 2 years ago

I'm in tears. This poem is true for me in so many ways. I'm fighting for my life back right now. Please pray for me and my husband Gary Sinclair.

  • Louise Pearce by Louise Pearce
  • 5 years ago

This poem really touched my heart, I'm a crack addict and heroin too. I'm on a script but still go back to the devil to play, I had 12 days clean under my belt and ruined it by using. I live in a homeless shelter. Drugs are all around me. I just want to live a clean life and have a relationship with my daughter. I hope one day I'll make it.

  • Brandi C by Brandi C
  • 1 month ago

I'm a crack addict. As many others, it touched me deeply and hit home... my heart skipped a beat when I read the line about being locked in her room holding a pipe. That's me... doing what I do most every day. Locked away alone using because I'm ashamed of what I've become. Sober people around me say just get clean. It's not that easy. Even when you want to because you're well aware of its destruction, you just can't walk away. I wish I knew someone with the same DOC as me. I feel so alone surrounded by people who don't understand because they've never been in an addicts shoes.

  • Bernice Joseph by Bernice Joseph
  • 9 months ago

It might take time but trust me you will heal from it ….I was once an ice addict but God rescued me and I hope and pray that he will rescue you strong my dear

  • Sara Lefevre by Sara Lefevre
  • 5 years ago

Always have hope that you will make it. I know what you’re going through. I've been relapsing on meth for the last year. I keep messing up, and it’s hard, but you can do it. Every day is a fresh start.

  • Kenneth R. Andrews by Kenneth R. Andrews, Ireland Dublin
  • 5 years ago

I hear you. I spent 27 years in addiction. Anything wet or dry I took. Drugs stopped working. The voice in my head got louder, and I tried to check out. Well done on the 12 days you’ve had. You know it is doable. It’s a ferocious disease when the compulsion and obsession is on you. It’s an inside job where you get to surrender and say, “I’m beaten.” N.A. is what helps me stay clean. Today I’m 3 years and 2 months clean. It’s very achievable to stop using, especially with like-minded people to help and guide you. I hope you can start fighting the good fight again if you haven’t already. Best wishes, my friend.

  • Christie by Christie
  • 5 years ago

Never ever give up! Keep fighting! Through Jesus all is possible! God bless you!

Never give up! Never! When the fear of staying the same is greater than the fear of changing or not using- you'll change. Bless you. And I know all too well how you feel. I wrote this. Please stay strong.

  • Theresa Kim by Theresa Kim
  • 7 years ago

I've been an addict for six years now and I just can't stop. It has become my everything and consumed me entirely.

  • Jenny Brits by Jenny Brits
  • 7 years ago

Thank you for sharing your story. It made me cry. I have a master too. Gave him 3 years of myself. I ended it so many times because all he does is break me down, but somehow I can't let go. I'm addicted to his ways and to his control. I can't move on and keep on going back. All he ever says is, "I knew you'd be back." I can't fight him anymore, and he knows it.

  • Lisa Neer by Lisa Neer
  • 10 years ago

I'm a addict still. Started with a script 5 yrs. ago. Went to sniffing pilled. Today I'm a heroin addict. I can't stop no matter what. Even for my children I can't. How pathetic is that?! Rehab I need. I just don't know where to start. My husband also is a heroin addict. We are killing each other.

  • Joei by Joei, Cincinnati Oh
  • 10 years ago

This poem broke my heart and made me break down and cry like I haven't done in many years. When I was reading this it was as if this person was writing about my life. I too am a mother and fought an addiction to oxy for years. I was given this medication after a surgery went horribly wrong. Without warning this nasty little medication took over my life, it took a hold of my soul and controlled me for several years. I know first hand the struggle, pain, self-disappointment and heart break this person wrote so powerfully about. I have been in recovery and clean for 4 years. Thank you for be so strong and brave and sharing your personal journey through hell.

  • E E by E E
  • 4 years ago

This really touched my heart. I've struggled with porn addiction for 16 years and it has slowly destroyed me on the inside. I was exposed to hardcore porn at the age of 12. Now I'm almost 40 and still struggling. But let me tell you this, I'm going to fight harder and not give up. I will beat's like a war on the inside of you that destroys your self-esteem. Don't give up.

You're welcome. I hope you know how hard it is still. I cry every time I read this, and I'm the author. I recently wrote a new poem called my new master. I had to relapse and go to prison to find my new master (JC). Hope you're making it.

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