Mother Death Poem

Though she has passed, she is still there in every shadow and memory. She will live forever through the living.

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Mother, how I miss you. You were and will always be my best friend. You left me only months ago, but yet it feels like forever. You stood by my side through thick and thin. You are still my...

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I Love You Forever


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

Mom, you mean the world to me.
It's hard to live without you.
You were always by my side.
Through thick and thin you helped me.
Now that you're gone, my life is hard to live.
It's hard to breathe.
It's hard to see,
And it's hard to think about anything but you.
Even though your love will shine in me
Forever, it's still hard not to look for your hand to hold.
Even though you're not here with me in the
Flesh, I still have you in my heart and in my memories.
I'll love you forever, Mom.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kanchan Jha by Kanchan Jha
  • 7 years ago

Dear Mamma, I miss your sweet smell. I miss your caring voice, I miss your food. I miss you the most when I'm not well. I keep myself busy to reduce the pain in my heart but all in vain. I want to believe there is life after death.

  • Debbie Taylor by Debbie Taylor
  • 7 years ago

My mom went to be with the Lord on 5/17/17 6:15am. My mother's heart stopped. She was without oxygen to her brain for 30 to 40 minutes. They shocked her back. She was on life support for a week, yet she remembered every one of her six children. Mother was weak and tired. I know she didn't want to leave, but God called her home. She was my best friend. I was her only daughter. She had six boys. I really do miss my mama.

  • Louise Chamberlain by Louise Chamberlain
  • 8 years ago

I lost my gorgeous, big-hearted, caring mother who was taken too young and early...She was an awesome mother, a fantastic grandmother, a very selfless woman who only did things that helped or out of the goodness of her heart, a woman who suffered greatly in mental and physical pain and did not deserve it. We miss you, Mummy. You were incredible. No one can take that from you. I love you and miss you, Mummy

  • Christina Alcaraz by Christina Alcaraz
  • 8 years ago

Mother, how I miss you. You were and will always be my best friend. You left me only months ago, but yet it feels like forever. You stood by my side through thick and thin. You are still my inspiration. So much has happened since you left. I know that you are happy in heaven and will still be by my side. I can't wait to be by your side so we can talk for hours again. I love you and miss you every day.
Your loving daughter

  • Billy Bumgarner by Billy Bumgarner
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mother back in 1991, at the age of 11. I can say it does get better as time passes. But there still will be those days where you just wanna cry all day and night. Wish she could have been there for my wedding and when I graduated from college. I wish she could see how her only son has grown and became a good person. It wasn't always that way. I've been in jail and did my time, but then I went back and got my GED. I went to college and graduated top of my class.

Mom, you may be gone but not forgotten.

Love you Mom!

  • Eileen Harper by Eileen Harper
  • 9 years ago

I lost my parents 7 hours apart, it was 14 yrs ago tomorrow and each day I still relive the heartache and pain. It's very hard when you lose someone you love but to lose both my parents in one night is a pain I never want anyone else to endure. I'm getting married in May this year and it just won't be the same without my mum and dad there.

  • Tamara Hannmann by Tamara Hannmann
  • 8 years ago

My Mom passed away and I married without her there. She was all I had. My Uncle, who I was super close to, died three months later after hearing about my Mom passing away. He was my "other" best friend. I married without both but knew they were with me and will always be with me. They must be smiling from Heaven as I raise my Daughter! Enjoy your Wedding Day! They would want you to be Happy! ??

  • Linda Haylett by Linda Haylett, Aberdeen Scotland
  • 10 years ago

Hello Mia,

How very hard it must be for you to lose your mum at so young an age. I lost my mum two years ago when I was 59 and she was 82 but the pain has been terrible. I will keep you in my heart and think of you. Your mum will be waiting for you and will tell you how proud she is of you when she takes you in her arms again for all eternity.

  • Mia by Mia, Florence Alabama
  • 10 years ago

I lost my momma recently actually it was February 17, 2014 just 2 months ago. She died from a massive heart attack, she wasn't sick in any way. It's hard to live without your mom when you're only 16. My life has changed in so many ways. I feel so alone and left behind but you guess it was just her time to go. I wasn't prepared for this but I guess we all are going to pass on one day and that day was her day. I'm ready to meet her on the other side but until then I'll keep on trying my best to make her proud of her baby girl.

  • Sunita by Sunita
  • 10 years ago

I lost my mum exactly two months ago today. She wasn't sick. She had a terrible headache and tummy cramps and 3 weeks later she died in hospital after I walked out of the room. I too am an only child. She was everything to me just as I was to her. Best friends and worse enemies. Everyday feels like eternity without her. My heart bleeds with pain and I don't think this emptiness will ever go away. I've never felt so alone in my entire life. Life itself doesn't make sense anymore. I miss her soooooooo much. No words can ever explain this pain. I love you mummy... Sunita

  • Kyna Townley by Kyna Townley, Waterloo Il
  • 10 years ago

I know what all of us are going through. I lost my mom due to cancer in 07. I'm the only child and I lost her at the age of 17! I don't know my dad so I started my life early!!! I seen her take her last breath I told her mom it's ok I will be fine. I'm tired of seeing you in pain I will see you again so if you want to go be in a happy place I will be fine and I love you. In a matter of hours she was gone ! I miss you mom.

  • Kim Brown by Kim Brown
  • 11 years ago

I'm sorry for your loss, I also lost my mother here recently on September 20, 2014 It was sudden heart attack. I was on the phone with her when she took her last breath and I miss her each and every day. My heart feels sick with grief and my soul feels empty without her. I did get to tell her how much I Loved her with those last words. So I do know your pain and feel your emptiness I am so sorry you have to feel this pain because I to hurt beyond imagination. Rest in peace to all the mothers that were here and have past save your heart broken and sad daughters a place in heaven we will see you again someday. God Bless Whoever reads this and love everyone as though it is your last day on earth. Kim

  • Melissa Belgium by Melissa Belgium
  • 11 years ago

My mom died in June 2013. Completely unexpected. She wasn't sick until the week before, she got diagnosed with cancer. They didn't have a chance to find out which one. I'm her only daughter and I don't have a good relationship with my dad. So I feel so alone..... unimaginable unless you have suffered the same loss.... I miss her so much....

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