Mother Death Poem

Thanks, Mother, for doing so well with what mothers can do.

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My mother gave birth to two boys: Stephen and me. She was our source of joy. She used to joke to us when she felt we were down. She used to motivate us and also challenged us to embrace...

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Thank You, Mother


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

Thank you, Mother, for all that you have done.
You took great care of your daughters and sons.

You loved us all from the very start
with your warm, kind, and loving heart.

Thank you, Mother, for being strong,
While trying to teach us right from wrong.

If anytime we had a problem,
you were there to help us solve them.

You'd lift us up when we were feeling blue.
Thank you, Mother, for we could always count on you.

You were such an awesome mother.
The love you showed was like no other.

Thank you, Mother for your dear, sweet love. 
Now you'll watch over us from heaven above.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ron Craft by Ron Craft
  • 1 year ago

I lost my mum two weeks ago and this poem reminds me of her

  • Bonita Watson by Bonita Watson
  • 9 years ago

I lost my mother just a little over a week ago. This poem described my feelings for her exactly. I miss her so much! Thank you for this beautiful poem.

  • Jeanette Bland by Jeanette Bland
  • 11 years ago

My mother left us November 5th, 2013 at 7:52 pm. I was just visiting with her 45 minutes prior to that. I looked in her eyes and it was different. I didn't want to see what I felt. She held my hand as I reminded her of how special she is and I felt warmth all through my body. It was her releasing all that love she have for me. She was in so much pain, almost all the time. My God, I just miss her so much! After I kissed her, I told her to sit back and relax. The battle is not yours. Let God do what he is going to do. She looked deep in me, smiled and said goodbye. I had faith that she would still be in that hospital bed the next day for our visit, but God took her out of her misery. She don't have to deal with being poked because she had such small veins. She don't have to worry about taking all those pills. She don't have to worry about that dreadful pain she dealt with everyday

  • Melissa Farmer by Melissa Farmer
  • 13 years ago

My mom died 6 months ago today (11/13/2011) from a short bout of cancer, we didn't even know she was ill and then she was given 2 months to live. She died at the young age 57. One and a half years after my father passed. My brother and I miss her so much. Thank you for your beautiful words. God bless you !

  • Anthony Amoh by Anthony Amoh, Kumasi,Ghana
  • 4 years ago

My mother gave birth to two boys: Stephen and me. She was our source of joy. She used to joke to us when she felt we were down. She used to motivate us and also challenged us to embrace whatever life brings. She had been sick for three (3) years. She took bitter pills. I spent all the money I had kept from my teaching job since my father had died about 28 years ago. I went to visit her one Saturday. I fed her and even told her I would be back, only to be told after 3 days (March 3, 2020) that she had passed away. My mum was real. She stood for justice.
Mum(Abena Mansah), gone but not forgotten. You'll forever be in my heart. Love you!

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