Spiritual Poem about Death

Rest In Peace Mom Poem

The death of a mother is the hardest to bear for she is the one who is there for us the most. In her life she has shown her daughter a path to follow and now she is resting in the God's embrace. Her daughter looks forward to the day they will be reunited.

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My mom is 83 and is in hospice. I feel your pain. I thank God I still have her, but I know he will take her from me soon. I don't want her to be afraid. That is what upsets me the most. Is...

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Sleep Mommy


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

Sweet smile on your face as you sleep the pain away,
Resting in God's arms now, although in the ground your body lay.
He needed another angel in the Heavenly choir and that's why you had to go.
As you promised, you are still with us watching your children here below.

I never would have imagined the end would be like this, me comforting you.
Holding your hand, telling you not to worry was not an easy thing for me to do.
And even in your weakest hour you tried to comfort me too,
Caressing my face, and calming my soul as only a mother can soothe.

You have always been there through the thick and the thin
No matter what I've done, unconditionally your love never wavering.
When I told you of the mistakes I made and all the times people saw me fall
You simply nodded and gently replied 'so have we all'.
The key to success is learning from the past
Ensuring a brighter future is now the present task.

A pillar of strength even until the end
Fighting all life's battles, knowing it triumphantly you would win
Pushing me to be the best that you know I can be
Reminding me to keep the faith and allow God to lead me.
Knowing it's through Christ that I can do all things
And as He never makes a mistake I will come through victoriously.

I miss you more than these words could ever say
The pain in my heart is from one unimaginable day
After I cried all that I could; my eyes still shed countless more tears
And when I try to sleep, I have nightmares of ten-thousand fears
I walk in footsteps on an unsure path
My load feels so heavy I am not sure I will last.

Silly though I may be, I am afraid of life now that you're gone
Because I've always had a mother.
And Mommy, what about my sister and baby brother.
I wish you could have stayed just a little while longer, there's so much left to do
I wonder if I prayed hard enough and if so, did they get through.

Finding relief in knowing I will see you again someday soon
Remembering all you taught me as my soul I continue to groom
I will walk in footsteps you have walked before me
Seeing the path you walked lead you, Mommy, straight into victory.

So as you sleep Mommy, in the cradle of the Lord,
I am reassured of God's promises in His Holy Word.
I dream of the day when Heaven's gates open to receive me
And with your smiling face and loving eyes, reunited once again I will be.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Avari by Avari
  • 5 years ago

My mom passed away when I was 10 years old, Febuary 24, 2016. I miss her every single day and I always wish there would be that one day I would wake up from this nightmare. I don't know many people personally who also lost their mom at a young age, but I know she is in the best place right now and she watches over me and everyone she loves.

  • Charmaine by Charmaine
  • 6 years ago

I lost my mom 10 years ago, and it hurts. I miss her so much. Last night I had a dream about her leaving for another country and had family there. I kept asking her why she had to leave me behind and how I wanted to spend my Christmas with her. I told her how my stepmother and dad abused me emotionally and physically, but she did not respond. She started cry out loud. We were both in tears, and when I woke up my eyes were red and my face was wet.

  • Annie Kanamwangi by Annie Kanamwangi
  • 7 years ago

Lost my mom last week, but I am sure she is resting in perfect peace. I will miss her until my last breath. Will just let God take control because I can't figure out my life now without her. I know this pain is not going to vanish, so I have to learn how to live with it. Miss you forever, Mummy.

  • Jaime by Jaime
  • 7 years ago

Dear Scott,
Please believe me when I say I wished my mom wasn't afraid. She was so strong; we could do anything together. That was the worst, her being afraid and there being nothing I could do or say that would take it away. I feel your pain. I still wish I could trade places.

  • Jaime by Jaime
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mom on November 30, 2017. It was the worst and best day of my life. She was no longer in pain, which I always wanted, but I miss her so much.

  • Scott by Scott
  • 7 years ago

My mom is 83 and is in hospice. I feel your pain. I thank God I still have her, but I know he will take her from me soon. I don't want her to be afraid. That is what upsets me the most. Is she afraid at night when she is bed? I wish I could give my life to save hers, because I would in a heartbeat. I will see her again, just like you will see your mother again. I will not accept anything less. Please be strong, and do not give up hope of seeing her again. LOVE ties us all together. Please believe me, you will be reunited with her at your passing. Please, please rejoice in that. I feel so happy for you just thinking of the day you see her again. God Bless you.

  • Lizzie by Lizzie
  • 7 years ago

My mom left me 13 years ago, so it's really hard to remember her, but I remember the simple things that I will never forget. I just wish she was here so I could tell her how much I love her and miss her. I miss her so much.

  • Letticia A King by Letticia A King
  • 7 years ago

My mom left me a year ago and I feel so lost without her. We used to do everything together. She called me every day. When I feel down she always knows how to cheer me up when I’m having relationship problems. She will be right there to fix it. I just love and miss her so much.

  • Maria Pal by Maria Pal
  • 8 years ago

I miss mom. She has only been gone a year. I feel like I had no closure and pray that she's with Lord. I fell lost all the time. Hopefully this pain will get better.

  • Awa by Awa
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mom eight years ago. Her death is the thing I can't bear in life. Life has been unfair. I wish I could have her around again. Mama, I really miss you a lot. May your soul rest in perfect peace, Mom.

  • Qimera Martin by Qimera Martin
  • 8 years ago

My mom passed away on February 4th 2015. I was 15 years old & in the 10th grade. I was so heartbroken because it was ALWAYS me & my mom together, I am truly her 'twin'. To have to wake up & find your mom gone in her room really messed me up, it was so sudden. My mom wasn't sick or anything, she just died & I don't know why. I am now 17 & will be starting my senior year of high school. It hurt me when my mom wasn't there for my junior prom & she wont be here for my senior or the biggest milestone in my life......graduation. I know she is always with me spiritually, but I want her here physically!

  • Sydney Gryder by Sydney Gryder
  • 8 years ago

I understand how you feel. I lost my mom on June 16, 2016. Today will be 3 months. It's tough. I thought I was the only one. She was very sick. She had stage 4 lung cancer. I'm 18 my sister is 21; she's in college and I'm in my senior year of high school. It really sucks!

  • Deepa by Deepa
  • 9 years ago

I lost my beautiful mummy aged 64 on Feb 4th,2016 . We lost her unexpectedly and during a crucial phase of our lives. We were all happy at that time after many struggles and maybe God didn't want us to be happy anymore. I can't accept that she's gone . I lost all my faith and hope in God. Though ours wasn't a perfect mother-daughter relationship, but we loved each other so dearly. She was so kind and affectionate towards everyone. Even during the last days of her life in the ICU, she was asking us not to spend much time with her as she feared if we get some infections from ICU. She suffered a lot during her last days, unable to breathe and still she was brave. She believed us when we said she would be alright and come out of hospital soon. Thinking of her last smile at me, I regret so much and I feel that I should've taken care of her more. I'm waiting for the day I meet her in heaven and give her a huge hug and say sorry for everything I did which hurt her. I love you mummy,miss you!

  • Scott by Scott
  • 7 years ago

Your mother has already forgiven you for the things you feel bad about, Now, Sweetheart, forgive yourself.

  • Nicole by Nicole, Connecticut
  • 9 years ago

I lost my mom today. She woke up and was unable to breathe. My brother tried everything to save her but it was too late. My father passed away 8 months ago from Lung Cancer. When my Dad passed my mom couldn't live without him and began to decline. Today her suffering is finally over & she is at peace with my Dad. Loosing my parents is the hardest thing I have ever gone through. I know they live on through my brothers and sisters and I. And I know I will see them again one day.

  • Young I. Chae by Young I. Chae, Garden Grove
  • 9 years ago

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your parents who passed away most recently. Well, I lost my mom last year in February at the age of 86. She was relatively healthy all her life. My dad is still alive and he is 90 years old. Fortunately, he is very healthy and I pray that he will be with us for at least 10 more years. Yes, loosing the parents is the most difficult thing I have ever experienced in life as well. However, I do firmly believe that we all going to be reunited in heaven for eternity in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  • Hari Suman by Hari Suman, Chandigarh
  • 10 years ago

A mother, after all, is your entry into the world. Waking up without her is like waking up in a world without the sky, unimaginable.
Slept beside her, as I had done as a small child. I grew hungry for more of her. I woke in the night and listened to her breathing, as the space between her breaths grew longer and longer.
My Mom passed away on 18 Feb. 2014. Its hard to accept. I am 25 years old and I know this may sound melodramatic. I just want to be with my Mom. Mom, if you are listening me, please take me with you. I am all alone here. I can't survive without you.
I want to sleep holding you. I want to touch your face. I want to sit beside you and hold you. Mom, Please come back.. I am nothing without you.
In the 2 months that followed my mother's death, I managed to look like a normal person. I walked down the street; I answered my phone; I brushed my teeth, most of the time.

  • Jerome Chew by Jerome Chew
  • 8 years ago

I empathize with you. I feel the same way. My mom just passed on March 24, 2016. I am my mom's youngest son of three boys. We had a great relationship and now I can't believe that she has been taken away. I know that she suffered the last two weeks of her life and I curse the doctors who would not help her because she was not a good candidate. My life is forever changed, I can't wait to join my mom and big brother in heaven.

  • Vinton by Vinton, Louisiana
  • 10 years ago

My mom died when I was 3 months old on August 26 2000. I now am 14 that was 14 years ago. Leaving me and my sister here alone. Even though I barely knew her I miss her oh so much and every day I think of what she would've been like and I hope she is having fun in heaven. I just love this poem! R.i.p mommy

  • Susan Sykes by Susan Sykes
  • 10 years ago

I lost my Mom suddenly March 18th, I found her unconscious Ash Wednesday from a massive cranial bleed. I would have kept her alive. I wanted her in any condition but my wise sister was in charge and said we have to let her go. It's been 13 days and I'm devastated. How long will it take to recover from the pain, guilt, anger and frustration? I don't know. I stand in her house and constantly cry. All that I have left is her pets, her junk and a house. All I want is my mother! Not anything else. I want my mother back and though your words are sweet, I don't believe we will ever meet again.

  • Roxanna by Roxanna, Casa Grande AZ
  • 11 years ago

I lost my mom like 7 years ago I was only 14 she left 8 kids behind due to cancer. This poem touched me just by hearing and reading this makes me miss my mom more. It's hard. I was in foster care after a year because my dad couldn't take care of me and my little sister and my baby brother.

  • Cathryn Brown by Cathryn Brown, Lawton Oklahoma
  • 11 years ago

My mamma left me and my 3 year old sister. Our dad left her when she was giving birth to me on 01-24-2002 . She fought a 1 year battle with cancer, she also has been through every kind of surgery.When I was in 5th grade they told me to go to the principals office, when I got there they told me "your mom is dead". She died at 12:00 pm. I burst out in tears because she died right on my birthday. I'm 11 right now. I got adopted. After I post this.....I'm going to my mammas grave. This poem made me thought of happy dreams of me and a happy family.

  • Chanti Taylor by Chanti Taylor
  • 11 years ago

My mother died on September 4, 2009. I could always feel when my mother needed me most. Early that morning, the Lord awakened me and spoke to me. He told me that he was going to take my mother and that I needed to let her go because she was ready to go with him, but she didn't want to leave me. I called my siblings and the three of us went to the hospital. True enough, the doctors told us that my mother only had a few hours to live. We went into her room to say our good-byes and we called other family members to come to the hospital to be with her during her last hours. That was four years ago and I know that my life will never be the same without my mom. I am happy that she is no longer in pain, but the selfish side of me wishes she would have never left me. When I want to be close to her, I close my eyes and I think of her and she is always smiling. Mom, I will always love you and I look forward to seeing you again one day.

  • Masi by Masi, Cape Town
  • 11 years ago

This poem brought tears to my eyes. I lost my mother in 2008 when I was 16 and my dad five months later. At that point I was left with virtually nothing and had to work ever since then to support myself and to put myself through school. I am 22 now and almost done with my law degree and have made it this far with Christ by my side as my source of strength. It's been a tough 5 years, I miss her deeply and always will but through the years I guess one learns to live with the pain. I promised her that her hard work and sacrifice through the years would not go in vain, I hope she is proud of me because this is my second degree and then I will go work and head back home to revamp the house she built. To everyone, losing a parent is never easy and it will hurt deeply but remember your mother was a fighter till the end so you will get through this. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

  • Donnamarie Totten by Donnamarie Totten, Stirling
  • 11 years ago

My mum passed away Saturday 13th October 2012. 3 months after she found out she had cancer in her bones, Liver, and lungs a week before she passes away They found a blood clot in her lungs...she was 66. I love and miss her every day...my kids miss their
gran..my mums friends also miss her.

  • Keneilwe by Keneilwe, Kagiso (Krugersdorp)
  • 11 years ago

I lost my mother this year on the 27th of Feb. It's more like I lost a friend. She got sick so suddenly in December, then was in an ICU for almost a month. Last year she insisted on throwing me a 21st birthday party. I wish I knew then what I know now. She left me with my little 12 year old sister. She will always be remembered and those memories will live with us forever.

  • Pakistan by Pakistan
  • 11 years ago

Hi ,
My mother died on 7th of June 2013 & I am feeling very lonely without her.
Oh God, Please take care of her.

Miss you Mom

  • Natalie by Natalie
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem so much. My mom passed away in 2010, and it hurts sooo bad. The words expressed in this poem is exactly what I experienced and how I am feeling. I couldn't have expressed myself in words but all I can say is Thank you for this poem. As I read this, tears fell down my face and it hurts even more because it's the day before Mothers Day. Lord please help me deal with this. It is so hard loosing a mother.

  • Nedra Brown by Nedra Brown
  • 11 years ago

Thanks so much for sharing this poem with us. We lost our mother on October 21, 2011. It seems just like yesterday. It is still so painful. Her birthday is this Thursday, May 9, 2013. She will be 73 years old. My sisters and I were very blessed to have been able to love, cherish, & enjoy with our mom because she died at 71 years old. We feel deeply saddened because from reading a lot of these comments, many other children lost their mom so young. Mother, we will always love you unconditionally with all our hearts. We miss you so much & still cry often. You meant the world to all of us. We can't wait to see you again. Happy Birthday & Happy Mother's Day to the World's Greatest Mother!! Your children, Nedra Brown, Connie Louis, Valarie Shaw, David Shaw Jr., Grandson, Christopher Louis, Special Nephew, Nathaniel Mitchell Jr., God child, Lance Peterson, Son-in-laws, Joseph Brown Jr., Philip Louis, Calvin Davis Jr., Sister, Virginia Raymond, Step Grand children & Great Step-Grand children.

  • Sandi Guidotti by Sandi Guidotti, New York
  • 11 years ago

I lost my Beautiful Mother and My Best Friend on 4/1/2003 at 11:03 pm. I will never forget her. She was so beautiful. She was diagnosed with a rare cancer (vaginal cancer). It was so hard to see her so sick. As she laid in her hospital bed, I sat with her I couldn't leave her side. The last 4 days were the roughest. I would stroke her forehead and tell her how much I Loved her. I told her she was the greatest mother and the most wonderful woman I knew. She was lied to by her cancer doctors. They said she had stage 2 cancer. Our regular doctor said no she was more like stage 4 or 5 and bone cancer too.
As her time was nearing she never opened her eyes or spoke. One morning I was crying and all of a sudden she opened up her eyes and mumbled what's wrong. I told her she was dying. I told her to go be with her parents. She understood. The next night God took her home. She died with a beautiful smile on her face. I miss her so. Everyday she's with me. God Bless!

  • Tracey by Tracey, Salt Lake City
  • 11 years ago

I lost my Mom 6 days ago from COPD, a horrible disease that robs you of your breath. She was a wonderful mother & my closest friend. I Miss her so much & I am so sad. I don't know how I'm going to live without her. I hope she is watching over me & I look to the day when we meet again. I love you so much mom. My life is so empty without you mom.

  • Lee by Lee
  • 12 years ago

M mom died when I was 10 years old but now I'm a grown up, I'm 21 years but I still miss her so much coz I wanted her to see things that I have achieved in life...I still love my mom.

  • Jayson by Jayson, Philippines
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem so much. My mom just passed away because of her illness, pneumonia. Her kidney and heart were get affected. She just fought for 7 months to survive and I am so lucky that she spent Christmas and celebrates New Year's Eve. She suffered too much pain to get her life longer but I know God has a purpose and I know every life has an ending but starts with a new beginning. Time may past but memories can still be remembered.

  • Kelly by Kelly, LA
  • 12 years ago

Its been 26 years today that my mom passed I was only 23 and there were 5 of us the youngest had just turned 12 on the 6. Still hurts just as much today as it did then. god bless everyone

  • Kay Simmons by Kay Simmons, Salisbury N.C
  • 12 years ago

My mommy passed away January 24th 2011 and that was just last year. I miss her so much she passed when I was 11 now I am 12 and every night I cry myself to sleep. I Miss You Mommy. <3 My heart is broken from then and forever always. See you in heaven mommy love you forever and always.

  • Ravi T M by Ravi T M, India
  • 12 years ago

Thanks a lot for the poem. I lost my mother in 2003, when she lost a Breast Cancer Battle. Years passed by, yet, I still feel the missing of a true happiness that a mother gives. Hope my mother is happy somewhere. R I P Mother.

  • Ebony Moss by Ebony Moss
  • 12 years ago

My mum passed away 3 years ago. Now I'm 15. She died of an overdose on drugs and a heart attack. My dad is in jail and has been in and out my whole life. I have one sister I have hardly seen since I came into care she's 18 now. I feel alone and have no one but I keep my head up and carry on. I've been through so much more, too deep to write down but I'm strong enough to move on from the past, work on my present and achieve loads in my future. So for anyone that feels like giving up I've been there before and just before I was going to end my life I saw an image of my mother and wanted to live my life how she wanted me to be so she can be proud of one of her daughters. Rest in peace mummy I love you always and forever x

  • Ashleigh Redmon by Ashleigh Redmon, Houston Tx
  • 12 years ago

My mom died of an overdose on Zanax. She was all I had left in my family. We were so, so, so, so, close... words can't even explain it at all. but you should always remember to "let go and let god" take care of all your problems that you are dealing with right now... I will pray for you sweetie. xoxo, with love, prayers, and emotions. I'm 14 about to be 15 on September 6. Just keep on fighting until its over I will always keep you in my prayers...:)

  • Bukola by Bukola, Nigeria
  • 12 years ago

Tomorrow makes 12 Years since I lost my mum to an accident. I remember her struggle to provide for the family since my dad is late too. I see in her everyday courage, strength and hope.. She never gave up even till death and that makes her my role model. Her death was really painful because she died when I needed her most but I believe God wants her more. The legacy she left for us is prayer and dedication to God...though, its not been easy with temptation around but have always lean on God for guidance, grace and mercy to carry on. This poem really helped me because have not been open about my pains since her departure. Love you mum and keep resting at the bosom of God.

  • Jada by Jada, Bahamas
  • 12 years ago

My mommy died on my 8th birthday. My dad call and I thought he called to tell me happy birthday but instead he said, "your mother died"
So far only 1 or 2 birthdays I had fun because all I could remember is her and now my birthday is coming and it will make me 15. I really miss my mommy! :(

  • Vaughnie by Vaughnie, Texas
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Mother on May 31, 1979. She was in a diabetic coma for a month but I still wasn't prepared. The first time she tried to go to Heaven, my Daddy and I was begging her not to go. He brought her back. She waited until we dozed off about 5:30 the next morning so we wouldn't see her draw her last breath on this earth. She was a Christian and ready to go to meet her Lord. She knew she wouldn't get rid of the diabetes and she was tired. She and Daddy had been married 63 years, 6 months, 2 days and Daddy told us the hours. They had the same love for their children. Daddy grieved so much. I worshipped my parents and I still had Daddy. But he loved and missed Mother so much, he went to be with her and our Lord, 4 years later. Mother, I still miss you so much. I still talk to her and can hear her voice talking to me.

  • Celvin by Celvin, Curiel Aruba
  • 12 years ago

Hi all. My mom died one month ago she was fighting with cervical cancer. A life without a mother is very hard that why I'm sharing this story. To all kids and teenager whose mother's are still alive love them before time's up.

  • Array by Array
  • 12 years ago

I can't remember a Day in my Life when I haven't Weeped Silently, hiding my tears from the world in the memory and love of my mother. I ask God every second 'God Why you Called my Mother when you knew she was the thing I wanted in my life to be inseparable'. I always preay to God to call me to himself in silence and answer my Questions.

  • Johannesburg by Johannesburg
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mom in 2007 when I was still doing my metric. She promised to be better so that she can look for another job as she stayed home for quite a long time and not going to work. The last time I heard her voice was on a Thursday the 6th of September 2007..I wish I could have spent more time but..hey..what can I say. It's life

  • Rosegozales by Rosegozales
  • 12 years ago

My mom passed away in May 16, 1984. It has been 27 years, but it only seems like yesterday. I was 13 when she passed away. She passes away from hepatitis, she got from a blood transfusion, she received in 1975. She never smoked or drank any alcohol, she was in perfect health until this happened to her. It saddens me that my children never got to meet their grandmother. She would have loved them and they would have loved her. She's our angel now.

  • Sierra by Sierra
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mother on October 21,2009 when I was 11 going on 12 years old. I miss mother. I just want one more day with my mother so I can hold her hand and tell her I love her. I was so sad because I couldn't tell my momma goodbye. She wasn't just my mother she was like no other.

  • Tamryn Booysen by Tamryn Booysen, Durban South Africa
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mom on the 11th May 2010 was the worse for me because the day my mom went to hospital her sister Avril passed away! My mom couldn't attend the funeral she was in so much pain only to find out she had cancer she didn't last she died peacefully with a few family and friends at her bed side! I miss her so much I can't accept that she is gone I had my 3rd daughter last year I so wish I could pick up the phone and phone her to hear her voice or to give her a hug I try not to cry I try to be strong but how much longer can I be strong for? I can't let go of her stuff its like I'm giving her away I've buried her death in the back of my mind with everything else that went wrong! I still watch the clock and wait as if she is coming home from work I miss her so much! I love you Fiona Pearl Leyds

  • Alyssa by Alyssa, San Fransico
  • 13 years ago

I Loved this poem. My mom actually passed away almost three weeks ago. I'm 13 and I cry myself to sleep. This poem is really good. Maybe the person who wrote this could be a famous poet. My Mom meant the world to me. She was only 39...just turned 39

  • Tucson by Tucson, Az
  • 13 years ago

I lost my mother 01/26/2012 she was 62 years old, she wasn't sick......I can't make sense of events in my life right now. Because 12/30/11 I gave birth to a set of beautiful twin girls! And now I'm lost and heartless needing my mother more than ever! Why? ?? So many unanswered questions .....

  • Fontana California by Fontana California
  • 13 years ago

My mom just passed 3 weeks ago and she was very sick from diabetes dialysis and a week before she died she didn't even recognized me anymore but I guess she's in a better place now free from pain

  • Anjana Singh by Anjana Singh, Fiji Island
  • 13 years ago

I lost my mum 11 days ago (15/01/2012), we knew that this day would come but not so soon. When I read the poem my heart was full of so much sorrow (maybe words can't express them all)...why does god take our mums away, if only I could have given my life in exchange for hers, may her soul rest in Pease. I will wait for the day the day when I will meet my mummy...(love you..miss you a lot mummy)

  • Maria by Maria, England
  • 13 years ago

This is a touching poem! My mother just told me that she was going to die, although I don't believe it, I still cry so much for her. I love her and she is the only parent I have (my dad died when I was 7). I have been through a lot in the last 9 years and I don't want to loose the only person I have! This poem has made me imagine what life would be like when she is gone.

  • Tonota by Tonota, Botswana
  • 13 years ago

I lost my mum April 2010 and the pain is not going away, I thought I was coming to terms with it but this xmas I was very lonely and I have realized how much I haven't gotten over her passing away. I cry myself to sleep every time I think of what a great mama she was, I can't even hold back the tears now. Loosing my mother is the worst experience I have ever had.

  • Johore by Johore, Malaysia.
  • 13 years ago

I lost my mother on April 2011. But I am still having her in my heart forever. I am 37 now but in my heart I'm still a baby that needs a mom's love. I just can't forget her. If God can hear me I just want to know why he wants to give us this kind of pain in the name of love. Why not just take me together with my mom? And thanks for the lovely poem.

  • Trisha by Trisha
  • 13 years ago

My Mama had COPD and numerous other medical problems we had a family meeting and discussed planning for her untimely death. Didn't have a time table of when it might happen. This meeting was in the last 2 weeks of August 2011 and On September 1st, 2011 I got the dreaded news that My Mama was GONE!!!!! But it wasn't any where near the reasons we thought it would be!!! My Mama's TRAILER CAUGHT ON FIRE!!! She died of smoke inhalation!!! Her death has rocked me to the core!!! However, I do feel a sense of peace and her memorial service is the 1st one I've ever been to where I walked away with a peaceful feeling!!! I miss you Mama more than words could ever express and I love you always.... Trisha Lynn

  • Ryan by Ryan
  • 13 years ago

My mother passed away when I was just 12 years old. I was adopted and had no knowledge of my mother. The news of her death at age 12 was heart breaking. I always told myself I'd find her and I'd know my mommy. That dream of mine was cut short when she passed before we ever got to meet.

  • Melissa Delarosa by Melissa Delarosa, Houston Tx
  • 14 years ago

This poem has touched my soul I lost my mom 2 days ago of cancer march 2nd I have never felt this much pain I fell like my heart has been broken. Its seems like a dream but I can't wake up I was there has she tried to take her last breath telling her its okay I love you mom .
I know she's in a better place with no pain. I ask god why did you take her but I think god must have needed a angel rest in peace my beautiful mother.

  • Maria by Maria, Honolulu
  • 14 years ago

Our mother left us 2 months shy from 2011. I was trying to look for a relief online since it's been almost 4 months now that she's gone. I can't seem to accept that fact that she is no longer with us and day by day I wait for a sign that tells me she's still here with us. This poem helps me understand what is going on and heals the pain I feel every day since she was gone. This poem helps me realize that our mother is with the good hands of the Lord now. She is now our guardian angel.

  • Melissa by Melissa, Texas
  • 14 years ago

This touched me deeply, it expressed what I felt like when I lost my mother six years ago on Valentines Day to a long 14 year battle with breast cancer. Her body was so battered by this terrible disease. I always prayed that I wouldn't be home when IT happened but at 4:30, February 14th, I held her hand while I kneeled on the floor and whispered in her ear that we would all be alright, we were ok with her leaving so that she could finally rest. Minutes later she left us. There was so much serenity yet we felt so much pain. This poem is beautiful!

  • Greeley Colorado by Greeley Colorado
  • 14 years ago

my mom past away January 27, 2006. I was 11 and it was 2 days before my birthday. now I am 15 and it doesn't get much easier. going through something like this is hard to deal with and each year that goes by doesn't get much easier. I miss her so much that words cant explain what I do, say or feel about my mommy being gone. These poems about mothers being gone relates about how I feel. Thanks for the poems

  • Mary by Mary, West Virginia
  • 14 years ago

Thank you for the poems, I lost my mother April 18,2010, after a 3 and a half year battle with cancer, me and my sister were carrying around a baby monitor to make sure that we could always hear mommys breath and to know that she was breathing. The final night around 2 am in the early morning me and my sister lay down at mommys feet with the monitor, mommys breath put us to sleep and at 5:45 we sat straight up and god had just called her home, please pray for us, its like you're orphans you don't know where you belong, I regret so badly falling asleep that night, I miss her so bad that I cannot even express it

  • Ashlynn by Ashlynn
  • 14 years ago

my mom passed away on nov. 8 2009. I was only 16 years old. I am 17 now and that date is slowly creeping up. it is really hard to go through a tragedy like this.

  • Travis by Travis, Tuba City AZ
  • 14 years ago

My mother passed a few years ago and yes it still emotional time for me around my birthday when she passed away, even when she was at the hospital she told me not worry. Thank you for the poem.

  • Adeline Chen by Adeline Chen, Malaysia
  • 14 years ago

Hi, thank you for sharing this lovely poem. as I read it, the words seem to reflect my thoughts and moved my heart tremendously. I wish to put this poem on my mom's headstone, hope it's ok with you. gosh! I really miss her a lot and I just feel so lost being all alone by myself now.

  • K.P by K.P, Mumbai
  • 14 years ago

Hi all,

I lost my mom 12 days back. I am not in a condition to read / write / think straight. I am 36 now and I have lost a person who was with me since the beginning of my life and It is tough for me to accept the fact that I am not going to see that person for the rest of my life. I am not a believer of GOD/after life etc. However, if my mom can hear/know this, I just want to say just one thing. "Mom, thank you and I love you".

Bye all.

  • Odelia by Odelia, Texas
  • 14 years ago

My mommy left me in April 2010. The pain has been unbearable at times. She got suddenly ill in April, and we found out it was cancer and she survived only two weeks. I miss her so much. I held her hand as she left and look forward to the day when I can see her again. In the meantime, she raised me and my sisters to be strong and have faith, so I will continue to live without her. I am 40 years old and I still need her very much. This poem expressed a lot of what I am feeling. I am sorry that anyone has to feel that kind of pain.

  • Hollie by Hollie, OH
  • 14 years ago

My mom passed away in 1999, when I was 6 yrs old, after fighting Leukemia. She had it only for about 6 months and got sick so suddenly. I may never have got the chance to have her teach me very many things about life, since I was only 6 but this was still very sad for me to read. I know one day I will see her again and that is the one day I'm looking forward to most. I am now 18 yrs old and miss her more today than I ever thought I could.

  • Randall by Randall, Denver
  • 14 years ago

My mom passed away on April 19, 2010. she had fought cancer since august of 2009 and it just came back stronger and stronger. I will always remember when she first found out she told me, "No matter what happens I win, if I live I stay with my family. If I die I get to go to heaven to be with mom and dad" this poem reminded me so much of her for as we took care of her for the last two weeks of her life I was in there holding her hand. one day four days before she died she reached up and caressed my face and reminded me again by saying "never forget I will love you forever and so does Jesus."

  • Brooklyn New York by Brooklyn New York
  • 14 years ago

My mother just passed two days ago . Thank you for helping me find the words to express myself

  • Yah by Yah
  • 14 years ago

my mom died 3 days ago. I know she's happy right now for she's with GOD..I've cried so many times but this poem made me miss her even more..

  • Thovhile by Thovhile
  • 15 years ago

my mother passed away eight years ago and I remember her because it is hard to be independent at a younger stage, I even miss her guidance and seriously I liked this poem because it reminded me of how much love my mother gave me as a her child

  • Angie by Angie
  • 16 years ago

My Mom passed away in a car accident. Very sad .

  • Kathy DelVechio by Kathy DelVechio
  • 16 years ago

What is the rest of the poem. It just ends and there seems to be more. I would really like to know. I like this poem very much.

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