Mother Death Poem

Mother Was A Best Friend

My mom was my best friend, and at times, my only friend. She passed away about 2 and a half years ago, and I miss her more each and every day.

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It's been 29 days since I lost my rock (mom). Sadness fills my heart. She's the only person I've ever known to be a strong, hard working woman who had very little but gave us the world. Never...

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One More Day

© more by Mistique M. Hart

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

I wish for nothing more
Than just one more day,
For I would give it all
Just to hear her say.

It's funny how
In life it seems
You take for granted
The most important things.

To feel her close
And be safe again,
Safe from my own self,
Back with my best friend.

Yes, she was the best,
And at other times the only.
My Friend, you left me here,
And now my heart is lonely.

If you could just come back,
If only for one day,
I'd make sure that I'd listen
To all you had to say.

And now that it's too late,
You cannot speak anymore.
I finally realized
I should have heard you before.

And if I could do it over,
I'd only change one thing.
I'd tell you that I love you
And how much joy to me you bring.

No one will ever know
Quite how I feel inside,
And on that day you left,
You weren't the only one who died.

You have always been there, Mom,
And you loved me 'til the end,
So with all my heart and soul,
I love you too, My Friend.


more by Mistique M. Hart

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Dominga by Dominga
  • 5 years ago

I am 16 years old. When I was 4 years old my mom died from different kinds of diseases. We never found out what kind of diseases killed her. We went to see the doctor, but they didn't find out what was wrong with her. She was pregnant. When she gave birth to my little brother, she died a few days later. She was a very kind and friendly person, and it changed my whole life when she died. After a year, my dad remarried, and I got a stepmother who tried to kill me. She hated me almost all the time because I am not her daughter. I tried to stay away from her, but sometimes she hurt me so badly and I thought that the better idea for me was to kill myself. Now here I am, I am still alive. I miss my mom all the time. I wish I could see her in my dream. I hope I can put a stair between me and her so we can cross to see each other. She passed away so many years ago, but I am still thinking about her. My heart is still waiting for her, and I will never let her go.

  • Lonely by Lonely
  • 5 years ago

I am 14 years old and it's been 12 years since my mom passed away. I don't know why, but I never seem to get over these days though I can't clearly remember her face. She passed away when I was 2 years old. I don't know why, but every time I think of those moments, I hate myself for being too young. All I want is to just spend one more day, just one, with her. No matter how hard I try to forget, she always comes back to me. I may not have known her for long, or even know her, but I will always miss her. I have an illness and it's spreading. I don't know how much longer I can live more. 12 years ago today, my little brother who is 3 months old passed away together with her. And it hit me hard. All my family members were gone except my dad and sister. Though I am not alone, my heart feels heavy, and sometimes it's hard to carry it around. I have to pretend like I an okay all the time. This poem really reaches out to me and how I feel. I miss her so much, and I cry all the time at night.

  • Omen by Omen, Greece
  • 6 years ago

Your poem brought tears to my eyes. I feel for you, my friend. It's been 6 years already since I lost my mother, and not a day passes without me thinking about her. The sight of her in that hospital will forever haunt me. She was so brave and kind as I'm sure yours was. We can only hope they exist still, somewhere in peace and when our time inevitably comes, we will be together with them once more. Pain is my sanctuary after so many years of suffering, but I hope time has been gentle for you and what shall remain will be the happiness she brought you and the joyous memories of you together. Be well, my friend!

  • Louise Spiritual Princess by Louise Spiritual Princess
  • 6 years ago

Where I live, Mother's Day is March 11. I lost my day mother on Valentine's Day in 2012. She was almost 60. If I could have written a poem, this is what I would have said. Thank you to who wrote it. A death of a mother is never truly accepted. The pain you feel is like no other. Thinking of everyone today who has lost a mother, grandmother, sister, or auntie. God bless you all.

  • Kathleen Mahoney by Kathleen Mahoney
  • 7 years ago

My mother passed away 5 years ago, and every day it seems like she just passed. I miss her so much. She passed suddenly, so I did not get to say goodbye or tell her I loved her. The poem called One More Day really resonated with me. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost their mother!

  • Siya by Siya
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mother when I was in 12th grade. I can't forget that date...7/14/16. I can't explain what I'm feeling now without her, but my life is like hell.

  • Belinda Cobb by Belinda Cobb
  • 6 years ago

There is no pain like the death of a mother. I don't know if you are a believer or not. Trust me, Jesus is the only one that can mend what is broken in you. Give your life to the Lord if you are not a believer and cry out to Him. Earth has no sorrow the heaven cannot heal. I am a witness. I lost my mom 7 months ago.

  • Marryanee Gomez by Marryanee Gomez
  • 7 years ago

This poem is really touching. I can feel the pain about losing someone that really meant a lot to us.

  • Supriya by Supriya
  • 7 years ago

My mom left us on May 14, 2017...Mother's Day. I was holding her hands when she left. I can never forget that moment when I was so helpless that I had to see her go. I was with her for four months in the hospital, and even though I knew what the disease was, I was never ready to believe she would leave us. I never told her how much I loved her, even though I know that she somehow knew how much I loved her. In the hospital she told me to be strong and not to be scared of anything. Oh Mom, how much I miss you and how much you loved me. Every day when I come home from the office I wait for your call. I miss how you used to make me promise not to skip dinner.

I wish I could give her a tight hug and never leave her. She was very strong, bearing such painful treatments during chemo. My life will never be the same. Mom, I miss you very much. I will try to be the best daughter in the world. I'm waiting to meet you again, Mom...
Love you, Mom!

  • Jennifer Cousineau by Jennifer Cousineau
  • 7 years ago

I just lost my mother September 19, 2017, and I have to say this grief and sadness is unlike anything I've ever felt. I am like a roller coaster with my emotions. I have been doing better the past 2 weeks until today. It hit just like it was yesterday. How long will I feel like this and be able to accept and believe I will see her again?

  • Aget Elad by Aget Elad
  • 7 years ago

I can't believe she has left me. Next week will be 4 years my mom left me on September 9. I so hate this month. She was my everything, my quarrel partner, my confidence. Her death is still a nightmare to me. I wish I could turn back the hands of time to tell her how much I miss her. I want to hear that pretty voice of hers and see that beautiful smile. Oh Mom, I wish you never left my side.

  • Caline by Caline
  • 7 years ago

If I could just hold her hand, if I could only smell her skin, if I could only touch her hair, if I could...
Oh my, Mom, how much I miss you. I wish I could be with you. Life isn't the same without you. Love doesn't describe the right word, my mom. You are my everything, my world, my breath. You are the reason of my existence. Take me to wherever you are. Your absence is killing me. My eyes are always looking for you, my ears are searching your voice ... Oh Mom, I know you can't come back, but you can take me with you. I will be always waiting for you. Happiness doesn't exist anymore without you. You were the only happiness in my life. My heart is bleeding. Take me with you.

  • Diane by Diane
  • 7 years ago

You wrote EXACTLY what I've been saying and feeling as if I wrote it myself. Thank you for understanding and sharing.

  • Rosa Vega by Rosa Vega
  • 7 years ago

I guess we all feel the same pain. One more day would be wonderful. I would just place my head on her chest and listen to her voice and her heartbeat and feel safe. Thank you.

  • Sudharshan by Sudharshan
  • 8 years ago

I love my mother. She died on December 10, 2010. At that time I was a 3 year old kid. Suddenly she attempted suicide and was dead. Now I am lost without her love. I love my mother.

  • Trish by Trish
  • 7 years ago

Honey, I’m 62 and lost my mother, my best friend, in April. Age never matters with the loss of someone you love so much. You will be with her when it's your time. God promises us that if we believe in Jesus. Your mother lives. She's in paradise and happy and would want you to be happy. She's in your heart and you are in her heart. You ask God to take that pain and live your life in a great success and give that love to others than need it until you meet her again. All my love to you!

  • Savannah Russell by Savannah Russell
  • 7 years ago

I am only 13 years old. My mother, Amy Susan Kamps, was taken away 9 years ago. I am devastated still. And it doesn't help when your entire family says it's better she's gone. I feel like it is my fault because if I hadn't begged her to come home from North Carolina she's be alive. I hate myself for it. I continue to pray for her to come back, that this is a dream. I believe God takes people and pets from us to say that we cannot take them with us. Please, someone help me.

  • Ingrid Lawrence by Ingrid Lawrence
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mother 6 months ago and the pain in my heart is so unrelenting. I miss her every single minute, but I'm thankful for the years I had with her.

  • Happiness Gwama by Happiness Gwama
  • 8 years ago

It's been 29 days since I lost my rock (mom). Sadness fills my heart. She's the only person I've ever known to be a strong, hard working woman who had very little but gave us the world. Never thought I would lose her so early in life. What hurts me the most are memories of her laying down on that hospital bed with pain written on her face. Her body told the story of how she was suffering :( how can God let such a loving soul suffer so much? Are her good deeds not seen in heaven? Questions that ran through my mind. "We love you. I don't want you to worry about your son. I will not fail to take care of him. You have done everything in your power to take care of us. You are our hero and will always be. I want you to know that I appreciate your hard work." These words I whispered in her ear. I hope she heard them even though she couldn't speak anymore. When I got a call that morning telling me she had passed on, a part of me died. I am still breathing, but feel like I am dying every day. Thanks for being such a blessing.

  • Heidi by Heidi
  • 8 years ago

The poem, "One More Day," summed up how I have felt since my mom died. I have carried a lot of guilt for not listening to her and soaking up her love. I lost her when I was 16 and wasn't given the chance to see her as just a woman trying her best. I'm now 47 and after a lot of avoidance am finally really dealing with the pain. Her love is all that is keeping me going now. Bless all of you that have also experience the loss of your mother.

  • Avril M. Bowler by Avril M. Bowler
  • 7 years ago

Please don't feel guilty for not learning enough from your mum. You were only 16, half woman, half child, when you lost her. You weren't ready to learn the lessons of adulthood then. The fact that you are now a successful adult, loving your mother with every fiber of your being, shows what a great job your mum did in the few years you were together. I lost my mum over forty years ago. As she took her last breath she sent me a huge cloud of love which surrounds me today. Your mum will have left you the same precious gift. Wherever you go, her love will always be with you. She would be so proud of the way you are moving forward with your life.

  • Albashir Abdulrahman by Albashir Abdulrahman
  • 8 years ago

May they all rest in peace. I am 19 years old now. I lost my mother in September 2015. When my mother got sick I took care of her. I did everything a mother will do for her child for 25 days. She died in the hospital. I could do nothing because God needed to take her back. She left me and my junior brother. I made her a promise to take care of my junior brother who is 11 years now.

  • Sabina by Sabina
  • 8 years ago

My thoughts and prayers are with those who lost their mother. May the dear Lord grant them peace and happiness, and this poem has been very inspiring to me also.

  • Sayed Ali by Sayed Ali
  • 8 years ago

The comments of the readers made me cry ... because my mother is still alive and I can't think of that day to come in my life .... May God bless the souls of all mothers who have departed.

Be strong....

  • Brandy Vinsant by Brandy Vinsant
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mom 3 weeks ago. She was the only parent I had and she was way too young. I miss her more and more each day.

  • Suze Neal by Suze Neal
  • 8 years ago

Dear Brandy. I noticed it has now been 6 six months since you lost your mother. I lost my mom in 1993. I still miss her every day and after all of these years, I now know that loss is always felt. I know this as mother and grandmother, she didn't leave me on purpose. I am who I am because of the loving mother I had. My daddy had died in 1992 at the age of 50. My mother was 60. I am now 62 years old. I do not have a role model from my parents who died so young. May the Lord bless you and feel your mom's love as you grieve.

  • Patricia Wlodkowski by Patricia Wlodkowski
  • 8 years ago

6 weeks ago today, the Lord called my Mom home. She was 88 and in great health till a slight fall changed her forever and 5 months later took her life. I am truly blessed at the age of 52 to say that Mom was my best friend. The bond we share is unbreakable even through death... " death ends a life, not a relationship". I grieve for her daily, to say I miss her with all my heart is an understatement. I am so incredibly blessed to have been brought up in a Christian home by parent's who loved each other unconditionally. Dad is 96 and in good health, his strength keeps me going. Oh how he misses her too. At 96, each day at lunch and dinner he writes on his paper placemat " Burt + Jane". I've been told how unique our relationship was by so many. My heart is so shattered and the tears flow daily. I just truly miss her touch, her laugh and most of all her just always being there when I needed her. She's in heaven I know for sure but I MISS her more each day. MOM I ?? You ALWAYS, 4/24/16

  • Michelle Combs by Michelle Combs
  • 9 years ago

This really touched my heart. I have been put down because there is not a day I don't break down and cry for my Mom. She passed away at the end of last May 2015. Thank you for the beautiful poem!

  • Linda Jeffries by Linda Jeffries
  • 7 years ago

Unless someone has lost a mother, they have no idea what a void it leaves. My beautiful 91 year old mother passed at 10:00 at night in a nursing home in July of 2013. I didn't get to even hold her hand or tell her one last time how much I loved her. I still miss her. A good neighbor told me you never completely get over your mother's death, and that really helped me feel better. It made me see that tears are okay and thinking about her is fine too. Knowing that I will never completely get over her death helped me accept it better. I pray you find peace, and you will in time.

  • Lisa Pineda by Lisa Pineda
  • 9 years ago

I was looking for a prayer to post of FB but came across this. My mother just passed away and I haven't spoken to her in a few months and gotten to tell her that I returned to school. One more day is what I am feeling right now....Thank you, you put into words what I am feeling....

  • Belyssa Stowers by Belyssa Stowers, Fagaitua
  • 9 years ago

My mother died 2 months ago, but it still feels like just yesterday. I try to continue a way that my mother wanted for me, but it's not easy. I often feel lonely handling with the loss of my mother, like the world is closing down on me as if nothing happened. I really miss my mother's appearance very much. The thing is I don't have her in my everyday life which makes me sad. I really miss talking to her, hugging her and having her there for me in every step of the way. I miss everything that we have done together.... I Love You Mom, Rest In Love

  • Jessica Rae by Jessica Rae
  • 9 years ago

I lost my mom when I was 5 years old... I am 14 now... my english teacher made us look up a poem to read and analyze in class, so I checked out this website.... this poem made me cry.

  • Jada Malley by Jada Malley
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mom when I was 5 years old as well. And I am now 14. It's been so hard to grow up without her in my life. I'm sure you completely understand how I feel.

  • Maria Gonzalez by Maria Gonzalez, Portland Oregon
  • 9 years ago

My mother died 2 years ago she was struck by a car and died instantly. She was walking along with my brother to my house to visit me. She was my best friend and I still wake up every morning wanting to talk with her. Even though I'm surrounded by family without her it all seems so empty.

  • Jo Namour by Jo Namour
  • 9 years ago

How I understand you all.
On my part, I thank God for having let me live with my mother until I reached 65. Yes I am not ashamed to say I am a 65-year-old man who lost my 92-year-old mother 1 month ago because of septic shock and I regret not having been able to save her because of negligent ignorance, and I was not the good caregiver I was supposed to be. I suddenly became the 11-year-old boy she took care of when my father died leaving her alone with 1 girl and 3 boys, and my guilt feeling will never leave me as long as I live. She was a big part of my life.
I can't wait till I join her, the sooner the better, and live with her again.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous, South Africa
  • 9 years ago

Hi Maria

I lost my mum when I was only 15 years old. It has been very tough everyday and yet I have to be the strong one in my family. (or well at least pretend to be). It didn't really hit me until I was hitting my late teens and mostly when I turned 20 and 21 . I am now 22 years old. I understand totally what you're going through. You feel like you want that hug one more time. Whenever you're down you know that's the only hug you need and want and it makes you cry a lot. I cry a lot missing my mum a lot. I think crying is the best coping mechanism. and no one will ever understand what you're going through. Of course you will feel empty, it's only natural. I hated going on holidays without her. I didn't even have a proper 21st because she was missing... I wished she was with me still and I hope that she is watching over me and is proud of me. I know your family is around you but a mother is a mother ... No one can replace her! Stay strong and keep praying to give you strength.

  • Patricia Pastorino-Wrose by Patricia Pastorino-Wrose
  • 9 years ago

I know what you mean,it does get a little easier though. My mother has been gone 9 years now, but it still feels like just yesterday. I try to continue on the path that my mother wanted for me, although it's not easy. I think that you feel like her death is somehow your fault because she was coming to see you, but it is not your fault. She loved you so much that even if you could go back in time and change things she would still want to see you. She is your mother and she would always want to see you, the most important thing is to make her proud.

  • Alberte Scheibel by Alberte Scheibel, Denmark
  • 9 years ago

Hi Chloe
My name is Alberte I'm 17 years old, I live in Denmark and I lost my mother 1 0months ago. Reading your poem and story brought tears to my eyes. But I couldn't stop the smile on my lips when I read about how your father doesn't know a thing about puberty and so on..
I also lost my mother to cancer. The biggest comfort I have about it is, that my mother didn't had any pain dying. I often feel lonely handling with the loss of my mother, like the whole world is going on as if nothing has happened. I can't talk to my friends about it, because they act like I should've gotten over it a long time ago, and it often feels like they have no clue what's going on inside my head. I miss my mothers appearance so much, I can't even believe it myself. The fact that I don't have her in my everyday life makes me so sad. I miss talking to her, hugging her and having her there for me. I miss everything.

  • Chloe Anne by Chloe Anne
  • 9 years ago

I'm not writing this to get sympathy or to have people ask if I'm OK, because I've been okay for at least 10 years now.
Hi my names Chloe, I'm 15 years old, my mum passed away from a very evil disease called CANCER, the cancer my mum caught wasn't a very common type of cancer. Her name was Janine, and she passed away when I was only 5 years of age.
Life has been hard trying to get through life without a mum or a female in your life to get you through all the hard times of growing up. especially when my dad has no clue on all the boyfriend stuff,or even worse about puberty.
Life hasn't been the best but I'm flying through it like a breeze.
I'm a netballer, part time worker, who studies very hard, and is training in the Army Cadets.

Thanks for hearing me out...........

  • Patricia by Patricia, England
  • 9 years ago

Chloe Ann, you have had a very difficult journey as you have progressed from childhood to young adult. You have had your dad with you, yes, but dads aren't always in the know about girlie things and needs, so you have faced up to what you want out of life and have gone out and faced the world and chosen your path. Carry on with the hard work and you will achieve everything you aspire to, and know that you will have made not only your dad proud, but your mum and yourself also. Well done!

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