Mother Death Poem

Poem From Daughter To Departed Mother

After her mother's death, a daughter promises to go on living life to her best because she knows that's what her mom would want.

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This poem is really beautiful. I know the pain of losing mom. I lost my mom 2 years ago, but it still feels like yesterday. It was sudden death due to heart attack, and it was so sudden that...

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A Daughter's Promise


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

Every time I smile,
Every time I sigh,
I think of your face,
And a tear escapes my eye.

You were my world,
My inspiration and my heart,
But when you left me,
I thought I would fall apart.

You were my best friend,
My one true confidant,
And that's not all you were.
You were also my mom.

I didn't want to live without you,
But you would have wanted me to,
And if there's anyone I want to make happy,
That anyone is you.

I would have given anything to have you back,
But I know now that it was meant to be,
For you are still watching from up there,
And I know you're watching me.

I'll make you proud, Mom.
I'm going to fulfill your wish.
You're going to see me and smile.
That's a daughter's promise.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Pranita Powdel by Pranita Powdel
  • 3 years ago

Right now, I am in the state of concussion for it has been only a week that I lost my loving mom (Jan 25, 2022). My mother was my life's goal, and I am in the verge of completing my college. For once, I felt like everything was over and I felt handicapped. I wanted to bid my mom a farewell, but I am that unlucky daughter who couldn't even see her mother at her last days. Still, being the eldest in the family, I am trying to gather all my strength, and I believe my mother will be guiding me from heaven above for she was a very kind and supportive soul. Wherever my mom is, I pray that her soul rests in peace. I couldn't do much when you were alive, but now I will ensure that you will be proud of me as your daughter. I just wish that you keep blessing me and give the strength to carry on the life ahead. I love you, Mummy!
-your loving daughter Pranita

  • Smita Patil by Smita Patil
  • 4 years ago

This poem is really beautiful. I know the pain of losing mom. I lost my mom 2 years ago, but it still feels like yesterday. It was sudden death due to heart attack, and it was so sudden that we did not even get a chance to take her to hospital. I was 9 months pregnant at that time and just 5 days before came to my parents place for delivery. I am still not prepared to let her go. I still feel sometimes that she is here. I still have her number stored in my phone and sometimes unknowingly I dial to talk to her. My daughter is 2 years old now and whenever I see her, she reminds me of my mom. That night before we went to bed, her last words to me were, take care beta and let me know if anything strange you feel. I just want to hug my mom one more time, just want to say that I love her just one more time.

  • Grace  A. Killey by Grace A. Killey
  • 7 years ago

I am so sorry about your mother. My mother died when I was 11, too. She died from lung cancer. My dad was already dead, so I went to live with my sister, her husband, and my nephews. I am 15 now, close to 16. Her birthday was yesterday, so it's weird that this poem came up in my email today. I still think about her sometimes. I think about what it would be like if she were still alive. She was a wonderful woman who didn't deserve to die at only 51 years old. Of course, nobody really deserves to die. Anyway, your poem has truly touched me and I can relate to all of it. Thank you for your beautiful poem. It has helped comfort me.

  • Dorothy Mason by Dorothy Mason
  • 7 years ago

Sixteen years ago, on January 7, our beloved mother took her journey she had prepared for all her life. She did not want to leave us, but she was tired of the pain and suffering. She longed to see her family and friends gone on before her. But most of all, she longed to see her Lord and Savior's face. We held her hand till she took her last breath and rested in the Angel's wings her Lord dispatched to carry her home. Yes, I long every day to see her face and tell her one more time how much I miss her and love her. But now I can only keep my promise made that day before her soul took flight. "I will see you again, Mom".

  • Temi by Temi
  • 7 years ago

Today marks 4 years (10/27/2013) that my gorgeous mum passed away after giving my dad a goodbye kiss. I couldn't believe my eyes. Everything happened so fast. It was just unbelievable. I'm still in grief and pain. Life is really tough without mum. Everything is falling apart. No more motherly advice, care, prayers, and love. Mum, I wish you could come back. I will always love you and make you proud.

  • Noemi by Noemi
  • 7 years ago

First, I want to say I am sorry for everyone's loss, and I understand how everyone is feeling because I lost my mom on February 3, 2003, and even though a lot of years have gone by, I still miss her like it was yesterday. She was all I had because my father denied me at an early age, but that did not matter to me. Not having her in my life has been really hard. She died at age 40 from cancer, and even though it's been really hard I still continue on with my life because I have 7 beautiful kids that mean the world to me, so when I read the poem I felt like crying.

  • Robyn Gilleran by Robyn Gilleran
  • 7 years ago

Wow, this is so difficult as my mom only passed away 2 weeks ago tomorrow morning. I was blessed and lucky to have her for 12 years with multiple myloma, but in the end the chemo treatments just were unable to help her. I so, so wish for a cure for cancer. I miss my mom so much and am trying to keep it together for my family, but it is hard... so thank you for the readings and books that are out there...

  • Janine James by Janine James
  • 7 years ago

It's been 10 years today (September 15) since I lost my mom. I miss her so much. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her. The thought of her smile and love keeps me going. Whenever I cry and feel sad that she is not here with me, I know that she would not want me to be sad. She always wanted me to be happy. And because of that, I put a smile on my face and try to be the best mom to my kids so they will remember me like I remember my mom. She was the best mom in the world, and I am so lucky that she was my mom. I want to be just like her! I LOVE YOU, MOM! ~Janine

  • Elaine Smith by Elaine Smith
  • 7 years ago

My mum died on July 9, 2017; she was 86. I miss her so much it hurts. I know I'm an adult (52), but I feel like a child, just shouting out - I want my mum back. The tears come at strange times of the day, especially when I am driving home from work. I'm trying to carry on with life for my family's sake, but it's so very hard.

  • Vassa Abela by Vassa Abela
  • 6 years ago

It doesn't matter how old you are, your mum is your mum. We only get one in our life. You want to cry, you do it anytime, anywhere. Because the feelings inside you will always remain. So to cry I am sure it just happens because your heart feels so painful. I love hearing the grief that everyone has as we understand the same path we are all taking.

  • Kathy Howson by Kathy Howson
  • 7 years ago

Hi, Elaine! I know how you feel. My mum died on December 24, 2017. She was 87 and I'm 53. I cry at ridiculous times - not necessarily thinking of anything - it just happens. I've sat with the Celebrant today to work out a service for her, but I don't want to do it. I just want her back.

  • Jennifer Cousineau by Jennifer Cousineau
  • 7 years ago

I know exactly how you feel! I lost my mother on September 19th. She was 63. Very unexpected. I, too, break down at unexpected times. I used to call her when I was driving home from work because as soon as I got home everything was busy. I want her back. She lived 1,500 miles away, but I still made it to say goodbye. God bless you and your family. Thank you for sharing.

  • Trish by Trish
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mother my best friend in April 2017. You are so right that age doesn't matter. I'm 62, and IO feel like a lost child without her. Tears come every day, and like you, I’m heart broken. I try to tell myself she was on loan from God and she is in paradise, happy, pain free as God has promised. Their alive and waiting for us when God takes us home to be together for eternity. They wouldn't have left us; they loved us so much. Try to help and love others that need us. They are patiently waiting for us. I pray God wipes away your tears, and just know she still loves you. She's alive, just gone from sight. Just imagine her laughing and pain free. Every time I start crying I can hear her say, “I'm ok, now you be ok.” We're just apart a short time, then no one will ever separate us again. God’s promise, my friend.

  • Melanie Hamblin by Melanie Hamblin
  • 7 years ago

I know exactly what you mean, Elaine. My mum died on Friday after a long fight with dementia. Thankfully she still knew me up until her last couple of days. I spent last week holding her hand and singing to her. She loved to sing all of the old songs. I'm glad she's not suffering anymore, but boy, do I wish I could hold her one more time. This fully grown woman wants her mum.

  • Palesa by Palesa
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mother about 4 years on January 9, 2014, two days after my birthday. It was a sad moment for me. She was my best friend. I used tell her anything, but now I can't. To those who still have their mothers, embrace it. Appreciate it. Spend every moment with her because once she is gone, there is nothing you can do. This poem really touched me so bad. I remember my mum's face staring at me smiling.

  • Alta Givens by Alta Givens
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mom 3 years ago and her birthday is on Tuesday. It's the hardest thing in my life. I love her and miss her like no tomorrow. I wish I could just see her smile and hear her laugh again.

  • Upasana by Upasana
  • 7 years ago

I have gone through the same pain when I saw my mother for the last time. She got burnt accidently, and doctors were unable to save her. That day she told me to take care of my bro and sis and dad. She was unable to see me properly as all her body got damaged. She asked me for water for the last time. That time I cannot forget in my whole life. She told me to fulfill her dreams as she wanted to see me like a professor. One day I will definitely complete her promise. I miss her terribly. It has been 1 year 1 month exactly. Not a single day has gone when I did not cry for her.

  • Madhu by Madhu
  • 7 years ago

Hi, Upasana!
I, too, feel very sad. I thought I was the only one who cries, but it looks like I am not the only one crying. It's so painful after the loss. I feel as if waiting for death myself.

  • Krystal by Krystal
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mum on April 21, 2016. I watched as a too late diagnosis (one week before she died) of metastatic breast cancer took her dignity and her strength. She was the most amazing, unselfish, loving mother in the entire world. Instead of being angry with her doctor for being misdiagnosed with something else, she was only concerned with her family and what we were going through. She was my best friend, and we did absolutely everything together. I have children of my own, but I still need her and miss her so much. Life seems hardly worth living without her.

  • Angie Jeffers by Angie Jeffers
  • 7 years ago

I feel exactly the same way you do about my mom. She passed away April 6, 2017. She had Alzheimer's and congestive heart failure. I was fortunate that when she passed she still knew me. She had turned 90 in March and I am 56. I can't remember a single day in my life that I didn't talk to her. I feel like a part of me went with her. I'm just lost without her. Knowing I will see her again in Heaven is all that keeps me going. God bless you all.

  • Sara by Sara
  • 7 years ago

I too lost my beautiful mother to metastatic breast cancer on March 14, 2017. My emotions are so raw as it's only been 4 days, but please remember this. There is a peaceful place inside that welcomes you. A space so safe, so still, that there is no forward or backward, only the eternal flow of now. Enter this radiance where the truth of your being resides, and remember who you are. I wish you all the very best. Sara

  • Annie by Annie
  • 7 years ago

First of all, may I say sorry to everyone here for the devastating losses of our mums. My darling mom, too, was misdiagnosed and suffered dreadfully. She was finally diagnosed after failed painful cannulations, to having metastatic breast cancer on Feb 7 this year. She went downhill fast and passed away in her sleep on Feb 13th. She was my world. I never married, and for 47 half years we lived together, spoke daily many times, and the void is destroying me. My heart is literally broken. I buried her yesterday.

  • Kirsty by Kirsty
  • 8 years ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. I just suddenly lost my world, my mum. The doctor had thought she had a mini stroke so while in hospital to check, we was sent to A&E that same day. We found out she had cancer. She died Monday, January 16, last week after just 6 days. I also have 2 small girls. I can't bring myself to smile, even at them. Like you, my mum is my everything. I see her every day or at least I did. My heart is broken and will be forever.

  • Samantha Hart by Samantha Hart
  • 8 years ago

I'm 12, my mom died September 19, 2016. It was really sudden, but my dad wouldn't let me visit her much after my step- dad died. We skyped every day and before either of us hung up, we would say, "I love you to the moon and back." This Christmas will be my first Christmas without her. She spoiled me rotten on Christmas. She would get me anything I wanted. I was her princess and she was my queen. The last thing I can remember about her is our last skype. She was out at a bonfire with friends. She was smiling and laughing so much, but I hung up early, and late the next night my dad told me she died.

I hate all of my friends because they take advantage of their moms and treat their moms badly, while I treated my mom like royalty. But she still died. That night I went through every text conversation with her that I ever had. She told me how much I was like her and how proud she was. I thought I would always get that love, but it ended too soon.

  • Krystal by Krystal
  • 7 years ago

I'm so sorry, Sam. My youngest child is 11, and I can't imagine having to deal with losing your mom so young. Your mom obviously raised a caring, intelligent, loving daughter, and I know she must have been an amazing woman to have such a wonderful child. It's been 14 months since my mom died, and I still read all of our old text messages. :)

  • Dyvne Lee by Dyvne Lee
  • 7 years ago

Hey Sam, I understand what you are going through. I'm 12 also. My mom passed when I was 3. I live with my father. Just remember to always pray and hope that one you will see her again. You should know that she is in a much better place now.

  • Maria by Maria
  • 8 years ago

Hi, Sam. I understand what you're going through. My mother passed 5 days before yours on September 14, 2016. I am devastated. I feel like she is at her friend's house and she has her phone off. I miss her every day. I was her youngest daughter. I am 35, but I was always a mommy's girl. I don't know if I can get over this.

  • Ashley by Ashley
  • 8 years ago

I know what y'all all are going though. I lost my mom last March. She was only 55, and I never planned for this. It just happened and God knows I miss her so much. She was like my best friend. We did everything together, and it's hard on me and my dad. My dad and mom were married for 30 something years. I know that's love. I miss my mom so much.

She just went in for an outpatient hernia repair surgery. The surgery went fine, but it went downhill from there. You never know when it will be the last time that you will have with your mom, and dad, or anyone, so we need to wake up and start spending as much time as we can with them. R.I.P. mom/Mary Jane Kelsey. I love you forever and always. You will be in my heart and never forgotten. Love, your daughter

  • Sydney by Sydney
  • 10 years ago

I want to send all my love to all of you. My own mum died 3 months ago and to see all your stories and the love you express helps me feel less alone in my loss.

  • Amy by Amy, Uk
  • 10 years ago

I lost my mum on the 9th of November due to complications of lung cancer. She had fought so well for over a year, but by the end the evil disease had ravaged her body, and left her a shadow of the woman she was. It truly is a terrible vile disease. Her mind was unaffected, yet her body failed. It hurts me so much to think that she was aware of everything, all the times nurses bathed her, changed her clothes, helped her go to the bathroom, things that took her dignity away from her. She was aware of it all, and it kills me because she didn't want that. She had been so strong her whole life, that's not the ending she deserved.
The pain at the moment is unbearable but I have to push it aside to be there for my father and brother. At 25 I shouldn't have to say goodbye to my mum. It's not fair. She won't see me get married, or meet her grandchildren. I've lost my best friend. This poem sort of sums up how I'm feeling, and I'll probably read it at the funeral next week.

  • Michelle by Michelle
  • 8 years ago

Hi Amy,
I know exactly how you feel. I lost my Mam a year ago today to that horrible and vile lung cancer. She only got diagnosed 4 months before that and went through hell within those 4 months, and 3 weeks of them she spent in intensive care in an induced coma. It was just horrific, and as you said, it just took away her dignity. She was so independent and just loved life. At 53 she did not except it to end and to watch us watch her die. I'm just 27 and have no kids of my own, and I really dread the thought of going through all those special events without my Mam. I will read this poem for her anniversary mass this weekend. x

  • Kerry Crawford by Kerry Crawford
  • 8 years ago

I feel so much for you all. I lost my mum to lung cancer, and that's just how it was. It was so horrible watching her change so fast and different and was still herself inside. From diagnosis to her last day was a year and 2 days. Very strong to a sudden down fall. Saying goodbye to our mothers young is devastating; it's been 2 years and I'm still not getting my head around it, not even close. Love to you all.

  • Lauren by Lauren
  • 10 years ago

This poem had me in tears from the first two lines. I lost my mum 31st August 2014, she had cancer. She would of been 50 this Saturday, 22nd November 2014. It pains me that she won't be here to celebrate my 18th birthday, or any other, to see me graduate, get married, get my first job. She won't be here but I know she will be looking down on me, proud as always. That's my only comfort, as well as she's out of pain, with the angels. We were so close and even though I told her I loved her everyday I somehow can't help feel like I didn't say it enough. I love you mum.

  • India Collins Va by India Collins Va
  • 10 years ago

I lost my mother to cancer 10/8/14 she fought so hard. I took care of her from July 27th in my home until the Lord took her home. I loved her dearly and I will miss her so much. I don't think I will ever stop missing her but she left with a job to do to take care of her pride and joy my brother who has downs syndrome and I am going to give her wish. I know she is not suffering anymore and she is in Heaven rejoicing with other family members that has passed. I love you always and you will always be in my heart forever this is just see you later because I know one day we will all meet again in heaven.

  • Caitlin by Caitlin, Minnesota
  • 10 years ago

I lost my mom, Heidi, when I was nine. She had ALS; people may know of this disease by the "ice bucket challenge". My mom endured this disease for seven to eight years, though that length of time is more than usual and a miracle, it was heartbreaking to watch her deteriorate. I hardly remember what it was like to see her walk, and what her sweet voice sounded like. It's only been six years, but it seems like I never actually lived that life, to have had a mother? that's foreign.
I lost my mom on August 15th, 2008. I'm fifteen now and it's damn hard growing up without her, she was my world. I used to try and take care of her, hoping that maybe if I helped, she'd live, or maybe if I prayed enough, she'd be saved. At the end of the day the disease didn't stop, so I took to pretending, (at the age of 7/8), that she was already gone, so I could try to prepare myself for reality. Reality, in August of 2008, was much worse. I've had few dreams about her, and its bitter-sweet: to see her and hear her, but to wake up and realize she's not alive, it was just a dream.
I lost my mom when I was nine. I lost the most selfless, kind, caring, saint-like, crafty, fun-loving mother there could ever be, and my world fell apart.
At the age of fifteen, I'm still picking up the pieces, and I know it'll only get harder, but maybe writing can help?

  • Ellie by Ellie
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mom at 9 also. I'm 12 now, and I can't remember what it was like to have a mom. All I can remember is it just being me my dad and my brother all my life. My Nan and Grandad are major parts of my life too, but I’m pretty sure my Grandad will die this year, as he is 86 and not very well. My Nan is 80 this year and still acts like a 60 year old, which I am very thankful for. My mom died 2/13/13, 9 days after my 9th birthday on Ash Wednesday, so anything that has the numbers 13 and 9 in them I try to avoid. My brother was 6 when my mom died, and my dad's dad died when he was 8 and when my uncle was 4. Life's cruel, but I guess it has to go on.

  • Michelle by Michelle, Pacoima CA
  • 10 years ago

I lost my mother a week ago Sunday and the grief is unbearable and consuming. This poem is exactly what I needed to give me the strength to make it through the day. Thank you for the wonderful words.

  • Terri-Lee by Terri-Lee, Harare
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched all angles in losing not just a mother but a best friend. I am 19 now and I lost my mother when I was 13. It was the time we had just began rebuilding our relationship after years of silence due to a bad spilt up. Not a day goes by that I don't miss or need her. I strive to make her proud of me and the young woman I have become. She was always that radiant, beautiful woman who was and still is dearly loved. Rumor has it she murdered by her fiancé at the time over a mere $10 or so. My mother never knew True Love yet she forever searched for it. But I always have and always will LOVE my Mummy X

  • Meena Begin by Meena Begin
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mother to breast cancer on March 7, 2017. Worst year of my life. My whole family got destroyed. After the death of mother, father try to attempt suicide. I tried hard to hold my family, but sometimes I feel God is so cruel. Can't he hear our pain? Right now I am 20 year old. There is no one with me. I feel so alone without her. Every day I cry for her hug. The grief is inexplicable.

  • Kenya by Kenya
  • 10 years ago

This made me cry as much. My beautiful lady went to live with Jesus last month. I had stayed with her while suffering from cancer for one year. She was in pain all through and it was worse the last one month. I visited her in hospital daily shared so much. I suffered so much to pay her bill and to take her to hospital daily for chemo since we could afford a hospice. Sleepless nights watching over her praying. I'm so stressed, don't know how to let go the memories coz the much I try the worse it becomes, need help.

  • Rosalba Zepeda by Rosalba Zepeda
  • 11 years ago

This poem describes exactly how I feel about my mom. I could not help but cry while reading it. My mom passed away almost 14 years ago, but some days it feels like it was just yesterday. I lost my mom to cancer, it broke my heart to see her in so much pain but never once did I hear her complain. She was such a sweet caring person, always concerned about others and always having a smile on her face. Her main concern was her three daughters, she fought so hard to stay here with us because she didn't want to leave us so young. Even though I only had her for 12 years, she gave me a lifetime of love. She was my everything, words cannot express how much I miss her. I have kids of my own now and completely understand when she told me the love you feel for your children can give you the strength to do anything. Since she passed life has been rough and I still feel heartbroken, time has helped ease the pain a little. I will never stop missing her, no matter my age a I always need my mommy.

  • Yolanda by Yolanda
  • 11 years ago

As I search the web for inspirational quotes for my Bio in my new start up business, I think of the trials and tribulations of a start up business
I think of a quote that will sum up who I am and what I can offer my clients. I start to think of my Mother who passed 2 years ago four days before my birthday, which I knew she wasn't going to make it to that day, I think to dedicate my business to my mother. I start to look for a loving quote and came upon this one, that couldn't have been more perfect and true. I cry uncontrollably because I miss her, my one and only true love and fan, unconditional love, what more do you need in this crazy world! Her faith and love of God was so pure, she told us 3 days before she passed that God was coming for her on the first, my Mother passed November 1st. I get up every morning but I feel like a machine with no emotions and someone is pushing buttons to encourage me to do great things, I have my Mother rooting me on. I can't wait to be with you Mommy.

  • Toni Cicchino by Toni Cicchino
  • 11 years ago

On December 8, 2012 I lost the most precious Mother a daughter could ever have. More than you'll ever know I will always long for her. I'll miss the kisses and the hugs that only a mother can share with a daughter. Her bright blue eyes that sometimes turned green and her precious smile when she seen you walk in. I will always long forever for. She was the gift of love, life and joy. And my heart is broken. I never knew I could feel so much pain that she had suffered. I will always suffer her pain and loss of the only mother a child has. The way we would wipe each others tears away w love. How can God take away the most beautiful woman on earth? Did he have plans better for you in heaven? I believe he did. I dream of you. And thank you every day for giving me such memories of you and a wonderful life. I'll breathe for you still on this earth until we meet again and take my hand and show me the way back to you when God gives you the sign for we will reunite as a family again my angel above.

  • Amanda by Amanda, Pretoria
  • 11 years ago

I'm 16 years of age and my mom died on 2nd October 2012. That was a very hard time for me and my 11 year old brother. She died after she lost her battle with fibroid tumor. She was a very loving person and it's so hard to forget or even move on without her. Every night a take a look at her photo, I cry, tell her that I still love and miss her. I would do anything thing just to have her back in my life "love you lots mommy"

  • Beth by Beth, North Lauderdale
  • 11 years ago

My mom passed away on 7/17/02. 11 years ago tomorrow. This poem expresses everything I need to say and more. Cancer is a horrible disease and it took my best friend in the world away. Too many years have passed. I miss her more now then I did then.
Thanks for this lovely poem!

  • Rachna Kachru by Rachna Kachru, Delhi
  • 11 years ago

This poem is exactly how I feel about my mom. I lost my mom October 18, 2012 to lung cancer. Thankfully, I was with her when she took her last breath - I told her that we were fine and she just needed to rest. What I wanted to say was please don't leave me, but she was so tired. To people who have just suffered a loss I'd say, it does get easier, but there are days when the grief just comes over you as raw as the day it happened. There is not a day I don't miss her, and love her. I would like to say Mom I love and miss you and I keep you in my heart always!!!!! I am so lonesome without you.

  • Deeksha by Deeksha
  • 11 years ago

My mother passed away on July 16, 2012. I just want to say one thing-I want her back. Life is not easy. Everyday it feels that she has gone to some relative place and will be back in a couple of days. My mumma was the most beautiful woman in the world. She loved me so much. Wish I could have saved her and not let her go ever. Wish I was the doctor who knew the cure of her disease. She never complained about anything. She always wanted us to be happy. She was the best wife and the bestest mother. Wish God would have taken all 4 of us together. What an irony it was. She made sure we became engineers and we did. She passed when I done with all my exams. And when it was our turn to give her all the happiness she was not there. She was not there to celebrate with me or my brother's first job. There is no fun in doing anything. Life has become so mechanical without her. My father tries his level best to keep us happy and we are also trying the best. But the glue that kept our family together is no more. I love you mumma

  • Sharon Alexin-McDonald by Sharon Alexin-McDonald
  • 11 years ago

This poem is soo true it's exactly how I feel. I lost my mom to breast cancer on October 28/2012, and her mom 2 weeks before that from something else. My wedding was Sept. 8/2012. I miss her soo much. and I hope I made her proud

  • Brenda by Brenda, Perth Western Australia
  • 11 years ago

How do I start! My mum was my life and my best friend. She died in 2008, 6 weeks after a fall while we were out shopping. She broke her hip and had a successful hip replacement only to find after X-rays that she had lung cancer with secondaries in her liver. We were lucky to spend the last week of her life by her bedside (all her children n grandchildren) only leaving because my brother needed to go home to rest (as he was undergoing chemo treatment for esophageal cancer and we all decided we would either all be at mums side or none so we arranged to meet up again at mums bedside a few hours later) unfortunately we weren't home just a few minutes and were informed by the hospital that mum had passed away (to this day I feel so guilty about not being with her for her final moments. RIP Mum I love and miss you with all my heart. Your broken hearted daughter Brendaxxxx

  • Doretha Edwards by Doretha Edwards
  • 11 years ago

My Mom Passed away May 31st 2007, after a long battle with kidney disease. I was with her at the hospital in Whiteville NC for 9 days and nights before God finally took my Angel home to rest. Mom suffered so much during her time in the hospital and she asked me to keep two special promises to her so this poem reminds me of that. I have kept one so far and I will keep the other one in her memory because that is how I love my Mom.

  • Esther Elliot by Esther Elliot
  • 5 years ago

Losing a mother is a very painful experience. It may get easier with time, but some days I just break down and cry because things would have been so different if she were present. My mom passed away 12 years ago on May 29, 2007. I was only 8 years old. She died while giving birth, and we lost the baby too. I was in the hospital with her, but my dad came and took me home saying she will return in the morning with our new baby. With excitement, I rushed and told my other siblings when I got to the house and we were all so happy and waiting to receive her, but she never returned. Instead, we had relatives from far and near coming in and out to offer condolences. I was young and didn't know what to feel, but I remember I lost consciousness for a while on hearing the news from my dad, he has been our pillar since then. I know what my mother would expect from me, and I will do even more. I will make her proud! I love and miss her so much. May her beautiful soul rest in perfect peace. Amen.

  • Debbie by Debbie, Missouri
  • 11 years ago

Hi everyone, I am so sorry for the loss of your mother's. y name is Debbie and I lost my beautiful mother Aug. 12th, 2009. My mom and dad would have celebrated their 65th anniversary in 2010. Their love for each other was a True Love and ever lasting Love, my dad is still with us and just celebrated his 87th birthday. My mom was 79 when she passed. My dad cries for her and tells us that he dreams about mom. We tell him that we will be with mom one day when God calls us home. I miss my mother so much my heart aches for her, I scream out for her. There's not a day goes by that I don't cry for my mom, I am a grown woman and I feel like a lil girl lost with out her mom. I do get signs from mom I have so many memories she is in my heart and in my soul..these poems are beautiful...

  • Kim by Kim, England
  • 11 years ago

My wonderful mum passed away 15th March 2012. She had been poorly for a while following a stroke which led her to fall down the stairs and cut her shin open from knee to ankle. Mum got pneumonia and was admitted to hospital. She fought for twelve days. The last five of those she was on a care pathway where she only received IV pain relief. I stayed with her in the hospital and at the end she was in my arms, just the two of us. I miss her so much, she was so strong for me and my dad when my sister died in 1977 aged just 13. I LOVE YOU, MUM
The poem is beautiful and will be put into mum's Mothers Day Card which I have made.

  • Tina by Tina, California
  • 12 years ago

It was exactly one year ago today, 1/31/12, that my Beautiful Mother went home to Heaven to be with the Lord after a long, hard 3 year battle with cancer. She was surrounded by her family at home when she passed :) The last months of her life I was one of her main caregivers and it was TERRIBLE, the suffering my Mom went through! Through taking care of her during this time, I got to see exactly what a Strong, Courageous, & Loving woman she was. She fought like CRAZY to be here as long as she could for her family which was her LIFE! She was first given a few months but she made it 3 years. She first had breast cancer about 20 years ago, then uterine/endometrial cancer, then it went to her brain and unfortunately back to her abdominal area a few times. She recovered each time though, until a year ago. My Mom was Amazing to me... and she is and always will be my INSPIRATION in all I do!

Thank You Allie B. Quaglieri for writing what so many of us feel, so beautifully. :)

  • Jessica Coon by Jessica Coon, Rapids
  • 12 years ago

My mom passed away December 17 2012. I am going to share this poems for the service. Mom rest in peace. Mom love you.

  • Brianna by Brianna, Oklahoma
  • 12 years ago

I loved this poem, truely how I feel. I lost my beautiful mother March 24th 2011 to a massive stroke leaving her brain to bleed internally. Hardest thing I've ever had to deal with, I still cry for her and her touch, but I just loved this poem, thank you for sharing it!

  • Lisa by Lisa, Long Island
  • 12 years ago

This poem is perfect. Every word describes my feelings for my mother. She passed away 10/11/12. I was her sole caregiver 24/7. No matter how exhausted I was in the end, when she called me repeatedly throughout the night I made sure when I entered her room I had a smile on my face and assured her that she was never ever a bother. I'm grateful that I told her on a daily basis that I loved caring for her and I reminded her regularly that I would never ever leave her. She had Parkinson's Disease and was falling quite a bit in the end. The last fall left her with a subdural hematoma which required a craniotomy. She ended up on a ventilator, having nonstop seizures with severe brain damage. It was truly an honor for me to be able to keep my promise to her and hold her hand until she took her very last breath. I hope she knows she was never a burden. No matter how exhausted I was I would do it again for a million more days just to have her back. I'd give anything to talk to her one more time.

  • Monica by Monica, Texas
  • 12 years ago

My mother died Dec 17 2008. I went from thinking about Christmas for my kids to planning a funeral she was everything to me that is expressed in this poem and it hurts today as much as it did 4 years ago. Because every Christmas reminds more that she is gone. This poem is beautiful.

  • Shannon W by Shannon W
  • 12 years ago

This poem is exactly how I feel about my mom. I lost my mom Dec. 29 '07 to lung cancer. I was her caregiver and took care of her, and was right at her side when she took her last breathe. There is not a day I don't miss her, and love her. She wanted to make it through Christmas for us and she did. She will be gone 5 years. I would like to say Mom I love and miss you and I keep you in my heart always!!!!!

  • Diane by Diane, UK
  • 12 years ago

This poem made me cry, which is a relief for me. My Mum died almost two years ago, 6 months after a diagnosis of lung cancer. Thankfully, I was with her when she died - I told her that we were fine and she just needed to rest. What I wanted to say was please don't leave me, but she was so tired. To people who have just suffered a loss I'd say, it does get easier, but there are days when the grief just comes over you as raw as the day it happened. Today is one of those days. Don't know what my Mum would think of me writing on this site!

  • Michaela by Michaela, Iowa
  • 12 years ago

This poem was really touching to me. I lost my mom 4 years I was 12. me and her had a close bond even four years afterward I still think of her. she had diabetes She had a pancreas transplant. I didn't see her smile when she got the new pancreas that's what hurts me everyday. I write a lot of poems about but mine don't seem to help. Thank you so much for writing this it really touched me.

  • Kimberly by Kimberly, Florida
  • 12 years ago

I was raised by my grandparent I dreamed nothing but to be with my mom. One day I overheard my grandparents talking about my mom they said she was HIV positive. I was only 9 my world came down on me. Finally at 13 years old I meet my mom but it was late a lil later I lost her again. My mom's bday was on Oct 3 she died at 1:00 am the day after her bday. I still remember her like yesterday.
Today I celebrate her bday tomorrow will be a very difficult day seems she passed away on Oct 4 . I miss you mom I love you so
much I will do anything so I can see you again.

  • Kathy by Kathy, Mississippi
  • 12 years ago

My mom passed in 2005. Still it feels like yesterday. I never knew my father, so she was everything to me. I wished I found this poem to share with all on the day we celebrate her home going, but I will share it with a friend who lost her mom days ago and print and share with my sister when we celebrate our mother's life.

  • Phyllis by Phyllis
  • 12 years ago

My Mom just passed this year. I am a grown woman...and I cry out to her everyday...I miss my Momma.
she always wanted me to be happy. I am so lonesome.

  • Charity by Charity, Florida
  • 12 years ago

My mother has left us now 1 year to this day. This is a wonderful poem and so meaningful. I'll always think about how she wasn't here for my wedding and she's not going to be here for the birth of my first child. I just have to remember she does have the best seat in the house and is watching my family and I from above. <3

  • Mary Perone by Mary Perone
  • 12 years ago

Kathy, 34, mother of 3 daughters, died of a massive heart attack. I copied this poem, put it in a frame that has a place for her picture and gave each girl their own copy. For each of them and myself, thank you.

  • Meghan by Meghan, Canada
  • 12 years ago

My Name is Meghan. I am 26 years old, My Mom passed away on April 21, 2012 of a brain aneurysm she was only 53 years old. I miss her everyday. I am getting married October 6th, 2012. In Feb my mom, sisters and a close friend went with me to find a wedding dress. My mom helped me find the most beautiful dress. I really wish she could be at my wedding. I know she will be there in spirit. I love this Poem thank you for sharing it.

  • Lakreesha Beckley by Lakreesha Beckley, Buffalo New York
  • 12 years ago

I am a 15 year old girl and I have lost my dad at the age of 12 and I just lost my mom at the age of 14 she was my life. I was her care taker when she was sick for years and I still took care of her when she was on her death bed. I watched her die and I miss her with all my heart but I am going to make my mother proud by fulfilling my dreams. I am going to keep her spirit alive and always with me... I love you mom...

  • Gilbert by Gilbert, San Antonio
  • 12 years ago

Since I was born, I had my mom beside me. She passed away on July 4, 2012, and still is, will be inside my heart taking all moms love she left for me. Its sad that I do not see her but her presence is here with my bothers and sisters. Mom did everything for me and more. I would not be where I am, Mom I love you with all my life until me meet again.......with God

  • Fortlauderdale by Fortlauderdale, Fl
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mom February 7, 2004 and it just seems like yesterday. It hurts me so much when I think about her. This poem touched my heart this would be something I would of told my mother. It's going on nine years since she passed away. I miss you mommy I will always love you. I would never have someone good as you and to protect me and treat me with respect. I will never have someone care for me and make me feel like I'm worth more but you mommy. Amen God Bless You.

  • Lucy by Lucy, Bronx Ny
  • 12 years ago

This poem was my rock, when I lost my mom last year. I was looking for a poem that I could read at my mom's funeral. It was so inspirational. It also made me realize how important a mother is to her family. To image you wrote this poem at age 11 when you lost your mother, how wise you were at that tender age, those words came from the heart. I save it and when I miss my mom and feel lonely I take it out and each time it brings tears to my eyes, but at the same time it comforts me. Allie, when I read this poem at my mom's funeral there was not a dry eye at the wake. Everyone came to me to tell me how touched they were with this poem. I told them it was written by an young girl who lost her mother.
Thank you Allie for these beautiful words

  • Monica by Monica, California
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mom on November 17, 2011 to cancer. My mom was absolutely amazing, full of love and courage. Life is hard to adjust to without her being here, she was my bestfriend. Me being only 27 years of age I still have a lot of growing to do and I still need her. This poem hit me hard because it's exactly how I feel. The thing that hurts the most is that my mom won't be here to see my two sons grow up, she loved my boys so much. A piece of my heart will forever be broken until we meet again. I LOVE && MISS YOU MOMMY!!!

  • Allie B. Quaglieri by Allie B. Quaglieri Poet
  • 12 years ago

My name is Allie Quaglieri. My mother called me Bri.
I wrote this poem when I was eleven years old, shortly after the death of my mother, Mary. Writing this poem was the only way that I could express how I felt. I am touched and amazed at the reaction that so many others have had to it. I am 20 years old now and soon I will be graduating from college. I miss my mother every day but reading the comments on this page has filled me with love and the determination to fulfill every promise that I made to my mother. I thank you all for your kind words and my heart goes out to every single person who has lost their mother and found even the slightest bit of solace in my work. I wish you all peace and love.

  • Lindsey Hendrix by Lindsey Hendrix, Fort Smith
  • 12 years ago

I'm 22 years old, my mom died 6 months ago. 12 days before my 22nd birthday. This was absolutely the worst thing I've had to go through ever! You see, my mom was an amazing woman! She was always there when I needed her. She raised my three brothers and I on her own. As soon as my mom and dad got a divorce she started working to be a real estate agent because going from stay at home mom to single mom of 4 was going to be hard without a good paying job. But she did it! And was still a supportive momma. She was diagnosed with colon cancer when I was 16. I was horrified! I didn't know what to do, my mom can't die, I had at least 40 more years with her, I thought. But a year after we found out, it was gone! I was gonna get those years! She was in remission for another year then bam! More cancer. But this time it was worse, surgeries, chemo, and radiation of course. But she just got worse, they weren't giving her the right chemo... she lived for a couple of years. October 4th 2011 she passed away in hospice care. I have been broken since. You constantly think of things left unsaid. This helps me understand some of these feeling. And describes me. I love my mommy so much. She was too young!

  • Catherine by Catherine, Michigan
  • 12 years ago

The mother I had was so long ago for she died December 31 1976 at 4:05 in the afternoon. I was 19 years old and miss her everyday. She had bone cancer and she was only 60 years old. I do my best to make her proud of me. I keep the Lord close to my heart. I lost another Mom my mother in-law she was good to me always gave a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. I was blessed to have two very beautiful Mom's. The thing is no one can take the place of your mother no matter how good they may be to you. For no one can take the place of your mother. For you mother is your mother. At least now they can meet each other in heaven. Amen

  • Judy Charlton by Judy Charlton, Canada
  • 12 years ago

Wow I feel so much reading this poem. My mom passed away on May 10 2011 of a heart attack. I was devastated. I was waiting to go for major surgery to remove a airway blockage. The day my mom died I got the call my surgery was scheduled for the next week. It was so hard because I couldn't show my grief as I was preparing for my surgery everything went great with my surgery and then I was able to grieve, but it has been so hard. I thought I was going to die not my mom and I miss her so much. I see my nephews do amazing things and I hope she saw it too it will be one year in 2 months and the pain is just like yesterday. It is not as often but it is still there so thank you for this poem it is exactly what I have wanted to say to my mom

  • Debs by Debs
  • 12 years ago

Dear Allie - what a wonderful poem about your love for your ma... It resonated so strongly with me and so many others.. My dearest, beautiful and strong mum passed away 30th Sept 2011.. after waiting for 6 months from her diagnosis of cancer. The last 3 days and 3 nights I sat with her watching her body hold onto her whilst she rasped, it was too tragic considering her hard life.. no one would want that for the person you love above all others.. yes, my confidante, my funny rock..always straight with me with her soft voice. I love her so much, I wish I had held her in those final moments, my brother and I so scared of stopping her leave as her poor body could clearly take no more. But now what do we do? We carry on - but today I needed to reach out and here I found your poem.. which says it all. Dear Allie we have to be strong and know our mums are happy, at peace. We have to keep going. Love to you and all who struggle to live life as our mums would have wanted, 'happy for them', D x

  • Denise High by Denise High, England
  • 13 years ago

My mother passed away two weeks ago, she had cancer but it was her heart that let her down in the end. As it was too weak she couldn't have chemo. We had just two weeks of knowing how poorly she was. I've been trying to find the right words to say when I came across this poem. It's just what I needed to say,so a big thank you, it's beautiful. I shall be reading it on Monday at my mothers funeral. thank you x

  • Carol Griffith by Carol Griffith, Scott City Mo.
  • 13 years ago

This poem touched my heart, My mother died on December 9 1993 but it seems like yesterday I lost her. I miss her so much. I need her comfort and love if I could have just one more day in her arms. I have so many days that I think of her. I know she is in heaven and she is watching over me I can almost see her smiling face. And smell her sweet smell as if she was beside me. And I know she will guide me like she always has. But I need to feel her warm arms around me and her sweet voice in my ear telling me how much she loves me like I need to breath. I miss you mom.

  • Diana by Diana, London
  • 13 years ago

I lost my mother on 17/02/2011. She was my world, my sister, my friend, my everything. Indeed my gift from God. She gave the world for me and losing her ripped my heart to pieces. I have never felt so much pain, still do. She suffered and later died of cancer of the liver. Being a medic, I know that it is one of the most painful illnesses. Despite everything she was going through, her main concern was my brother and I. She wanted to shield us from the pain of the knowledge that she would not be with us for very long. She kept the huge secret to herself until a couple of weeks to her death. She was so brave, strong and selfless. The minute I found out she was ill, I flew to my home country to be with her. She cried the minute she saw me, we both knew it was over. She asked me to be strong and keep the secret. I granted her that wish but only just. Everyday I watched her wither away and my heart broke. Watching my heroine, my inspiration writhe in pain was devastating. I love you mum.

  • Carmen by Carmen
  • 13 years ago

I lost my "Dear Mother" on Nov 28, 2011.Who ,would have thought this was our last days together. She loved life, to the fullest even at the "sweet age" of 90 she would go and get her hair done once or twice a week, lived on her own, washed her kitchen floor on her knees, attended church every sunday, enjoyed Bingo, even going to the Casino all by herself on the bus. Wow, what a Legacy she left me..

My "Mum" was more of a "sister", friend, confident, almost a " twin". We sometimes , did not see eye to eye, but Mom knows now, how we are sooo similar. A miniature me. But, everyday, I cry, for her, not being an Hypocrite, but these tears are " HONEST One" . As now she sees my LOVE for her. This poem , really touched me, deep down in my soul.. It gives HOPE that I will see her some day... The Pain is still very raw.. But, MOM, know that I will too, try to be what you taught us, and like you said at the end of your life " I have no regrets" .. SO , I will try and give you 'HONOR".

  • Cynthia by Cynthia, Chicago
  • 13 years ago

Not a poem, Just my last feelings to hold on to for life. My mother left this earth Oct 6, 2011. She was 89 just 4 months short of turning 90 years old. She had a stroke in July of this year and a operation 5 days later to remove plaque in her neck. Well they trached her and she had a feeding tube in her stomach. Long hurtful story but I was with her every day in the hospital reading her bible and trying not to cry in front of her because I knew I could lose her at anytime. But she saw my tears and cried with me and said its ok I'm gonna be ok. I knew then she made her peace with God. But I didn't want her to go I told her I would not be o.k., she said I would. When Oct 6, 2011 came I looked at her lifeless body in the hospital and held her and told her I was there but no response would I hear. This is really hard and now I'm sharing my story because I know its not gonna get easier or better how can it when you don't have your mother and life support anymore. Rest in peace mome. LOVE YOU

  • Jennie by Jennie, Texas
  • 13 years ago

This poem has touched my heart, see my mom was everything to me. She was there when I got sick with JRA then seizures, among other illnesses no matter where I moved to when I was near death so many times she always managed to be there by my side she stood up for me when no one else would. She was there by my side when my little girl was born. She was the strongest person I know, no matter what she went thru how much pain she was in, she was always there for us all. In this poem I know this is what she would of wanted for me, I know she would wanted me to live my life to be the best I can be. She died October 23, 2009. I held her hand as they turned off the machines she was gone within 5 minutes. Thank you for this poem. I wrote a poem for her maybe someday I'll be able to put it on one of these poem sites. Thanks again. I miss you mom you were the best mom, grandma, wife, sister, daughter, and friend that we could ever have. You'll always be in our hearts! We love you!

  • Gabby by Gabby, Texas
  • 13 years ago

Love this poem and made me want to cry. I lost my wonderful mother August of 2010. She had high blood pressure but we didn't know she did until she passed out. I stayed by her side in the hospital until the doctors declared her brain dead, my world collapsed and I went into depression. She was truly my best friend and my BEAUTIFUL mother, I just wish I could have got a chance to say goodbye and tell her I love her one more time. But now I'm out of depression but the pain will never go away. I know she still here for me and always will be. This poem remind me of what my mom would have wanted me to do.

  • Kitty Grobler by Kitty Grobler, Cape Town
  • 13 years ago

My Mother passed away on the 7 November 2010. This is the poem I wrote for her as she suffered a major stroke and was in a coma for 12 days, obviously suffering:
Mother, yesterday is a dream, tomorrow is only a vision. Today is a day well lived. It makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. A dream is a wish your heart makes when you are fast asleep. Do not be afraid to open your eyes and see tomorrow, but if you should not open your eyes then may God hold you, because you are the most precious person in the world.
I miss my Mother so much, She was and always will be my life!!

  • Marina Van Der Merwe by Marina Van Der Merwe, Durban
  • 13 years ago

Mom died early morning on 16 July 2011,9 months after cancer diagnosis.
I promised God that I would love cherish and hold her in my arms until He was ready to take her. The last 2 months was pure pain! Earlier that morning I prayed with mom in my arms for God to take her, I told mom when she sees the LIGHT she has to RUN and not look back! I'll be OK. Sorrow are raw but I will be OK in time, although it will NEVER go away.

  • Patti by Patti, North Providence
  • 13 years ago

On July 17, 2011 I lost my mom and my best friend, this is the first poem I have read, that has really inspired me, for my Mom has always wanted the best for me, I love how the poem ends! My mom lost her battle of many, she had many illness's and fought them all, Cancer set in and that was one she could not beat! my heart is broken, I just can't describe this feeling, No matter how much pain she was in, or how bad her day was, she had a smile, always, for everyone. I love you Mom, and I miss you so much! I will never forget your sweet tender touch!

  • Elaine Carter by Elaine Carter
  • 13 years ago

This was Beautiful. When my mother died it was like losing a child. Even though she had Alzheimer's she always had that special smile for me. She never ever forgot to smile. Miss her so much. Love you MOM. Forget you not.

  • Jeanie by Jeanie, Tigard Oregon
  • 13 years ago

This poem made me cry. My mother died on my birthday, Dec 16 2008, she was my best friend. Since her death and the death of my brother Dec 5, 2010. Dec. has been taken off my calendar. This Mothers day, my oldest daughter came to me and gave me a baby bib, saying "grandmas greatest fan". She announced she is having a baby Dec 12, and if the baby is a girl she is naming it after my Mom. I know my mom wanted December to be special again. Thanks Mom, for watching over us, I love you and miss you a great deal.

  • Shelley by Shelley, Kansas City
  • 13 years ago

This poem touched me in a profound way...I got it for my niece. On the 4th of July 2008, my sister, her mother was thrown into the Missouri river... by her husband.. and he jumped in afterwards..both bodies were found 3 days later... so mothers day, and fathers day, and the 4th of July, are all very crappy days.. Mothers day seems to be the hardest for my niece.. she just posted something on Facebook about her mother, which just brought tears....

  • Beneta by Beneta
  • 13 years ago

This poem really made me cry too. My mom just passed 2 days ago, and I want to say something at her funeral service, I didn't know what to say. So I went surfing the internet to find a poem to read at the service. This poem touched my heart, and it's saying word for word what I want to say to my mom.

  • Lindsey by Lindsey, Texas
  • 14 years ago

This poem really touches me. My mom passes away October 23 2002 from breast cancer. I was only nine and my brother was five. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. She was my bestfriend. I cry once a week and go see her grave all the time but it kills me because my brother doesn't remember her at all. On my sixteenth birthday I cried all day I miss her so much. And I know I'm going to cry when I graduate in May. I don't know what I would do or give to just spend one more day with her. But I can't. People tell you the pain will go away and it will get easier but it never does. If anything it gets worse. This is the first time in a while that I've Been able to say all of this. But I try to make her proud in everything that I do.

  • Elizabeth by Elizabeth, Indiana
  • 14 years ago

I was 10 when my mom passed. She was my best friend and my only parent. My dad was not in my life. When she died I was devastated, still am. She died a little over 6 years ago and even though they say it gets easier, it never really does. I still cry myself to sleep. On my 16th birthday I cried most of the day because I wanted to spend it with her. I'm sure I will have other birthdays like that. Holiday are always the worst because we had always spent them together. I now live with my dad who is nothing to me compared to my mother. I miss my mom very much and she was the greatest person I had ever known after she died all I wanted to do was die. I felt responsible and guilty when she died because we were fighting because I was upset over something stupid. I feel like maybe if I wouldn't have been so ungrateful maybe she wouldn't have died. but everytime I do something I always wonder what she would think. I always try to do what makes her proud. .

  • Megan by Megan, Knoxville TN
  • 14 years ago

This made my cry, because I thought of my own mother. She died so long ago, but it seems like a very short time. I know that I shouldn't hold so much grief after almost nine years, but I also know that something lost is never returned.

  • Mmathapelo by Mmathapelo, North West
  • 14 years ago

This poem touched me a lot because my mom was buried last week Sunday and her death affected me a lot, she just had a headache the other minute she is gone, I will never forget how she died. I miss her so much.

  • Linda by Linda, Grand Island
  • 14 years ago

That was the hardest poem I have read, My mom has been gone a year on Oct 31 And how I wish I could just hold her one more time and tell her how much she means to me that I love her So much. I know that day will be coming soon, But how can a person just say the pain will go away soon. My questions is HOW SOON

  • Shalonda by Shalonda, Meridian MS
  • 14 years ago

This poem is so beautiful!!! My mother just passed away three days ago and I was browsing the internet looking for poems. This is the very first one that I saw and I fell in love with it.

  • Anina by Anina, Virginia Beach
  • 15 years ago

It has touched me because my mother died March 19 2008 at a shooting at Thalia Gardens (her work). I was 13 and she left me and my 12 year old brother motherless. Now it has been a year and I still miss her but I will be using this poem to express my feelings in the future!

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