Mother Death Poem

Remembering Mom Poem

A daughter looks back on memories of her mother and hopes that she can give her children what her mother gave to her. She states that as long as her mother's memory is in her heart, she is never truly gone from her life.

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I lost my mother in 2006, a few weeks before my wedding. She had been in the hospital the past 6 months for cancer management. She managed diabetes for over 20 years. She was a real-life...

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Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

as I walk through the journey of life,
I remember.

I remember how you helped me to grow
with love, truth, and honesty.

I remember how you helped me to choose the right path
with values, morals, and self worth.

I remember how you gave me dreams
with hope and confidence.

As I remember,
I pray to be a mother like you,
to shape my children into strong adults,
full of hopes and dreams.

You made me who I am today,
and I will always remember you in life's passings,
for no one could touch my life as you have.

Remembrance in life's passing is the truest form of love one can give, for a memory should never die and a love should live forever in the heart of another!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Olawale Alabi by Olawale Alabi
  • 2 years ago

I lost my mother in 2006, a few weeks before my wedding. She had been in the hospital the past 6 months for cancer management. She managed diabetes for over 20 years. She was a real-life hero, a fighter. Part of me died that day, March 16, 2006. My wedding was shifted to November that year. I've not even gotten over her death. I cried every night just seeing her portrait in my living room. Many that say time heals all pains haven't really lost someone so dear to them.

  • Sylvia Vancouver, BC by Sylvia Vancouver, BC
  • 5 years ago

I am so sorry for all of our losses. I lost my momma on August 5, 2014 at 11:22am, and her funeral was on my birthday, August 16. My father was struggling with Alzheimer's. Both of my parents were in two different hospitals. I tried to put them in the same hospital without any luck. After my momma passed away, my father gave up the love of his life. Then on December 19, 2014 at 6:50pm my father passed away. They said it was from a broken heart without my momma. I am like all of you alone, except I have social anxiety, so very hard for a person like me to make friends. I feel very alone. They say that time heals; it will be almost 5 years for me. It my heart still aches, so I know what all of you are going through. With warmest regards, Sylvia

  • George Ndale by George Ndale
  • 4 years ago

I lost my father when I was just 8 years. It was on February 24, 2007 when I lost my dad. Life after dad's death was unbearable with mum. It was not until even a year later, on Feb 14, 2008, that I lost my mother who was a bread winner in our family of five. My love for them will always shine. I miss them. It's ironic that tomorrow as people will be celebrating Valentine's Day I will be celebrating the 14th anniversary of my mum's death.

  • Kelly Meecham by Kelly Meecham
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mum when I was two. I'm married now with two little girls of my own! Just wish I had some memories or knew stuff about her! No one ever talked about her! I think of all the things she's missed and the relationship we should have shared and the girls growing up without their nanny!! I can never find a poem to best fit my situation! They all talk about memories, but I don't have any!! Would love to find one to frame!

  • Jean Price by Jean Price
  • 5 years ago

I so understand, Kelly. I was 15 months old when my mum died, so I have no memories either. My father remarried and my mum was never spoken about. I thought about her a lot, especially at the important happenings in my life. I am now 75 and still feel cheated. After I was a grandmother, I met a person who told me that she had known my mum and what a lovely lady she was. I was so happy to be told that, I cried. I think both of us must think how proud our mums would be of us. You are raising your daughters as she would have raised you. You must have inherited a lot of what was her. Look in the mirror and you will see.

  • Janet Burgin by Janet Burgin
  • 7 years ago

My mom passed away 2 weeks, 5 hours and 13 minutes ago. I am so lost without her. She was so much more than a mother to me. She was my very best friend in the whole world; she was my rock! My foundation is gone and I'm crumbling. Everyone keeps telling me it gets easier, but so far it's only gotten worse. I miss her so very much. As she was taking her last breath, I was holding her hand and telling her that she was there when I took my first breath and I was there for her last. I love you to the moon and back Momma!!

  • April Beauchamp by April Beauchamp
  • 7 years ago

Your dear mom is with you...all day, every breath, every quiet moment and she is watching over you during the night. She wipes away your tears and hugs you when you cry. I know; I feel my mom is with me. Talk to her. She does answer you in her special ways now. One foot in front of the other. One hour at a time. That is the way to move onto your next moment.

  • Ladyfair by Ladyfair
  • 7 years ago

I feel your pain. Sorry dear. The good memories you and she had will keep you going.

  • Kathy A Tiberio by Kathy A Tiberio
  • 7 years ago

I was in my early 20's when I lost my mom. I'm now 59. Cherish your life with your mom if you are blessed enough to have her present. She was my role model. Miss her every day.

  • Maria by Maria
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mother when I was just three years old and I am 20 years now. I think of her every time because a lot has happened since she left. I just wish she was here so that we could sit and talk about my life and my problems. I love her so much. That was a very moving poem.

  • Apuko Mary by Apuko Mary
  • 8 years ago

I lost both parents when I was just about ten and it has not been easy. I still mourn them and wish to get the pain off my heart but it's not just possible for me to do that. Nice poem.

  • Babygirl719 by Babygirl719, California
  • 10 years ago

It will be one year on December 15th 2014 that my mommy went home to be with the lord. This is the worst pain ever even though I know she is in a better place my heart hurt everyday. Please pray for me.

  • David Benjamin Jr by David Benjamin Jr
  • 8 years ago

I'm sorry for the loss of your mom. I also lost my mother, this summer will be nine years. I understand your pain completely. God bless you and your family.

  • Trippen Crippen by Trippen Crippen, Illinois
  • 10 years ago

My mother died a year before yours to the date. No joke, December 15, 2012 and then 33 years before that my grandpa died the same day December 15, 1979. I know how you feel. You got my prayers.

  • Cincinnati by Cincinnati
  • 10 years ago

We are all in this together, I lost my mom 3-12-2014 it seem like yesterday. Mom was my best friend, we shoped together, I could talk to my mom about anything. She never said nothing to anyone about our conversation. God saw it was time to take mom home, to be with him. Mom I will always love you and keep you in my heart.

  • Dat Nguyen by Dat Nguyen, Vietnam
  • 10 years ago

I lost both of my parents on Jan 6th, 2014. A tragedy happened to my family in that morning as an Army officer, who was my parent's tenant 2 years ago, got into their house to rob, he killed both my parents and when the neighbors discovered and surrounded my house to arrest him, he committed suicide.
My parents are my best friends, we shared every joys and sorrows. They are well both physical and mental. Each time their image scans my mind, I could not stand.

  • Kim Brown by Kim Brown
  • 11 years ago

Thanks to all for sharing your poems about your Mother, I lost my mother on September 20, 2013 And a part of me went with her I miss her very much each and every day. My world is not the same since she has past. She was the best mother anyone could have asked for. And one day I will be able to see her again in heaven. She was always there for me supported me in whatever my decision was in life. I Thank my Mother above for giving me life and for always being there for me. Mom I miss you so very much with all my soul and life save me a place up in heaven. To whom ever reads this, Please tell your mother you love her everyday and always appreciate all she is and all she does. I am sorry for the loss of so many mothers I feel your sadness and grief and pain that you have endured. God Bless You All

  • Misty Chavarria by Misty Chavarria, Whitesboro Tx
  • 11 years ago

I lost my mother 2 days ago, and I just came across this poem. It is so fitting for my relationship I had with my mother, and she is the reason I am who I today. She raised me to be a strong willed lady, and the morals a Christian should have. I will miss her everyday for the rest of my life, and I am so thankful for the time we had together. I love you Mom!!

  • Doreen Msewa Phiri Mdoka- Blantyre Malawi by Doreen Msewa Phiri Mdoka- Blantyre Malawi
  • 11 years ago

I lost my mother in 1999. I was 21 yrs. old then and I did not attend her burial ceremony because that's the day my first born girl was born. I also lost my brother - a first born in our family in 2006, the day he was buried that's the day my second born girl was born. I was born after my dead brother. This world is so cruel. I miss them a lot as I took the challenge of taking care of my young brothers and sisters. I thank God for everything, his plans and our plans are different. Please God , take care of me and my brothers and sisters.

  • Tabitha Ford by Tabitha Ford
  • 12 years ago

When I was 12 my mother and I were in a car accident. She was pregnant with my little brother who was to be born in four days, my birthday was in three days. The wreck killed her instantly and when we arrived at the hospital the baby passed. I am 17 now and every day it is a struggle to smile without her. This poem is so fitting, he laughter and smiles will always be a great memory, and I know that everyday she is watching above to protect me.

  • Sydney Norman by Sydney Norman
  • 12 years ago

My girlfriend hasn't grieved for the loss of her mother yet. This is because so much has been going on in her life. (divorce proceeding bringing up her daughter etc.) Her mother was taken away from her a couple of months ago after suffering from alzheimer's. Yesterday a photo was posted on Facebook of her mother cremation head tablet where a service was carried out and she didn't know it was happening. She was devastated her dad or brothers didn't tell her. So today I'm taking her there and we are going to have our own little service. The poem above is fitting for the occasion.

  • Kat by Kat, Norcal (Bayarea)
  • 14 years ago

Thank you for sharing your poem. I too lost my mom/ my best friend and I miss her everyday of my life. My brother actually found this poem before her memorial and printed it for me because it reminded him of my mom and I.. So I read it at her memorial service and it was a perfect match... Thank you again for sharing.

  • Bloemfontein by Bloemfontein, South Africa
  • 14 years ago

I share the same story too. I lost my mother five years ago at a time when I needed her most, but her contribution in making who I am today made me accept the fate that she is no more. I dearly miss her advice and her honesty in dealing with her children. She never pretended that her children were perfect and had no fear making unpopular decisions for us. She made us men in the most strictest way one can imagine. I miss her dearly. As we celebrate Mom' day, I wish she was around so I could say one more time "I love Mom". A superhero I will forever miss. I will always do what she taught me.

  • Nsibande Philani by Nsibande Philani, Swaziland
  • 14 years ago

I too lost my mother when I was 12 years old. It was so painful and it still is. I am 19 years old now and life is not good without her. I miss her everyday and I think about her everytime. I miss her smile, her jokes, everything about her, especially the unconditional love that she gave everyday. She is very special to me and no matter what I know she'll always have that special place in my life. I want to be the good mother that she was to my own kids. I love her so much.

  • Celia by Celia, Hialeah
  • 14 years ago

This speaks of a love for a mother, and I share that as I lost my mom and I miss her everyday of my life. All the loving and caring that she always gave me and support, with her love she helped to out grow a lot of things that happen in my life. I Love my Mom forever and I miss her everyday.

  • Laurenelyse by Laurenelyse
  • 15 years ago

This is a very moving poem. It speaks not only about the Author and her Mother, but it is the story of so many of us daughters who lost their own Mother, their Best Friend. Very touching.
Thank you for sharing,

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