Depression Poem

Depression Is A Monster

This poem describes the pain of feeling depressed.

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My Dear Malainse, I am sobbing right now! Your words have both broke and filled my heart. Let me share with you, you have touched my life so much and lifted my spirits clear to the sky. I...

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Patricia A Fleming © more by Patricia A Fleming

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

Depression is a monster
That destroys both heart and soul.
It tortures without mercy
And consumes its victim whole.

It cripples and disables,
Making life too hard to cope.
It can make each day a nightmare
And leave a person without hope.

Some people feel this sadness
From the time that they are young,
And believe that they are different
And can't be loved by anyone.

It's reinforced by parents
Too depressed themselves to care
For that child they're supposed to love,
But instead forget is there.

Depression can be nurtured
Through violence and neglect
And fists used only to degrade
And words used to reject.

It's hidden in those bullies
Who torture and demean,
Who use their words like weapons
To destroy all self-esteem.

It's fueled by those substances,
That are used to help escape.
From that endless pain depression brings
And that unbearable heartache.

It can cause someone to just give up,
To lose all strength to fight.
It can annihilate one's very soul
And make them take their life.

Yes, Depression is a vulture
That will make anyone its prey.
There is no one who deserves it,
And there is no one to blame.

We don't need to make a judgment,
But we need to be aware
That those who suffer through this pain
Just need the world to care.



Started writing at an early age and kept journals over the years. After retiring in 2016, wrote primarily poetry every day. This site is the best of all and I am still so grateful to have found it. There are some immensely talented writers on here.
I have not been writing quite as often lately but I keep my hand in it. My other hobbies include...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Bob Jackson by Bob Jackson
  • 3 years ago

Re Patricia A Fleming's poetic works.
I love this lady's style of poetry, it comes from a truly compassionate heart, which shines through transparently. Her love for others is heartwarming. Well done, Patricia!

  • Chad by Chad
  • 3 years ago

Honestly, I am depressed. I don't cry so people wouldn't worry. I was traumatized at such a young age. Stuff happened. I was alone and no one was really there to hold me through anything. I decided to smile a bit more and try to do better. I try to improve myself. I was physically going through things as well. It screwed me up mentally, and instead of throwing darts at people, I help them. I don't want people to suffer with the same pain I suffer. When people smile, it brightens my day. Yes, I may be a 15-year-old boy, but I have been saved. I am better now, but I like reading poems like this one that is interesting. I searched sad poems because I am a poetry person. I read poems and try to create my own. Your poem lightened my day, and you let me know that I'm not alone in this world. May God bless you!

  • Lillian by Lillian
  • 3 years ago

Hi. I came to this site, looking for a way to feel less pain. I felt as if reading about my pain would help. I have contemplated suicide even though I know it's not the answer. I just don't want to feel any more pain. At all...I'm tired of crying. Thank you for writing poetry like this cause even though I am in a very raw emotional and mental has helped me. Thank you!

Dear Lillian,
I am troubled by how many people have responded to this poem by describing how badly they feel. I have been depressed my whole life and tried many methods to feel better and while some have worked for a time, ultimately I'd fall again. But now that I'm older, I've realized that my knowing what pain really is made me a much more compassionate person. I worked as a social worker with the mentally ill and while I could often identify with a patient's feelings of sadness and be able to help them, other members of the Team had no clue and little sympathy. I believe in God and thought maybe I could help more than others. I was a social worker for 36 years and loved it. I believe maybe this life may never suit people like us but maybe it's because we are here to help other people which makes us very special. Know how special you are and reach out to others. Let them know you understand and it's not their fault, so many need that. You are a such a gift in God's eyes.

  • Malainse by Malainse
  • 4 years ago

I've been struggling for so long and this morning I decided I was going to end it all. But then my phone rang, and it was my nephew; he needed help. I decided to take the call, hear him one last time, help him if I could and leave forever. He needed a poem for a school competition in recital and needed my help to find one for him. And then I found your poem about the meaning of life and what really matters...
If you have ever wondered if your poems has saved someone life, know that they have. You saved my life. I am safe today and have hope for tomorrow.
Thank you!

My Dear Malainse,
I am sobbing right now! Your words have both broke and filled my heart. Let me share with you, you have touched my life so much and lifted my spirits clear to the sky. I too suffer from depression and have been on a downward slide lately. I have been feeling so insignificant in this life. I felt like there was no reason for me to be here. Then you wrote me this message and suddenly you changed everything for me. I am so honored that my words could help you so much. You have given me such a gift and I wouldn't have received that much needed gift from you and your nephew would not have gotten the help he needed and wanted from YOU, if you had left us. Please, don't give up. Know that you made a difference in my life today and I have a feeling you are far more important than you realize. Please, stay with us, take each day by itself, it's OK to cry it out but always give yourself one more night, then one more day and the miracles will start appearing. Sincerely, Pat F.

  • Danielle L. Somack by Danielle L. Somack, Winnipeg
  • 4 years ago

"Some people feel this sadness
From the time that they are young,
And believe that they are different
And can't be loved by anyone."

This verse really spoke to me. The statement of feeling sad from when you are young, and believing you are different, and that you can't be loved is so profound. I am young myself and have struggled with feeling like I'm alone on an island, and that I'm somehow aged, and that I'm different and nobody can love me because of it. This poem is like a reminder that I'm certainly not alone in this feeling.
Pat Fleming's poems are always so impactful and eloquent; about life and living. They are relatable poems, and I can see myself in many of them, because I am human, and Pat's poems are about being human. This poem is beautifully written! Thank you.

Dear Danielle,
Your words are so kind, and I want to sincerely thank you, not only for taking the time to read my poem, but to also write such a beautiful critique of it. I am immensely pleased that you could relate strongly to my words. I have struggled with depression my entire life, and it has indeed affected the quality of my life. I am so very, very sorry that you have endured this pain as well. Just don't ever give up because the depth of your pain is what makes you a special person. You will be a more compassionate, understanding, and nonjudgmental person because of what you have been through. God uses people like us to help others, and that's a special thing. I was a psychiatric social worker for 36 years, and I was blessed every day. You are actually an extremely special human being, and although life is harder for people like us, we have an important place in this world that only we can fill. Thank you so very much; your words meant the world to me. Sincerely. Pat F.

  • Diane OBrien by Diane OBrien
  • 4 years ago

The poet described all the symptoms and struggles I've experienced for nearly 50 years.
I especially liked that this was a non judgmental piece; choosing to describe what so many who suffer this disease feel. I’ve read enough about "pulling myself up by the boot straps". I felt validated rather than criticized.
I also found that MY feelings were closely mirrored and that I wasn't alone with them. I've always thought I wasn't alone in my depression. Now I KNOW I'm not.
I am in a very dark place. I find hope in this poem. She used past tense in many places, leading me to believe there can be light.

Diane, I so feel your pain. I still struggle myself with depression, and my writing has helped me feel some relief. I am so touched and pleased that my words could help and show you that you are definitely not alone. Don't be down on yourself about your suffering becasue depression is a legitimate illness, it is not your fault. I always say to judgemental people, "Do you really think that we want to feel this way. Don't you think we would give anything to conquer this? It just makes life a greater struggle." But I also believe that our own suffering makes us more substantial and compassionate human beings and that maybe God gave us this pain so we could help others. You can feel better, Diane, at your own pace, and if anyone has a problem with that, see ya! It is their loss. Please let me know how you are doing. Thank you for appreciating my work, it means a great deal to me! Your friend, Pat

  • Alyena R. Robinson by Alyena R. Robinson
  • 4 years ago

This is a very true poem; I suffer from severe depression and a little social anxiety. Your poem basically summed up what depression feels like. You did an amazing job. It is hard to describe depression to someone who has never experienced it before; depression is not just sadness.

An awesome write on the anguish of those who suffer from depression, Patsy...
Is suffering from depression something love can overcome
Does living in a world of turbulence cause one to succumb
Everyone deserves contentment that comes from tranquility
If only there was harmony and no animosity
The world would be a wonderful place where every heart flew free.

  • Kumari Weerasooriya by Kumari Weerasooriya
  • 5 years ago

The poem deals with a problem that many face in the very busy and complex modern world. The poet uses several comparisons to stress the destructive effects of depression. I feel that the poet represents those who silently suffer due to this mental imbalance.

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