Valentine's Day Poems For Best Friends

Published: January 2020

Valentine’s Day Poems To Share With Friends

Valentine's Day is not only for those in romantic relationships. It can also be a time for friends to tell each other how much they mean to one another. What a blessing it is to have someone by your side through all life's ups and downs. Share these poems with your friends - with the people who've celebrated your triumphs and held your hand through the tears.

44 Valentine’s Day Poems To Share With Friends

  1. Best Friend

    • By Mizscorpio
    • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2015 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this poem about my best friends, Jazz and Alexis. I can truly say they are amazing.

    in Best Friend Poems

    You are my best friend; you belong in my heart.
    We go through ups and downs, but still nothing can tear us apart.
    I know you as a sister, and I will always care.
    Love, respect, and trust are the things we share.

    Strength Of A Friendship, Best Friend

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    My story is exactly the same. I have a friend I've known my whole life. We grew up together. Our families were friends. We had summers and holidays away together. We literally lived across...

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  2. Will You Ever?

    • By Kaitlyn M. Yawn
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

    This poem is about the great impact that friends can have on each other's lives.

    in Special Friend Poems

    I don't think you will
    Ever fully understand
    How you've touched my life
    And made me who I am.

    Forever Grateful: A Poem About A Special Friendship, Will You Ever?

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    This poem brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. It said everything I wanted to say but never knew how to put it in words. It showed so much love and gratitude and much more. Continue...

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  4. My True Friend

    A true friend is a rare gem, and I'm blessed with one - the inspiration for this poem. If you also have that special friend, I hope this helps you celebrate him/her. You may hum the good old "My Mother" tune as you read. Hope you enjoy it.

    in True Friend Poems

    You always answer when I call
    And help me up if I should fall,
    But you never complain at all,
    My true friend.


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    Featured Shared Story

    I absolutely love this poem and truly hope you shared it with the friend you wrote it to. Although my experience with this sort of thing has not been very lucky (maybe it's because my poem...

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  5. A Friend

    • By Lisa M. Chapin
    • Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

    Friends are there to support each other through the rough patches of life.

    in Best Friend Poems

    A friend like you is hard to find,
    one that touches you deep inside.
    You've given me strength to carry on,
    you've offered your hand to hold on.


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    This poem really tells how I feel about someone who came into my life 6 years ago and has been there for me too many times to count. Even though she has her own struggles in life, she never...

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  7. You Were There

    • By Emily Robinson
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

    I was going through a really hard time in my life, and I honestly don't think I would be here if it weren't for my best friend. She was there for me when no one else was.

    in Special Friend Poems

    When tears fell from my eyes,
    you were there to brush them away.
    When I was lost in confusion,
    you were there to say that everything would be okay.


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    Suriya, I just read your story and it touched me. God allows people to come, stay and go in our lives. You have done the best thing by learning from Miss Carty. Never forget what she taught...

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  8. Friends For Life

    • By Angelica N. Brissett
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2007 with permission of the Author.

    If you want to stay best friends, this is a recipe for success.

    in Best Friend Poems

    We are friends.
    I've got your back,
    And you have mine.
    I'll help you out


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    Hi, I have a bit of a problem. I'm a 63-year-old man with a couple of physical disabilities. About a year ago it became more and more apparent that I needed additional assistance that the...

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  9. My Best Friend

    • By Geraldine
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2011 with permission of the Author.

    My best friend brings out the best of me, and I just wanted to tell her she is the best and that she will always be in my heart.

    in Best Friend Poems

    Best friends are angels
    That God sent along.
    They always stay beside you
    Whenever things go wrong.

    Poem For Saying Thanks To A Great Friend, My Best Friend

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    Featured Shared Story

    Aw, you have a friend, lots of them. You just haven't found them yet. Good friends are hard to come by. I have one best friend, and it took almost a lifetime to find her. I moved to Arizona...

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  10. I Am Always There - You're Never Alone

    • By Ashley Becker
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2011 with permission of the Author.

    This poem is about never being alone and always having someone who cares.

    in Best Friend Poems

    When you're feeling down and blue,
    And life is being cruel to you,
    Just remember you're not on your own.
    I'm always there; you're never alone.


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    To my best friend, the one and only. My love for you is not funny. All my love is put into you. I love you like a sister, trust you like a friend. No matter what happens, our friendship will...

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  11. You Should Know

    • By Abby Heard
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this poem to say thank you to my mentor at school. She's helped me through a lot. Family break up, self-harm, anger problems, school troubles, and friend issues. I wanted to thank her for what she's given to me.

    in Thank You Friend Poems

    I don't know how to say this,
    but I thank you very much
    for always being there for me,
    your gentle, friendly touch.


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    Yes, it has touched my heart. The poet has strong confidence. That appears a good quality, which we seldom find in others. The poet possess strong faith and is optimistic, too.

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  12. True Friends

    • By Mermaid
    • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2015 with permission of the Author.

    This poem describes my relationships with my friends (true friends that is): how they're always there for me and love me no matter what.

    in True Friend Poems

    True friends are by your side through it all.
    True friends are there to catch you when you fall.
    True friends give your life a happy lift.
    True friends are a most precious gift.

    Qualities Of True Friends, True Friends

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    Featured Shared Story

    Loved this poem....I am sending it to my best friend. Nancy and I have been friends since Kindergarten (we are both in our late 60s). We went to the same church (starting in kindergarten) and...

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  13. What Friendship Means

    • By Tracie Labauve
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2007 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this poem when my friend and I were having problems...and the only way I could get my feelings out was to write this poem.

    in True Friend Poems

    Friendship means being there just to be there.
    Friendship means listening and not asking questions.
    Friendship means lending your shoulder for someone to cry on.
    Friendship means being comfortable around each other in silence.

    What Friendship Means

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    I have met a few women where I live now, and I can honestly say that not one of them have ever respected my boundaries, my family values, my responsibilities to my life and family or even...

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  14. Forever Friends

    • By Amber S. Pence
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2007 with permission of the Author.

    Do you have confidence that your friendship will last forever?

    in Best Friend Poems

    The friendship we have is so rare to find.
    We hate to see each other in a bind.
    We have made each other laugh so hard we've cried.
    We feel each other's pain if we are hurt inside.

    Rhyming Friendship Poem, Forever Friends

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    Featured Shared Story

    Being friends is about sharing our lives with others. There are some aspects of our lives that require that we spend a lot of time together or a lot of writing to help convey our feelings....

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  15. You're Always There For Me

    • By Crysta M. Davis
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2007 with permission of the Author.

    Strong friends share a secret and private world that is all their own.

    in Thank You Friend Poems

    You're always there when I need a hand,
    Pushing me, helping me.
    You're there when I need a shoulder
    To cry on, to lie on.


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    You are more than a friend to me; you're my sister. Thank you so much for always being there for me. You are my confidant. I can tell you anything without worrying about my business being...

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  16. To My Treasured Friend

    • By Alora M. Knight
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2015 with permission of the Author.

    When you live to be 93, as I have, you will have seen many things of value, but what I have always treasured most has been my many friends. When you live this long, you have the sadness of losing most of them, but the cherished times together will always remain.

    in Best Friend Poems

    Though there is gold up in the mountains,
    Lovely pearls deep in the sea,
    Those treasures do not mean as much
    As your friendship means to me.

    Poem About What True Friendship Means, To My Treasured Friend

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    Best friends mean different things to different people. Some insist that you can have only one best friend. Others assert that they have best friends for different aspects of their...

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  17. Forever Friends

    • By Jacklyn N. Hayes
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

    The bond that exists between the chosen few who are lucky enough to form this relationship know how special it is.

    in Best Friend Poems

    Words could never tell you
    How important you'll always be.
    Just little things that you do
    That are especially meant for me.


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    Featured Shared Story

    This poem is so touching I literally cried my eyes out.

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  18. Love & Friendship

    • By Carolyn A. Davis
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2006 with permission of the Author.

    When love and friendship coincide, this is truly a blessed event.

    in True Friend Poems

    You're the one I most admire
    with great intentions and loving desires.

    Passion and trust and knowing that you care


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    Thank you to the poet of this poem. I love it because that's exactly the things about friendship.

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  19. Have A Good Day

    The poem is my way of saying, "I wish you well and that your life will be rich and full."

    in Inspirational Friend Poems

    May your blessings be many
    and your troubles be few.
    And may you feel God's presence
    in all you say and do.


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    The poet, Lenora, has reached the pinnacle of a wish. A human being flourishes within a society and he has lots to give to that society and not to forget he must have the bliss from God. The...

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  20. A True Friend

    • By Jenna
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2009 with permission of the Author.

    A true friend is a blessing in your life. This has been written for my best friend.

    in Thank You Friend Poems

    My life has not been easy.
    Hard times, I've seen my share.
    Through trials and tribulations,
    you were always standing there.


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    For all of my friends that have helped him go through my issues of getting pregnant I couldn't ask for anything better than true friends that are always there for me!

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  21. I'm Glad I Have A Friend Like You

    • By Nicole J. Van Oss
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2007 with permission of the Author.

    What could be better than a friendship with some romance mixed in?

    in Thank You Friend Poems

    It started out as just a hug and grew into a kiss,
    A friendship that had blossomed to more than I could wish.
    You are my shining star at night; you help me find my way.
    You are my inspiration directing me each day.


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    I feel the same way about a girl I like now. I just do not know for sure if she really likes me or is just trying to play nice. I really want her to know that I do care for her if she will...

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  22. A Friend

    Throughout my life, people have come and gone. Some have stayed for years and became great friends while others have quietly exited. I wrote this poem because there is always one person who stands out in your crowd of friends and becomes a little extra special. I dedicate this poem to them. In our lives, sometimes people don't get enough words of encouragement, and this poem is my way of giving back.

    in Best Friend Poems

    A friend is someone who will always be there.
    A friend is someone who will always care
    When you're feeling happy or sad,
    Sometimes even when you're mad.


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