True Friend Poem

Qualities Of True Friends

This poem describes my relationships with my friends (true friends that is): how they're always there for me and love me no matter what.

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Loved this poem....I am sending it to my best friend. Nancy and I have been friends since Kindergarten (we are both in our late 60s). We went to the same church (starting in kindergarten) and...

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True Friends

© more by Mermaid

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2015 with permission of the Author.

True friends are by your side through it all.
True friends are there to catch you when you fall.
True friends give your life a happy lift.
True friends are a most precious gift.

True friends will care about you forever.
True friends want to be with you on every endeavor.
True friends can make you laugh and cry.
True friends can be girls or guys. 

True friends can get mad at each other.
True friends can be your sisters or brothers.
True friends will never truly leave you.
True friends will love you no matter what you do.

True friends really know you but love you anyway.
True friends are those who are always asking you if you're okay.
True friends know that hate is a very strong word.
True friends don't believe every story they've heard.

True friends will tell you the truth, even if it's not what you want to hear.
True friends are always there with a hug and a listening ear.
True friends will tell you things that are true.
True friends will do anything they can to help you.

True friends love to spend time with you.
True friends love to tease you too.
True friends tease all in good fun.
True friends don't care if you've lost or won. 

I will love you forever, my friend.
I will stay by your side until the very end.
You'll be in my heart, as I pray for you each day.
You are my truest friend in every way.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sandra Leach by Sandra Leach
  • 7 years ago

Loved this poem....I am sending it to my best friend. Nancy and I have been friends since Kindergarten (we are both in our late 60s). We went to the same church (starting in kindergarten) and even though we didn't always go to the same schools, we were in Sunday School and several organizations together.

Nancy is living in New Mexico, and I am in Nevada, but we are always there for each other through letters, texts, phone calls, and we have been able to travel between the two states to see each other. I always know who I can talk to if I'm "down" or having a bad day. Don't know what I would do without her!

  • Dama Pavan Kumar by Dama Pavan Kumar
  • 7 years ago

Your friendship is so inspirational to the present generation. Let your friendship shine.

This poem touched my heart! I've been friends with a girl I met in grade school, and we have been best friends for fifty-two years! She is a very wonderful person and is always there for me--and likewise. We make sure we keep in touch and meet for lunches to catch up on the latest gossip! I know our friendship will last until the end of time. Thanks for writing this great poem about true friends!

  • Zona_ruman by Zona_ruman
  • 8 years ago

My Bestie I'm missing. I’m so happy after reading this poems. Each and every word is perfectly suitable for my Bestie, for my soulmate, for my best friend forever. She is there for me. She holds me through thick and thin. She is the only one in my life, and no one will replace her. Thanks for sharing this kind of poem. She is my true friend, my best friend forever. Stay with me forever.

  • Fred May by Fred May, Covington , Georgia
  • 9 years ago

Today is the one year anniversary of the death of my wife Robin. We were married and together for over 20 years. This really touched me and it is very true. I had told all my friends on Facebook, and in real life, that I would not be available anymore starting today. I was very depressed and to the point of giving up my life, but all my Friends reached out to me just like it says in this poem! True Friends are like family and they love you no matter what! I am really sad today for the Loss of my Very Best Friend. But I am also grateful to God for showing me that I am loved by many. This poem was beautiful and I got it in my email today as the Poem of the week! I am eternally grateful for receiving it and The person that wrote it, I now regard as my True friend ! Thank you and god bless you all!!

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