True Friend Poem

I wrote this poem when my friend and I were having problems...and the only way I could get my feelings out was to write this poem.

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I have met a few women where I live now, and I can honestly say that not one of them have ever respected my boundaries, my family values, my responsibilities to my life and family or even...

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What Friendship Means


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2007 with permission of the Author.

Friendship means being there just to be there.
Friendship means listening and not asking questions.
Friendship means lending your shoulder for someone to cry on.
Friendship means being comfortable around each other in silence.
Friendship means being able to tell each other anything and understanding without questions.
Friendship means being honest with each other no matter what the cost.
Friendship means staying up all night and talking about nothing.
Friendship means being able to say I love you!
Friendship means forgiving each other no matter what you have done.
Friendship means learning from each other's mistakes.
Friendship means me and you.
This is the way I look at you, my friend, and I love you!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lashonda D Jones by Lashonda D Jones
  • 5 years ago

This is for my very best friend of over 15 years! We laugh and cry together. I love her like a sister!

  • Smubarak by Smubarak
  • 7 years ago

Friendship is a true love, not a hate. Friendship is a pleasure.

  • Kim Johnson by Kim Johnson
  • 7 years ago

I have met a few women where I live now, and I can honestly say that not one of them have ever respected my boundaries, my family values, my responsibilities to my life and family or even come close. Bottom line...where I am from I've never known this type of woman or person. Maybe an occasional taker, but that's it. However, I still feel the need to be kind to others but stay away from this type that you think you may be helpful to, but really you're teaching them it's ok to treat you like crap.

I go to the doctor's in another town far away, and I was in the store one day last week, and I ran into a woman who I started talking to. We hit it off very well. I went to her house for coffee and stayed for a couple of hours. My story is this that day I knew I found the best friend I will ever have. She's compassionate. She already knows me quite well, and she's a wonderful person, and this is for you, Rosanna.
Love you, KK

  • Ishita O. Aimable by Ishita O. Aimable
  • 8 years ago

This is an absolutely fantastic poem. A true friend is one who asks you what happened, even when we are laughing. ..and pretending to be all right?...Life just seems to be impossible without a best friend...

  • Saleema by Saleema
  • 8 years ago

TRUE friends isn't all about bracelets and key rings, it means when someone is there no matter what. Don't think someone is your friend if they don't think about your feelings. And if they make fun of you or say stuff behind your back. Or don't believe you when you say something. If that's what friendship is between you and your friend then forget them and find a true friend!

  • Muskan by Muskan
  • 5 years ago

True friendship is based on mutual trust, respect and concern. A faithful friend is a sure shelter. A true friend is something beyond price. So choose your friends with care.

  • Donna by Donna
  • 10 years ago

What a true friend means:
A true friend is there. When she isn't near. Can feel all your fear. Knows when you're in your lowest time of need without saying a word just knows it. Not afraid to help when you can't do it at all. Give a hand without wanting a thing. Understanding you at your weirdest and never asking why. To believe in you no matter when you don't. Knowing that you'll do the right thing when you're in the wrong. Make a stand with you not matter what cost is. To find the good in you when everyone said the bad. Not ashamed of you. No matter where you go you just know you're OK even facing danger. To forgive the unforgiven. To say I love you and mean it. Never leave your side.. FRIENDS ASK YOURSELF ARE YOU?????

  • Terry by Terry, Los Angeles
  • 15 years ago

Thanks for the words I could not find

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