A friend is someone who will always be there.
A friend is someone who will always care
When you're feeling happy or sad,
Sometimes even when you're mad.
A friend will lend a shoulder or loan their ear,
Because to a friend, you are very dear.
A friend will be there in all your days.
A friend is someone who doesn't stray.
In laughs and tears,
A friend shares in your life throughout the years.
When things don't seem like they're going right,
A friend will be there to reassure in the darkest night.
When you feel like you're falling apart,
A friend will come to you and help heal your heart.
A friend is someone who will lend a hand
While you lie in confusion or just don't understand.
A friend shows you the way right from the start.
A friend is someone from whom you never want to part.
So, thank you for all that you do.
It's a blessing to have a friend like you.
A Friend Who Has Always Been There For You
A Friend
Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.