Thank You Friend Poem

What could be better than a friendship with some romance mixed in?

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I feel the same way about a girl I like now. I just do not know for sure if she really likes me or is just trying to play nice. I really want her to know that I do care for her if she will...

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I'm Glad I Have A Friend Like You


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2007 with permission of the Author.

It started out as just a hug and grew into a kiss,
A friendship that had blossomed to more than I could wish.
You are my shining star at night; you help me find my way.
You are my inspiration directing me each day.
See, when I fall and need a hand, you always pick me up,
And when I cry and need a friend, you're there no matter what.
I wish I were just like you: strong-hearted, brave, and sweet.
I'm glad I have a friend like you to make my life complete.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Pontiac by Pontiac
  • 11 years ago

I feel the same way about a girl I like now. I just do not know for sure if she really likes me or is just trying to play nice. I really want her to know that I do care for her if she will let me. We text daily, and I enjoy that because I really don't want to go another day feeling alone and letting one more go. She told me she is glad I am her friend. I am trying to take it to heart but scared on not making it worse. I want to keep texting her and hope something grows stronger in a good way.

  • Tiarra by Tiarra, Bridgeton New Jeresy
  • 13 years ago

I've met this guy and we like each other, but we're just friends. It's not that were scared to be with each other its just that I'm not ready to be in a relationship again, and he isn't the faithful type in a relationship. I feel as if we are better off as friends, and if were meant to be it will happen in the long run I wouldn't want to mess up our friendship because of our mixed emotions we have about each other. It's hard because I feel us getting closer each and everyday, and neither of us are doing anything about it to stop it, it's all so confusing. Hopefully in due time these feelings will all go away, and it will be like it was jus a dream.

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