Suicide Prevention Month

Published: August 2021

Poems Raising Awareness About Suicide

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. It's a month dedicated to raising awareness about suicide and sharing hope for those affected by it. It's a month to help destigmatize this widespread and heartbreaking topic.

Often, people don't want their lives to end; they just wish the pain they're experiencing in life would end. Life can become overwhelming for people of all ages. Unfortunately, according to the National Alliance on Mental Health, suicide is the second leading cause of death of people ages 10-34. 

Suicide has a far-reaching effect. When someone chooses to end his or her life, the people connected to that person are left to grieve. Many times, they also live with guilt and have questions that will never be answered. 

We hope that by shedding light on this topic through poetry, people can see that they're not alone. May we come together and help those who are hurting -- both the people experiencing suicidal thoughts and those who have lost loved ones to suicide. 

Many people have felt hopeless at some point. You are not alone. This is not a battle you have to fight by yourself. Let’s encourage one another.

If you are hurting, please reach out to someone. If you feel like you are drowning with everything happening around you and you wonder how you will go on, there are people who want to help. If you have been thinking about ending your life, we urge you to reach out. In the United States, you can contact the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. There is hope!

32 Poems Raising Awareness About Suicide

  1. Life Is Fine

    Famous Poem

    In this poem, the speaker is considering giving up on life, but he can’t go through with it. He finds that since he hasn’t died, he has something to live for. This poem has a strong sense of structure. It’s made up of single lines and quatrains with the ABCB rhyme scheme.

    in Famous Poems

    I went down to the river,
    I set down on the bank.
    I tried to think but couldn't,
    So I jumped in and sank.


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    Everyone is born for a purpose, but we forget that in pursuit of money. Then God gifted me with poetry and uses it as a medium to educate people, and in each of my poems there is a story...

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  2. Just Wait For The Sun

    • By Lisa Marks
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2020 with permission of the Author.

    My poem is about holding on for better days and waiting for the bad times to pass. With all the sad news recently about Caroline Flack and mental health/suicide awareness being so prevalent in the news, this poem is just trying to say please don't think things will always be this bad. Please don't give up. You are not alone. It is a plea to anyone who might ever feel like there is nothing left to live for.

    in Hope Poems

    When everything's darkness
    And you feel so alone,
    When the rain doesn't stop
    And you can't make it home,


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    Wow! This is an amazing poem! I love how the poem just flows and makes so much of sense. Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem. I know you posted this like 2 years ago but I hope you're...

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  4. Demons Of Darkness

    • By Olivia B
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2015 with permission of the Author.

    This poem is sort of about me and my demons, although I've never actually gone to a bridge to jump off it. I find comfort in writing about how I feel because generally it helps people to understand how I feel as well. It's hard to show people how we feel, so I choose to express myself through art, music and writing. I hope you enjoy my poem as much as I did writing it. Stay strong.

    in Depression Poems

    She stood on the bridge
    In silence and fear,
    For the demons of darkness
    Had driven her here.


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    This is such an inspiring poem. I am a seventh grader with depression and it is because of my loving boyfriend that I am still alive. Please, anyone who is depressed, know that there is...

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  5. From Oppression Comes Light

    • By Erik Whitehead
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2015 with permission of the Author.

    I started writing about my depression. I finished the poem quickly, but realized it had no resolve. I need a way for the depression to cease and then I found my answer... I opened my eyes. Truth sets us free and lies hold us down. In writing this poem, I realized that the beast or the depression is all a lie to myself from myself. I quickly thought of truth in my life and realized I have no reason to be down. Life is a blessing from God, and that is truth.

    in Depression Poems

    Depression is oppression.
    It's a deadly hidden message
    Defined by self-hate.
    It seals its prisoner's fate.


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    This poem is very well written and it gave me chills because of how amazing it is. I'm going through these poems in search of one to use for prose and poetry, an academic event, i take part...

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  7. If You Would Have Known

    I wrote this poem for my nephew who died by suicide at the age of 16. He was such a sweet kid and very talented. He taught himself how to play the piano and guitar and wrote a song at only 15 years of age. He left this world too soon.

    in STOP Suicide Poems

    If you could have seen the devastation,
    shattered hearts you'd leave behind, 
    would you still have left this world that day?
    Would it have made you change your mind?


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    My father committed suicide a few weeks before my 12th birthday. Most of my life I couldn't have even begun to talk about it. I was the youngest child of 4 children, and I was the only boy....

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  8. Jim

    My brother Jim - age 46 - took his own life 5 years ago and left our family devastated. As far as we are aware, this was due to financial problems. A death by suicide is a death that leaves so many unanswered questions and so much guilt. It is hard to comprehend and makes the grieving process so much harder. Too many young people are finding it harder to cope with the pressures of society. This poem is just my story. There are many, too many more stories that are sadly the same.

    in STOP Suicide Poems

    If I had reached out my hand,
    Would you have taken it that day?
    Could I have made you feel better?
    Could I have made you okay?


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    I had seven children Joshua was the sixth out of the bunch. He shot himself in the head 7-6-2024 he was 19-year-old. We are so lost and I'm in fear for the other children I hold so dear. The...

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  9. Despite The Storms

    • By S.C. Lourie
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2020 with permission of the Author.

    in Short Poems

    Despite the storms,
    beauty arrives like
    it was always going to.
    Despite the darkness,


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    Part of the last line says, "Keep living." I'm saying keep writing. I like your style and sensitivity. Excellent flow and structure. I really enjoyed it.

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  10. Save A Life

    • By Emily Tekavec
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 2016 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this poem when I had a friend who wanted to leave this world. I didn't know how to help him by talking to him, so I wrote him this poem. I wrote it 2 years ago, and still to this day he reads it and always thanks me for it. Maybe this can help one of your friends, as it did mine.

    in STOP Suicide Poems

    You come to me crying, saying it's done,
    That life is pointless, I shouldn't have one.

    I tell you to stop, I beg and I plead.


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    This poem is the poem my friend sent me when I was debating taking my life. This poem saved my life, literally. Thank you!

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  11. Together

    • By Hannah L
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 2016 with permission of the Author.

    This is a poem I wrote for my best friend, who is fighting a losing war with depression and self-harm. He is the most amazing, beautiful, loyal and persistent boy I know, and I am proud to call him my friend. I would do anything to help him in his fight.

    in Depression Poems

    So--this is where we are.
    After coming so far,
    This is what it's come to.
    After all we've been through,


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  12. Dancing In The Rain

    • By Juli Nielsen
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2016 with permission of the Author.

    This poem is dedicated to those who struggle with depression, loneliness, and pain. You're not alone. I am here for you anytime you need anything. Feel free to lean on me in your times of struggle, and I'll be there to hold you up.

    in Depression Poems

    You've had those feelings... you wish your life was done.
    You're broken, defeated, and overcome.
    Each day more challenging than the last.
    Moments of weakness...emotions consistently masked.


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    Beautiful. Starting with pessimistic feelings, ending optimistically. True. Friends can change our lives for the better. Life is not to suffer, but to enjoy. How Is left to us to...

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  13. Mt. Take Heart

    • By Sadwick
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2016 with permission of the Author.

    We have all been through tough times: break-ups, fights, deaths, etc. It hurts too bad or it envelopes the mind... but take heart and hope for better days. Your mountain of inflictions will soon pass.

    in Hope Poems

    Often we can't see
    The beauty in the pain.
    Often we can't see
    The treasure we gain.


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    This poem has really taught me how to value the thing we have and the people around us. We never know what we have got until it's all gone, so be wary that you don't lose the moon while...

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  14. Worth

    • By Joel
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2016 with permission of the Author.

    Sometimes feeling alone can mean many things. Expressing ourselves through poems can also be an attempt at reaching out for help. I hope this poem reminds people of that, because it isn't meant to create more sadness, but to remind that there is ALWAYS someone who cares.

    in Depression Poems

    It's hard sometimes to say exactly what I'm worth.
    Sometimes even harder dealing with the hurt.

    To feel like no one's there during all my pain.


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    I know that my post is late, but I hope--by some miracle--you will discover it. I am much older than you, and I, too, have experienced a life that is void of human companionship. It is my...

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  15. Became

    • By Jodi M. Kucera
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2021 with permission of the Author.

    We all become "something" after we leave school, but what about the one who didn't make it past school?

    in STOP Suicide Poems

    He was the geeky kid, carrying all of his books,
    That became a scientist who found the cure for the disease that overtook.

    She was the quiet one, who was afraid no one would listen to what she had to say,


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  16. My Daughter's Tears

    • By Annabel Sheila
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

    Dedicated to my beautiful daughter who has suffered most of her life with depression. I don't ever want to lose her, so I love her through her pain.

    in Depression Poems

    Until it affects someone we love,
    We don't even know it's there.
    It's really not our problem,
    So why should we care.


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    As I read this poem, I hurt with you. I feel the pain and still do that you do and could only imagine what your mother must of be going through to help you deal with it and trying to...

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  17. Gone Too Soon

    • By Lisa Milczarski
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2013 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this poem from the viewpoint of my closest and dearest friend after her brother took his own life. I knew there were things she wanted to say but didn't know how to I tried to express the feelings for her in writing.

    in STOP Suicide Poems

    I know you're in heaven dancing and free
    but there's so much more you should be here to see.

    So many things I never got to say


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    I am so sorry that you lost someone to suicide. I know what you feel like. I have lost someone to suicide before as well, my best friend, Jami. He hung himself on October 20, 2021, at 12:30...

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  18. Just The Beginning

    • By Caroline White
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2021 with permission of the Author.

    in Short Poems

    one day
    it will be so clear –
    what you thought
    was the end,


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  19. There Is Hope

    • By Bethany G.
    • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2013 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this when I was 13 and I added the last part recently. There is hope. Don't give up.

    in Inspirational Poems by Teens

    There's this girl.
    She never gives up on you.

    She loves everyone the same,


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    This hit me hard. I always try to make others happy, I'll smile, I'll listen, I'll make sure that they know they're loved. When it comes to myself, though, I never let anyone see how deep...

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  20. The New Me

    • By J. Dezz
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2014 with permission of the Author.

    I am a living, breathing piece of art; I am proof that things can change, and I am proud to be the new me.

    in Depression Poems by Teens

    Sometimes it gets better.
    Sometimes you heal.
    Sometimes my eyes get wetter
    Waiting for these scars to heal.


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    That is so amazing. It really touched me because I nearly killed myself because I used to self-harm I don't do it anymore, but sometimes I'm tempted, but I get through it and you will too!...

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  21. Zach's Poem

    • By Morgan
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2015 with permission of the Author.

    On August 26, I lost a close friend, and I wrote this poem to let out some of the emotions.

    in STOP Suicide Poems

    I wish that I could talk to you,
    and beg you not to go.
    I wish I asked what you were going through,
    but now I'll never know.

    Regret About Not Stopping Friend From Committing Suicide, Zach's Poem

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    My brother died on the 20th of August 2017. He hung himself. He had attempted to kill himself 2 times before that. This was the 3rd attempt. I miss him so much and wish I had responded to the...

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  22. Feeling Blue

    • By Kt
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2015 with permission of the Author.

    I wrote this poem when I was 18 and felt very depressed and alone. It was the 1st ever poem I wrote. Hope you like it.

    in Depression Poems

    I suppose it's hard for some to understand.
    This is not the way that I had planned.
    I don't know how I've let myself get this way,
    And sometimes feel like calling it a day.


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    This is a really good little fun sized poem the puts the darkness of the topic into a slightly lighter-hearted, almost depressingly whimsical feel. I really enjoyed it. Thank you.

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