Depression Poem

Finding Hope To Overcome Depression

I started writing about my depression. I finished the poem quickly, but realized it had no resolve. I need a way for the depression to cease and then I found my answer... I opened my eyes. Truth sets us free and lies hold us down. In writing this poem, I realized that the beast or the depression is all a lie to myself from myself. I quickly thought of truth in my life and realized I have no reason to be down. Life is a blessing from God, and that is truth.

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This poem is very well written and it gave me chills because of how amazing it is. I'm going through these poems in search of one to use for prose and poetry, an academic event, i take part...

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From Oppression Comes Light


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2015 with permission of the Author.

Depression is oppression.
It's a deadly hidden message
Defined by self-hate.
It seals its prisoner's fate.
It holds you captive and throws out the key.
It stabs and jabs just to see you bleed,
Inflicting wounds that scar for life.
Destruction is its mother and death its wife.

You can cry, but it will always ignore your screams.
It terrorizes your soul and haunts your dreams.
It sends you false hope through a bottle or pill.
It destroys your goals and inflicts its will.
You can't run, nor can you hide.
By its rules you will abide
Until it celebrates that you have died.
Open your eyes, or you will be its prey.
It will blur your vision in the most twisted way.
It will seek your destruction and call for your head.
You will lie and wait but never rest in your bed.

Peace will come to those who want peace,
But as long as you feed him, you will see the beast.
You can't run, nor can you hide,
But if you conquer the beast, you will survive.
Prayer and hope can lead the way.
Cling on to every word you pray.
Hope is in truth.
Hate is in lies.
Pray for your soul and open your eyes.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lala by Lala
  • 4 years ago

This poem is very well written and it gave me chills because of how amazing it is. I'm going through these poems in search of one to use for prose and poetry, an academic event, i take part in. This piece has what i've been looking for and of course i give credit in the beginning of performing the piece. Just thought i'd notify you of how great your work is :)

  • Kath Townsend by Kath Townsend
  • 5 years ago

Excellent poem. I can personally relate to all your words having suffered with depression for the last 20 years plus. I could personally feel the pain and the battles you face written in the words. A very, very honest account of living with the black dog. So well done and thank you. Stay strong and in the light we so rightly deserve.

  • Nina Pinina by Nina Pinina
  • 7 years ago

Yes, it's true. There are demons we have to fight every day.

  • Kevin Coderre by Kevin Coderre
  • 7 years ago

When I first read the poem it made me start thinking how much it sounded like my life; full of pain, sadness, and misery. It just reminded me of my life too much.

I can empathize with the author. Life isn't always easy. Sometimes life throws things at us from all directions at one time until we wilt into a ball and shut ourselves away from the world. Our friends become vials of pills and bottles of liquor and we spiral out of control.

  • Justin Moye by Justin Moye
  • 9 years ago

All Ican say about this one is WOW!!!! THIS GUY HAS IT!!!

  • Tonywager by Tonywager
  • 9 years ago

My wife has suffered from the curse of depression for decades, too scared and vowed to live, it robs her of life. It leeches her vitality leaving nothing but sadness and tears. It is horrible. I pray that she like you finds hope.

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