Linda Morrow


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    Poems by Linda Morrow

  • Empty Arms

    • Published: December 2007

    in Baby Death Poems

    Holding out these empty arms
    Cursing my disillusionment
    Why did I imagine it could be any other way
    that I could have been content, dreams that's all it was


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    I lost my darling daughter on 3/5/1973, due to stillbirth. No certification to prove she ever existed, never got to see her, hold her, kiss or smell her, to tell her I loved her and how much...

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  • Lessons From Nature

    • Published: December 2007

    in Beauty of Nature Poems

    I watch the waves crash in, breaking on the shore.
    All their anger dispensed on the ocean's floor.
    I look at the sky so blue, sun shining so bright,
    Spreading heat and happiness with its blinding light.


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    Today is the world environment day, As I love and protect our environment, I like to read poems on environment and I searched, so jubilant to see , I found this nicely fabricated impressive...

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  • The Love I Feel

    • Published: December 2007

    in Passionate Love Poems

    To hold you close, to have you near
    To have my breath against your ear
    Whispering the words I long to say
    Being able to show you my passion in that special way,


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    You, Jacob, are my soul's best friend and my heart's joy! I know true eternal love because of you, and what we share is like none other. It's beautiful, strong, and everlasting. Our love is...

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  • Life As I See It

    • Published: August 2008

    in Depression Poems

    Life is a bitter sweet pill
    I am forced to take against my will
    Everyone trying to pull me
    Back into so called reality


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    Life is fickle. So are we. All I could say is never lose hope, dear.

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  • Linda Morrow
  • 4 years ago

What an inspiring poem not only for children, but those thoughts should apply to adults too. I love it.

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  • Linda Morrow
  • 9 years ago

I had a breakdown and was not in a good space. I left my husband who by the way was a great guy but I just withdrew. After leaving him everyone left me. I am alone with no friends, family and yes just a hug would mean so much.

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  • Linda Morrow
  • 9 years ago

Please don't do anything. Nothing is your fault. I am empty inside. Through therapy I have become strong now realizing that we have to realize that we are the good people , we do not judge, assume, or blame like others do to us. I think we have a great reason for being here; to show the other side of people that do not have the caring we have inside. Believe in yourself, honey, I know at times it doesn't seem God gave us big enough shoulders, but He must have and I think He gave us an important reason for being here. Hang in there, it isn't an easy path but that light at the end will come. You are so young but will become so strong . Good luck.

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