Depression Poem

Depression Poem About Life

Written for all the years of depression when everyone tried to tell me to just be normal and get over it...

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Life is fickle. So are we. All I could say is never lose hope, dear.

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Life As I See It

© more by Linda Morrow

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

Life is a bitter sweet pill
I am forced to take against my will
Everyone trying to pull me
Back into so called reality
Why, I ask, what does it hold?
Don't they see I have nothing, I am so cold
My veins have no heat pumping through
My depression makes everything a shaded hue
In my heart I have no laughter, joy, or love
I have prayed, but there are no answers from above
My reality is not like other people's seem to be
Silent screaming inside of me, constant feelings of misery
Just want to withdraw into my own little safe haven
Just to be left alone and have people realize I am not worth saving
So please don't save me
I don't want to come back to your reality


more by Linda Morrow

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Apurwa R. Rai by Apurwa R. Rai
  • 7 years ago

Life is fickle. So are we. All I could say is never lose hope, dear.

  • Tanya Chag by Tanya Chag, Cape Town
  • 7 years ago

Oh my gosh, I'm crying right now. I love your poem. It really touched my soul.

  • Kelsey by Kelsey
  • 10 years ago

I love the last 2 lines so much. There are people who I have no affection for, yet they're trying to "save" me by forcing me into a life I never desired. Your poem is so relatable and I feel like it expresses deep thoughts in a beautiful way. Thank you.

  • Savanna by Savanna
  • 13 years ago

This brought tears to my eyes. I suffer from depression.. I constantly think of suicide. There does not seem to be a reason to continue, yet I wake up every morning in fear that it would only be an attempt of death. But I see nothing in life, I'm so empty.. and I don't want to be 'saved'.

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