Poem about Teen Life

Contemplating Existence

This poem is about a time in my life when I was being blamed for things that I never did and when I had a hate for my parents for leaving me.

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This poem just hit me. I never lost my mom, but in a way I did lose my dad. He’s never around, and when he does come around he doesn’t acknowledge that I’m there. He spends all the time with...

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Was I Just An Accident?


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2014 with permission of the Author.

I didn't ask to be born.
It just happened.
I wasn't planned,
I was almost abandoned.

Was I meant to be?
Or not meant to be?
Was I just an accident?

I shouldn't be contemplating these things,
But I can't help it.

These doubtful thoughts rush through my head
When all I want
Is to go to bed.
It's the only place I can rest
Where I'm not treated like a pest.

No one notices that I am trapped inside:
Screaming, yet no one hears,
Where I have lost all of my pride,
Hiding behind a smile and 16 years.

Destroyed by man's words,
As each tear falls,
My heart breaks into thirds.

I build up my walls.
I try to stay positive,
Ignoring the fear that calls and calls.

It doesn't last long;
It never does.
I make a mistake;
This makes everything wrong.

I didn't ask to be born,
But now I have to pay.
You yell and scream;
I always listen to what you say.
Is it too much to ask that you do the same?

You blame me for things I've never done.
You always comment
I'll turn out just like my mum.

But I'll never turn out like her.
She's never around,
She's never here,
She's just a blur.
Does she even care?

You make assumptions that are never true.
You don't understand.

What have I ever done to you?

Everything around turns to grey
As colour slowly fades away.
I stand there with a necklace made of rope,
Wondering if there will ever be hope

But I always seem to stop at that step.
I convince myself it'll be alright.
I know I will never be the world rep for always being right.

I wish that I could make up my mind,
But there is something holding me back,
As if I've been entwined,
Marked and defined.

I look outside and see the trees,
The birds flying with the breeze.

Why can't life be like that?
Not so hard,
Somewhere you don't fall flat.

I try to fight back tears,
Trying to find a reason for all these years.

I feel like I'm all alone,

But God looked down from heaven's gates
And saved me from those terrible fates.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Megan by Megan
  • 6 years ago

This poem just hit me. I never lost my mom, but in a way I did lose my dad. He’s never around, and when he does come around he doesn’t acknowledge that I’m there. He spends all the time with my brother but never with me. He does everything for my brother but doesn’t do anything for me. I don’t know, maybe I’m being selfish, but he hasn’t noticed me since the day I was born. Sometimes I just want to run away and see if he notices that I’m gone.

  • Thomas  E. McCullough by Thomas E. McCullough
  • 8 years ago

I loved your poem. I know what you're going through but not the loss of the mom, though. I'm sorry about that, but I know the feeling. I thought I would never find anyone who felt it too!

  • Zach Thompson by Zach Thompson
  • 8 years ago

I am new to this website. I am 15, and I have read some of the poems about change and growing up. They have helped me understand that I am not the only one feeling certain things.

  • Amalia TulongaIifo by Amalia TulongaIifo, Windhoek Namibia
  • 10 years ago

After reading this poem, I realized everybody has problems worldwide and that most of us think the solution to our problem is ENDING our lives. Well my mum always yelled and screamed at me, but I always listened to what her. She takes advantage of the fact that I do not argue with her and blames me for things I've never done. I always ask myself if I ever made an appointment to be born. I had so many negative thoughts running through my mind. I had no one to talk to because everybody seems to turn their backs on my grief. It wasn't easy at all.

Then I listened to a CD HANDLING FEAR by Marianne Williamson. It uplifted, enlightened, and brought healing energy into my life. God is the only good cheer. And just as this poem said, God looked down from heaven's gates and saved me from those terrible fates. He really is great, for He has overcome, He sets us free.

Please don't do anything. Nothing is your fault. I am empty inside. Through therapy I have become strong now realizing that we have to realize that we are the good people , we do not judge, assume, or blame like others do to us. I think we have a great reason for being here; to show the other side of people that do not have the caring we have inside. Believe in yourself, honey, I know at times it doesn't seem God gave us big enough shoulders, but He must have and I think He gave us an important reason for being here. Hang in there, it isn't an easy path but that light at the end will come. You are so young but will become so strong . Good luck.

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